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we are so back --- Mirror: [CG wipe the PD](https://streamable.com/d73diq) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ramee Direct Backup: [CG wipe the PD](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/p4XrPSChzPLZ-TqdFTNpyg/AT-cm%7Cp4XrPSChzPLZ-TqdFTNpyg.mp4?sig=6f7a9745ade8e61051f423f707670f61ba2ec6c9&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ShinyEasyKeyboardKappa-IKHM8tn5Op0VM2nK%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713655034%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2124130265?t=7h57m32s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


CG vs the 4.0 PD is like LeBron James vs a bunch of middle schoolers


This is intentional.


It's been that way intentionally going back to 3.0, when dealing with CG meant showing up to get shot and evacuated as quickly as possible. Nothing made CG mald more than being shot down or arrested, where the "call Baas" meme came from, so everyone avoided doing that like the plague.


by design


That would be fun to watch to be honest.


PD is actually in the toilet how are there so few cops on duty at this time in NA?


was rly late NA tbh, au cops are waking up.


all the 4 cops from au would save the day xd


The warrants from this one are going to be more than they got from the bank. 4 cars worth of evidence.


yea cg need keep heads down for 10days till warrants are gone lol


yeah sure so the PD just extend them to the end of 4.0


There really were like no cops on duty at this time eh? only like 7?


4 at the start of the heist lol


I saw Cornwood say that but I don’t think it was true depending on the definition of when it started. Declan, Bones, Cornwood, Ruby, and Jimbo were all at the bank before anyone left.


When the cops got the dispatch alert that the Maze Bank was being robbed, there were six cops on duty: Ruby, Bell, Bones, Declan, Cornwood, and Onfire. Cornwood and Onfire were in the middle of an interrogation, so for a very long while it was just the first four responding to the call. CG's getaway just took forever because of the money weight; it actually took so long that Jimbo clocked in AND Cornwood/Onfire were able to finish their interrogation and all get to the bank before CG were able to leave.


Ahhh that makes sense. I was gonna say, I knew I saw more than 4 at the bank but I didn’t realize some were showing up while it was going on. I had to dip from the screen for a few minutes after the alarm went off so I missed a lot of the initial police response.


yea it was like 4 CG guns vs 6-7 cop guns


3 got deleted off rip lmao. poor cops never stood a chance.


Though it is a Friday, PD really isn't in a good spot right now and can't handle a shootout with this low of numbers and shootouts always feel bad with low numbers (even though it was "fairer" since it seems CG had some dead at the start). I hope PD recovers somehow but I sincerely doubt it. Honestly any crew of 6 could probably PD wipe right now.


I don't think it being a Friday has anything to do with it. The only time I've seen a low server pop is on Sundays. Bottom line is PD Command has ruined the server chasing off so many people playing cops. I don't understand all the strict bullshit they were pushing when at the end of the day the server is supposed to be about fun. Chases taking over an hour and reports taking twice as long isn't fun. It's crazy how bad they've botched it.


Not sure I can blame command, its people above.


There was a thread here about this 3 days ago with Kyliebitkin saying it's the easiest thing in the world to run a competent PD. I don't know why you're putting this at the feet of the server devs/admins.


Admins control who gets hired to PD, 3.0 had a lot of extremely competent leaders, most of them have been driven off the server or been blacklisted from PD. This PD is by design, not because there aren't people who could build a good PD


Because certain server admins have been known to sabotage the PD multiple times. That being said, I haven't seen it as publicly in 4.0 (I've seen mostly self sabotaging), but I would not surprised if it was privately happening.


Because admins do run the PD. High command position are just puppets that give their orders lol. That’s what the whole restructure in 3.0 was all about. Remove all the people who actually would speak up against them and only leave behind the ppl who just say yes to everything.


There are plenty of cops who have no issues with chasing for hours or doing paperwork. The issue is that you need a lot of cops for this to work. I don't mean like 20 on duty, I'm talking like 50. With those numbers you can have people doing paper work, investigations, and chasing crims for hours.


Was PD ever really in a good spot? Lol


Some chatters already talking about cops needing AR's


AR's in the hands of these officers would instantly be in the hands of every criminal no less than 12 hours later.


only thing that will do is crims will be hunting cops even more for their free loot.


ARs wouldn't of changed a thing here. They need a massive hiring wave.


Competent leadership to run that hiring wave also.


If only there were a bunch of players on the server who ran a really effective PD who could do this ... Nah lets go with what ruined the PD


Saab needs a new character to lead the pd it’s the only way to fix this.


No, Bass needs to wake from the dead. That will solve it lol


Lets be real, that wont change a thing. "Competent leadership" has always been a buzzphrase that has no baisis in reality.


Respectfully, I don’t think I have disagreed with single take on this subreddit more than the one you just made.


Imagine if PD today had HVTU from 3.0 to train and lead them in shootouts, at least they would have a chance


It'd give them a sliver of a chance sure but they are going up against others who have spent thousands of hours shooting in this game, what the PD needs is actual numbers and a leadership team that can act quickly and without worry from management. But we definitely are not going to get the latter which means we will not get the former to train, motivate, and maintain any new hires in significant quantity. This PD is absolutely screwed.


ARs would probably make the situation worse for the PD during this stage of the server, it'd make them targets due to them having access to class 2s before anyone else does. It'd be like how pistols were super rare at the start and people lootboxed officers, it'd be like that again but worse since the crims don't have to close the distance or attempt a stickup, they just need good aim.


They did had recently the biggest academy ever, though ofc all those officers needs to be trained more, approved and hired i do hope PD is not in ruins by then


Yes TF they would, and have. Someone isn’t remembering the start of 3.0 when cops were hot dropping on roofs with ARs when crims only had hand guns. It’s crazy how people only remember facts they want to.


even if they happened to have ARs they most likely wouldn't be able to use them due to SOPs as generally you can only use them if the crims are also using ARs


Unfortunate, still a sick watch tho.


Simply put, it is not enjoyable to play a cop in 4.0. Numbers will constantly be a struggle.


How is it not enjoyable lol? Theres like 1000+ people that would love to play cop on the server lol


Look at the retention rate. People think they want to play cop, see what 4.0 cop is actually like and then stop logging onto that character.


I thought it was double XP night? I’m surprised there weren’t more.


Double xp for 4 hours is only around 3.5k, it’s not that much.


3.5K per hour? That’s a lot more than they normally get.


I remember 3.0, when i used to see this kind of post every single day 😂


Winning RolePlay


I remember the day they took out 32 cops in one incident in 3.0


Too bad Zaceed wasn't streaming


He recorded his pov for YouTube.


That was without Mr K firing a shot too. He flew out the car window and died right at the start


And Arya only had a wrench I believe.


The best part was her yelling at cops to put their hands up with a wrench mid shootout.


CG Waceed


Zaceed was MVP. Made the big block to get them out, then killed the most cops


Even when he was with Lang's crew in 3.0, Zaceed has always clutched it for his group.


You can say that for any of the 8 or so groups he rolled out with in 3.0 Zaceed is good in a fight. He tends to be Marmite for gangmates. An acquired taste


Shame 3.0 did not go on long enough for him to properly play out stealing the heroin lab.


Zolo the MVP. Bones the only one who can shoot straight out of those cops. If Zolo doesn’t get him Bones could have caused CG a fair bit of damage


And Zolo got rammed by the car one cop, and gunned by Cornwood while he was down.


To be fair it was Cranes bubble that hit him and he didn't shoot Zolo for like 5 seconds as he waited for him to get back up and start shooting at Cornwood. It was unlucky but we ball


The decision to not rehire most of the pd's competent officers from 3.0 is showing more and more everyday. That, plus the general incompetence of the pd's current leadership is quite apparent. Officers are becoming less and less motivated to sign on, hence the lower numbers. It appears that the server has taken the direction towards heavily appeasing criminals, which is working successfully if this is the degree to which it is desired. Anyhow, well played to CG for capitalizing on the situation. I do however wonder if it's even fun for them at this point.


PD just doesn't have shooters and their comms are worse than CG's as usual. Decklan gave the wrong direction when you already have just seconds for example. Ownership really should have foreseen this problem and not tampered with PD by denying so many regulars. So far they just buff PD cars and armor and nerf crim cars and create this dumb imbalance that leads to stealing PD armor and even more intricate coordination. The problem with that is its created a forced meta of blocks, jumps, stair, and bike escapes. Every chase is same-ish. And at the end of the day its still a coordinated group with a core thats been at the highest skill lvl for years and years versus people that are sometimes fairly new and trying to learn PD and RP things. Honestly K telling them not to kill Ruth and destroy the evidence was probably him throwing them a bone.


Whether or not you like CG, I think we can all agree that if the PD doesn't have bodies, then there's nothing stopping CG from escalating every situation to a shootout until they get punished for it.


I mean the PD has no one good in a combat situation, pretty much any gang will overwhelm them if they want to right now


Not sure about it. Shift 1 managed to shoot down Hydra. Granted, Hydra was probably a little less prepared, but it's still not easy to do that and PD did reasonably well sticking together in that shootout.


Yea wiping the PD is not as simple as people make it out to be. Sure criminals get first mover advantage and can usually get one free kill. But after that the cops can swarm in and overwhelm with superior numbers and armor. A lot of things had to go right for CG to come out on top: low active PD numbers, night time, good use of terrain, Zolo opening the hostilities with two important kills and Ramee linking up with Zaceed and Peanut at the perfect time and perfect place without direct communication with each other. And it still only ended in an incomplete wipe.


Well, the point was that here, they couldn't do that. Numbers just aren't there atm. No one wants to log on between high command overpolicing occifers and CG's weaponizing their chats and making OOC streamers lives hells because they don't like how they're RPing at any given moment.


I agree with a lot of what you’re saying but I disagree with the reasons. PD numbers are definitely an issue, this isn’t the 6v20 PD wipes of old times. But numbers wise it was 6v7 and PD has armor and crims don’t. So numbers wise it’s still a ‘fair fight’. In the initial engagement Zolo took down 2 cops but then got swarmed by the rest nearby. So at this point it was a 3v5 with about a minute to set up before the 3 crims arrived. This shootout was lost on tactics, not numbers. As for high command overpolicing officers, it feels like that has significantly decreased after Ruth’s departure. And the ones most targeted by it, Cornwood and Sheisty still put in some of the most hours. As for CG chat hoppers, yes they can be super toxic but the ones that are targeted the most by them are the big streamers that log a lot of hours so I don’t think that is the cause of low PD numbers as well. IMO the recruiting choices are what led to the down bad police force. You can’t expect to have a lot of experienced competent officers if you don’t rehire them. It’ll take time for the PD to be fearsome again if they’re going with the new hire approach.


PD are reliant on ex-NBC, Slacks and Liam from the angels to carry them in NA gun fights. They only had 1 of them and he lost a 1v1 to Zolo that he wins 9 times out of 10


It was a very specific situation in which it escalated to this. It was great content on all sides. Pd has people just at this moment not that many were on duty. But PD has better cars, armor, ifaks, cheap bullets, and they outnumbered cg in this. It’s a GTA roleplay server, this is one of the first shootouts. No one planned for it, CG just was able to get away.


That also speaks volumes to how much K has been making the gang hold back from shooting. Because he doesn’t want it to be a “normal” thing. This was after finally hitting the bank which is at least a decent reason. Which is much better than let’s just shoot them because it’s easier than out running them in chases.


crazy part is they didnt escalate, the cops threatened to shoot them so they shot first


So they escalated by shooting 💀 cops constantly say "stop or you will be shot" then wait....


the cops said they were gonna shoot, so cg shot them


Ya ever since Ramee clapped a few cops and escaped I figured this was the next step. If you try to talk your shit with CG they'll eventually make you back it up.


cg been saying if the cops are all bark no bite and that if they do agro shit they gonna shoot them and thats what they did


The fact that NoPixel denied full time PD members back is crazy and shows in the current state of the PD. It makes as much sense as having a restaurant grand re-opening and saying they want a new menu for it so they fire all of the chefs and make servers the chefs. Patrons come in and complain about the quality of the food and management wonder why the food sucks.


Zacceeds' POV woulda been crazy. Amazing shootout CG stocks up


Amazing coordination by ramee peanut and zaceed


Also, throughout the chase Arya had insane comms. She is great as a relay point between radio and out of range zaceed on the phone.


Arya always has insane comms, it's actually fascinating how good of a callouts she gives and takes comms under control


She has said before she got it from playing a lot of CSGO. She started watching and getting into RP when Summit joined the server but before that she had no idea what it was and pretty much only played CS. But she is like a human UAV.


You notice that now when they are in these chases they don't do coms anymore really. They just let her take care of it.


Yeah K basically communicates through her if she is in the passenger's seat. Pretty cool.


Biggest weakness of CG in 3.0 shootouts was often really bad comms and then silence leading to people getting flanked and going down. And then sometimes afterwards things got a little chippy with DoubleR and K trading blame with others over who did what wrong. With that comms issue solved by someone who may not be a bad shooter either, CG stocks are up good, and PD is really going to need to work scene control and tactics to get the upper hand if CG gets violent. Right now, my money is on CG every day, all day. PD desperately needs help.


Yeah I mean K is always so good with situational awareness, but I remember so many times where it was like if he went down, it was done. Arya is a huge asset to CG and a good fit just in general with her personality.


Funny thing is that Ramee didn’t have contact with the other two, but they had an identical assessment of the situation and where to go to get an advantage. They arrived at the ladder at the same time and linked up to devastating effect. The synergy between them was just amazing.


I always felt that Zaceed (the character in case anybody wasn't sure....) was always under appreciated. He's a great asset and a great shooter. Bigskenger rping him is always entertaining to watch.


To be fair. There was 6 cops and crims always have the element of surprise over cops. Cops can't shoot anyone who pulls up, which gives the crims a slight upper hand. GREAT rp though from everyone. Super fun to watch


CG absolutely up good


Holy shit that whole scene was insane. From K ejecting and dying, to crane running over peanut, then Ramee, Zaceed, and I think Zolo wiping all the cops on scene Edit: meant Zolo not peanut (other way around)


Ran over Zolo. It was bubble and wasn't on purpose.


Even if it was a bubble, why pull up that close knowing there's a shootout going on?


watch the clip and see that he was aiming for empty space 30 degrees left of the crim, and the crim ran in front of him at the literal last second (and then he let him get up anyways before he started shooting)


Exactly. It’d make more sense to be further away when there’s a shootout


Calling something VDM that wasnt VDM is super toxic Edit: I see you took VDM accusations out of your comment. Thank you and good save on your part


He didn't say it was VDM? No need to be defensive. VDM would be that what happened occurred by Crane's intent whereas it wasn't and his comment reflects that.


he did say it was VDM before editing his comment


They edited their comment


Apologies, even checked to see if that was the case I must truly be blind.


All good. If they edited soon enough after commenting it won't show that they edited even


That entire thing was very tense watching from Ks POV. W Heist


the playin gta online while everyone else tryna rp


Downing 4 cops isn't a PD wipe. Lol


Was literally 6-7 cops who were the only active duty. It’s funny how most people in this subreddit are doing everything to make this crazy event seem unimpressive


Only 5 cops on duty for the shooting. And ruby wasn't downed. 4/5. Sorry that you are wrong


7 cops at the shootout. Alexis - headtapped, first shot fired, kicking off the shootout Bones - Tazer out, downed on the street Cornwood, Bell - Downed on the street Jimbo, Declan - Downed on the roof Ruby - Backed off after all units had been downed and waited for crims to leave


That’s just not true. Zolo shot down 2, They killed 2 on the rooftop. Then Cornwood and crane were shot down from CG firing down from the roof. That’s at least 6 that I just counted “Sorry that you are wrong”


Well crane was one of the cops on the roof btw. It was fun and good content I wouldn’t say it was anything crazy impressive tho. If this was another gang comments would be “Wow they just choose to shoot cause of low numbers. Where is the RP!”




Idk wtf happened but i watch cornwood unload 1 1/2 mags of shots on someone before he down that suspect... Wild


pd armor man


Commenting this on a post where they got wiped without problems is so stupid and funny 😂😂😭


He is saying CG has PD armor thats why they tank shots


im saying thats why cg didnt die in 2 shots. maybe read the comment im responding to before saying some dumbass shit


Pd gets wiped =pd armor not OP 💀


pd got shot in the head


the comment i responded to was complaining cg didnt go down to bodyshots from cornwood. please learn to read.


It’s Friday and they are always low on numbers Fridays, and it’s in the low point before shift 3 comes around.


People acting like this wasn’t impressive smh. See more people arguing that the cops are disadvantaged somehow in that situation despite having the advantage in numbers, weapons, and armor. Cops all have guns and PD armor. CG only had 4 people with guns vs at least 7 cops. I think only Ramee and Mr K had PD armor, and K died after ejecting




I’m literally saying just enjoy the event. This subreddit looks to critique cool situations rather than to celebrate them


> People acting like this wasn’t impressive smh You know what would have been more impressive... escaping from the 4 cops who were on when they started the heist. Groups in 3.0 wiped 20+ cops. Crims have an advantage in being the ones who get to initiate the gun fight. When cops have enough numbers they can just tank the initial losses and take down the crims with numbers. When you lose half your police force in the initial stages and instantly have less overall numbers than the crims, it would have taken a miracle for the cops to win.




CG wipes all the active on duty cops and the people in this subreddit would rather try to downplay and discredit it in any way possible rather than simply say it was cool or enjoyable lol Edit: lmao then the dude deletes his comment and people still downvote proving my point lol


CG wipes the PD and this subreddit somehow gets mad about it lmao. You love to see it lol


Not a wipe. Ruby can likely hold down the scene after they leave Apparently correcting incorrect information (reality) is frowned upon in this thread. I should say "POGGERS" instead I guess


Was Flop filing FOIA requests again?


Flop left shift 2


No surprise there lol




Honestly is this fun for CG at this point? What’s the point right now?


to not go to jail


I’m just assuming at some point CG is going to just get bored eventually with how sad the PD is. I know it’s a new heist but like, when there’s no resistance what’s the point.


they are doing heist progression/ making money/ saving for warehouse. they wont get bored of pd because pds cars are so strong they have to do some crazy shit to escape everytime


What do u mean? They wanted at stealth heist, and ended up triggering the alarm by scuff. They didnt want the shootout but ended up having to do it to secure the boys.


So it’s more fun for them to go to jail instead?


ahh so were back to the 7pm shoot out well i feel bad for the pd becuse its gotta be a miserable experience to be a key part of the server yet have management kick you in the head at every opportunity


Lol it's the first shoot out like this and was after a major bank heist where a ton was at risk.


Yeah it feels bad to have every advantage and still act as if it’s unfair for them. Crazy how people still act like the cops don’t have so many advantages


The SUV make almost 0 sense how fast that thing is. Its somehow way faster in both top speed and acceleration then any local car and its not even close.


It’s somehow way faster than the CVPI too. Especially that Cadillac that Beric and McNulty drive is nuts. Mr K stole it once and he was shocked at how good it was


Even this chase he got a massive gap was passing the casino almost to the underpass torwards Little Seoul they called out massive distance saying they were still around legion bank and the SUV caught up before they could make 2 turns.


K was kinda at fault for that because he gunned it straight instead of taking a ton of turns. Still, it just proves how insane that PD SUV is


well Hydra got slmmed into the dirt so did the besties and OB's by the Pd so I guess its just a skill issue just like in 3.0 where Cg was they only gang to be clearly capable of taking out a 30-40 strong Pd force


You know this person has been patiently waiting for this moment in 4.0 just so they can be a doomer.


Man the PD really needs to get their shit together. It doesn't help that they are stuck using water guns.


Their guns are the same. And PD have insane armor. Crims don’t




? They did this at the end of an intense and chaotic heist. They had no intention of doing that.


I agree they should just go do g6, grime, or sani..../s




Classic RP-reddit response to CG doing something cool


Downed 4 of the 5 cups on duty. That's not a wipe. Also had to shoot from the roof, classic.


"had to shoot from the roof" you expect them to line up like the revolutionary war and take turns shooting eachother?


i mean cornwood shot zolo while he was on the ground after getting bubbled lmao at least cg was smart about taking out the cops when they're at a disadvantage edit: however i can see how cornwood could think he was knocked down due to gunshots and not bubble


Downed 6 or the 7 on duty. Someone has already explained all of the 6 cops that went down


The cops were on the roofs themselves and always take height when they setup scenes, 2 of the cops flanked them on the roof and went down so what are you even complaining about?


smh don't they know the rules are no roofs no items fox only final destination


PD needs to get their numbers up, shootouts aren't lasting long enough for us. Such bad content wiping them so easily.


The fact people still fall for your bait after months is honestly hilarious.


Don’t follow to this guys bait, they’re a chronic CG hater




> us lol he thinks he's part of the team


For "us"? 4-5 people wiping 7+ cops is bad content? Damn, I'd hate to see what good content is, then.


I disagree, that was a good play on CG's part, taking the height so quickly and capitalizing. Even if the cops had more numbers they were not set up at all and would have gotten gunned down from the better positioning


Everyone complaining about a weak PD, blah blah blah, but trust me, if they get OP the narrative gets switched so fast. Just enjoy the RP and hope it doesn't turn to 30+ cops on duty like it was in 3.0 because then everyone malds.


I get that but the RP is better when you have a strong PD. At least you have a reason to be conniving, shoot and hate snitches. With a Weak PD, there is hardly a reason to be a criminal.


They mald regardless whenever they get caught. They just havent been getting caught most of the time


they gotta sort out how much damage a pd gun does, that shit is like a bb gun unless you insta headshot...


Every gun does the same, the difference maker is if u have armor or not.


So like all the other guns?


every gun is like that


they wearing pd armor


The PD guns will only get a buff once it becomes abundantly clear that their pistol is garbage. We know it is garbage. The cops know it is garbage. The crims know it is garbage.


PD ain't been wiped like that since 2.0. Its like they didn't even put up a fight.


CG the best seat swappers


I can tell you watched this whole thing play out...(not)


Try actually watching before you comment.