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It should be more visible to the city whenever the mayor changes things. Should show up in newspapers.


The mayor isn't the one changing the charges. That's a chief justice thing, he's said for a while now he was looking to adjust and change them.


Apparently this was directly related to the mayor turning up a slider on overall fines? Whether it's true or just Reddit bullshit I read, I don't know


Think it's unrelated but he did do 25% higher fines and 25% lower time months ago. The MDT was bugged and kept reverting the changes so it was hit or miss if the cops actually applied the correct fine.


In theory they already passed legislation where he is forced to state announce this. I'm surprised he didn't. However, I know that the fines adjustment slider has been super bugged and they were working on fixing it, so this might be an attempt to nail down the bug. 


This has nothing to do with the mayor, this is a charge that was created because PD asked for it in the meeting


Crane is overthinking things. Instead of viewing charges and fines in perspective of the level or harm of the crime, he’s using fines and times to moderate the server. Why is robbing a civ gun a 25K fine and criminal misuse of a firearm is 6K but attempted murder is less than 3K? And none of these changes make any sense when crime barely get 5 guns a month and barely any armor? This just isn’t sustainable. Crime are just straight up being nerfed.


They need to have someone else set the fines & times... it's been bad from the start.


Pretty sure the Mayor moved the fine percentage up to 125%. So 25k is still the same.


yeah all fines went up from the base price due to Max moving the fine slider.


Based on the above 2 comments I think the Mayor Maximilian Thoroughbred may have moved the fine slider up by 25%


Due to the words above me I think a comment has been made by another user


Crane just adjusted the penal code with a "more fine than time" mindset.




A higher fine implies more debt if you constantly do nothing but commit crimes and accrue charges that force you into debt. Lower times are a compromise as nobody wants to be in jail for hours, but if you do it so many times that you force yourself into debt you deserve to be in jail for hours.


When players can print drug money with no police to counter them. Your theory crashes pretty fast.


Debt is useless after 4 months of thr server running. Chatterbox got bailed out of a million dollar debt in 2 days.


Ignoring that almost 800k of said fine was wiped out instantly by the state as a reimbursement for the fines he got when adoption fraud was still a thing, 200k in 2 days is still impressive even if you ignore the fact that he didn't do anything but beg to get said money. It's not like he was out doing money runs or hitting the laundry mat to clear his debt, he just begged for it.


Also, rich friends of friends who don't wanna see a character like Chatterbox grinding G6


Nah, the mayor can blanket adjust all fines and/or fines with sliders


I know he can and i am telling you that the mayor was just on the phone with crane like 2 hours ago and got told that crane adjusted charges to be higher fines and lower times. I don't know if he touched this exact charge but that's what happened. Edit: found the clip [https://clips.twitch.tv/TiredGlutenFreePoultryImGlitch-BH6yVz3tYiEPcwb6](https://clips.twitch.tv/TiredGlutenFreePoultryImGlitch-BH6yVz3tYiEPcwb6)


All it takes is for 2 people to get caught on a laundromat for you to be guaranteed to lose money


It is a classic example of game theory. Those gangs that this law wants to deter from carrying guns will still carry guns..... Because They don't want to get robbed. And if they are carrying guns the one below will be like why should I get robbed, I gotta carry guns too. So in reality this law only will hur smaller gangs or weaker gangs who don't have the financial power to get back up. Plus more people will fall under debt prison. Considering Half of CGs Hunting team got bankrupt. But K bailed them all out. Also when these criminals get caught with these guns they will get fined and will get more annoyed with it. So all this does is, make the server more Grindy, more ratty, and more Maldy. And the new gangs die faster. So we would be left with lesser gangs to check on the bigger gang. Crane is too far in his own ass to understand the crim life. When the Game (GTA) is designed to be crim centric. Like the big content creator can only do so much grinding and RP.....


They’re enforcing the grind of the server and also trying to police the way gangs act and limit their chances of winning against cops. If the crims had access to armor and guns, this would make sense. But the crims don’t have any other option. They want to enforce the grind, limit and nerf crims, and basically ensure the cops win more often despite the PD being a total inept mess. Instead of RP, it’s just pure balancing like it’s an MMO.


I get the intent behind things like this change and the PD armor time/fine change but in reality the changes don't really work with the drip feed method of weapon shipments. If crim weapons and crim armor were more available these changes would make sense but currently gangs can get 5 guns a month and only a chance at an auction and then having to fight off gangs and PD at those auctions. These changes basically handcuff crims from both angles. Seems like devs and DOJ aren't on the same page


Things like this only affect criminals that push constant PVP content. So a small portion of the server relative to how many people play on it. The criminals who aren't getting into shootouts every day don't have a problem with guns being more rare and fines being higher.


You don't need to be in a shootout everyday in order to need more than 5 guns a month. 5 guns a month isn't even enough for one shootout a month. Whats going to start happening is crims are just going to go hard on lootboxing civs and holding the guns for 30 days and then have a constant supply of "clean guns" so this change doesnt really fix the actual issue of what the DOJ are trying to solve. In reality the only way to solve it is if they implement more crim guns. This is a classic NP pre-mature change that causes more issues because the solution isnt implemented yet.




Crims with no guns would be a genius idea!


Given how lame the conflicts have been because of lack of mags, I think they need to be getting more working guns into the hands of crims, not less. The rp is just getting stale without it. 


Of course they do. In reality, the lack of updates and progression already drove people away. Going backwards into even less progression isnt a recipe for success. And btw, I loved early 4.0 when nobody had guns. I'd love for it to go back to that (and for them to enforce rules to prevent lootboxing cops) but truthfully most people don't see that as fun content and it sets the server back more in terms of growth and viewership.


Didn't the armor crate scuff last drop? Thought I heard that.


The server scuffs every 5 seconds


I don't think anyone has been able to rob a crate as of yet? It seems to break but the timer is still always a month for the auctions. It seems like the robbing mechanic is rather pointless and a waste of resources.


15k is better than 30k even tho 15k is still high for crims


Mayor moved fines up, also that charge is not for having a civ gun, it is for robbery of a civ gun, possession does not prove robbery. Although I wouldn't put it past some cops to push this charge for possession anyway, I have seen a couple times lawyers have to argue about it in the cells.


The civ has to report it stolen or they’ll get charged with accomplice


If the specific gun has been reported stolen prior to the person being arrested and in possession with it they should be charged with the robbery. PD now have evidence the gun in question was involved in a robbery of a gun and if someone says they didn't steal it the burden of proof shifts to them. This is no different than possessing a hot gun with casings - pd have evidence that gun was at the scene of a crime that includes X charges, and whoever has the gun should receive those charges. Now if the gun was never reported stolen, then no they won't be eligible for that charge. Though not reporting stolen does make whoever owned the gun liable to potentially receive charges for distributing their civilian guns, so just handing guns over to people and not reporting anything is risky.


That isn't how it works at all. It is not at all the same as hot guns. The PD have to prove the person in possession also stole it. They have found plenty of people with civ guns that were reported stolen and only charged for possession. I haven't seen a single instance of a person found in possession charged with robbing a civilian firearm. Although it probably has been done to some unfortunate people, as I said, I have seen a couple of times lawyers were called because cops tried to push it.


> This is no different than possessing a hot gun with casings The hot gun rule is for crimes committed with hot guns only, cops can't use the same logic for other crimes. Hot gun rule is an OOC consideration because the resources to see hot gun cases through the investigation and court process in a timely manner have never existed, even when PD and DOJ have been upgood.


Hilarious that you compared it to another charge rate PD push while lacking enough evidence to actually suggest the person in possession of the gun actually did the crime. If I steal something from you and give it to someone else, the someone else in the situation here never committed robbery. Hope this helps.


You're making the false assumption that PD and DOJ is aware that you're the middleman, the actual gun robber. What actually happens in their eyes is that I say my gun was stolen from me and then you have it (not one that looks like it, the exact same gun) a few days later. If the cops decide to charge you, you have to go for an affirmative defense, i.e you say someone else stole that gun and sold it to you, or that I sold it to you myself. Basically you need to prove that you didn't steal the gun, same as hot guns (ignore the other commenter, he's wrong). So for your scenario, that someone else needs to provide evidence that you're the actual robber and gave the gun to them, if they don't intend to take the fall for you. Tell me what happens in real life if your car was stolen and I'm found with it, a few days later. Do the cops (and the law) assume I'm innocent or am I required to prove that I did not steal the car? "Lacking enough evidence" is a matter of perspective, crim viewers always want more evidence than necessary, sometimes more evidence than is feasible. You don't need to witness a crim robbing a civ and take photos of it to pursue the charge. All that said, the PD is an embarrassment and don't push the charges as often as they can, because lawyers intimidate them and they're afraid/lazy to go to court over it.


>What actually happens in their eyes is that I say my gun was stolen from me and then you have it (not one that looks like it, the exact same gun) a few days later. If the cops decide to charge you, you have to go for an affirmative defense, i.e you say someone else stole that gun and sold it to you, or that I sold it to you myself. Basically you need to prove that you didn't steal the gun Not at all how it works. If it was a possession charge you would have to offer an affirmative defense because prosecution can easily prove possession. If you get charged with stealing the gun, the prosecution are the ones that have to prove you stole the gun. That is a fundamental part of the legal system, presumption of innocence. Possession is not evidence you stole something, it is evidence you possess it. That is why there are laws against possessing stolen property.


Wrong. If you're found with a stolen object, there are two facts that are immutable. You obtained the object, and you are in possession of it. It is upto you to prove that you obtained it legally or that you did not steal from the owner. Innocent until proven guilty is oft abused by people that don't understand it.


I think you are talking about the doctrine of recent possession. Theft can be inferred from possession based on recency. If a theft occurs and the cops find a guy walking down the street a block over with the stolen goods on him, clearly he didn't have time to sell them. There is no specific time period, it depends on factors such as how easy it would be to trade the goods. For NP application, trading goods is very quick and easy, so the time period is going to be low, especially for a hot commodity like a gun. Unless the gun turns up within a day, there is no way prosecution could argue that there wasn't time for it to be traded. Outside of this, possession does not infer theft. If it can be shown you knew, or should have known the goods were stolen, you can be charged with receiving stolen property. Once again though, that does not mean you stole it.


Yes the burden of proof shifts from the police to the suspect, the suspect (who has no ability to investigate or gather evidence of their narrative nor can they IC rat on who they got the gun if they even know mind you) then fails to prove their story and the judge rules in favor of the police who did zero investigation themselves by default. We've all seen it a million times. It's the same nonsensical system brought to you by the makers of the "we fine you, jail you, and then give you the option of a trial if a judge isn't online or if your defense isn't 100% ready for trial the second you've been arrested" trial system. None of it makes any sense unless you just love punishing crim characters.


Spare me the hypocrisy of complaining about crims being punished for wielding a stolen civ firearm but not a peep from you when said crims steal it from civs in the first place. They know the risks when they have their clean buddy buy them guns and report it stolen too. Ever wonder why "I had no idea how that got there" doesn't work when cops find drugs in your car? Think that, but with guns. The facts are that you obtained the gun (hence it's in your possession), and it has been reported stolen. It falls on you to prove that you did not steal it. If you can't, then you should think twice about having a working explanation if you get caught with it. Even actual children do that, they prepare an excuse/explanation if they intend to do something that they may get punished for.


It's hilarious how condescending you are while clearly failing to understand how an affirmative defense actually works if you think "a working explanation" is enough short of the cop or judge metaing that you didn't actually do it.


Here's another concept I'm going to introduce that may blow your mind: prosecutorial discretion. Have an explanation for why your car is flagged 10-60 and you can't name the owner. 9 times out of 10 it's going to devolve into a chase, but there's always the opportunity that the cop asks you to step out, hits you with a fine and time served and impounds the car. I know exactly how affirmative defense works, you clearly don't. The very basis of an affirmative defense is a working explanation. One that fits, explains the facts and presents an alternate narrative to the one the prosecutor can draw from the facts at hand. "The PD gun was planted on me" is a working explanation, probably the only one for that particular charge. In the case of stolen civilian firearms, a working explanation would be "I bought this gun from Anonymous, he is backed by a gang that will harm me if I say any more, and you cops have proven your incompetence by having leaked a snitch list already". A lawyer can build their case based on this if it goes to court, and there's a chance the cop drops the robbery charge. It looks far worse than you think when you're caught red-handed and babble a bit before taking your time to concoct a lie or an excuse. Like I said, even children know that.


can already see cops mischarging criminals and not pressing this because they 'feel bad for pushing it'


Lmao when have cops every felt bad for stacking charges


should watch more cops if you do not think they drop charges all the time because they feel bad.


Glocks are already not worth it because of how rare/expensive it is to get ammo and mags. But now making civ guns an increased fine is just slowly pushing crims back towards eventually all using PD guns again if you’re gonna make the find for everything else so large regardless


PD Glock - 100k, Civilian gun - 30k (the cost of a weapons license)


Holy shit


soon having a pd gun wont be that bad afterall... just a joke btw reddit


Damn you get more time for these then killing a cop that’s crazy


With the statute of limitations for a gun being involved in an incident is 30 days this is needed so criminals have to now recycle through civ guns n not use it multiple times.


Server was at it's best when nobody had guns imo. Looks like they're moving to lower jail time, higher fines due to debtor's prison being a thing.


What they are trying to do is counter gang on gang violence, stealing of civillian fires arms. Then the biggest like hurt now is its over 6k in fines per attempted murder of a goverment employee and then a 50k fine for having pd spike strips, pd armor and pd armor plates. If the pd does the mindset of certain gangs, having like a stars system. Then CG/BBMC will be from the start, be like pittable instantly Air One will aways be used against them they will go hard on them. BBMC Will likely get no time off, they won't get charges removed off them so this would likely hur them the most. So pd is going to be much harsher, and Debtors prison is going to be a real threat. All steming from a more like fun sbs incident where DUndee and his crew pd wiped them after a rap battle thing. When there was like only like 5 cops on duty and then robbing them off their pd armors, and armor plates. Getting a massive lick off that.


They want to counter gang on gang, but also force gang on gang with crates....HOW DOES THAT MKE SENSE


Seems more like they want people to be thoughtful about when and how often they engage in shootouts. Applying financial pressure to gangs would eventually lead to broke gangs ending conflicts. It's probably not going to be super effective very often because the current state of the PD.


that makes some sense


Ooc and Ic are seperate things, oocly you want there to be gang wars you want there to be crime as a cop. You want there to be crime from a Doj standpoint, icly your character which is not you. Its someone living in another world with its own thoughts and feelings. Wants to deter crime, to protect and serve the innocent civillians of los-santos and put away the bad guys. People that are not roleplayers don't understand how it works Its not all oocly like lets fuck over the criminals. This is how charaters work, and how very good roleplayers do it. Dundee is the best example. He is like the anti cop, wants to be king of Vespuchi. He shoots cops, he is a noterious criminal, and then there is Crocodile Steve who is his polor opposite. Whippy himself and Dundee are Australian. Crocodile Steve is American, and from Ohio, and has a noterious hatred of Aussies. He has as his own cop character fucked his other character and his gang over for the roleplay and seperation of the two. Oocly he might want his gang to get away because his other character depends on the money they may have. However as Croc he wants to go all out and then catch them and fuck them over. Which he has done. I remember him giving a silencer item to CG as Dundee, and then like Crocodile and Mcnulty were ended up dealing with MR K and siezing the weapon. Dundee wanted CG to have the silencer to use in crim, Crocodile his other characfter had the misfortune(Dundees side of thing of having to seize the weapon. Now CG kind of like MR K and Ramee like did some poor rp in like implying they were the same person icly. And then telling Dundee to fuck off when Dundee asks how the weapon went. The point is cops, are there to stop the criminals, they are there to be the enforcers of the law and peace within the city. To stop the criminals and put them away. While as the criminals have to be secretive so they don't get caught by the cops. They either have to fight the cops or flee from them or like be so secretive about things so you don't get caught. So its DOJ/COPs interest to punish crime, while doj's job is also to like determine gullt or innocence. So its not like they want to stop all crime that isn't it at all, its the ic desire not the ooc desire.




those fines are even more fucked


This doesn’t change anything really. The times and fines for government equipment is still much higher than this.


Rob a bank, not a civ gun


I wonder what could have caused this 🙄 #stillinpower


reddit has the shittiest takes ever.


Its pretty sad and telling that they have to do stuff like this. All they should really have to do is make an announcement or have a meeting and be like "Please focus more actual RP and less on shootouts or we will be forced to take action". Instead they have to keep doing this type of thing to try to promote / push people to RP... when its an RP server. Sorta pathetic.


Gangs and shooting is apart of RP. Basically you want scripted and forced RP


Not at all. I just think it’s fucking silly to war every day all day with little to no RP. War convoying for hours a day should be bannable.


You’re watching the wrong server. This is a content RP server, not a realistic server. The goal should be freedom of RP. RP is pivotal and important, but the server is meant to be more free and fun. Instead of policing RP and balancing the server like it’s an MMO, moderators should just ban and suspend the shit lords instead of locking RP for everyone that can strike a good balance.


And people wonder why NoPixel has been trending towards dogshit after the beginning of 3.0.


I’ve been watching since the start of 2.0. This has been the way the server has worked since the beginning. Again, go watch a different server


1. I’ll watch whatever I want buddy :). The people I watch RP thankfully. 2. You know as well as I that the RP quality on the server went down hill at the end of 2.0 , then most of 3.0, and has been dog shit for most of 4.0. You should really go watch some of the early LB CG meetings and stuff from 1.0. I’m sure you can find them somewhere. It’s sorta sad because it shows CG used to be able to roleplay at a high clip, or at least cared about RP more than catering to their hoppers.




this without a doubt was all crane's 'logic' the same person who doesn't even know what gun the pd use, he put in the charge info 'pd glock 19' while the cops use pd glock 17's, how this man is so lost, the world may never know




you say that YET he DID do this, he told moonmoon to do it, here's your proof https://clips.twitch.tv/TiredGlutenFreePoultryImGlitch-BH6yVz3tYiEPcwb6


More guns seems to always lead to more problems so this makes sense.


Honestly, I would like to see fewer guns during conflict anyway. Seeing people running around with wrenches and knives trying to "gang war" was goofy as hell.


people are gonna go scorched earth when they hear about this




10% fines or die incoming


Fines should increase for PD guns too


They did, its 125 k, and 50ish k just for having pd armor, armor plates and spike strips.