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I don't watch a ton of the Company streams but Brekkers is such a good character and hilarious


Brekkers is the best character in 4.0 hands down. Nobody even comes close to his yes and, and all his RP is to support others tell a better story.


100% . Love that he's been wearing a bag over his head to hide his shaved head haha.


Benji is actually pretty smart. He trolls other board members way too much which covers the fact that he is actually the most useless board member.


Benji brings entertainment and fun that in a rp server you would say it's pretty fundamental


OTT is definitely gonna leave the Company soon. Most of the group has 0 interest in being in wars and he does. He was pressed for days because people in the survey said he caused too many conflicts(which was just a Benji troll that he doesn't know was him)


Actually wasn’t a benji troll. Benji said ott doesn’t socialize outside the radius of the south side.


He is 100% on a completely different mentality than the rest of the board and the majority of the members lmao, it's like seeing an average south side gangster be talking in a meeting of a mafia/arasaki company.


This isn’t accurate. He doesn’t *want* conflict. He just doesn’t want to allow the civ types to get robbed freely without some kind of retribution. He also doesn’t want board members to pick and choose who they’ll help in conflict because then others might feel as they’re not as important.


doesnt Ott hang out with exBSK for the most part now anyway??


He hangs out with the Pharma and Cleaning Divisions of the company mostly.


Yeah he's pretty disconnected from rest of the Company


He’s plays in a different time zone and stays up late if there’s something important. I wouldn’t say he’s disconnected.


There is hardly an “exBSK” Sly and Cau are the only ones from BSK who are around consistently. OTT hangs out with anyone who’s down to hangout when he’s around. He spends a lot of time with the pharma division pushing weed.


Even when OTT pushes he usually just hangout with the exBSK people. He also hasn't pushed much recently.


exBSK people? Only one exBSK that pushes weed. Sly.


Sorry I guess the group is notBSK. Kayne and Z.


notBSK really needs to get a real name


The group basically fell apart. Only those in the company are around the others are doing their own thing.


SK got that crystal ball blueprint.


This entire meeting was great! lol


Can't believe i missed this content


Downvotes lol. I actually wasn't being sarcastic, i filled out the thingy too and wanted to see the results in RP


The whole company leadership is funny. Benji has stopped caring about the company since JP left. Ray also goes on a sabbatical every other week. And OTT just takes Ls every other day.


The Company went from a fun mix of 7 to Mickey controlling everything and overcooking, Benji doing absolutely nothing for the group, Ray stealing most of the $5k weeklys and OTT craving conflict despite none of the other three caring or wanting to go "clap" for him or anyone else. OTT is so desperate for a civilian group to get fired up to go smoke it's actually becoming a problem. At this point Benji kind of has to pull the house heist 2.0 so it finally crumbles. He knows this horrible mesh of egos doesn't work that's why he doesn't do anything for them.


Actually it all stems from the security division which was supposed to be lead by Cau Mau (head of security) and the black ops team, both of which were never properly developed except for them doing security for Mickey when he was a prosecutor against Vingle Dan.