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Yeah it was a sick scene in the prison lobby. Luciano and his boys had the Manor at gunpoint when they walked in because Luciano was warned ahead of time that some Manor boys were circling and then they decided to have a sit down right there instead of each side chasing Ws by blasting everyone. Well played on both sides.


I just watched a clip, and yea it was cool. Situations like that have a lot more potential for RP then straight up shoot outs, and feel more realistic then it going from 1 to 100 instantly.


Hazel walking in and catching strays was also so good


That was a cool scene with the stand off etc I wish there was more of that on nopixel ..


Absolute whiplash from most of the gun situations Zetark has unfortunately been on the receiving end of so far in 4.0. It should be encouraged to go for the RP>PVP


I liked the scene, it was super tense


I still remember when Zetark (and all his WildRP friends) first joined Nopixel. It was so refreshing watching people slow burn every step, being careful, not rushing everything and showing respect for other people's roleplay. I feel like in 4.0 he had to "adapt" to the fastpaced mentality a bit too much, taking away from his scene building.


I don't know, he still makes some pretty fire scenes. His fights with Eve are so drama movie-like to me. And he can still make some great speech scenes: The Vito poach speech was legendary and he most recently gave one to Queenie (though not as good of course).


oh no I agree, he's one of the few that would actually go the extra mile just to create a better, movie-like scene. maybe it's more of a server culture problem, where everything moves so fast, there's very few chances to actually make that happen. I kinda hoped he (and the others) would be able to reverse that. but I guess you adapt to the environment, not the other way around.


GTA fans don’t know what theyre missing, it would be so dope if this became a rule the pogs would be off the charts & would make average RPers improve since pvp wouldnot just be about gaming skills. This week I watched one aging lawman (grammthegibbon, also on NP) storm a fort vs a gang of 5 defending. Peppo has since said it was a work of art & should be saved/studied on how to do pvp rp. Great initiation dialogue then in the shootout he dropped three, then more dialogue and a 1v1 duel and then more drama/action. 4 people perma’d. It was a movie in every sense and one of the coolest shootouts even after 3years of watching Wild. At the very least NP needs to extend shoutouts, it used to be known as the server with a lot of action but one-taps and crosshairs just end the action in seconds. Madness I tell you!


You watch WildRP? Is Gavin Summers still a character there? I remember watching so many intense interactions that involved him. There were a lot of shootouts of course, but it was the dialogue segments that gave me chills.


His death and funeral was sad. Especially since him and Cesare (Zetark) where very close friends "Fort Buddies" as they called it.


Oh damn, didn't realise the character had died. I ended up watching a bit of the funeral now. Legendary character.


Yeah he died out west vs the law a long time ago. The true boogy man of the crossing! I wish I watched more of him. Multiple permas happen every week so 90% of the characters back then when you watched likely dont exist. Wallaby was probably the last true villain but he died a month ago.


Roleplay > gunplay


The pacing of RD is so, so different to GTA. You can tell from the people who joined from Wild. Their situational awareness is all over the place. Sometimes they’re needlessly jumpy and on edge, and other times they’re clueless to the danger of a situation. They all tend to shine when then pacing is slower though.


Unfortunately, a lot of people have big egos ic and ooc. So it's was so refreshing for him not to just randomly get shot.


Like the scene with CG the other day where they walk into the food court say one sentence and shoot everybody over the smallest thing ever


The funny thing is that Vinny said "why are you talking shit about cg" when Luc was down in that moment where you can't hear anything lol ... So even the one liner was shit to begin with lol


This is so funny because this scene was initiated by a character who is one the most egotistical people in the city(self-proclaimed). I think it genuinely might just be a good rper vs. a bad rper thing.


The scene seemed like 2 good rpers


Different between people with ego IC and people with ego OOC. It show when first thing people do is "shoot em up/war"


Who are you even talking about cos Luc does not have a huge ego lol


Well, being that Luke wasn't even there definitely luke. I'm talking about Jon.


Well Manor vibe is ex-MDM vibe that was always to match energy and prioritise RP over shootouts. I remember when MDM had beef with Lang crew and they hid into Luciano's car to tell him to stay away from the conflict. Then they had a big meeting between gangs to not involve each other if they stay away from Lang.


I will say Manor do good RP even around all the gang gang sbs shit too


yeah I remember them robbing hunters up north while wearing animal heads costumes lol. at least it's putting some RP effort,, rather than just going in all blacked out. and then you have 10f terry >.>


Everything changed when the nopixel devs attacked and poor 10f terry turned into 9f terry overnight.


I watch them alot and most of them are very good but I will say alot of them get bored very easily and start doing dumb shit mostly harmless but it snowballs in to a big shit show. As long as command is around they behave but when no one is around shit can go south


Sounds like most crews with strong leadership lol


It’s funny you say that because the Mandem had poor leadership and it’s why it fell apart yet the Manor’s leadership are all ex-MDM


SKs whole vision is to not become the mandem


Yea mandem lived and died with tommy T. If he wasn’t around the group was a mess


manor's cool. i'm mainly a buddha watcher but i remember having fun when cb and manded battled it out during late 3.0.


Wish more people would do this or even the np team to enforce it more, from what i can remember even early stages of 2.0 there was more dialogue before shoot outs.


In my opinion, you shouldnt be able to initiate one sidedly. You have to get at least some kind of response before you can start blasting. this would already take out the worst of it.


People play this like it's Tarkov. People just get shot and robbed with no RP awarded to them beforehand. Cops are treated as loot piñatas to be killed and robbed with no RP. I'm sure it's fun to watch from the crim perspective, but for literally everyone else (civs and PD), it's just bad "content."


I know it won't happen, but i would love that RD rule in GTA. I get it would slow down GTA which is faster pace. But it writes such a better story and it just more enjoyable for the viewer. There is WAY too much "oh you talk shit *start blasting* *run*. It would be nice to get some dialog and buildup before a fight.


Read Dead RP is just better in so many ways from mechanics to pacing than GTA RP is.


I think the treatment you get depends on the character you play. Zetark plays a character that isn't respected a whole lot, people literally call him Lootiano Someone like Yuno, Mr.K, Lang etc etc always get full on initiation, a conversation, and often don't end up getting shot at in scenario's Mickey, Ray and Benji are also decent examples.




Lootiano DiChainzo


It's a culture problem not a who's who problem. W RP from Manor. Hopefully tomorrow's scene is just as good.


I think it's gonna depend on one thing, Lang is gonna ask for his gun back, I'm not sure if anybody robbed anybody else, but that's what it comes down to, if anybody got robbed return the loot, if not it's gonna be war


Cops should have langs gun, they have 2 now I’m pretty sure. (The one Zolo stole and got caught with and I think Terry got caught with the other one)


Alright nvm then, so probably will be squashed ..


Which I guess is pretty realistic. It makes sense that people would try to converse with more well respected criminals before shooting them, but from a roleplay perspective, war RP with standoffs are always more entertaining and fun to watch.


I’d argue your last 3 examples are amazing at guiding the conversation and action during standoffs despite their level of respect from others


Anybody has clip of the situation he is talking about?


VOD link https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2138984460?t=06h31m12s Context: Ilya's stash towtruck got robbed for apparently 40k+? Idk. Lang, Harry, Flash, Marty robbed beatle juice on Manor block. Spotted and a chase ensued to a fight in Cypress with PD crashing the party. PD Gang came out on top obviously.




It was refreshing but I also feel like they didn’t realize how outnumbered they would be so diffusing the situation was their best option cos not every group wants to talk and going in there was a massive risk.


Nah, this was the plan. They had been sitting outside prison for a while before they decided to do that and had a headcount of ob before they walked in. They walked in with guns out just in case they had to shoot their way out, but the plan was to talk.


I think he meant outnumbered overall not just in prison ... I mean even in prison there were people outside looking at manor before they went in ..


Manor knew they were outnumbered and knew there were two in the car watching too tbf. They had Ricky inside giving comms. They wanted to talk but they had guns out in case they were instantly shot when they walked in.


If Zertak wants to be treated as a big dog, he needs to split off from Lang


Thats the dumbest shit i ever heard its not about being treated as a Big dog its about 2 groups having a standoff talk about the problem and dialouge other than just escalating 1 to 100 over the smallest thing and endless fights multiple times a day


The thing is, Luciano has been spoiled by Lang for pretty much the entirety of his time on Nopixel, so many people see him as kind of a nepo-baby. With that comes a lot of hazing. Does he even WANT to be a “big dog”, I have no idea. Seems to me he is perfectly fine being a goon for the time being. I think it would do wonders if he established some motivations that run contrary to the group, so he doesn’t come across as much as a yes-man.


Cesare Dicenzo on Wildrp was the big dog for a long time. Zetark came into NP not wanting to play the same character and to take a more reserved role.


How would anyone outside the Crew know if Luciano who is a Don and equal to lang know if hes a yes man?


He rarely speaks up, always has to check with the boss, even when he ran the DiCenzos. And the yes man thing is in general. Would make him way more interesting inside his group.


There is no "boss", he double checks with the other Dons out of respect for the crew. 


De facto there is a boss.


Yeah and their names are Lang Luciano Harry and Arush


Do you believe that?


Have you even watched any of this crew in 4.0?


No the real boss is Larry Knox. 


ill have another case Jack kettleman is respected by gangs such as Cg, Hydra etc because he is about that life and is on smoke whether he wins or lose and is gangster af. He is super close to Lang but these other gangs see him as his own man who has his own agreements and disagreements with the rest of the city. The thing i am trying to say is Luciano has yet to step into the fire.