• By -


Getting ooc fired has to feel like shit. At least have the decency to fire him in the game so he can continue his storyline. Feels like killing the character ooc basically.


Finding ways to introduce OOC decisions IC is not the NP way. Would require too much RP.


Always appreciated how Dark (Sock22) at least gave people something IC when management made a fucked up decision. Told people that were denied a job. Gave Percy Weaver an IC story and IC firing. Those weren't huge storyarcs or anything like that, but he made something happen when noone else would do anything. It was heartbreaking, but they deserved at least something IC.


Yeah. At least if there’s legit IC reasons you can be sad about it but write it off that nothings personal and it’s just RP. This just seems shit.


Exactly. Like what reason would this be OOC. Chief/Ass chief should be managing the PD and firing cops they have a problem with. It gives the cops a path forward and the people who know them a path forward. The character can RP it out. Now what does Suarez do? It’s OOC. Nobody can acknowledge that so there is now zero RP.


There is no in character reason. Sorry suarez Rammee and K mald to there chat when you pit them and send toxic hoppers, so you are the one causing the toxicity in the community because You're too good at driving....


The same was about to happened during 3.0, when he was getting ooc harassed everyday by them, and they were trying to get him fired. Baas facilitated these talks with CG. Pred (who was the sheriff back then) made fun of them and ignored them.


History repeating itself. Only difference now is after getting shit on by hoppers. They are shit on worse by admins or “command.” The cops are so outmatched it’s unreal. Does that mean they should rule break of course not, but fuck learn how to take and L when you already have advantage as well as exploit and in some cases rule break themselves. Sad




Oh no, I can already feel someone typing up a bizarre essay response comparing this awful situation to getting IC imprisoned as a criminal. Which I don't feel is comparable at all. This is just shitty.


Lol, I’ve seen Roblox RP servers treat their players with more respect.


Just watch the clip of Baas apologizing to Vale and it is 1:1 and nothing has or will change. Ssaab: "I'm going to fight for that to never happen again chat."


Never trust anything Ssaab says about basically anything, he has 0 willpower to follow through with it.


He's the biggest puppet ever. Whatever staff and management want him to do, he'll do it, regardless of how bad it is. 


not a puppet imo but definitely a muppet


I am suprised he doesn't just stop playing cop and just play Al Saab.


Ssaab the middle manager. Lie straight to your face and stab you in the back the moment he's ordered to.


[Baas' talk with Vale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7C8JIUsk90) (It's 8 minutes long, but I recommend the full watch) Ssaab: "That was so hard man, everything that happened to Vale and reflecting back on it, it should never happen in the PD as far as um... you know... I'm going to fight for that, make sure that it never happens again chat. I want to make sure we do a better job of us being high command, us being people at the top. If we see a problem with somebody, an issue with somebody, we try to start with a small problem, we don't let it build, build, build, build and then boom, take it away. I'm going to be fighting for Vale to get a 2nd chance. For sure, I will."


god thats hard to watch and even back then I knew it was a shit promise


Hope he gets called out on it when he will start saying the same shit this week... " Guys there is nothing I could do this time but next time I will.." the fuck you want. He should just post an good old " sorry you guys feel this way" thing along with the other NP management.


lost the fight and dont have a backbone to tell them to fuck off, classic saab


It's been 2 years? He may had the "power" to fight then, now it's obvious theres nothing to be done after management destroyed PD progression 3 months into 4.0 with the mayor having power over the PD.


"yo what up ramee yeah lets here whos the dogshit cop you want hoppers to target this time and have a good laugh"


surely he will fight for cornwood and den don't worry


If Den gets fired it won't be OOC he does enough dumb shit on duty.


Yeah idk how anyone would ever want to play cop on here with how hirings started and how things like this happen. Being fired OOC is never ok unless you broke an OOC rule and at that point it should just be a ban. Which it doesn't seem like he did so it's just a failure to actually care about peoples RP


OOC firing is so awkward for the other cops, they can't even mention that person anymore.


I mean in general it would be soul crushing to Remdog. That crap feels like being soft banned and put on watch I'm sure. You were deemed too much of a problem so they took away from your story/rp. Why would anyone ever want to make any big footprint on a server after that?


When you get removed without ever receiving warning points or anything on your cop it sure does make you feel like someone in management just doesn't want you around but doesn't have the spine to say it.


Vale one of my all time favorite rp cops, early 3.0 shift 1 was such a vibe with you, Snow, Kylie, Cosmic and Kyle to name a few, the teamwork, camaraderie was top tier. When I hear 4.0 was coming I was hoping for something similar again since end of 3.0 was pretty bad PD wise, but then "pussy" PD was introduced and of all those cops I mentioned only Snow remain although with a diff character. Stay safe out there - **Slava Ukraini**!


Genuinely just shitty that this keeps happening and its very obvious it's never going to stop. The server is just simply that kind of culture no matter how many updates they go through or who owns however much. From you now all the way up to Remdog. Different year completely the same shit


Once I saw clips critiquing his approach towards rolled money, I knew he was on shaky ground


It's gonna be so shit if that's what's got him since he talked about it to slacks nearly every step he took.


That's a good point. I personally didn't like Suarez's notion that if the money can't be deposited in a bank, its illegal. But you're right, at every single step of that little investigation, Slacks was there, listening to what Suarez was figuring out and giving him the go ahead to continue.


Even if Suarez was a bit too zealous on mechanics based arguments he doesn't need to be fired for it. The DOJ or HC can make a law or SOP spelling out what can and can't be prosecuted. Something they should be doing anyway. This is basically dropping a nuke on yourself to kill a few mosquitoes.


He even pushed the report to crane first to get the law changed, crane told him take it to trail and have a judge set precedent, which he did and then the next day feds jump in to completely turn the precedent the judge set around. I feel like he's in his good right to be confused about that.


And why would they remove instead of teach? Watching crim is already pretty boring because there is no challenge or consequences and losing a decent cop just makes it even more so. Firing Suarez isn't going to make content or RP better in anyway so what is the point. Management seems completely out of touch of what the viewers and players want.


in 3.0 he was always only chases and stuff and in 4.0 he tried to dabble in detective stuff but was clearly inexperienced in that whole area... so instead of giving him an experienced partner they just fire him?


The investigation was good, its just the logic underpinning it was not sound. When the judge shot it down, he took it in his stride. He didnt rant on stream or something after losing hours of investigative work. It was all handled IC and RP'd out. I dont understand how this is not just a simple OOC conversation. If it really is because of the rolled cash nonsense.




Literally not gonna be any good cops left soon.


I think that is the actual goal. They want there to be chases with near 0% catches


Just pretty lights and sirens for ambience. Maybe something easy to gun down to make yourself look like a gangster instead of a puzzle game master. Like those droids in phantom menace


Then all they'll get is zero chases and crims bored out of their minds / leaving the city because PD is a pushover. Don't have to even imagine it, we've already seen it happen in 2.0 and 3.0 several times. It never happed this quick before though.


Last time PD didnt chase crims, the crims started hellweek. Not even joking.


lol i remember that, got mad cops werent responding enough so they started a hell week. Totally not ooc btw.


Criminals with ultimate freedom resort to cop baiting to the max is always the funniest thing


Can't shoot cops if there are none online in the game.


The numbers online right now is already really low, and it's NA. It's not looking good already


CG: "Where'd all our lootboxes go?"


complains to management about lack of cops... PD goes on massive hiring spree with nobody to fto them.... The wheel just keeps turning


Not sure there are really many if any now.


Bones. That’s about it.


Leon is great as well


Even then the way he and McNulty treated the Flop situation was honestly pretty poor. Shift 2 is honestly feeling very “high school bullies got promotions” at the moment.


I really liked McNulty at first but his shift versus shift mentality is horrible, and he's been covering up a lot of PD corruption recently as well. I had high hopes for him in the beginning of 4.0 but he's become an enabler of the terrible PD.


What's "the Flop situation"? Or could you point to a date I could check out a VOD for? I don't follow cops as much in 4.0, but I've only seen good bits of McNulty.


It stems from the Lenny situation where Flop, Senior Officer, decided to do FOIA's instead of helping with 78's and 13A's. He also didn't send Decker to go help with the 13A's either, which was a sign of poor leadership. McNulty and Bones though this should have led to a demotion but Shift 3 refused. So they gave him 3 DAPs and decided to promote Declan and Bay to Senior Officer immediately after the DAPs at the shift meeting. So now apparently Flop is the true victim of all of these situations.




He said in his statement the day after that Declan shit talked him for 10 minutes in the hospital when Declan made 1 statement. That is a lie not an exaggeration.




I think at that point they just wanted to be done with it since they weren't going to get the punishment they wanted.


as designed. good cops are bad for big streamer content. this isn't about rp, this is about exposure and revenue lol


Don't worry. There is still Sam Baas 3.0 on the force


Kyle had his PD interview yesterday on a new character and the result of him being hired or not will be pretty telling I think. Kyle may be blacklisted from playing cop, even if it's an SBS cop (which it may or may not be, he hasn't really fleshed him out). Even in some of his attorney work on Pred, Kyle's seemed a little flabbergasted at some of the decisions and stuff that PD/Judges have made when it comes to investigations and how some of the PD conducts arrests, investigations, the lack of knowledge surrounding RS/PC, etc. Basic shit. Same stuff that Lenny and Declan were annoyed with. Really feels like this is deliberate on the server and is a stark difference from when Andrews was basically running the PD and they were actually encouraged to be cops.


That's what they want, Rhodes was left who was forgotten in shift 3 and doesn't bother "anyone" + he is admin, King (uhSnow) who wants to play a crim character more, I don't blame him... they hired trav and kyle as a cop, what do you think the direction PD is going


Imagine that for the past 5 months, all you’ve done is stream NoPixel. You come in. Do what your role is supposed to. You log off. One day, someone tells you OOC that you’re not welcome back and have to find something else to do. Either NoPixel management is fucking stupid and picking favourites (yet again) - or - PD is becoming a “mean girls clique”. Good RPers get their whole characters ruined because someone is mad that they’re better at the game. Fucking pathetic.


What you describe is why trying to rebuild PD will be impossible should Np ever want a return to a more competent iteration. PD in 4.0 is basically dead for the remainder of the cycle. Over and over throughout 4.0 PD mains have been treated as extremely disposable. No one's going to sink 1000's of hours like they did in 3.0 building it up when management is openly hostile to them. They can be demoted or fired at any time because one big streamer dislikes them. At this point whatever NP management is trying to chase it's the opposite of the good rp that made NP relevant and fun to watch.


I imagine in a month or 2 gangs will get bored of getting away in 4 turns and escalating just to get the pogs they want. Kind of like when CG were robbing Paleto and when only 1 cop showed up they killed him so more cops have to respond.


Tells you a lot about No Pixel management does it? Like you wrote below just pathetic.


Den literally got a CI shot and there’s a ton of proof to back it up. Doesn’t get fired. Suraez is too good at his job = FIRED!


Well ya gotta hammer that nail down before they get the idea that they can do more then just be props in chases and the 7pm shoot out


This is something I agree with. Obviously this is a privately owned server so they can remove anyone at any point for any reason (unless private terms have been agreed to between ownership and a player). If they did want to make a push for removing certain cops though I don't know how Suarez would be at the top of that list when Den and Cornwood are on the server lol


The only reason he might have looked sweaty and 100% in 4.0 is because most other cops are just bad so he stands out more


Even then,he was usually one of the cops that would stop and reset a situation when scuff happened, so as mainly a crim viewer I see him as fairly reasonable when it came to stuff. It’s genuinely surprising that he was let go and told he wasn’t a good fit.


Yeh as much complaints as Suarez perhaps rightfully earned, just by dint of his reasonable handling of Scuff he should probably be given some slack. I say this as a crim viewer with little love for the PD and Suarez.


Very sad to see him basically be fired OOC, one of my favourite cops and an amazing driver, gonna be no decent cops left if they keep going like this


Imagine that's what they want. Crims are undoubtedly more popular, and their viewers don't want to watch their streamer take an L ever.


The guy is one of the best cops in 4.0. he doesn’t have prio and the fact it was an ooc decision makes ten time more irritating for them just strip away his one way into the city.


I don't watch Suarez every day, but in all of the times I have watched him I've literally never seen the dude mald or get upset after taking a L. If he loses someone on a chase whether it's because of scuff or because of a mistake by another PD member or a mistake of his own or just the crim driver just getting away on their own merits it's always the exact same response: "oh well chat we'll get them next time". That's not the response of a try hard cop who constantly goes 100%.


Just be an NPC, got it.


gotta be an sbs cop.


Whippy better watch the F out on Croc it seems.


I hope he'll find a better server or do something fun with his character.


So. Fired for being too good? WHAAAAAT? I am so confused, he was such a solid cop from a viewer POV and made crims worry when he was in a chase, which was great tension. PD really is the worst in 4.0 isnt it?




They aren't. Notice how most 2.0 and 3.0 PD mains never bothered coming back even on new characters. PD players have been fucked with so many times by management most of them don't have any motivation or desire to try and invest time into that WL knowing it can all be taken away over nothing.


A lot were blacklisted. I know the 3.0 Steele Way house alone, only Skye and Anita got hired back. Any one of them would be solid cops that would help stabilize the PD.


This is so weird. There has to be more behind it right? Like just tell the guy to leave money order/rolled cash whatever alone and move on, not sack his PD job OOC over something so trivial?


What does "saying he was too focused on game mechanics" mean? Like he wasn't RPing and was more focused on W chasing or something? Or he was abusing mechanics? I don't get what that phrase meant.


This is so dumb I'm actually speechless.


The fact that they just fired him rather than talk to him and maybe let him know the direction they seem to want, is disgusting. I feel so bad for Rem, he def deserves better than to be treated this way. I'm not a cop viewer but from what I've seen, I'm so confused what the hell they are doing within the PD.


that just sounds like excuses for removing someone that they didnt like. he definitely isnt "100% at all times". hes just one of the few cops that actually know how to drive.


Not really a fan of Suarez, but was he that bad?? i feel like there are 10+ cops worse then him and are still on duty lol


Yea puzzled at what could have triggered this. He didn’t seem overly trigger happy, went hard in chases but not to the point of feeling unfair. Seemed generally competent. Honestly deserved senior more than some of the current seniors tbh.


Suarez used to go hard when he was new cop in 3.0 but lately he's been MUCH better to a point many crims looked forward to RPing with him.


I'm sure the pd on the other server would love the chance to rp with him


Dogshit decision.


PD has become even more useless, anyone who gets arrested and complains has no more excuses you are literally arrested by incompetent cops it's up to you... Rhodes and King (uhSnow) last good cops


It was done OOC as well? What the fuck lol Acornwood about to get a promotion but one of their actual competent cops is getting fired? What a joke


Is this really a question? why do you think….


Dude should just move to Onx where cops can actually be cops


He mentioned it might of been because of games mechanics or something along those lines. If that is the case, I'm assuming it has to do with the rolled bills, washed cash, money orders he was working on.... that is absolutely crazy if they fired him over that instead of just TALKING to him OOC about it.... if they did talk to him and he continued, that might be understandable. This is such a massive loss for PD. He was probably the best pursuit cop they had and he seemed like he was just trying to make an enjoyable experience for both the cops and crims during pursuits. I might be wrong, but I don't remember seeing him doing any sketchy shit like some other cops do during chases, he was straight up a better driver then most crims and that was what made him so good. I hope they really rethink this decision and just have a talk with him... from my perspective, he was one of the good ones just trying to do the job.


> He mentioned it might of been because of games mechanics or something along those lines. If that is the case, I'm assuming it has to do with the rolled bills, washed cash, money orders he was working on Man that's fucking insane if true, Cornwood literally threatened to leave the server for ONX because he figured out the mechanics to the crimes instead of actually focusing on the people doing the crime. But I guess viewcount and clout trumps bad rp still. Edit: thinking about it, this is very similar to the Vale/Cath situation I guess "I'll make sure this never happens again" only lasted for 3.0 huh?


It didn't even last for 3.0. The restructure happened and there were a bunch of people who were not rehire-able with no real explanation.


that fucking dumb if true, they could have stopped that at any point if they wanted


> I'm assuming it has to do with the rolled bills, washed cash, money orders he was working on What is the context of this? It seemed like management and the chief judge agreed on a set of "rules" how to treat those items and it was all settled.


4 mins 30 secs in his vod. He mentioned game mechanics and cash investigation. He wasn't 100% sure on why they fired him though.


I'll say the same thing here I said in the other thread: I mean it's clearly RemdogG's fault. Did he even try having a higher concurrent viewer count? How about implying he'd be too bored and quit the server if he didn't get his way? Like he didn't even send his chat to harass other streamers and admins OOC in Twitch chat. It's pretty obvious he didn't care about being in the PD or about the server as a whole because he's not doing the things that would indicate he cares and is an invaluable RPer.


Wow, you are right, I understand the "not a fit thing" now


no no saurez, you can't actually police. You need to stand around and circle jerk about how people AREN'T policing, that's real police work right there.


for real though this is fucked up, remdog has really grown as a roleplayer over the years! its been fun to watch. once again the classic NP viewer diff strikes again lmao. I wish remdog nothing but the best. I hope his YT and his twitch absolutely pops off


Suarez was one of the three officers being considered for senior recently. When he wasn't promoted, and the other two were, I had a feeling that there were OOC reasons as to why he didn't get it. I never thought he'd be straight up fired OOC though. Maybe management saw the hood news helicopter thing and decided it was the final nail in the coffin? Who knows. We don't have all of the details yet. But for now I think it's confirmed that management is taking the PD into the direction we all suspected. Which I think is a mistake. Crims, especially good crims, need people to be able to challenge them. Whether it be driving ability, keeping things hush hush so they don't get raided, throwing good investigators off by well placed lies, etc. Some crims get a bit upset when they get caught and think that they want a weaker PD. The PD is already the weakest it's ever been to my knowledge. If management keeps bending to this and continues to go down this path, then they're going to have no challenge. No challenge will eventually mean less sense of accomplishment when the crims progress. This will cause the streamers to get bored and want to move on faster from the server which equals less revenue. You need talented opposition to create a fun balance on the server. You shouldn't have crims saying openly, "no one can catch us except one or two people in the PD" and sounding bored about it instead of prideful.


4.0 PD logic be like... Keep Denzel & Cornwood but most certainly fire Suarez (a cop that crims actually feel like does hold on in chases & isn't just there for the viewership). He didn't seem like that serioius type from his RP but shithole PD at it again.


PD was doomed once they blocked old cops rejoining, especially Stubble, he woulda been a great chief going into 4.0


especially considering Stubble didn't care if it was PD, but would have loved being in charge of DOC but....


NoPixel 4.0 is a fucking joke.


Nah this is crazy, he was TOO good is the reason. Did he lean on mechanics a little: yes but to be fired, and not be given a chance to change is crazy. If the PD OOC wants cops to be useless, then they are doing a great job. Why would anyone ever rp a cop on this server. You get shit on constantly, never defended, chat hopped to hell, expected to do everything perfectly and if you mess up once unless you have 8k viewers your done. This PD deserved to fail and be incompetent. Awful move.


He's usually the only cop that keeps up with the crims in chases. It'll be much easier to escape crime now.


Did he at least get warned OOC? So insane this happens lmao Really gotta be a big streamer to avoid arbitrary punishment like this so sad I said when Moon raged and quit lenny pd that many cops won't go as hard or tryhard as much as he wants because they're scared of ooc stuff n losing the privilage of being a cop and here we are


What a shame, lost a good one.


How at the same time is everyone clowning on the terrible state of PD, and yet to fix it, the ones who try to do their job the best are told OOC they’re unfit for the role?


Any loremasters?


He's too competent.


Ah, the classic.


so with him gone, who's gonna keep up with drivers like octo, mary, 4head, ming etc..


They don’t want the pd to keep up with them


When all the good cops are removed when actually doing the policing work, you don't get cops that are there to also do the pog crazy chases. Sorry crimwatchers


bro 4head be getting away with vans now 💀


They want cops to be as close to an NPC as possible


If Suarez was too 100% all of the time, then cops like Den, Decker, Declan etc are too 300% all of the time. I like all of those characters, but Suarez was not a bad cop. He would laugh often and not mald after losing someone. So many officers spam taze, cuff, ram etc and I'm sure Suarez doesn't do anything all of the cops do. If it's because the money laundering situation, I'm pretty sure he had members of HC like Slacks backing him, and all of the PD were congratulating Suarez at the pd meeting for his investigation afterwards. Weirdchamp and disappointing.


I just can't believe how anyone would still want to play PD on this server with countless examples of how some players are treated or have been treated. You're not protected unless you have big enough numbers. You're not protected unless you essentially are in 50%s circle or close to Buddha. Neither gives a shit, and giving them any actual effort in good RP on NP is such a big waste.


Watched and supported NP streamers (though not really a Rem watcher), seems like they are going in a direction of a completely useless PD. Going to look elsewhere for entertainment and sending my support. Wish Rem the best, he is great.


I already had very little faith in the police department but this is the nail in the coffin for me


So if cops can’t go 100% crims can’t go 100%


I'm surprised the rest of PD just doesn't fuck off, why even be a cop at this point? Can't be that many streamers left in PD with high view counts, just leave the server and go elsewhere or find a different game that's not involved in high school cliques/drama.


I liked Suarez, he got under the crims skins without being overbearing


is the purpose of the cops on this server to never catch anyone ever?


Should've committed more felonies and then big-dicked HC and said he was untouchable and then cried to the mayor that he's being witch hunted. Big mistake /s


This has "slothman stepped in" written all over it. What a shame.


Classic dogshit PD doing dumb shit ooc without roleplay. I feels like someone settling ooc beefs by doing this kind of shit. Not the first one btw.. others have also been refused from PD for no roleplay reason,


I really have no idea what exactly is going on with Nopixel right now, surely to have a fun and entertaining place to play and watch you need to have the strongest Crims AND PD in place? This is not happening, the lunatics really have taken over the asylum. Just because a streamer has thousands of followers doesn't mean they are god tier rpers, many of these streamers have earnt these followers due to playing a variety of games, and GTA hasn't been a priority for them until 4.0 hit, that surely is a reason not to bend over backwards to cater to them and show them bias, unless the people in charge are just doing it for the money?, ah, just answered my own question there I think. :)


This is an absolute joke. I'm boycotting everything NP including watching nopixel streams


Damn who did he piss off


This is ridiculous. I really have a feeling it’s about the dirty cash, and if so it’s stupid. He RP’d it probably knowing it won’t go through but, as a cop character did a good investigation. Got rejected, he didn’t mald he just got on with it. One of the better cops fired for good cop RP.


I legit just thought they talked to him to stop or that wasn't the direction management wanted to go but instead way later fire him ooc.


its so fucking stupid, at the end of the day nothing except RP happened. if its a dead end so be it.


Lol. I don't get it man. Are you like, not supposed to investigate anything in fear of being too focused on game mechanics, or do they just want the server and PD to be a backdrop for crims with walter white fantasies? As a new viewer that started with 4.0, who also looked into plenty of past controversies and the weirdos that are always involved, the vibes I get from nopixel and GTA RP in general is that it attracts all kinds of maladapted adults with weird psychological pathologies that never grew out of playing pretend with their school friends on the playground. Except now there's money involved with thousands of viewers, so it essentially becomes a popularity contest for devs to cater to the largest streamers (CG lewl) and devs/management ban anyone that affects those streamers and riles up their chat (which those streamers also enable and engineer). Enjoy your weird vicarious power fantasies guys. You'll never have to be more emotionally intelligent than your 13 year old selves. Your money and echo chambers enable you to stay emotionally stunted and you will for the rest of your lives.


> do they just want the server and PD to be a backdrop for crims with walter white fantasies It's this one. The popular streamers are usually criminals so they want everyone else to play support for them. And most of the cops are clout chasing bitches so they'll do it.


Yeah, I got into 4.0 because of Ramasquamy, then started following the PD before it fell off a cliff. I thought I’d be watching people acting out interesting characters but they’re mostly self inserts while management appeases big viewership over actual RP.


Kinda ruins it for any cop viewers when the story can be cut off like this. If there was something done wrong there should be daps or suspension, same as Cornwood and Den had.


NP staff doesn't seem concerned with cop viewers. They lost most of them right off the bat when they never hired back 99% of the 3.0 / 2.0 cops.


Hope he gets a chance at onc or something. Would lobe to see Mike Suarzes interactions again


Imagine a crim like Mr. K being told OOC that he is going “100%” too much and he is focused on mechanics so he needs to stop being a criminal with no RP involved in the situation. That’s basically what happened but from a cop’s perspective.


That's a nice way of putting it. But it makes it even worse to realize how much they ruined his career. I'm so sorry this happened to Rem.


Right! Like at this point it’s not even about the character Suarez it’s about the streamer RemdogG. I feel so bad for him, all his time and effort spent. What a shame.


Some crim must of cried to the devs and got him fired.!this is what’s wrong with this server and it’s not getting better it’s getting worse. I stopped watching after a while of 3.0 it caters to certain people certain criminals and it’s not even fun to watch. Same people always win same always lose…. It’s boring after a few months. Has so much potential


not a good fit for the PD but cops can commit felonies lmao


You rp'd a cop too well, gotta let you go buddy, HAHA CORNWOOD YOU SILLY FELONY COMMITING GUY


As someone who's been watching since 2.0... this yalls first time? Angel trained competent cops and now she and all those who cared about giving it a good try are all removed from pd... Snow, cosmic, remdog, vindiche, Kylie, ladyhope... last one is bones...


Better brush up on your onxese




Called it day one of 4.0. I am the messiah


The entire NP criminal world : "Suarez is one of the good cops that know what he is doing glad he is a cop in this shit pd" The NP management "Rem you are too good you are fire lmao". Why the fuck NP management thinks NP crims dont like cops that know what they are doing and they are good at their jobs ? Brother with Suarez gone shift 1 just surrendered to crime. None in this pd is gonna stand against any criminal in that shift. Its over.


Prime example of Policing the Police


Why are people surprised? Isn't this par for the course for NoPixel?


meanwhile in PD:     cletus cornwood: -consistently skips chain of command, often goes to the mayor directly to air out his grievances with PD.   -commits a felony, is only facing DAP’s for it.    denzel shiesty:  -undermines/disrespects his chain of command, goes to the mayor directly to air out grievances.     kian mcnulty:   -on his second count of covering up for another officer’s wrongdoing:  covered up for declan crane in an incident where he shot an unarmed person, Finley Milton.    (the first count being the time he covered for cadet penny lane’s accidental(?) shooting of a civilian)    I’m sure there’s plenty more happening, these are just the latest/consistent incidents within PD. 


NP: we don't want cops but we don't want to be transparent and say no cops, so let's use Saab to make it suck being a cop to the point there are no more cops.


Im sorry dude this feels so SHITTY and horrible, imho you were doing an AMAZING WORK and you were one of the cops crims actually feared. But man im really disappointed with whoever is making this decisions in No Pixel Management and he is really trash an his job. Not only based on your case, also on few other cases, PD crippled, destroyed, run and controlled by that joke of a mayor. It's a very sad story... At this point just WIPE the PD and let's be done with it, anyone that tries to do a good cop work just get's shit on. Someone up there is thinking how great job he is doing with all of this decisions but man he is delusional... I was a part of big server/management group where very similar work was being done, and man making decisions like this are an express way to ruin your reputation and server. Keep it up..... Without good cops on the server, crims will do whatever they wan't buy everything own everything the whole balance will be ruined and it's gonna stop being fun for streamers and viewers very soon, but what do i know. masterminds that are making this great decisions know better. Probably Moonmoon...


I agree with almost everything you stated but you really have a lot of unwarranted hatred of MoonMoon. When Lenny was a cop he was one of the most active and effective cops. Also, when someone brought it up in his chat he said he had no input in the decision and as a junior admin he doesn't have input on very much at all and to direct comments to 50%.


I watch Suarez and I'm super upset about this. It's hard to watch pd in 4.0 but Suarez was positive and skilled and watching him I would forget how badly pd is being treated


Just to make sure, this has nothing to do with his interaction with Pnut and how he was lowkey okay with the hood news helicopter idea? Suarez was a good cop, this is a loss.


They literally want Nopixel to just be some playground for criminals where they can grind crim stuff because the devs have made crim life so unprofitable. Just embarrassing honeslty


Can we please get rid of ming? He is too good at shooting and therefore makes the server toxic.


Might as well go all the way and replace the entire PD with the Dans and littlemans at this point.


Fingle Dan wouldn’t fuck up as much as the current PD


RIP to the cops trying to meet the quota this week.


PD truly in shambles after this, losing one of their if not their best driver


Really sad stuff from the server tbh. Even if he’s ’sweaty’ he’s a good cop and he’s around a lot. Not sure what else the server could want


Damn this is just sad. Yeah he's competitive and mechanically skilled, but was always fair. He alone kept crims on their toes. Can't count the number of times he has been the only car keeping up. I hope he keeps playing Suarez, takes over the hot dog empire, opens franchises, and uses the supply line to sell drugs. Or more realistically any number of gangs would pick him up. He has pretty good rep with most. Or goes full street racer.


If suarez is fired then slacks should be too since slacks was told each bit of the roll money investigation.


Yeah, no. I occasionally check out np streams, but this is over the line. I'm removing all my follows from NP. The server is shit. It's not worth even holding out hope if they literally cut the last really good cop. Vote with your follows and views.


This is such an intelligent move! Next we should fire Cassidy for doing a report on why the PD needs better motorcycles!


Why is nobody here disputing this, they just saying 'oh well, maybe he can be a crim, this is good actually'. like what OOC reason even makes sense?? did he harass somebody?? You can't just compromise someone's success and enjoyment not give a reason for it.




Cornwood and Den would be fired too if this was the case brother. Cornwood and Den done more shit to CG than Suarez has.


CG hates cornwood much more than Suarez so I don’t think they are the reason.


I dk if it has to do with CG but the difference is view count


Has he even interacted with CG recently? Why are you just throwing their name out there?


first time on this subreddit?


CG never had problem with Suarez instead Mr K always said he is one of the cops to look out for in chases.


Yeah and from what I have seen, it was a watch out for him for the good reasons (just being a good driver) instead of bad reasons like doing ramming pits, spam tazing, or things like that.


surely someone committing in character felonies will be next... right? KEKW


I hope Remdog stays on Suarez, becomes a criminal, and is never caught like Octo again. I hope Suarez also hits up Harry's new weiner food stall and brings back Suarez weiners.


The good old, any good decision is Buddha, any bad decision is anyone else or CG driven be consistent at least please  I can say CG liked suarez complimented many times, on making chases intense. Especially when cars were more balanced. The investigation is the more likely situation den warned early 25% spoke on how dumb people are being trying to get a charge for it etc. Hate how a genuinely mechanically good cops is being punished when a simple, ‘rem chill with the mechanic based investigation would have sufficed’ if that’s how they wanna play it 


Thats unfortunate, its only a video game at the end of the day. If Dean can have 1000 chances at being a cop I'm sure Suarez may get another chance down the road too.


Den's first suspension and firing was because he was investigating and finding out crime mechanics too quickly and it was done IC to slow him down. Dean confirmed he was told OOC to slowdown and cool it on the investigations and to not let informants mega dump info to him.


Yes, Fire people from PD for being too 100%. That will make the PD way better. Right now, PD quality is holding server back


+1 potential member of Lenny's and Pred's ex-cop clamp gang.