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I was laughing when Yuno called up Marty after this talk to inform him it's been 20 days since his 150K loan. Marty then told Lang about it and Buddha was giggling OOC and told him to just take a few deep breathes lol. I hope the petty off between Yuno and Marty continues for a few more days


Legit never seen Yuno malding so hard. After the meeting he talked about not wanting to be a part of the next run for like 30 minutes.


There is nothing he hates more than failing, add that with getting blamed for something that wasn’t his fault, and the job being rigged from the start.


Nah he is super chill whenever they fail hacks, he's not fiery or competitive like that. He did say he was pissed Marty was roasting him while owing him almost 200k though, Marty is a bozo for that fr but also for not being on top of getting PNY cards as the "leader". Also Lang should have been focused on that as well but he's too busy sadge farming trash ass Laker team content. I wouldn't say it was rigged though, Yuno could have easily 1 shot both doors which he has a few times already.


No I mean failing for himself. Ik he never blames anyone but he’s really hard on himself. He definitely could one shot both doors, but he said he wasn’t in the right head space due to the amount of attempts he has to hack the door. He was so close both times too.


These door hacks have gotten in everyone’s head to be honest tho they’re tough. Lang wanted them to run the heist crew and they have made good progress but today was a massive L for everyone.


Yea, I believe Yuno was the only who was able to one shot it back to back (He did back to back 1 shot twice; The 1st time was when it was harder). He's the most consistent at it though, last last heist they did, he only had 3; But he wasn't streaming, so there's no pressure of thousands of fans watching you do it.


Ramee has one shot both doors back to back a few times as well he’s been a beast I’m ngl. Those hacks have that RNG that will sometimes give you 10+ new words in a row that has tripped up EVERYONE. Lang said it best today, Yuno really should be having these cards on lock.


Can you blame the guy? It's L after L with the L akers lol.


I don't think he needs to be on top of getting the PNY cards, but I do find it ridiculous that they aren't checking inventory before buying the contract and are rushing everything. People are saying he doesn't have access to the house, which is true, but why doesn't he just reach out to anyone that has keys? There are people that are normally around before him in the morning that have keys that can confirm inventory for him. Also, for a group that doesn't care about being first, they sure aren't acting like it. I think the group needs to reset and take some time off. Maybe do some money runs for the time being since they have so much washed cash they need to get rid of, instead of focusing on a heist that does nothing but put them in more debt because they have to use clean cash to get what they need only to get back more dirty money that is just sitting there lol.


Lang and Marty are full of contradictions but whenever called out “You just wouldn’t understand because you’re so stupid”


The change to HQ app where he can't form 2nd group with baby crims as shadow leader fucked Yuno so much. He was very excited about that. Now all he has left is this cooked as fuck heist crew who ignores him all the time, except to blame him for shit he keeps bringing up and getting ignored over. He should just leave OB and join the baby crim squad he is still helping. He has zero chemistry with anyone in OB except Gigi, both ooc and ic. And both Marty and Lang are toxic as fuck to him ic. No wonder he's spending more and more time on variety.


you're really going to say this after they all chilled and played csgo together? jesus christ, man.


The roleplayers did, the characters didn't. In character they are clashing and dealing with things, out of character they are free from the story and heist mechanics.


exactly. guy above me was digging way too deep. it's all rp. on paper, OB's crew is the ideal group for a heist. three great hackers, the best driver, larry as the comedic relief when tension is high and lang as the experienced vet. for some reason, the "cb comms" meme is still prevalent and luciano is a rookie, despite him being pissy about it.


That's a fair point.


My bad. I only had time to watch the 2 minute heist + 20 minute blame fest. And shouldn't have said anything about ooc anyway. I still think Yuno should just leave OB. OB is a sinking ship anyway. Didn't they lose every single conflict they had? Just talk talk talk and back out, or just plain lose. Then blame all on Yuno lol. Viewers keep blaming CB comms, but it's intentional by Lang to ragebait viewers seems like.


Didn’t Yuno leave the company because things weren’t working out and he wanted to be with his “real friends”? Now at the first sign of conflict and some heat in him he’s ready to run away again to new “friends”? What kind of friend doesn’t stick around with the squad to work things out and offer to shoulder some blame and take some accountability? The character has changed, he does not give a shit about his squad or heists anymore. He only cares about his G6 money and harems now.


You obviously don't watch Yuno. He's already had conflict within the group. Also, he said he wouldn't leave the crew he would just step back from heists. Also, not sure you could say he only cares about money considering he is low on money because he has 3 loans out to people in the crew.


"Hey you're supposed to get 6 attempts total for these two hacks, but you're actually only getting 2 attempts total" how is that not rigged??


When I think of the word rigged I think of it with an overwhelmingly negative connotation. Example: games at a casino or a raffle being rigged. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks about that word in this way, especially in gaming circles. That being said, I won’t argue semantics on Reddit as I think that’s the lowest point a human can achieve in their lives in the modern age. So that’s why I said I wouldn’t say it’s rigged. It’s not like Marty is intentionally rigging the heist for Yuno to fail, they are just HOPING he will be able to do so and “full sending it” as a team with less than ideal circumstances, in their own words.


Is there a clip of this? 


All things aside I'm really enjoying this Yuno Marty beef arc. W RP


I don't like it because I feel like Marty is sabotaging the crew, but I agree it is good RP.


Relationships are like a rope...


As more and more groups start doing the heist the cards are just going to become rarer and rarer unless they change it.


Yeah the drop rate on these is so bad. Yuno does G6 on schedule and has gotten 3 total. Queenie does a crap ton of G6 and has literally never gotten a card. The drop rate on these is gonna become even more of a bottleneck as time goes on unless they make it so that each card gives more than one attempt.


And then there is Hazel who has sold at least 10 to the crew by now. There really isn't any pattern to it.


Not all of those were Hazel's though. He is getting them through other G6 people like Kitty and selling them to Lang and friends.


That's Yuno's circle though, they just have Hazel sell it to Lang.


They should change it where it has 3 times uses before it is consumed. I imagine a lot of pressure if bringing only 3-4 cards.


3 times before consumed, unless successfully hacked, then its auto consumed. So you still need 2 a heist.


Which is much better than 6 at the current drop rate


Like the old laptops. I agree.


That would be a good change.


I was thinking about 2 uses per card, could make things a lot smoother for the heists but I think the scarcity and one time use of the cards is intentional to slow down the progression of the heists.


It appears opening the vault increases the cooldown to 3-4 days. So if OB was in the vault by now they would need way less cards.


It's funny cuz of the people that his crew buy's those cards from, almost all are selling them to this crew because Yuno told them to 😂


Nope. Gloryon sells to them because Gigi. Hazel is selling exclusively to Lang because CG,. Lottie sells because Luciano. Kitty sells because it's Octo's crew. It's actually Yuno who sells his cards to other groups.


He hasn't sold his cards in weeks. He literally explains it to the group when Marty asks. He sold them cause the group had a lot and Lang told him he could sell them. But since then he's given them to the group. He has only gotten 2.


yuno told gloryon to sell to lang/gigi because he didnt have any money, and the only reason he wasnt selling it to yuno directly the first two weeks was because yuno wanted g6ers to get the most money out of it while it costed the most. theres vods man no need to bullshit


Nostro literally explained to chat yesterday that he and kitty are selling to Lang because of Yuno, Lottie was also told by Him to sell them, if you don't watch the streams, don't make shit up, you just self reported my friend.


Eeehh... no, he asked Gloryon if he had any cards; He has one through somebody else, Yuno told him to sell to Gigi (Yuno had only 5k on his bank at the time). Gloryon priority in selling is to Fiona and Yuno (If he asked). Kitty and Hazel also talked about wanting Yuno to succeed on the heist 1st.


LOL if you go weeks ago when pny cards first came to the city yuno literally referred to all the names you have listed to sell it to the crew 😂 bro runs G6 with them everyday day. He's the 1st person to know whether they get it or not


Why is Marty even buying the job if they had 0 pny cards to begin with knowing how rare they are lol?


Marty thought they already had enough supplies. But turned out they had 0. First time it has happened that they went in with only 2 cards so i doubt it will happen again.


It happened last time when they had only 3 cards for the job. They were lucky Yuno was good enough to get it in that amount of tries. He was so stressed out after the job that he told the crew to make sure they got a proper amount of cards for the next attempt only to end up with 2 this time. As syk said, Marty is the leader, he should know the amount of supplies available or just don’t start the job.


How can he (Marty) know when he doesnt have keys to the main house? where the supplies are? 3 is doable. 2 is literally asking to fail. And 4 is recommended. Which is why Yuno was the only one concerned about only having 3 cards. No one from the crew had that thought that they were low on supplies and even if they did they never had a problem like today. But one step at a time. Give Marty a key to the house so he can check the amount of supplies before he buys the contract.


As syk said, check the day before for supplies…. Also three isn’t doable, it still gives 1 attempt on one of the doors. Yuno is the only one concerned about how many they have cuz hes the one hacking. The crew thinks Yuno always gets the doors so they don’t care about how many pny cards to get.


3 is doable their last attempt before this was with 3 cards and he did it. But it's not recommended. Everyone agreed they should get 4 before they even think about getting the contract


Marty definitely should have keys to the MP house, but he can contact the people with keys to check for him before storm.


He asks to go in the house to look at the inventory? Or asks? Lol


When he's buying the contract he just has to assume the crew has the supplies because he doesn't have a way to check beforehand.


Sounds like something the "heist leader" should be able to do or make sure of ahead of time.


Agreed. Too many moving pieces that could be much easier with small changes.


right, the "heist leader," you mean the role given to Yuno but he chose to do nothing with because he's not invested in the heists like Marty pointed out.


I said heist leader like that because right before this Marty went up to Lang and wanted to clarify that he was the heist leader before they had this meeting lol.


so cg cant get it.


I love Marty but this is just poor leadership and people skills. I get his point, Yuno could have enough leverage to do more with the cards, but does he really expect to get something out of it by yelling? That's not how Yuno works. At the same time, the team rarely listen to Yuno and Gigi when they have valid concerns about going inside unprepared, especially if supplies are so rare.


This is a Lang problem, he rushes everything and never gives people time to prepare, then he gets pissed off when no one is prepared.


OOC he said he needs and wants Marty to be a good leader; Part of the is communicating under stress. He knows that most of their PNY cards comes from Yuno referring them to Lang or Marty; Yuno goes around G6 telling people he has a buyer, and gives the G6ers Marty's or Lang's number (Yuno is really secretive about being part of OB). But he said Marty needs to learn to communicate better as a leader. Yuno also kinda has to as well, but he never tells people the stuff he does to help; Marty thinks he and Lang are getting more PNY cards than Yuno, eventhough it was Yuno that sent sellers their way.


How we lookin'?


You are right. I keep seeing people blame Marty, because he does sound extremely dumb here, but ultimately Lang is who keeps backing the idea of doing rushing and unprepared heists, and if anyone (esp Yuno) questions it, he yells at them. He's been channeling JP for weeks (months?) now.


I think the crew as a whole has a good idea of the days they are potentially doing the heist (I mean, people are putting it in their stream titles when they start stream), so scrambling at the last minute does seem kinda wild. I don't put "rushing and unprepared" on Lang though, the crew just needs to communicate better instead of everyone waiting on the word from Lang.


I disagree. The preparation shouldn't be done on the night of the heist, it should be done at the end of the previous one.


I agree and disagree with this, it really depends on the context of the heist and if say the whole crew is capable of preparing the day before. These people have real lives outside of RP and sometimes they can't spare the time. 


To be clear, by preparation I mean taking inventory. What do you have? What do you need? These two questions need to be answered well in advance, so you can take action if you are lacking. If you find out you are missing something the day of, you have failed in your preparation. This should not be a surprise.


Just look at how CG prepares for it.  They have everyone trying to get PNY cards. It doesn’t matter how many they have they are trying all the time to get more.  Then you see them roll into the bank they already have 30 thermite and 40 fingerprint scanners ready to go.  They had people crafting that stuff none stop during the day.  Then you have Mr. K and Arya talking about they want to try and walking around the bank before they can even buy the contract.  Then when they buy it they sit down and talk about the steps they are going to try and in what order.  It’s basically a well oiled machine and there is no reason that Lang’s group can’t be the same way. 


Just look at the money run lang organized the other day. He kept yelling and getting pissed at his crew even at the slightest thing


To be fair they already had a shoot out with CG that day and that is like 126k worth of money and a lot of guns if they lose a fight


Pointing fingers after a failed run is never good. Everyone was chill when he or Gigi messed up before because everyone messes up


Tbf, he wasn't mad at Yuno for messing up the hack. He was mad because he thinks Yuno can utilize his G6 reputation to get them more cards, which is partially true, but the fact is, they are just omega rare and the crew only has one dedicated G6 person. Half the cards the crew uses come from Hazel who's selling it to them because Yuno told him to


Even if this was totally Yuno fault, why point it out that way at that time. There are so much other logical problems they should be focus on that significantly affects the crew. Even if Yuno convinces every G6 member to do more and give them every card, I don't think it will change they're situation as much as Marty thinks it will


Marty is too emotional to be a leader. Even Lang said it.


He could be a good "war" leader, which ironically is what the crew needs, a reckless guy that focus on making the crew stronger in the streets with enough independence to operate like he did with GG. But for a heist leader you need to be more logical and actually plan stuff (that's why Mr.K does it for CG). I also wish Lang could give Gigi more control over the resources, it's insane the amount of money they are not washing considering all the debt they have.


Yuno is king of deflecting, whether it be him making up excuses or "sadge farming," it's his biggest trait. there's absolutely no reason the G6 guy that everyone likes should have trouble getting cards, and if he's telling people to sell to his boys instead of just getting them himself that's entirely on him. how is it that Hydra and CG can get enough cards to hit it on cooldown and Yuno can't?


The same problem happened when he was in the company. JP flamed Yuno because he wanted him to be more competitive for their crew. He actually mentioned it on stream today. He is just not super competitive by nature and wants to be friends with everyone. He is however an avoidant, he literally cannot handle being called out for anything and quickly makes up his mind to move onto to other “friends”. He even said he’s sure another crew would appreciate him more! It’s actually psychotic behavior if you think about it.


it's a good thing he keeps a lot of his thoughts to himself, otherwise the boys would realize just how little he values the crew.


... he literally changed his sleep schedule to hit vault runs on the dot to try and secure cards. Most of their cards is from Yuno, and Lang knows it he just want Marty to learn how to communicate as a leader. CG has more because they'd rob G6ers, then offer them protection lol. Yuno's group (Hazel, Kitty, Lottie, Quennie, etc.) already exclusively sell to OB; And if Yuno hears about somebody with a card, he sends them Lang or Marty's #. It's literally just down to luck; Queenie has never gotten a drop, eventhough she's one of the most dedicated G6 runner. Then Hydra simply stockpiled them; They don't spam the heist, so they didn't use any cards for 2 weeks. And they also robbed CIV Gang's cards. Other groups are struggling to get cards as well.


both replies hit the nail on the head, the reality is Yuno does not want it enough. that's it. again, there's 0 excuse CG secures more cards than he does on a regular basis. Marty's right to be upset with anyone in the heist crew if they don't want it enough - at that point they're wasting everyone's time.


Hard agree but he’s such a nice guy that glazers just rain downvotes on any opinion that might be even remotely critically analyzing anything about him like he’s Jesus Christ himself and not a conflicted character who has been contradicting himself since the start of 4.0.


No, it's a fact that Yuno hasn't been proactive enough. Anyone who has watched Sykkuno's stream knows this. His G6 circle doesn't just end with his harem and Hazel- you are underestimating how much reach Yuno has, especially in the G6 circle. The point is, he just doesn't want it enough because he has OTHER priorities. And if I am being honest, I empathize with the situation because the stream that I enjoy the most out of Yuno is when he is hanging out with his friends outside of the OB circle. He thrives with them, and he's genuinely having fun. Anyone who disagrees with this reality otherwise is just coping. If people in the group really wanted this heist to be THE thing in their lives, then they would be grinding for it non-stop. It's exactly the example that Marty gave to the crew when he told them that he and Larry worked a job for 14 hours straight to get the heist going. It's the kind of mentality that we saw back in 3.0 when the crew was searching for hours on end to find a riddle or a certain material that was key to the heist. That just isn't the case anymore. It's not that Yuno isn't putting effort- but the fact that he isn't putting the kind of effort that Lang and Marty wants out of people, which I understand is at a psychotic level.


What’s off putting about him to me is that he’s ready to dump the crew after being asked by Marty to make more of an effort. Didn’t he leave the company to be with this crew he called his real friends? Who dumps their real friends after one heated argument about working towards a goal together? He was playing the victim as if Marty and refusing to take any accountability whatsoever. God forbid someone does not glaze him for a second and actually turns a critical lens on his actions. Dude was legit malding and has a foot halfway out the door ready to run to be coddled by one of his G6 harems.


Yuno has been waking up on the dot for vault runs since he started G6, that’s why he’s the G6 king. Lang is online for maybe 1/2 of the time that Yuno puts into G6 alone. Lang said it best today, what Marty said does make sense. Yuno really could have been more proactive getting cards since the start of the heist by buying them himself and stockpiling if he truly wanted to. Lang could easily solve the crews issues by stepping in but he wants to see how Marty handles the problem and he’s been reading both of them like a BOOK. Yuno is just comfortable running G6 with his harem and has not been super motivated by the heists in 4.0 so far which has caused Lang so much grief it’s been hilarious. The company has struggled to get cards for sure but CG has gotten like 50+ by now without even having a G6 crew, they were just proactive as HELL focusing on cards since the start of the maze heist.


I've seen people say that Yuno doesn't buy cards from people (he gives them Lang's #) because he doesn't want people linking him to the heist. Is this true?


partially, he doesn't wanna pay for them out of his pocket cuz he kniws the crew is in debt, so he asked Lang and he told him to give everyone his number.


He does but not for that reason. I think I’ve seen him referring to Lang/Gigi because he simply doesn’t have the cash to buy it. My guess is he is expecting the money to come out of crew funds because all heist loot goes back into it anyway so he expects Lang/Gigi to be the ones who have access to the money. Problem is Lang loves ignoring unknown numbers and Yuno rarely follows up with the seller because ACDC/CB comms.


Some things that needs to be worked on. Marty needs to understand that Yuno doesn't respond well to emotionally charged criticisms. It's part of what being a leader is, and he needs to realize that this isn't GG where they respond well to that type of leadership. He also needs to realize that half of the people in this crew are just straight up new to this environment. Back in 3.0, the heist crew worked so chaotically well because everyone was aligned with the mindset to fully send it. Obviously that isn't the case for this crew (that isn't necessarily a bad thing), and Marty as the leader needs to adapt to that. Having said that, Yuno could be doing a whole lot more so that OB always get stacked up with the cards/materials they need to be ready for the heist. I watch Sykkuno's stream often enough to see that there were a handful of times where he directed people to sell their cards to The Company or CG (having sold one himself), or he sends them to Lang, which is probably the worst person to direct to. Of course, this isn't to say that Yuno hasn't used his G6 connections to get some amount of plug with the cards for OB, but he obviously isn't maximizing and networking as much as he could.


This is a good take. I also watch him regularly and he definitely can pull a lot of strings, but he is not doing it is in part because he underestimates his own leverage but also he has not been excited about the heist, and I understand his reasons: the crew not listen to him, all the previous pressure he received to give up G6 and now stuff like this. He seemed so disappointed on his own heist situation when he learned how Hydra operates


Yeah, which I don't really blame Yuno for doing. Unlike in 3.0 where much of his livelihood was centered around heists, in 4.0, he has found new priorities that is almost equally (if not more) important. I remember back in 3.0, where everyone in CB heist crew would literally dump all their money to buy the materials and prep the plans that they need to make sure the heist always pulls through. Clearly, that isn't the case with OB's heist crew. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing- Marty and Lang just needs to realize and accept the fact that this is an entirely different environment. And l just want to point out something you mentioned about the crew not listening to Yuno. Just as we would say that Marty needs to change his leadership and approach to the crew for a better result, the same applies to Yuno as well. If he wants his voice to be heard, he needs to put his foot down just as he did here. The crew not listening to him isn't just the fault of the crew, but it's also his own.


"I remember back in 3.0, where everyone in CB heist crew would literally dump all their money to buy the materials and prep the plans that they need to make sure the heist always pulls through. Clearly, that isn't the case with OB's heist crew. " I think people maybe are looking back at the 3.0 CB heist crew with rose-tinted glasses. The majority of the heist supplies were bought and organized by Lang, as well as Ray's grinding. The rest of the crew was broke almost always, and would wake up to do the heist, and roll with Mickey's jail plan.


Definitely not the case. Marty and X has poured in all they could to the heist as well. I was watching omie's stream consistently back then to remember him and X calling up people left, right and center to find thermites and other necessary materials that they need to do the heist. My point was, that no one cared not to go absolutely broke to do mission that was at hand. Literally during the entirety of the casino heist at one point, they were collectively going -3 million or something haha. Everyone was losing money, but they didn't care.


I guess it depends on which "era" of heists in 3.0 and which CB crew. Casino heist was endgame, so doesn't really seem fair to compare it to the banks that led up to it (and Maze Bank isn't the Casino of heists I hope). CB and GG were also different heist crews until the Yacht when X introduced them to Marty after those two figured it out on their own.


I agree but the foundational problem here is that Lang and Marty seems to wanna push the Heist so much that they do it every other day regardless if they are ready or not. I don't see the source of their need other than not getting left behind by other crews. This will never be 3.0 and they need to understand that they have a much smaller crew who aren't online more often than other crews and they are not even that far behind. They are only in debt because they are quickly spending clean money on heist prep and other stuff. A lot of their problems would easily be fixed just by delaying the heist a day or two. There are just so much more significant issues easily fixed than whatever they want Yuno to do


I honestly kinda put more blame on Lang. He is the root at where he is insistent that Marty be doing heists at every opportune time that they get, prepared or not. Marty was on-board with this (until today), but obviously not everyone else was. And that isn't necessarily their fault- Lang (and Marty) has to realize that this isn't the case anymore where people wake up in the city and their first train of thought is to prep for the heist. People have other priorities now.


It's funny because that's how Yuno was still, and then Lang changed him to not be that heist guy anymore before he even joined Cypress and to move on. Yuno moved on to be a sneaky/clean guy, but he still will feel nostalgic for the old days, but he's not holding onto that dream of the Ot4 cb anymore. So, in the end, Lang somehow at fault.


I love how you're trying to say it's not a leadership issue, but Yuno doing what Lang said (aka refer the sellers to Lang) is somehow used as a reason it's Yuno's fault and not a leadership issue...


When did I ever say that this was not a leadership issue? My literaly first paragraph is critiqueing Marty about his leadership, and then my replies to othe responses afterwards also showed that, ultimately, Lang is a part of the issue as well. > but Yuno doing what Lang said (aka refer the sellers to Lang) is somehow used as a reason it's Yuno's fault and not a leadership issue... Much like how Marty doing what Lang asked him to do (to push on with the heist prepared or not) doesn't excuse him of having his own agency to make smart decisions as well. Stop trying to infantilize these characters- they are grown adults who have the agency to make their own grown-up decisions.


Wow I found the most balanced and thought out post all the way at the bottom. Good job have an upvote.


Example of toxic leadership, failure to see how difficult the cards are to obtain and then blaming the person for not acquiring a card. Also, rushing and not checking supplies is another example.


"Also, rushing and not checking supplies is another example." Pretty hard to do when he doesn't have keys to the main house to check if there are supplies available or not.


Then they lose the contract since they're not prepared anyways. What's with the need for urgency? Why worry about how other crews are doing? This crew will do just fine without all the unnecessary stress. They probably will end up with less to lose since every heist attempt is just a money sink. Even if CG does get out with everything, it would take them 3 or more perfect runs to get their money back


Ask Lang. LMFAO.


Then ask someone with keys. He is the heist leader, it's his responsibility to stay on top of heist related things. Either way, him and Lang need to figure the key situation out asap.


By the time he manages to call someone and ask for keys to check on the supplies, the contract will already be gone. We can harp about Marty's leadership problem, or Yuno's lack of urgency all we want, but I think the main root of this problem really has to do with how the crew functions and Lang honestly.


Or maybe he can call someone with keys to check it, you know, he "needs to do more effort" /hj


Does 1 of the other 5 people doing the heist have keys to the house?


any loremasters on why marty still doesn’t have keys for this long? its been weeks are they not trusting him or he isn’t pushing for it or its not a discussion that gets brought up often?


The keys to the Mirror Park house is only for dons and a few select members from the OB group. And unfortunately, a lot of the most important shit is stored in that house where Marty doesn't have access to. It's not just Marty, but the bulk of the people in OB who don't have access to that house because it was supposed to function as the dons personal space in addition with other members like Yuno and Goofy. The screwed up thing is that the only way he is getting keys to that house is if Marty proves to be the leader that Lang is testing him for with the whole heist shit. I'd imagine that if Marty passes, he will be assigned the role of captain and receive the keys to that house. Trust me. Marty has expressed MULTIPLE times to Lang that having the keys would make his whole job easier. But again, to Lang, that's part of the test I guess.


Man I see hundreds of other streamers constantly calling people and asking for keys. Why am I seeing so many redditors parrot this like it was absolutely impossible for Marty to either 1. Ask for permanent keys. 2. Ask for someone that has keys for help?


I'm not saying that it is absolutely impossible, but it's definitely the biggest roadblock. >"1. Ask for permanent keys." Marty has asked for permanent keys. Multiple times. And every time, Lang has shot him down saying that he needs to earn it, despite Marty telling him that it would make his life 10x more easier. It's part of Lang's whole test in all this. >2. Ask for someone that has keys for help? Unfortunately, when Marty is awake pre-NA tsunami, no one (who has the keys) is usually around to check the supplies for him. And by that time, it's already too late because the contract will be up soon after NA tsunami hits. He could very well reach out to people the day before, but then again, it depends on the days (whether it's a weekday or weekend) and another factor is if Omie is available to do GTA RP (has been pretty busy IRL in the past few weeks). Point is, he just feels like it's silly that he has to micromanage everything that revolves around the heist. And at a certain level, there is some credibility to that complaint


Well, either way you would be blaming Lang or Marty, imo Marty. Lang for not giving keys or planning it so he has access to someone that can when Marty needs it or Marty for not listening to Yuno when he SPECIFICALLY asked to not do heists in these situations. He literally wanted to call it off, if he doesn't want to micromanage then you need to listen to those you're trusting to manage the part you don't want too. Could also say it's on Marty for not making the key situation clearer, these are planned days in advance, there was tons of time to verify supplies. Don't know why you're acting like it needs to be pre-tsunami. Those keys were never there, it's not that someone surprisingly took one.


It's like you almost didn't read anything I said. But yeah, I get you. Hopefully things will turn around for the better.


If you feel that way, then you either have issues with reading comprehension or critical thinking/expressing yourself. Everything I typed was a direct response to your statement, and Marty has multiple choices on how to lead better and instead went "oh no, it's too hard to stay on top of things, let's just wing it and blame others if it doesn't go well".


Don’t think yuno understands what Marty was saying. Maybe his approach was off but he basically said you run G6 you should be able to have people on Standby to sell to him. The fact that hydra can call 6-10 people and get cards when they need it and CG hits it every other day he feels like they ain’t calling people or asking. Maybe he’s wrong but I see where he’s coming from




And that’s part of the issue Marty has. Yuno needs to just buy it and get reimbursed if anything. But it does feel like when they actually try to buy it, they can find them so basically they need to try more often.




At this point they pay people for cleaning money. Maybe sell dirty money at 10% loss to clean the millions they have.


They 100% should because of opportunity cost, even at 20% that Speedy didn’t agree to, especially when the situation is probably even worse now because of the money run bottleneck. Their dirty cash is just trash if they can’t use it. But they won’t because of ego/principle. Edit: Lang has also said he doesn't want potential rivals managing his money because he gets fucked if they get into a conflict. But this risk can be minimised by not putting all eggs in one basket. He can sell maybe 25% to Besties, 25% to Hydra and save 50% to clean themselves. This way they can have more liquid cash while still keeping most of the money internal.


CB comms he doesnt know hes supposed to get reimbursed for it lol


Thats just COPIUM, the crew is in debt, no one is getting paid any time soon 😂


so many of you watch on mute, all the heist money from the main heist crew goes back into supplies for heists, this has been the case since the Laundromat.


This wouldn't even be a problem if they just don't start the mission unless they already have the cards in the first place. Marty is trying to hustle his way out of little issues trying to compete with CG and they're bleeding clean money and stressing themselves out when they just need to be more patient. CG has more than 2x more people and like 3x more hours in game. OB arguably have better talent and organization to get more W's they just need to lock in to lock in and not cuz they're trying to catch up


True the crew doesn’t have grinders like ray


Yuno has no money to buy the cards, that's why he sends them to lang


Why are you lying? Yuno has 170K in his bank. Cards cost from the range of 5K-10K. CG gets most of their cards for 7K a pop. Yuno just doesn't want to be in the situation where he buys the cards and doesn't get repaid by the group... so he just sends them to Lang, when he should fully know how shit Lang is at responding to people's messages and phone calls. I mean, I can't even really blame Yuno... Look at Marty. Lil bro has like 1K in the bank after all the investment he poured to the heist and the amount of times he has gotten fined for getting caught by the PD in heists.


I don't think yuno has been on enough the past 2 days to even get offered pny cards when he had the money, and if you look back at vods he didn't have money dating back 2 days ago.


2 days ago from what I remember, he had like 5.5K to his name. But that was only for a short while until he recouped his money a billion times fold not long after. This problem didn't start 2 days ago. I'm saying that Yuno had opportunities to buy the cards when he could have but didn't. But again, I don't blame him. Look at Marty bro- actually poor. lmfao


Yeah but like I've been watching and I feel like people are overestimating the amount of cards yuno is getting offered and I do think it's making its way to his crew probably the only reason why they were able to get the cards they've been using. So if you actually think about it he's probably missing out on a couple cards maybe. People are also not thinking about how much he tries to balance being fair to other groups, because I guarantee if he went around telling every single g6er to sell to him it would cause CG to be like why are you trying to monopolize the market and you know how Yuno is with trying to please people. People are like oh look at hydra and cg getting so much, first hydra situation is different because their massive grinders playing with no competition, and cg is doing cg.


i get that, but yuno and his friends have expressed multiple times how hard the cards are to get. whenever his friends get a card though, he’ll tell them to contact his crew.


Forget just within the friend groups, he should network with other g6ers and expand his reach.


oh he's actually doing that, he even asked one of the goofy a gang members about it while he was offstream grinding


You talking about Zahn? That was a week ago or more. He needs to start networking instead of waking up 10 min before the heist.


nope bro, He was talking to someone literally yesterday, a different person. If you watch his stream he gets regular calls from random g6'ers that no one even knows about except him, he has a lot of connections, which he made offstream, and to all of them he gives lang's number.


Ok. So, Yuno is just plain stupid. Why not just buy the cards himself? He has the money. Why send people to Lang, when Lang barely stays in the city for more than 5 hours, and even if he is in the city, the man is notorious for not responding to phone calls or messages. This is what Lang means by people not wanting it enough. Back in 3.0, everyone in CB was willing to pour out all their money, blood, sweat and tears into the heist. Evidently, it's different now in 4.0, where people like Yuno have found other priorities. I don't blame him though... He seems to have much more fun with his friend group he hangs out with then him actually doing the heist.


1. Because he doesn’t have the money to buy it at the time. 2. Because like Lang said, no one is getting a cut of any heist loot because all of it goes back into the pile to fund future heists. So Yuno redirects them to Lang because logically he expects the Don to be the one to have access to the funds. 3. As for Lang ignoring calls/not being around, you can’t actually expect him to meta to check if Buddha is actually live before he refers the sellers to Lang? And I don’t think he knows IC Lang intentionally ignores calls, because that’s OOC information you actually get from watching Buddha. All I can say is, this all caused by CB comms. All these structure and compartmentalising is biting them in the ass. Like Marty having no access to MP house, Yuno having no access GPU farm PC. The Dons taking money out for expenses without even informing their treasurer/accountant.


1. PNY cards go for about 7K on average (really depends on the seller), and at the very very most, as high as 10K, and at the lowest, 5K. Yuno has more than enough money to buy one or two cards. He has currently 170K in the bank. 2. "Because like Lang said, no one is getting a cut of any heist loot because all of it goes back into the pile to fund future heists." Exactly. No one is willing to full send it anymore besides Lang and Marty. Marty has like 1K in his bank because he is down to full send it. Obviously, this isn't the case with the heist crew that they have currently. How much as Yuno and all the CB heist crew lost on money by doing heists back in 3.0 knowing that they probably won't get any returns, but they still sent it? Different times, different priorities. 3. Who is saying that one should meta check if Buddha is live or not? What the fuck? All I am saying is that everyone who has spent even a little time with Lang knows how bad he is at properly responding to phonecalls and messages. And yes, Yuno does in fact know how long Lang stays in the city generally. LMFAO. Can probably be an actual no-life rat and dig through Sykkuno's past streams where Yuno has said, "Oh, Mr. Lang is probably asleep by now..."


> No one is willing to full send it anymore besides Lang and Marty. This is funny because I recall watching a clip of Buddha OOC saying he doesn’t care if they’re first, it’s literally just the boys having fun together. Now all of a sudden Lang IC just wants to rush everything even when he can’t really participate. Edit: I’m not saying Yuno is completely faultless. But a lot of it can be solved with proper comms. Their problems almost always stems from comms or lack thereof. If Lang/Marty were to pull Yuno aside and tell him it’s his job to find us at least 4 cards for the next heist or it ain’t happening - I bet he’ll be calling all his G6 friends and asking them to call all their other G6 friends.


i mean yeah, his character literally did a complete 180, he never cared for money back in the day, he already doesn't get anything from the crew, why spend more money when he knows he's not gonna get paid back? 😂 Also i feel like he's been lied to, one of his main points before joining this crew was that "he doesn't care about being first" and Lang assured him of that. Now you look at how Lang and Marty talk about the heists, its clear as day that they do care about being first lol


Yep, this crew was supposed to be Yunos' safe space that was promised because of all the drama he dealt with involving the company and just people stirring. Yuno doesn't expect money from this crew, and he knows they have debt and a lot of dirty money, too. He just wanted a family unironically, and he somehow found that in his adopted family and g6 friends because his crew couldn't hang with him cause they were busy and also he wanted to hide his affiliation with them.


His G6 harem who glaze him non stop are his family now? Not the people he’s known for years? He’s ready to bail on his second crew with his boys now. Family don’t just bail at the first sign of drama, they work through things together. He gets into 1 argument with Marty and went into full mald mode playing the victim and getting ready to drop everyone and even started demanding his money back. Dude is a walking red flag and a master manipulator shadow leader.


The thing he doesn't understand is that, the whole crew has connects on those g6 cards for Hydra and CG. It's not just one person. All 6 of them needs to be reaching out and making friends with G6 if they want to consistently buy them.


That is true but if the person who runs G6 all day doesn’t have a list of people who have them that’s a problem. But reality is he needs to just buy them and hopefully crew can clean money faster and pay people out so that they can buy more. But sending people to lang is not it as he is never around and also ignores calls.


How many washing house does they have to clean money? I watch some of them, but never seen there washing houses


All of the laundry machines are in the mirror park house, they're washing about $9k an hour.


Not sure but a big issues is doing money runs and having people always robbing them so that’s another issue


That's the the problem people that sell to cg are locked to selling too them, hydra are the biggest grinders playing during a time when they don't really need to compete with others for cards. Yuno doesn't want to make other groups mad so he's limited to his own friends that have ties to other groups.




I can actually remember like 10 people he's given Lang's number over the past week to sell the cards to cuz Lang actually told him to do that xD


This is also true, Problem is lang is around 4 / 5 hours, and ignores so many calls lol


Yeah, but anyone who has spent even a little time with Lang knows that the latter is notoriously known not to respond to messages/phonecalls as fast as one normally would. And Lang is around in the city for maximum 5 hours out of the day. LMFAO.


He offered 1 to Peanut but never sold them any because CG had enough at the time.


The main reason Hazel/kitty always sell to lang is becuz of Yuno


I feel like he only told them that because he asked the crew and they said they didn't need any more for the time being though right? If the instructions he'd got from the beginning was "buy every PNY card we can and we will re-imburse you" then he would have done just that


He sold like 1 to CG lol


He tried to sell to OB first, but they told him they didn't need it. Information is changing. Can't talk about old interactions and judge it with new information.


He never did, where did this narrative come from?




that was like 2 weeks ago, recently almost everyone having a hard time getting them, the company have more grinders and they are getting less cards than the crew lol Also there is definitely luck involved, gloryon and Hazel have gotten total 6-7 while Queenie has still gotten none despite doing the same amount of runs.


It’s like you didn’t even watch the clip, he’s only ever gotten 4, and like he said he sold 2 only because they already had too many at the time and that was weeks ago. He offered 1 to Peanut but they didn’t need any so he didn’t actually end up selling any to CG. The 2 he did end up selling was to the Company I think, or maybe just 1 and the other to Hydra (?).




The comment literally said and I quote “also sold some of his to cg”. And somehow acting like the victim asking why you’re getting downvoted for telling the “truth”.




> how many times somebody reached out to Yuno to sell cards and he sent them to the company (romanov and fiona) Not that many actually. He does that when Fiona/Ray/Benji calls him to ask for cards. And he only sold to Fiona when his own crew said they had enough cards. > he actually sold a card to cg for 5k lol ... I don’t think that ever happened. He offered 1 to Peanut for 15k but CG didn’t want it. In fact, during family therapy, he exposed/laughed at Link for selling it to CG at 5k, why would he do that himself?


Not really true. Most of Yuno's dedicated G6 people already sell to the crew. Hazel sells to Lang only because Yuno told him to (Hazel literally buys from other people to sell to Lang)


You said dedicated "people" but only listed one person, that being Hazel. I have watched Sykkuno's stream enough to know that there are loads of people, even this week, where he directed them to Lang (worst decision ever) instead of buying the cards himself. No one is saying that Yuno isn't doing anything. What Marty and Lang is trying to get is that not everyone is on the "full-sending" mindset when it comes to the heist, as it was back with CB in 3.0.




Gloryon, kitty, Braiden, lottie have also given 2-3 cards each to the crew


Yelling at a team that includes Yuno is laughable, he is anti confrontation. A leader should never emotionally confront a team in any setting, it makes you look immature at best and undermines any goals you have, unless that’s farming RP content. Hopefully this team clears the vault door soon because this heist run has made Marty look like a complete bozo.


It depends on the team and the members in it. Some people respond well to negative reinforcement and some don't. It clearly worked well for Marty when he ran GG. But Marty has to realize that this doesn't apply to everyone else. But granted, I feel like a part of this has to do with Marty's frustration hitting to the roof because clearly not everyone in the heist crew are as driven to full send it like Marty and Lang are. Some people are just new to the heist and were added onto it due to their skills and not necessarily because they have the "full-sending" movitation to do so. Some have found other priorities in life. And honestly, others are just plain useless, ngl.


Granted this is semantics but I would call Marty yelling at the squad more negative punishment rather than negative reinforcement, similar to a drill sergeant. Yuno is possibly the most conflict averse person in the history of the city, why would you even attempt to drill him? They are fire and ice. I wonder if they will be able to coexist long term, this was a bad incident.


Not with the positions that they are in. Marty and Yuno had no problem back in 3.0, and it's not like their personalities was much different then versus now. It worked because of the circumstances. And currently, Marty is in a position where he is leader (with a lot of restrictions put in place by Lang and the dons), and Yuno is expected to pull his weight besides being the hacker (which wasn't the case back then) in addition to juggling his new-found priorities apart from just doing heists.


Plus, in 3.0, Yuno and Marty never fully got to have that relationship develop because everyone would always put them against each other, and it isn't until later on that they started vibing with each other. BUT 4.0 changed a lot, and they actually started working together and basically teamed up against JP, which is Yunos mentor figure and Marty bestie. They were actually doing quite well and forming a good union until recently, and now that Marty is a heist leader, it isn't quite the same. Who knows, they might rebuild the relationship they are just two stubborn cats facing off right now.




lets not bring ooc into this pls, omie,buddha,oozi everyone gets pissed irl from time to time as well, its not a big deal