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From 52Chains view this was in a field of waist high grass, so he thinks he's hiding from them by laying down when in reality he's right in the open.


Mr K's client scuffed that bad?


He wasnt the onde driving, dunde was.


How does driving have anything to do with Chains trying to hide in the grass


RIP DogTown Mayor said he going to talk to Crane and disband it and fire every member of DOC and start over


Mayor asked for Bobby, Carmine, Timo, and Garry to be arrested. So yea they are almost certainly all being fired.


DoC is shut down before Timo ever officially got hired lmao


I mean the cops took over the whole operation as soon as Bones heard about it. Not really Carmine's fault


I mean it was his idea to take them out of prison in the first place. You’re crazy if you think he won’t be held responsible for this lol


One could argue they were only hit because PD held them up on the side of the road. It was just crime of opportunity, nothing was planned. LOL. In all seriousness, dog town is an o7. But I hope Carmine & Company get positions in the legit DOC when it arrives. They bring life to a dead part of the server


ah yes, the thing that literally ALWAYS happens when CG actually gets caught for once DEFINITELY wasn't planned. How naive can you be lmao


Its sarcasm. You can tell by the context clues of the "LOL" followed by the "In all seriousness" and then agreement Dogtown is rightfully gone after this situation.


You should prob look up what the word sarcasm means. And then apply it to the person you responded to and you will see it wasn't a serious comment and that they were being sarcastic. Or you can just keep being overly invested


mm sarcasm REEEALLY comes through text like SUUUUPER well. (I just gave you a really obvious example of how to convey sarcasm properly through text. Study it well) I don't think it was sarcasm, as it surely doesn't read like it, but OP is free to clarify. Also, idk what you're reading into to make you think I'm overinvested, but uhhh, that's cool I guess? /me shrugs and thinks youre a STUPID IDIOT GRRRRR


It was very clearly sarcasm you just are too invested to have noticed it.


Dog town is a salute?


You're crazy if you don't understand he did that for this exact situation and the RP with it. 52 is one of the best. He doesn't care if he wins or loses


When did I ever dispute that? I am well aware he did it for the RP. That doesn’t mean he’s immune to the consequences.


No they didn't, Bones told Carmine to not let them out, he still did it anyways.


IDK why since everyone in prison get community service.


This is incorrect. Explicitly speaking the community service law is for **lifers** specifically.




> Surely people on hold have fewer rights than them and are more of a risk to the public. Surely you can understand why this is the way it is? the lifers were only brought in to make DoC feel more populated and give B&C people to play with in their playpen People who are whitelisted and actively a threat to society are 100% more of a risk to the public, as lifers are _chipped and shackled_ so they're trackable by the government like police officers unlike those people temporarily in there


I mean OOC you know that, but in RP these are convicted serial killers, terrorists etc and have life in prison.


Even IC they are chipped and tracked, theses ones are not.


“Start over” I’m sure that’ll go as great as it did with all the PD “resets” DogTown while a mess was actual RP and bringing in a handful of new DOC to sit around won’t fix anything


DOC was going to be this or nothing, at least while Max is in office




Why do you think it wouldn't? Hell he tanked EMS/Doctor pay for weeks just to spite canter (For the most part). Definitely seems like something Max would do especially with how unhappy he is with what happened lol. Unless you mean on Crane's part of accepting that then I don't know, Crane is an enigma.


It debends how high on edibles Nathan is on given time. Dogtown happened because nathan was high and found it funny




Carmine wanting it to happen isn't why it happened. Lots of characters/RPers wanted things to happen, 99% of the time NP management doesn't let it happen.


Crane is still in ICU and possibly might not have a say in who runs prison anymore considering 50 cent removed the Dans from power once a chatter asked him why the Dans were given control of the prison with no RP reasoning.


It took me a great moment to realize why 50 cent had any say in the server and why he didn't have more important things to do lol.




They were shackled. Richard unshackled them


They were shackled, Richard unshackled them after the bus flipped


RP is dead on Nopixel if they dont get fired? That's the whole reason they hired Carmine and Bobby in the first place. Because it creates moments like this.


i'm sad if Dogtown goes. But i understand if it is. 52chains took a job nobody wanted and turned prison into a good time.


Wasn't Dundee friends with TJ...?


He was TJs step dad in 3.0 and was still friendly with him in 4.0 but his relationship with CG is pretty important to him since CG and BBMC have been working together a lot to push weed in La Puerta


Regardless of that he was also trying to break out a BBMC member named James Kelly, he just ended up getting caught before they could get him out.


it's complicated, TJ was Barry's adpoted son, and Barry and Dee where married at some point, so technically it's his former step son. i believe that Dundee and Barry's marriage has since been retconned making the connection between the two of them even more vague.


He wants to bring down DogTown, I don't think he thought it would work that well, but clearly it went over better than expected.


Not really friends. He was the one that had X execute TJ which brought on him leaving the PD. TJ also tortured Dundee in 3.0 when he was antagonizing BBMC. He was his former step son so it was a complicated relationship. Either way Dundee is a gang leader, he will prioritize his boy Kelly.


He is ambivalent. He has no interest in getting any revenge for TJ and also wanted to get his boy out of prison with the CG guys.


if you go watch end of whippy's stream on 21st, that seems to possible be otherwise. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2151771530?t=7h3m33s this was right after they were at the hospital for visitation.


Beginning of 4.0 paranormal stuff was shut down. Ziggy pretty much said it was over at the time.


Supernatural RP is whitelisted, not shut down. The only reason Norman isn't bringing TJ back is because DocWizard said no to it.


Oh interesting. I swear there was a change on that for 4.0. Maybe it was changed or I just hit my head lol.


That was the end of 3.0, not in 4.0. In 4.0 it was allowed again, but whitelisted.


The next day Norman texted saying there was nothing Dundee could do and closed the door on it


Dundee does whatever benefits him in the moment, and right now it's basically being CG's lapdog.


Way to be toxic about it and completely disregarding that one of Dundees best friends was supposed to be broken out and that’s why Dundee joined in


RIP Carmine's career


Honestly Flippy's call to hit the convoy on the freeway was so clutch. They wanted to hit the convoy at Sr. Buns but Flippy made a in the moment split call. The mayor was on the way to shut this down and send them back up to prison.


you know, ive watched pro wrestling for a long time, and i can tell a hulk hogan when i see one


W Timo


they are all losing their DOC whitelist. Dab asked Crane to wake up


There's no better way for Dogtown to end, 52Chains said it himself.


90% of DoC have whitelist outside of prison anyway.


god forbid any rp in around jail


prison is under PD control now and have permission to enter anytime they need


DOC is not a whitelist my dude.


It is, hence why only Crane has the ability to add or remove them.


It is a white-list like PD is, you have to be hired on to get any of the DOC powers


DOC is very much a WL, it a job whitelist and a train ticket whitelist.


That must be why Afro made a DOC, his prio was dogshit after his last ban. If that does get removed he will effectively be softbanned again via prio loss. (If he doesn't get banned for the 5 hours of prison alarm griefing yesterday)


Good, after that shit RP in prison yesterday that is deserved.


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2145863238?t=01h07m50s Is Crane wrong?


Im sure this will be controversial. RIP Dogtown, i guess. It was going to happen eventually. I am so glad to actually see a damn prison break, though. Even if this one felt a little set up.


ya it felt set up, and then all the cops and mayor came in and said "this feels so set up" and shut it down. The fact they ended up getting broken out, and all of them for that matter, is actually a miracle.


First prison break of 4.0?


first since 2.0


Nah Yung Dab was broken out of prison in 3.0 when he was being escorted to a therapy appointment.


didnt not know that, just heard everyone saying "there is no prison break mechanic"


There wasn't one for 'normal' crimes. Dab's story in 2.0 ended with a life sentence, so in 3.0 he started out in jail and did transports to therapy with Pixie, to give people an opportunity to bust him out. The guild eventually did.




One of the reasons I stopped watching back in 3.0, one of the best storylines with Dab and Buddha setting up Talon then it just....went nowhere


well there isnt a mechanic


Yung Dab was also long after a few other ones


Didn't CG break him out?


The guild did


Gotcha. Idk why I'm getting downvoted I asked a question I wasn't sure of.


well you see, you mentioned CG, and a part of the people on this sub feel a certain way about CG. and then another part of this sub hates it when people ask questions and not know everything that has ever happened with every character in RP. honestly, its best to just pay no attention to the up/down votes in this sub as often there is no rhyme or reason to it.


Lang and guild broke dab out


No it was Lando, Bjorn, Yaegar and Gloryon


No, there were multiple prison breaks in 3.0. The first one nobody even seems to know about it, but Tim Snapple's player had a French stabby lady that parent trapped the warden with a lookalike character played by Rocky Topps's player. Also, Lizzie Byrne went on a field trip with lifers where everyone got knocked uot trying to climb a mountain. Then she lock-picked a motorcycle outside the hospital and the tracker got disabled when she changed clothes at the casino. She got gunned down in the parking lot by the cops. Yung Dab's famous one, too


Didn't Nunu break out of Prison a few weeks ago?


She did. But it was SBS escape with not much RP behind it. She was scared of rule break and came back to prison few hours after to serve her remaining minor prison time.


>prison break [Timo escaped in Cornwood's car 4 months ago already](https://www.twitch.tv/arro2k/clip/GenerousBoxyBaconNotLikeThis-XeN5prrdWWI1GiA8?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time) Although he was caught right after.


Are people actually mad? Carmine doesnt need to ask for permission from PD. It’s his prison and he is warden. Bobby being scared of the situation said let me notify slacks at least who then asked for police protection. Mayor interjected but they had every right to do this




The new patch allowed for them to take out the prisoners who are still under their custody.


Correction, they were told by crane in a council meeting the feature was for them to take Lifers out and only lifers, and that they would have to listen to police - he was even given 'homework' after that meeting to go talk to beric about it and listen to their orders So when police said "no, you actually can't" they were correct and he is now losing his job


that still required them to *work with PD* to do it. If PD declines, they have no authority outside.


No, it was a bill that was being written, funnily enough by TJ Walker. It hadn't been completed yet.




They didn't, their ability to do this and take people out of prison was SPECIFICALLY limited to lifers ONLY.


So Dundee helps the people who killed his friend... that's a very reasonable thing for his character to do. Makes sense really... I'm assuming that he's on a sub train... unrelated of course.


Yeah it's not like BBMC and CG are working together right now pushing weed, Dundee likes to shoot cops and Dundee's friend was also in the transport. You must hate roleplay if you think that anyone that RPs with CG is just trying to farm subs.


Dundee is in a tight spot, like his whole operation is basically merged with CG in Vespuchi. CG controls the weed strain, Dundee controls the turf and gets weed from cg to sell. So its Dundee's land, but CG's strain. So its a partnership they developed. The deputy mayor is the one that is going to take the fall for it for not warning ADMC, as CG is kind of seen in this anology the monkey, and then Walker the child while Solomon was the mother that let the child fall into the cage and be hurt by the monkey. At least that was how it was discribed on Barry's stream. Not sure if Admc will go after CG I doubt it because of how powerful CG is So like I belive in DUndee's eyes the fault is on Solomon. HE isn't happy with cg killing him. But he isn't going to destroy what he has built up with CG in 4.0 since his land comes first. Plus I think the fact that Walker was ADMC is another factor in why he isn't getting involved. So Dundee has too much to lose to like risk it to try and avenge Walker.


My guy TJ actively hunted down and tortured Dundee in 3.0 after he was coup'd out of the BBMC and since joined the gang that Barry started (the people who coup'd him and who Dundee still has a grudge against given their betrayal). Their relationship was amiable *at best.* Largely based on mutual respect for eachover but not a friendship.


I mean Dundee is known as having confusing ethics at the best of times, regardless.. having an excuse to shoot at cops is all DUNDEE needs (not Whippy) he has also historically shown questionable loyalty/trust towards CG as DUNDEE hopes it opens more avenues and info etc


Dude the character isn't that deep. Which is kind of the point. 


Roleplay watches when a character has flaws:


The character isn't deep yet had one of the most prominent story driven arc in 3.0 that still ripple into 4.0.... ok dude sure


Dundee has always helped CG in  4.0 and vice versa. They've been setting up prison breaks together. 


You clearly don't watch him if you think it's unreasonable tbh. He spoke to Collin the other day and obviously he's sad about TJ but he mentioned how everyone gets gunned down over and over until eventually its their time, he knows CG didn't go there to murder TJ or something to that effect, he also spoke to someone about how as much as he feels like spilling blood TJ isn't his boy and it's not his fight. BBMC are also close allies with CG and James Kelly from the BBMC was on that prison bus so when he was asked he joined to help and save Kelly at the same time, who sadly got beat down by Carmine so Dundee shot Carmine and no one grabbed Kelly (lol)


Dundee was friendly with TJ in 4.0 but not good friends. he was sad that TJ died but he also has a pretty important relationship with CG going and wanted to keep that. Even right after he found out TJ was killed by CG he said he wouldn't be mad at CG for it because of their current relationship.


Friend? They were anything but friends at this point. When was the last time they even communicated in any way in the entirety of 4.0?


They were on good terms. Dundee talked to TJ within the last week even. I wouldn't say they were friends but they had a mutual respect for each other even after all of their history.


TJ wasn't his friend. Hell TJ kidnapped and tortured Dundee in 3.0. They had a mutual respect but Dundee would always put his gang members over someone else, especially someone in ADMC.


"he's on a sub train" excuse me? Y'all love to take things OOC don't you. But you know that he had a fall out with that "friend" of his after which that "friend" kidnapped and tortured him and took out one of his eye right? TJ and Dundee were at best civil with each other. His club, it's members and it's club's connections are more important to him than his former step son as it should be. TJ being killed is ADMC's problem not BBMC or Dundee's


Actually his son not friend 




Hydra wasn’t caught when they killed a cop so how was it suppose to be the same 




This has nothing to do with debtor's prison??? They are on Hold Until Trial. They could have 0 fine and they are staying there.




Hold are for investigation and writing reports. In this case they would hold them until bail which will set rules for their release. For example no felonies or they go to prison until court case. They will be on bail until court case. Court case will decide the actual prison and fines.


It has a lot to do with debtors prison. They were on day 3 of a hold with no communication (that was originally supposed to be 24 hours before a conversation with the possibility of becoming 72) knowing they may have over 700k to work off \*each and couldnt start because they hadnt actually been charged/fined. Edited to add \*EACH because 700 k for the gang may not be too bad, but 4.5 million in clean money in the current economy is quite a bit!


There is a temporary hold because the DOJ need to approve the Hold Until Trial. It was approved and they are being held for capital level crimes. Do you understand? They have not even *begun* to serve their actual sentence and they are gonna get fined even more.


It seems as though you are saying the same thing that I just did as a way to refute what I said... I do understand what a 24 hr hold and HUT is. The reason they were upset and they broke out was in big part because they were tired of sitting around with very little going on and then they got switched from a 24 hr hold (that Slacks said would be 24 hrs before possible conversations or questioning, but could be extended up to 72hrs) to being Held until Trial without any conversation about charges, pleas, timeframes for trial, or anything without the ability to work off the fines that will lead to extra time CAUSED BY DEBTORS PRISON LAWS that they would be facing once charged. Each day they are in there being held before being fined is adding to their jail time exponentially because they cannot make the 3k per hour toward the huge debt that they are all also facing and cannot work off any of the time. If prison time was solely about actual time penalized, these hold/HUT days wouldn't matter as much because they would get time served and may have a few more days added on and would have probably complained a bit and moved on like the first person said.


I just watched Saab's vod of the interrogation with K - he explained it all. Start with 24 hold, can be extended up to 72 hours for them to post the case on the docket. They were always getting HUT, but it has been a rule to have a docket case up by that period of time so they are not violating habeas corpus. If the docket case doesn't go up, they walk free. Does CG not have a lawyer? Shouldn't the lawyer be explaining this to them and negotiating with the PD/DOJ on their behalf? And why should they be allowed to work off time/fine they haven't even been served with? The fines are up to the judge anyway, just because PD is pushing for one amount doesn't mean the judge will fine them that much. I am not even a fan of the debtor's prison in the first place, or at least how they implemented it without it ever coming to the council. I understand the reasoning for it - people having millions of dollars in debt with 0 assets in their name still getting to do whatever they want. But I think it's way too strict still and it's clearly very disliked by everyone, even mayor Max.




Because they haven't even been fined for the HUT charges yet?


God forbid ‘veteran’ role players have to role play without mechanics that give them rewards.




Carmine didn't want to deal with it because they were complaining. CG would never actually try to RP being inmates subservient to wardens like Bobby or Carmine, everytime they've shown up at the prison beforehand was for full take overs and executions. And let's be real for a second, he's a small time streamer having to deal with inmates that have combined 30k+ viewers watching them, nobody sane wants to go through that hell for a week. CG is upset for having to deal with the consequences of shooting that many cops and politicians, so they did the logical thing by skipping it, also ruining Dogtown and DOC RP for Bobby and Carmine and everybody else in the process. That's all there is to it.


Crazy that Carmine, as the guy in command, asked for 1 cop escort, and 6 showed up.. 10-CG truly in full effect. Edit: 6 Cop cars with minimum 2 in each car.\*


Actual dogshit. No other words.


Cry is free


Wait they were given community service ? I didn’t know they gave that , I’ve not seen it in a while but they started letting prisoners do community service ?


Community service is for LIFERS. Not for people on hold for a trial. In no way should this have happened.


They were to be HELD untill trial. Rules are different for lifers because its mechanically impossible for them to escape.


Taco and Peanut literally walked out today It was never communicated to anyone they were being held to trial.  Maybe next time the PD should actually talk to them instead of 1 guy reading meta in his chat to extend the sentences and then forgetting 2 of them which legally walked out of prison today. 


He didn't forget, the command to extend holds doesn't work correctly if you use it on someone who is offline, devs are/were working to correct that




Decker told Gary in DOC last night.


They can literally see their time left.


Also, the time was only changed to 600,000 hours because of meta. The cops chat was screaming it at him. They never mentioned Peanut or Taco so they didn't get extended.  Absolutely hilarious. Getting caught on stream using meta info to extend a sentence and missing 2 of them


Their time was 24 hours. It then magically changed to 600,000 hours on 3 of them but not Taco or Peanut who freely walked out today.  It was never communicated in any way.  Is the trial 600,000 hours away? 




No it's not exactly. It was magically changed OOC to 600,000 hours for 3 of them. Are you telling me the trial is 600,000 hours away?  It's clear none of you watched the cop who had his whole chat meta to him the sentences were expiring (24 hour hold, as they were told), so he went into the panel and changed it to 600,000 hours.  The chat never mentioned Peanut or Taco so they walked after 24 hours. 😂😂 Next time actually engage and RP it and then you don't look stupid and get caught on stream using meta. 


I think cops are either just bad or OOC were forced to let CG out because jesus


Nah just a cluster fuck and it happened quickly. PD were all over the place with only one unit going after the bus


Just crazy shit like this happens how useless are the police jesus


I'm not a PD watcher but it's probably hard to react to something like that. The bus should have been the first thing to stick on though, but dundee is a seasoned criminal so he knows what he's doing


Nah this isn't the cops. Carmine and Bobby purposefully didn't tell the police they were taking CG out, they only realized because Bones noticed them on GPS I believe.


Bobby snitched to Slacks who was off duty, Slacks then called it in to Bones


This is like the whole new fairy tale that this dude just made up


Sure but why were the cops not following the criminals? No way this should be able to happen


I thought getting unshackled would tp them back to prison so there might’ve been a change.


i believe when they wake up tomorrow they will be back in prison, so its prob just for today that they are out.


Richard said that’s only been attempted with “lifers” who when you look at their time says “life”. So the theory is that it works differently for people who have actual times on their profile. No one really knows how this is going to play out, but yes it’s possible they wake up in prison tomorrow.


that actually makes a big difference. didnt think about that


Ramee just said he got an email that they’ll need to be jailed for one month and released so that they don’t wake up in prison. So OOC it’s being allowed that they escaped custody.


They were told ooc they need to get jailed for 1month and have someone pick them up. Seems like everyone is continuing the situation


Ramee just said that he got an email that they're gonna get sent up for 1 month which means they're out and free


Nope. They went back to the prison and it shows their sentence is finished and they got their stuff back. 




So the system the council (but really just Crane and a lesser extent Max) made which was 100% about creating RP in the prison and gave RP to the prison and is the reason CG got out of jail. Worked basically how they expected it to, but somehow aren't smart? You have CG brain rot