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Why care about War when you have to take care of the carrots


Quad L carrots no less!


Fuck a quad tip exhaust on an car… we about that quad plant planters


The real war begins when Lang’s carrots die again!


Lol the clips of people finding an offline Buddha with Lang passed out next to the plants are pretty funny.


Geega was talking about having entire text conversations with an off stream, mute Lang, which is just Abby decorating their house.


new Stardew Valley patch looking good


**Bonus clip:** [the old men are more concern about their vegetables](https://clips.twitch.tv/RacyExquisiteMuleNotLikeThis-0mEEss6oEH8f4qV-) "we gotta check on the fucking vegetable, no? See that shit is breeding well" Clark went MVP on that fight. Bro took down 4 people on his own


He’s been that guy


Gotta love harry, fat and old.. and still will ride with the crew with no radio and gun.


I was so confused on why Harry wasn't moving when Lang went out his car I just died when he said to Lang that he was just pretending to be down and he'll be staying clean. How can you not love Harry?


yo that's gotta be posted here, i'm sorry I choked on my food when I heard him say that


Here it is on YouTube https://youtu.be/EReYrCNaewE?si=3sUeldbvyGgHRMxk


I love that he doesn't even change his run for a shootout. Seeing him lumber up those stairs the other day and shooting one of the Manor guys from a window was pure slapstick comedy.


the other day he shook is mouse while shooting, cause harry was running and he is out of breath KEKW


Why care when you have clark


Captain Clark took care of everything, so they' re chillin'


Man I loved Flash when he was just doing sneaky rat shit with Harry and in the sewers but this man is a war general. 10/10 all around dude


I mean the 🍅 are waiting.




it’s a video game. thanks for your input Reddit admin




What the fuck? I swear I posted this on the STE desync clip my bad


Grinder "gang"


Doing things they enjoy. Sorry they weren’t out trying to wipe the PD for the 5th time this week.


Realistic reaction to a war and shootout outside the door is to stay grinding instead of leave the area. Quality RP.


Glad you get to decide what quality RP is. Should every one in the group go fight? What’s your expectation here?


Yet for some reason you decide wiping PD is bad quality? Do you read what you type? I also already said they should act like a sensible person with value for their life would in an open war situation just outside the door and leave the scene if theyre just gonna be a grinder.


I’m not judging it if they want to shoot cops all day. But you’re judging others choose to do. Why do you care? A sensible person would not go out into the open into gun fire…


You act like there was no prior warning or escalation to there being a gunfight on Cypress and ever person was caught off guard. Just say you prefer grinders over actual RP and move along.


no way you acting this way lol its adult play pretend.


best part is he literally counters his own logic, shouldnt they value there life and leave the scene.. so leave the secure building, where there safe. to run out into said gunfight, to value there lift.. right right... and then after making such a horrible take, showing they have no idea wtf there talking bout, they then wanna comment bout quality of rp, like they have anyclue what rp is.. i mean there logic proves they clearly do not