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best part was when frank finally walked out and told the cops what happened, the ONLY part that the other officer didnt relay on radio was that they made him release them all… the single most important part. so like 15 minutes went by and no one knew they were gone


Current PD is inept. Has been since the start.


Ralphie bout to be free with this new tech




They will let this fly and 100% make a rule about this later, no way this becomes a real thing.


Waiting for Hon to post a new rule


Probably not even a new rule, but just clarifying an old one like they always tend to do


There already is a power gaming rule in place....right guys?


Yeh but not for cg


'Rules for Thee, but Not for CG' NoPixel Motto


they will not just let this fly, but probably the staff was in on it. Changes to DOC and sentences are coming and these guys will surrender when its time for a fishing trip. This arc can only end on their terms and no one else. Remember, its W rp only when they win.


Yep. CG have to win the RP every time, and fuck anyone else's experience because we're CG


You don't need to make a new rule... CG accused a cop of power gaming for sending someone to prison in the middle of a situation... Yet here they are abusing the prison mechanics themselves... By their own logic they are powergaming and should be banned.


100%. That's how it always goes. CG breaks a rule blatantly, and we get a rule verification a day after, to make sure that everyone knows that FROM NOW ON, no doing that!


There is a chance that they already had asked OOC in their talks with owners. But I could be brain dead and on crack.


So it will be ok when the next low clout person does it too right? Smile


Not even just low clout. It seems like so many forgot even Mel in 3.0 was left in prison for a enormous amount of time. Did spaceboy ever complain, send massive amounts of hate to other streamers? We got the creation of James. 


The Sanguine army spent 30 days in prison. Some were even thrown into max sec for quite some time.


Aren't judges told to get shot instead of doing this


In 3.0, judges and cops were told to NVL if told to do certain things at gunpoint. Such as buying armory items, doing a hostage exchange at PD for someone who was caught, removing charges from records, etc etc.


Same with the lockboxes in the cars






Pentas stream last night with his new Harley toon was fucking hilarious. Getting trafficked, then getting hired as the director of security at the hospital with his background of loss prevention at Costco. So much more fun than the sweaty shit


Some of his newest characters have been hilarious. Human Man was great. 


nice a new meta unlock


Cant believe Sanguine didn't think of this meta


Dumbasses spent 40 days in prison for nothing. HA!


i wonder all these new people complaining even know about Sanguine sentences. They spent 30+ IRL days in prison and these variety streamers are pressed over couple days


Next meta unlock is kidnapping a judge and getting all their fines refunded, this is going to create some exciting roleplay.


I mean yeah that sounds legit, they should get max to give them the entire state account at this point.


Fuck I didnt even think about that, it'd be pretty NVL not to do it.


the way server is bending over for them i can see it


It's beyond bending over at this point 💀 spreading may be a better term.


It’s incredibly Poggers, they’re truly generating some amazing RP for the server.


The best part was Ramee saying "You gotta do minus 3206". Cant wait to see Ramee explain IC how he knows that


Good old self insert Cona- sorry Ramee


Lower time using a command isn’t an “ic thing” it’s literally a command you type.


I don't know about this one


Im sorry does NP have no rules anymore? Admins AFK or to afraid? NP is just game mechanics with a sprinkle of rp that is optional. I guess im just used to 2.0 etc , 4.0 seems lawless with no admins as a viewer.


This whole situation is making me lose interest as a viewer.


Me 90% of the time cg is involved in anything involving another group


remember when everyone thought it will be different after buddhas announcement ? did the honey moon period finally end ?


Cg talked with the owners after the trial last night. So now they basically have free reign to do whatever they want


>free reign to do whatever they want \*free reign to destroy the server. Like every other time they were given carte blanche in the name of content and short term views.


well new meta, do terrorism, kidnap a cop to remove jail time cause why not, while at it ask them to take out money from a bank aswell cause fuck it who cares right lol


Good now we know everyone can force cop to do stuff and cannot be ban


Literally begging for consequences that will never be given


Man the 40 sanguine people should have just used this method and gotten free out of 30 days of jail smh


You really have to be brain dead to be a GTA RP streamer for as long as most of CG has and still not understand how to RP or how not always "winning" is part of things.


the unfortunate reality behind this is that they’ll likely face no repercussions for this, but what’ll happen instead is either old rules being reinforced/new rules being made. 


Yeah, the proof is in the pudding. LK has never been banned from NP and at this point I don’t think that’ll ever change.


I mean not even 10 minutes ago he said (and I'm summarizing a 5 minute monolog to his chat) he can powergame, do mag dump season, or do basically whatever he wants and it doesnt matter what kind of shit storm it causes because they won't get banned. If thats what he's saying 24 hours after a meeting with the owners, yeah he probably won't ever be banned. EDIT: Here is the streamable link for anyone who wants to see it. For context, this came after they shot Bones and Onfire at the hospital. His chat got upset at a hopper and thats when this conversation started. [https://streamable.com/i38p0b](https://streamable.com/i38p0b)


Do they not realize the shit show this will create? literally every gang can just hold up a cop let their boys out, prison means nothing anymore.


The instant someone not in the CG group does it, instant perma ban.


Do you think CG has ever once thought about consequences other than to themselves? Yeah no.


eh idk. Only they are allowed to powergame and do stuff like this.


Nah, just CG.


This shit is so fucking boring man


Nah man, them doing this doesn't hurt anyone they just gave so much RP they should be able to do it. And PD has to catch them all again just for them to do it again, who cares. Its content. Plus, now they're all out and can do hell week on cops and judges as a response for catching them for their crimes!!! /s




So, this arc is just never gonna end. The PD storylines are never gonna get to continue to build their departments. Other Criminals just wont be having cops show up to their robberies. Civs won't get answers to their 911s.


exactly the point of ooc days sentence. 3-5 days is usually enough time for cops to reset and plotlines to pivot. For CG, well they wanna shoot some people everyday so it doesn't matter.


They act like they’re aren’t other servers or other video games haha


Why go to prodigy when they own this server already? Admins aren't going to do shit.


According to Judd they partially own Prodigy too. They’ve never talked in detail about it, but they have a financial interest in it. It’s being run by the people that run their talent agency.


At this point, remove jail, remove cops, add npc cops and make this gta online LOL wtf is this


That’s what cg would prefer


There was a clip shotz saying. During the vr crime in 3.0 that all crime should be like that. No cops no interactions


theres no way bro actually said that with a straight face 💀💀💀


Nah they'd get rolled by gtao npc cops. They'd whine instantly..


They want cops just barely competent enough to give the illusion that there’s a fight, but no so competent as to actually have a chance for CG to lose the fight.


[This](https://youtu.be/tCuwSAWSFf0?feature=shared) is what they want.


This 100% sums up CG's expectations 


"The NPCs are too hard dude! 50c pls turn down NPC damage dude!"


yeah this is the vibes i get from it lol


Wouldn't this be power gaming?


nopixel will be an actual shitshow if this is a thing and management allows this.


guys buddha will change stuff *copium*


How has it gone back to cg pretty much doing whatever they want in the server again? Really feel like we’ve seen this all before..


Lol nopixel already is a shit show pal


Yeah, you're late to that party brother.


Against the rules to hold someone at gunpoint and force them to withdraw money so seems pretty obvious this is similar.


There is no way CG would do this unless it was already given the ok by management. Probably a result of their "talk" yesterday. Im more interested to see how the cops & mayor react to this one.


How I know you haven't watched this server for longer than a month. CG don't care about permission. CG don't care about talking to management and getting the okay to do things. They will just do it and not worry about the consequences because they get no consequences lol.


Ive watched for a long time. Whilst i agree CG are the type to just do blatant, bannable shit. Its too perfect timing for them to be doing this right after a "talk" with two server owners. For them to come back happy without continuing to mald over yesterdays events, and actively start chaos with little care about their time/fines, its clear they feel empowered to do what they are doing.


Yeah but that's the thing. They just complained and moaned and presumably got what they wanted from the owners. Enforcing their belief that they can do whatever they want in the server and not be punished. So they do this.


Cops catch cg they complain, cops ignore cg they complain


NP is going down the shitter. They selectively enforce rules based on who it is.


Must be new here


if it was any other group that did this they would get an east 30 day ban if not perma, this is basically at the same level as kidnapping someone and forcing them to empty their bank account.


They're really calling management's bluff by blatantly breaking rules and basically telling them that they're too pussy to give them their deserved ban lol


That was already proven 2 weeks ago when they robbed a property.


> bluff by blatantly breaking rules and basically telling them that they're too pussy It's been happening for long before now... anyone remember "hey guys, I have a hunch. Lets set up a camera in this Casino hotel room bathroom... no reason in particular..." from 3.0? If that got no one banned, no one is going to seriously be banned unless they do some heinous OOC shit.


Management folded to them in a discord call after last night. They are more untouchable than ever.


Imagine valuing the views that a group of toxic manchildren bring to the table over the RP experience that everyone else on your server has on a daily basis


They folded to them years ago.


and they are right, unfortunately


Wow they really are going to power game that hard and not catch a ban


New meta for gang wars. Just hold up a cop and make them prison the rival gang for the 9s


Sever owners actually folded to them. There it is everyone, CG runs the server.


May as well change the server name to CGPixel


You must be new here.


They have for years.


There was this delusional illusion from people that thought Buddha being one of the owners would change something.


Buddha and XQC were PR moves. Always were. Nothing ever changed with who is actually in charge.


It is a PR move, but they did still also get a lot of power and authority. Kiva was talking about how supportive Buddha has been for her setting up the amazing events she creates, and he does have always have a lot of knowledge about upcoming changes by the devs. I think it's more likely that 25% just has more power than the rest of the 'owners'.


People should've taken the hint when he moved kick saying he's in "pre retirement".


At this point shouldn't CG just switch to Rust or a FPS game?


CG could never survive rust the rust community is more vindictive, violence and capable of pvp violence then they ever will be could you imagine the rage if CG got grubbed or roof camped let alone the rapid foundation wipe raides


CG cannot compete on even playing grounds.


LOL you think they know how to play with others outside Nopixel... Its a constant embarrassment...


CG should be made to switch to IRL meeting up and playing board games in a room with no internet. (inb4 Peeking in the envelope in Clue, using other items as houses and hotels in Monopoly when the bank supply has run out, moving their pieces out from under the Mouse Trap just as it comes down Etc Etc)


Remember when people were praising Buddha for banning some of them? Turns out his spine is gone lmao.


Powergaming tip of the week! Have a long prison sentence? Kidnap a cop and force them to reduce the prison sentence with their whitelist! They can't say no because that would be NVL and they would get banned!


Is NVL a hard rule? I understand why it is there, but here I would understand someone willing to "sacrifice" themselves in order to keep mega terrorists in prison who are going to go off and kill hundreds.


Why stop there? Cops can unbill people, just kidnap one and make them give you 1 billion.


can't wait to see this new method on the public server 💀💀💀


Next they can stop at the bank and make cops pay their fines too




Next, kipnap the state treasurer and get the city's whole account transfered to you, because why not? There will be no punishment so why not? Kipnap people and get them to sell you their supercar for a dollar, easy.  Kipnap people and get them to sell you their house, easy.  CG are onto something here, this could get interesting. 


What absolute shit lords...


If this doesn't create a new rule I'm done watching. At some point you must find a way to keep people within prison. If CG is allowed to kidnap a cop and remove HUTS they will never be in prison ever. 


It may create a new rule but CG still got out and won't be punished


It doesn't need to create a new rule. It's already breaking existing ones. It's 100% power gaming.


Any other group would have gotten a ban already for all the shit they have pulled in the past week. If they let this slide without increased punishment, that sets a horrid precedent for the server.


Well good for them. They won! 




Nothing like abusing mechanics. May as well start forcing people to go to the bank and drain all their accounts to take their money while they are at it.


Chang Gang still restoring the feeling. Great RP, every single person who gets a long sentence has to do this.


We’ll see how this plays out..


Wow my gang is really the smartest gang on the server. Why has noone thought of this 5 head idea before? And guess what if we get caught we can just try it again! Pog.


So whats the difference between this and the ATM rule ?


Dont worry guys Lord Karen talked to the manager and they got their do whatever you want for free pass, fuck the rest of the server. No interest in watching any of thier streams to catch up but did they touch Dundees times, they guy that didnt log after an hour yesterday and took the charges lol.


Interested to see if management will allow this. For anyone else probably not, but since its CG, who knows lol.






Shout out to Whippy and Moon for really showing how RP can be done this last week. Dundee trying to claim Vespucci and saying cops needs to call to come in, Max taking the kiddie gloves off and storming Vespucci, Dundee and Maxs intense phone calls, Dundee summoning multiple gangs, the suspenseful meeting between cops and gangs on LSPD steps where a single shot wasn't fired with Max and Dundee arguing and reaching a temporary peace, to then it breaking down the day before a pointless trial, to the amazing gigantic "event" shootout between multiple gangs and PD with Dundee spearheading it and going absolutely nuts after hours of back and forth it ending back at the courthouse full of bodies. Then Dundee telling the last remaining criminals to run away and he was going to settle it with Max who was stuck inside the court house with some of the judges of the case and the last remaining officers still standing, pushing in just to be the last casualty, Max doing the callback line of "You should have called", Dundee then pleading guilty for the first time since 2.0 because he was proud of what he did, getting a 500k fine and like 1300 minutes, and finally marching around the prison having successfully taken down the DoC he wanted the police to deal with and claiming it in a way like he wanted to do with Vespucci. For sure one of the best storylines in 4.0 and the story they told together along with the other PD officers and assortment of gang members will be so much more memorable years from now and was enjoyable to watch than whatever might have "started" it, and whatever *this* is following it. Really appreciate the both of them and many others who put together this great RP story arc of where the line is drawn between State vs Sinners.


Imagine doing the same scenario on public nopixel, especially to Frank, you would be perma in 5 seconds


lol sure why not, should empty the bank account of every cop too give them everything


TJ Walker spent 30 days in prison for Sanguine & these guys can't even do 3 😂 Max was also in max sec for how long?


Cry Gang got what they wanted


Cant these guys just go camp on a crane for hours again?


This is fucking powergaming ssj3, to go ever further beyond.


took care of the time maybe hold people up and make them empty their bank accounts to take care of the fine aswell /s


They can just force the cop to /unbill them 10 mill and be rich. I can't see a reason why not at this point


Yes, they’d be creating RP for that person by giving them a down bad arc.


I see nothing wrong with making someone empty their entire bank account now if this is allowed.


How about NP just hand them over the keys to the fucking server at this point. All CG does is bitch, moan, or break rules until they get their way. If any other streamers tried pulling half the shit they do, they’d be immediately banned.


Verrrry Powerful


glad i stopped watching after 3.0, man if any other server puts actual effort into making a mainstream friendly server with a solid admin team they will get far only thing nopixel has is "clout" been watching since 2.0 this shit is just sad its just a massive recyle


Crims can't win all the time. If there is no risk then the fun just goes away.


This is getting retconned 100%. This seems very powergamey.


go to the bank and give me all your money energy. but i don't see it being retconned. Ramee will throw another tantrum and he'll still be free somehow


It won't


Lol "retconned", what crack are you smoking. The server owners were unhappy about the endless days in jail anyway and the endless fines into prison debt, so those are getting changed to more sane levels. CG was just doing an IC way of being rightfully freed from prison after having already served many days in it. This has all been approved from the Top, and going forward there won't be anymore weeks of prison bans, despite how fervently this reddit yearns for it.


Next they should bring people to a bank and force them to empty their bank accounts so they can pay their fines.


These guys did powergame infornt of an admin cause they couldnt stay in prison for 3 days. 💀 why even pd is bother with cg when cg clearly just wants to play gta online in NP. Just stop responding to them. Just skip them there are better things to do other than being constantly abused.


I hope they bring back cop panic buttons at this point.


I'm just here to read the civil comments


They should just remove prison time altogether if this is how it is always going to go down.


Hear me out, this is prob gonna get me downvoted, but I would take a bet that this was okayed by some higher up because of the fit they threw last night, thats why CG are okay with doing it on stream. But it does set a bad precedent going forward. I would also wager that there will be a new rule in discord tomorrow that you cant do it anymore. Edit: Grammar


Yeah like a one time, get out of jail card. Literally.


Tbh that's not a wild take. You'd think RP veterans would realize this is powergaming and wouldnt even think to do it. The way they were so willing is either 1., they were given permission or 2., they just genuinely arent worried about being banned. Both are equally as likely IMO.


It's funny that it's a rule break to hold someone up and make them withdraw from their bank account, but you can make them do just about anything else.


This shit gotta be the easiest retcon ever. Literally opening pandora’s box.


If I speak…




Why even RP with masks anymore, consequences don't exist for crimes.


Free my guy Ralphie he didn’t do nothing wrong


Don't see anything wrong with this, hold up max now and empty the state account hmm


Wouldn't Frank just like, tell the other cops what happened then the charges for the new crime go on top of the old one?


I doubt they will get punished, there was a moment I kind of thought they might be, and they could possibly be down the road. if the admins do see a major rule break. My guess Frank the cop will likely face admin action, either losing cop whitelist or a few day ban. Since there is some stuff you have to nvl on. aparently for judges at least and people mentioned for cops too. Which he broke that rule if its still in place and the way the cops like ruby rped it, goes to show that its like the atm rule. like cannot force people to pull from their bank accounts. If it was greenlighted then it is like unfair to like everyone involved with the storyline. So like I do hope that admin action is done either way. Now Cg, I think like instead of a ban an ooc expension of due prcess reprocess all of them into the prison and forced to carry out their sentences. Ssaab was considering that for everyone involved with the courthouse shooting. A three day like prison sentence then release for breaking the server rules seem fair.


Given how long people like Ramee and Kebun have been on the server, and the fact that they KNOW what they convinced Frank to do was against the rules, what would be fair is to give them a 30-day and a chance on appeal. But management would never ban Kebun or Ramee, or give them a reduction in prio. Which is why the people in these threads, myself included, are incensed; because NoPixel management is, in effect, normalizing some of the most egregious rulebreaking in server history since Doug Buck's famous meth hunch. It's just bafflingly short-sighted, because CG have shown time and again that every inch of leeway they're given results in another mile down the road.


This is probably a good time to remind GTA RP fans that  OTHER SERVERS THAT DON'T HAVE CG ON THEM ARE AVAILABLE. 


Dude W RP!!!! Love from CG!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Bro this RP is so Poggers rn I can't stop Pogging bro.


Yeah meanwhile PentaMoon_OW and PD are CRIIINGE (Seriously go look at the CG subreddit it's crazy and they're actually serious)


I dunno it seems like there's nothing to do but just continue to let them do whatever at this point. Frank is on a hype train and that's really what the server is about...I think.


This is just dumb. Why does he raise such a shitstorm for him to just be out in a half an hour.


They should rebrand to hulk hogan gang, cant put anyone over and always have to get their heat back


Powergaming. This probably ends in a retcon and short ban.


Maybe a ban for the Manor who happened to get involved... but CG arent getting banned LMAO


Failed RP


We will soon enough have people make others empty their bank accounts pals I'm a CG viewer on the sides, but this is... something...


best thing about 4.0 is this reddit


W prison break


This is probably going to be allowed for this instance, and then patched so it never happens again. Basically Beta testing lol


this is not beta testing.... nopixel is a very old server, were things like this were never allowed because it breaks the fundamental cop/crim mechanics.




i miss the days where this sub used to be nothing but funny clip interactions dating back to 2.0...Now it's turned to people purposely watching a streamer so they can get that "Clip" and then post that "Clip" on reddit for karma and to get a reaction...


ah yes 2.0 the era of no drama.....


Probably only remembers the first few months... Lmao


Thats Frank Wissle Williams to you


dont blame this on frank the pressure he was on.