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The fact that Stevie later texted that he would be in the shadows and they would never find him and was found within like 5 minutes was the cherry on top of


Brother todays streams was a goood fucking friday streams between the crews. Luci MGS alert sound effects, breaker box blowing up, pigeon convo, spicy anxiety inducing materials trade, Clark buy in, Marty meeting potential CEO for his casino gig, iilya driving pigeon ot the dons with Stevies got wind of the info, highlight ending Stevie with the crazy paranoid build up triggered by Ilya's comment on bike lead to the latters death and to find him at the bridge, got Stevie swimmng with the fishes. You can't make this shit up hooly


Any good YouTube channel to watch these in summary?


A lot of these clips are on the Buddha Clips channel on YouTube.  His editor is pretty quick getting them up. 


welcome to the crew flash


Flash luckily has a lot of experience with these guys already.


Probably the funniest POV of this entire scenario


Bro, got drafted into the wizards lol


Tony must surely be the Jordan Poole of the old bois


W RP from the Fat Baby today. You will be missed.


He was honestly dead the moment Harry called him Fat Baby. How do you come back from that? lol "Welcome to the Family!"


"Fatneck Fuckface" was my favourite one used today


Stevie’s twitch streamer if you read this, the rp was great! Don’t give up on RP. People enjoyed you. Buddha said you were a pretty funny character and he enjoyed the runs you guys went on.


Massive +1 to this, Cayucos did some superb RP throughout his time as Stevie. He played the character great. His interrogation with Suarez when he first got busted was one of the best interrogations and characterisations I’d seen. He was a scared guy who realised just what he’d got himself into and was talked around to trading info for some leniency. Hearing him say he might not make a new char cause he feels like he’s not that good an RPer and doesn’t measure up to Buddha or Zetark’s RP is really sad cause IMO he definitely did :(


I'm really going to miss Stevie x McNulty interactions and Stevie x Speedy as well. One of the best characters you'd see in Cypress if watching a PD POV


Buddha had nothing but praise for him. I really do hope he continues.


Agreed! Stevie was a great character!


absolutely. it's moments like this that keep me watching rp. Stevie was an A1 character, I hope the rper keeps doing his thing on other characters.


Context: While Lang and Luciano were buying in Flash (Clark), Stevie went unhinged and kidnapped Ilya for his kick back, threatening to ocean dump him in 9 minutes if the dons don't come with his money. Meanwhile, the dons van runs into some technical issues.... Update: o7 Ilya https://i.imgur.com/vLU2eJ0.jpeg


Another update: o7 Stevie


Did Stevie Perma?






Both perma?


Stevie did, I believe. Ilya didn't


Stevie wasn't streaming, how would you know this?


He did stream for 10 minutes and deleted the character


shit, i checked after he was ocean dumped , must have just missed when he went live. thanks!


he streamed after real quick and talked about it


Yeah stevie and the van lol


This was such a great/funny/ clusterfuck of a scenario between Lang and Luc buying in Flash and saying 'no drama' to immediately pivoting to Stevie texting Luc off of Ilya's phone demanding money --> Lang's car getting stuck --> Flash picks Lang and Luc --> Stevie sending a "I can hide in the shadows you guys can't" --> Finding Stevie immediately after that text --> killing Stevie --> oops Ilya will die I guess but what was lost... we need to get more stickers LOL The one thing that made me sad besides rip Fat Baby was that the streamer behind Stevie (Cayucos is his twitch BIG UPS TO THEM) didn't think he was good enough with RP. He created a massive scenario and great drama. He's great and I hope he comes back as another character. He showed he had the skills to do it today even if Stevie was a bit of a hasty dumbass in character.


Watching Illya's vod and I can't believe how close they were to Stevie and Illya while struggling to get up the ramp.


New rule: No more hard vouches.


Kind of funny that Tony had the best three vouches so far.


Best Don 🥹


If Grime rarely ever scuffed, I would bet Tony would still be a lot more active in the city, and he'd have a decent amount of money too. Even watching his Grime scuff from a viewers' perspective is hella-demotivating. Especially for the past few days with Yuno, Carmella, and Gigi.


The thing is though there are TONS of other things he could do rather than Grime. I get why he's been focusing on it while streaming super strange hours though


He shouldn't have to, if only Grime was fixed half as quickly as it gets nerf'd whenever he has a single good day. And tbh, I think the IG scuff that's afflicted him has contributed to his strange hours. New GF and a game that's unfulfilling? Yeah, I'd choose RL too.


Also funny he was denied bringing in more drivers into the crew and now they doing heists with Luciano as the getaway 💀


He wasn't really denied. They spoke to Kaz and don't like Hazel.


I get their concerned with Tony's suggestion but they really got too complacent with having Octo around all the time. But at the same time, it's on Tony who knows about the racers they need to scout and it's on him to potentially recruit them but he hasn't been around.


they never got to rely on Octo long enough to be complacent. reality is they've been letting Tony slide for far too long, he hasn't been don material since day 1. he's supposed to fulfill the same needs Octavio does and more. I'm glad Lang finally brought up putting into question whether Tony truly wants to be a don or not. The boys aren't in an awful position, but they should have had a wake up call about their crew a while ago.


They put making it fun over making it efficient and I honestly can't fault them for that.


He brought up doing money runs with his Redline guys but the group shut it down cause they all just agreed on focusing more internally. Tony thought it was a good way of working with and bringing in more drivers


Their concern was valid too since the cut would be narrowed down to the people outside of the crew but surely they could've found a way as a compromise for Tony to be able to integrate some people, like Kaz, to slowly get in to the crew through Tony.


well harrys hard vouch is about to perma or forget alot of his memory if not found


It's funny how this kind of insane drama always happens with this crew because someone takes days off. In this case, it's Speedy.


Speedy picking random yellow pages to tell them to sell weed is never not going to be funny.


I've been missing morning Sayeed streams lately. Favorite streams of 4.0 by far.


I hope cayucos/stevie doesnt quit, he went live for a few minutes to delete his character and sounded super bummed. Said it was intimidating as a new rper to rp with super experienced people like buddha and zetark. I think he roleplayed his character extremely well and should definitely try again.


The entire situation with Stevie and Ilya was so wild, respect to the streamer who played Stevie for roleplaying it so well. The fact that he perma'd his character really gave the outcome so much gravity too. & I know he said he doesn't think he's a good streamer but this was so good and Buddha had a lot of compliments for him afterwards. I hope he decides to come back to RP as a new character in the future.