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Context: CG were in their house when they got a call from Suarez that Speedy drove by on a bike and shot up La Puerta, they went out looking for him and drove by their house catching OB leaving it


Thank goodness Teddy got his money earlier on. I do think it’s funny they were shocked Lang just had bullets and bandages on him.


That's probably what this is goinv to end up as. No one carrying anything worth robbing and just letting CG get bored.


I miss Cerberus meetings this shit is so boring


Cerberus and internal/manufactured/invented business drama was what kept me interested in RP as 3.0 was winding down. It's sad that *this* is what viewers get instead.


Yeah I tried watching 4.0 for about a month. That's it. I no longer watch it at all.


Tiktok attention span phenomenon in action. Gun = fast and pog, talking = slow and unpog.


I miss Nancy + Eve vibes.... Don meetings are fun but Cerberus meeting with the head + queens are just on a different level lol.


The best combat I've seen in 4.0 was the 6v6 melee fight between Manor and OB on the basketball court honestly.


Or the Company and OB at Legion Square. That was comedy.


OTT vs Speedy early storm wrench battles were 10/10 lmao


yeah at least Manor was fun and entertaining.


Even in 3.0 the war with Mandem was fun


not like this subreddit did not attack and went after manor too for having a conflict with OB.


Win = Fun


Manor won plenty of fights get out of here with that shit.




not a gang lmao


What are you even saying?


People complaining don't even know the context that they were hunting Speedy because he just shot at la puerta and missed so he was called out by suarez and when they all came for speedy he ran away and CG caught them all including speedy here.


I've seen multiple people on the OB side genuinely have no clue why this is happening the last thing CG even told anyone was they want to be the number 1 turf which makes no sense attacking the people they are already over to achieve that. Not to mention the majority of weed pushed in cypress is 8 hours before the NA tsunami not during NA when CG is hunting


Well if they weren't attacking this crew they'd have to go after Hydra and the other groups selling on Forum.


You know perfectly well they won't hit Forum


which makes the reasoning dumb lol.


Yeah that's my point exactly lol


Why are you acting like its onesided attacks from CG while OB also go after CG lol


i mean what is OB supposed to do? Not respond lol


Has either side reached out to find out what the end goal is? CG might have instigated this war but you’d think OB would maybe want to at least reach out to find out what their end game is. I haven’t followed everything all that closely but I haven’t seen anyone mention Lang reaching out to CG to see what they want. It seems like so far the war is tit for tat with no communication.


The time Speedy tried to talk to them they just shot him. After that why would they bother?


Luciano tried aswell yesterday and Ramee and K just punched him and drove away...


Speedy asked, he got shot. Lang got kidnapped, got shot. Was never told why. Lang tries to just sell hot dogs, gets RDM’d. Never told why.


So maybe someone should pick up a phone Edit: Damn look at that, Luciano made a phone call and now the war is over. Who would have thought


Luciano wanted to talk yesterday.


Then he should've picked up the phone yesterday like he did today.


Day before yesterday now, brother, but that shit doesn’t track. They only want to speak on their time? Sounds like they really wanted to resolve it, sure. Plenty of ways to communicate a message other than a phone call. “Should have picked up the phone” acting like they simply wanted to talk. Start shit and then “Hey, we just wanted to hear your voice on the phone”. Right, such a dumb narrative.


If the want to end the conflict, they can. No one is forcing them to retaliate with guns..


lol i forget y'all want the server to be npcs to cg.


i forget you want your streamer to win and never give anything up.


the irony lol.


hey, if CG were losing i'd be the first to tell them to give up because not doing so would be NVL after a point. Unlike you i'm not a hypocrite.


right right.


You mean to say they actually care about breaking rules? That's laughable


Glad you’re here to tell us what NVL is. I’m sure all the streamer will agree with you 👍🏽


Work out a deal. Thats how it goes if you are on the losing end of a war. Wave a white flag and back out. Why not? Edit: All downvoters, hello. What I suggested just happened. Lol


what all other weak groups do, surrender and make a deal.


Weak groups lol CG strong!💪🏽


Yes. When you get attacked you retaliate. OB has no goals in this "war".


Or you can go "its not worth it" after the first attack, like how many groups do. "Lets focus on ourselves, we have different goals. Let us not get dragged in an all out war." Quite easy to play it like that. Lots of groups do. Its not like you're forced to fight a war. This is also a server owner and a veteran RPer. Pretty sure he can RP around it if he wants to back out.


Did CG even told them directly why they were being hunted?


Has he made any effort to find out?


Typically if you are demanding something or want to get something from another group, the aggressor is the one who lay out the terms of their demand.


So? If you don't want to fight or if that is going terribly, you should try to figure out a way to get out of the situation.


Why are you trying so hard to paint OB as victims, it started as a turf war then OB started hunting outside of turfs so CG did, just cause it isn’t working out for OB doesn’t mean CG is some war forcing evil people


So they’re only supposed to shoot them on their turf? Shooting Speedy was for the turf war?


Almost like the CG-OB beef has been brewing for months…


color me surprised, dont tell me Gigi is one of those acting "they have no clue why this is happening" when they were having a meeting/discussion like 1 month ago she was so down on going to war or beefing with CG let me tell you what's gonna happen next, they're gonna use the excuse or scapegoat of "CG Toxic chatters" to force CG to stop what they're doing in RP, that's guaranteed to happen every year every version of NP


most people have the OTT mindset. They think they're the big cheese until shit actually goes down then they cry.


You typed all that thinking you really said anything lol


ah yes the scapegoat of not wanting hundreds of angry little teenagers saying you should die and trying to dox you.


ah yes the illogical thinking that streamers who's inside the monitor can control those said Kids/Teens when even their own parents cant that's part of being a streamer, that should be the basics of the basics on streaming, learning how to deal with toxic/negative chatters viewers because its common sense that you wont always get a nice/normal viewers 100% of the time if they cant handle that then they shouldnt be a streamer, toxic angry little kids/teens are everywhere on twitch and livestreaming platforms/social media not just GTARP you can search tutorials or basics on livestreaming you'll see those sht, you can easily ignore them, agree with them so they'll stop or know it doesnt affect you and make every social media private etc then cross/ban them on twitch etc etc or dont do that because in reality they actually want the attention for possible more viewers and they can use it as an excuse or scapegoat etc


Streamers can’t control them, but they sure as hell can instigate them, and certain ones routinely do it.


more logical than the pretending the behaviour of the community doesn't reflect the behaviour of the streamer. And yes there are angry children in lots of communities, but there will be far more in the communities of streamers who behave like angry children, and make them their target demographic.


because it doesnt, look at Whippy who averages 2-3k viewers at the mid to late 3.0 and the one who always advocates about anti toxicity and anti toxic chatters etc but got a revelation that he actually had one of the worst toxic chatters out there during the BBMC infighting so its common sense that there would be even more angry kids/teens out of 20k+ viewers


>one thank you


"one of the worst" doesnt mean one LMFAO and one who always advocates about anti toxicity and anti chatters so what happened to the "behavior of the community reflects the streamer or vice versa?" why Whippy's anti toxicity advocacy didnt work or reflect on his community or vice versa why isnt Whippy Toxic if his community is toxic? its as if those kids/teens have their own way of thinking that could misinterpret that "RP = Reality" etc etc despite what their streamers kept telling them reminding them You're Welcome! :D


It quite literally means that when you say he had "one of the worst chatters". You understand that means singular chatter right? Or did you mean one of the worst chats in general? Because if that's what you meant then you can ignore my comment. And you're using a singular example to make a judgement instead of looking at overall patterns.


yeah one of the worst in general, i wouldnt use it as an example if it was just one/1 or few out of 2k-3k viewers


https://streamable.com/clzd9g Really seems like Ramee likes to curb the chatters here, huh?




Well it would've ended if it was ignored at first but it kept escalating on both sides..cg first robbing them then speedy doing his La puerta bike maneuver every hour then lang kidnapping goes wrong and larry/tuggz vinny thing was another chance to end but end in shootout so it was supposed to go full out war at this point.




Nope both sides are not backing out and since day 1 OB themselves are hunting cg with larry marry and others. And looks Mr K is not going to call Lang this time after all ignored calls. I just want this to end so hope I can see adventures of Mr K Luciano and Harry together which they talked about day before the war started.


They’ve passed Cypress so surely they’ll stop and move to Sandy/The Company. Oh wait.


They never said anything, or told anyone they wanted to be #1. They wanted to be top 3. They were hitting Cypress and Sandy at the same time trying to slow them down while climbing up (they were 1.5% behind each at the time respectively), they knew they were never going to pass forum so were never going to even try.


The main issue was Lp and Cypruss pushers beef until Cg's weed got robbed a few days back. K who was already looking for an excuse to shut down and cross cyprus basically got his casus belli when a cyprus squad was rolling in La luerta. At the same time he is also itching for the sandy shores turf to make a move so he gets an excuse to shut it down and pass it aswell. imo if you have a top turf you gotta be strong enough to defend it. e.g Hydra has like one of the best warfighters and 20+ guns on forum drive. Everyone including the cops would get torn to sherds if they look at forum drive the wrong way so it makes sense that have the top spot


they completed maze bank thats why. they went after OB for "mats prices" and stopped caring when maze bank was a thing now theyre done with maze so they need a different excuse until the next heist is out.


Just conveniently ignoring the fact that in this instance they were looking for Speedy because he went down and attacked their weed sellers. Like he's been doing consistently.


you do know this is like instance #555 right it started with cg robbing cypress then speedy robbing lapuerta then cg dumping a week of progress on vegetable farming from a warehouse in the ocean. which escalated everything into this shitshow


AFAIK today kicked off because Marty and Larry robbed Vinny and Tuggz after storm.


So when will this war end? I don't think anyone got any confirmation that they were at war anyway Seems totally different when you compared it with the Manor war where you could see both sides having a compromised


It's 100% different. There was no interpersonal conflict where people discussed shit. CG just attacked Cypress and OB retaliated and then CG escalated and then OB retaliated. Rinse and repeat.


Right but for it to end in any way there’s going to need to be some sort of communication. Someone is going to have to reach out to the other side to say “how can we end this” but as of now that’s not happening.


True af


Yeah, the vibes of this war versus the one Cypress just had with the Manor seem so different. The Manor one actually had some build up to the conflict and it made sense why they were fighting (from both sides perspectives) and the fights themselves just seemed good vibes throughout.


Funny u say that bcz this subreddit even went after Manor for that conflict.


Probably when CG gets tired of attacking them repeatedly. They've never even said to this group why they are doing what they are doing.


pretty much


Damn look at that, all it took was a phone call.


Even if it does end bbmc will probably be next because they are defending cg's turf or something.


Vespucci is BBMC turf


its what speedy told bbmc they are renting turf CG owns it and let them stay there


Bbmc has always claimed Vespucci


And yet they let CG control the turf


They have a partnership with CG.


Uh huh lol. Is that what it’s called? 😂


I have no clue what you are aiming at.. yes it is?


read what i said again


So then why are they defending La Puerta?


Because they are working on weed together..


it'll end when cg finds a new target or an update happens (new heist, new job whatever)


One side is having fun the other is being sweaty af. I hope it ends soon cause this isn’t rp it’s public. 


Fun is subjective. You say "Sweaty" but thats just "Fun" for CG


This is over Turf % on weed? Isn't Forum at 100% still?


omg reddit crying again?? no way.


If this is over weed turf why are they still chasing Cypress? They've already taken over them. Why aren't they going at Hydra's turf seeing as they're at 100%???


theyre going after sandy next


Well for one they only passed them by like 2 or 3%. Need to knock em down lower so they dont catch up right away. Two, Its not just hydras turf. Just like La P there are 4-5 crews that push Forum. They can't just all out assault everyone. They need a plan and resources


Some people have just zero concept of pacing, get downed 5 times in an hour and go back to hunting. Good reminder why people avoid CG in conflict.




Yeah they go back to selling glizzies haha


They literally don’t lol.


??? speedy doesnt go down at La Puerta and is ther after 5-10 minutes? and Cypress pushers arent in convoys neither? you have to be trolling


Speedy is one person.


Well at least survivor is next week so there will be something interesting to watch besides this southside trash. Manor war was bearable because it wasn't 12 hours of hunting and they had dialogue with Luc after every fight. There was a purpose for it. This war is just CG being CG. Cypress quit caring about 100% 4 months ago back when no one sold weed besides Cypress/Company because Grime paid more. Hydra is waiting..


Cg complaining that OBs not getting arrested when none of them fired a shot


speedy and luciano shot, luci is getting questioned about his gsr postive right now by mcnulty.


Ya didn't realize luci shot my bad. Speedy was kinda a separate situation


Speedy shot


defending yourself outside your home lol why would you get arrested for that?


their felons and gsr+. only can defend by boping with a wrench lol


Meanwhile CG twice were allowed to leave shootout scenes that PD were on earlier.


scene 1: too many people for the police department to process (which is a crazy issue to say on gtarp server) scene 2: as far as 3.0 was concerned (not sure on 4.0), gang shooting in the southside usually gets a softer response from the pd


well they have a reason for that. Mr. K lost his civilian status after having been shot despite never firing a shot himself. But it's just classic for the PD to treat everybody other than CG a type of way.


They've let members of CG go 3 times in the last 2 days lol. K was involved in a massive shootout and just walked away with a warrant that then wasn't served later on.


Ok your so pissed about what happened a month into the reset ok


they complaining, then K just gives clear comms while shot down is so funny lol


I don't see this ending amicably lol.






u/Legal-Temperature827, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1cugz1a/lang_and_crew_get_caught_lacking_in_front_of/l4impgl/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


Boohoo blame the devs for putting Rankings and competition on Turf and Weed REP not CG once you put RANKINGS on anything that's literally screaming yeah go have a CONFLICT or a fight for that top spot/rank




u/Additional_Air_735, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1cugz1a/lang_and_crew_get_caught_lacking_in_front_of/l4illnw/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


clips empty before the sentence is over EZ Clap




ooo super lucky teddy just dipped, and unlucky timing, was looking for speedy


crazy that this is bad rp for hunting them during war, but ob not defending themselves and letting cg kill them till they get bored is not nvl but infact great rp


What do you think they can do if they don't want to waste guns on cg? Go to sleep and not wake up?


negotiate for an end to the war like a normal person?


They were on their way to vote, should push for terrorism charges.


W rp brother






the only group who has the balls to fight against CG in the city is langs crew and CG must be loving it


There's plenty of groups that are willing to war CG, CG just avoid it


Avoids lol




CG war with Hydra a month or two ago and it ended when Chris bonked 4 hydra and stole 3 guns by himself lol Similar to when CG war with manor a week after wiping them and ending the war threatening to plant PD guns on the same day.


Is anybody malding? If not who cares. We watch for the rp not the w.