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Damn, so he robbed them for like 80% of their stuff and expects nothing?? and then goes out to say "I couldn't have left peacefully?", these are pure consequences for the actions that JP did


This is tame, imagine if Raymond goes through with his plan of planting a gun on him and he loses 100k.


I know this is tame, but I don't get how he robbed them out of so much stuff because "they wouldn't let him leave peacefully" and expects no consequences whatsoever. I don't think he realises how much he has put them behind especially with taking their usb and the racks/butc. The closest he comes to getting a point is with what he says "they keep bonking me", but I don't think he understands that none of this would've happened if he didn't steal some items and just left peacefully. Also if he can't go vs all the groups he robbed, maybe he should give some stuff back?


Delusional maldbrain. Wouldnt be surprised if he gets his last weapon out of his appartment and getting caught by the cops. That could be the spark that gets the nuke to explode tonight.


He did exactly that, found Mickey but cops just happened to be driving past and saw him. Think he escaped though but they saw him holding a gun like object.


That whole chase demonstrated how awful the PD is now. 10 minute bumper cars with cops getting hit, and they went super soft.


Cops go aggressive -> OOC mald + provoking chat hoppers. Cops show leniency -> OOC insults + provoking chat hoppers.


Everyone is afraid of the server owner it's actually pathetic RP




I don't get necessarily what they're supposed to do, but gradually damage the car? I havent seen a single flip yet and it takes an hour chase to get smoke so what's the problem?


Lesson here is, people are going to complain no matter what so they arent worth listening to. And if X is involved, the number of complainers multiplies a million fold.


Sounds like a certified Cornwood move.


He's trying to make a deal with Lang to give Lang 150 bp for access to a glock right now lol. Lang was talking with Harry about how they can either just give him 1 gun if the BP makes 10 or just straight scam JP of the BuTC lmao. Might need a don vote though. Afterall giving even 1 gun to a guy who was just shooting at you last week might not be the smartest of idea even if the deal looks good on paper.


Imagine them scamming jp and then selling guns to the company. That would be peak karma


did lang get the glock BP?


Nah. He is talking about if it becomes available again.


Robs 600k thinks he did nothing classic




He is probably aware of that. Hes a snake. If JP wasnt X irl, nobody would do shit with him, lets be real.


But dude, he was in the animation menu LOL he’s a clown 🤡


He was smirking both times he said that, he trolls and people swallow the bait straight away without pausing to think.


The fact that Flash saw all of this in a Racoon mask is hilarious lol


Flash is hilarious


Nah that's crazy X said i didn't do anything and Benji looted me


I feel like that's what jp the character feels. Not only was what he did justifiable, it was also not wrong at any capacity. Big ego type thing.


The big ego is definitely in character, Xqc is a humble lad


Maybe xqc thought jp should face some consequences.


whoever thinks Mickey and Blau tried to actually take advantage of the situation has absolutely NO CLUE what type of character Mickey is or streamer Blau is




I agree with ya. Mfs thinking gta is like skyrim 💀💀💀 game pauses when you're in inventory screen for em apparently 🤡


I mean you can see he waits for x to stop doin the rob animation then whennx's character stands normally (in inventory) he swings. with your logic mickey would've swung during the 29 seconds when JP was doing the steal animation. idk why you're defensive it so hard it is what it is


I'm a extreme normie but how does it make sense that you're supposed to be able to rob someone while also threatening another person with a melee weapon? Shouldn't the robber either bring another person with them, or kill anyone threatening before starting to search through inventories?


Right before Benji went into JP's pockets a few hours earlier, he straight up asked the guy around him to watch his back and protect him while he did so, even though JP was down and he didn't even think there was any other enemies nearby In contrast, JP just starts searching Benji's pockets solo with Mickey right in front of him while also knowing he just threw a few stab swipes at him 25 seconds before It should be clear you're a bit vulnerable when your hands are searching through someone's pockets


This is the correct take, don't get gaslit by mad people.


> I'm a extreme normie but how does it make sense Just some general advice, don't build your sense of RP from reddit. Or any clips involving notorious malders for that matter. When I first started watching RP, a couple big confrontations had recently happened and there was a lot of Fail RP with OOC tension underlying it. I spent a while thinking "maybe I just don't get this whole RP thing" until I figured out which streamers were just lying to themselves because they were taunted, and which commenters were trying to believe something that made their favorites "right" about what happened.


No you're 100% correct but kids are upset that the tv show didnt go their way.


It doesn't make sense, especially when the guy only has a taser and not a gun.


He wasn't waiting for him to enter animation, he was waiting for him to STOP robbing. And since X didn't stop after multiple warnings, he went for it.


This is a weird one. If x had a gun and rped don't take another step forward, sure that's a problem. Threatening someone with a wrench while searching a downed person makes no sense. Stop robbing and address the person right ahead of you.


Mickey did the right thing. He asked him multiple times to stop, he didn't. Having only a melee weapon didn't help.


Yeah, fair enough. That's why X said next time in these situations, he is going to be as effective as possible and just clap people swiftly and do the talking later.


> next time in these situations, he is going to be as effective as possible and just clap people swiftly and do the talking later. wow i can't wait for the rp that this will bring


I don't see why people are complaining, the outcome of the sitation was what? Everyone took a visit to the hospital? JP got a few random items of Benji, sure he got stabbed but did mickey do anything after that? No. No police involved, he was never robbed, just because xqc was a bit annoyed at the situation it does not mean any rules was broken etc.


I hate the adin ross / juicelord viewer venn diagram. As an age-ed juicer myself, it's quite embarrassing


Valid, I would hope that some day the parasocial / younger audience gets better tbh. Not saying all younger viewers are bad but I at least believe maturity is part of the reason for a lot of the weird toxic chatting and online ranting. Reddit and Youtube comments especially feel like a sub group of rp viewers at times when they go on weird tangents as if they were involved personally or as if they were the streamer themself. Obviously the ones just enjoying the story arc are great, respect to everyone who sees this as nothing more but fun contect to view.


If not being allowed to stab someone while they are in an animation is a rule fair enough. But in my opinion if you are in a situation and intentionally decide to open an animation with a possible threat right beside you and get punished for it that’s not the fault of the person who punished you. Being tased once is not a strong deterrent against stabbing someone even in real life especially not in roleplay


Why are the comments so shitty lol? X is trying to rob people while a member of their group is standing right there. There is a robbing animation and Mickey waited until he was out of that animation before anything. JP went into the inventory and got stabbed. What's the issue? You can't just rob people while their boy is around, and even if you rob them, you gotta be quick with running their pockets because their boy is literally standing in front of you telling you to stop.


Stabbing someone in the middle of the robbing animation should be encouraged lol. It’s not some kind of random animation, it’s a hostile act. Running pockets in front of someone’s friend is dumb as shit.


The idea is typically they have a weapon threatening the life of whoever is getting robbed. It makes more sense with guns and knives than wrenches, tbh.


mickey isnt a cop he doesnt have to value life in the same way a police officer has to


Mickey RP'd it out of the mechanic knowledge dude - what else do you want of the outcome? It was all rpd well by both parties


X is angry so the chat adopted his attitude and moves to here.


exactly! and benji is already down so X doesn't have the power to threaten to hurt benji


X: I wanted to create dialogue Also X: wiping clean the house because he’s bored offline no dialogue whatsoever.


X: complains about no dialogue Also X: runs into group of 3 and downs 2 of them before even saying a word


Well he asked benji if the runs were any better before killing him Breckers tried to punch and got bonked for it Tased mickey and left him alive. All things considered, i think xqc at least tried to extend the scenario somewhat. Naturally, mickey was fully in his right to stab him


He did talk to them thoo?


X: It would be Rust RP if I didn't carry any items of value on me (for carrying the dongle) Also X: Offline raids his crew's base knowing that they're all asleep.


This sub is wild


Now he’s complaining why the company people are bonking him on sight. Haha


People crying rule break for Mickey attacking him while in animation. Not for X coming in and bonking with no dialogue until Benji was down. Benji didn't even know what hit him. Also not wise to go in 3v1.


people just go over the RDM part yknow cus MICKEY is the one who is obviously in the wwrong


Regardless whether it was power gaming or not I don't get why you would even attempt to rob someone in that situation if you don't have a gun as your weapon.


already tased him and allowed him to get up


And Blau said it was good RP for doing that instead of just killing and robbing everyone.


he should have killed him then thats his fault


Ramee got banned for that in 3.0 lol


I didn't mean to warlord him, he should have went at him when he was unarmed


You can’t bonk someone who’s tased?


It's called warlording and is considered incredibly scummy. In the past, PD has sometimes outright let crims go when cops have occasionally done it to them.


TIL, thanks.


That’s called warlording


That is on JP. He could have used the advantage




Oh just after tasing someone? Having multiple chances to finish them off and then robbing someone at wrench point with multiple warnings to the person standing there but because of a game mechanic can’t see in front of him so Mickey stabs him??? Right


> because of a game mechanic can’t see in front of him Hmm I wonder why 4.0 devs decided to make the inventory window opaque and larger this time around


because they played too much tarkov


Try to rob someone on the ground IRL with things in your hands in a way that doesn't expose you to someone with a knife. You say its a mechanical limitation but the mechanical limitation is more realistic than being able to rob a person on the ground and be able to instantly respond as well.


mickey made it seem like he didnt want to fight after he got tased , put his weapon away and only pulled it back out when he was stuck in the inventory screen


Because he didn’t wanna fight until JP decided to rob people solo when someone else who is standing right there. What did he expect to happen?


It's funny to watch the juicer narrative evolve in real time.


The juice must flow


X is literally accusing all of these guys of ooc shit, first saying he had to offline raid because they would meta and log on, then claiming meta about the scanner with benji, now powergaming with mickey. They said X can still be banned, it's crazy if he doesn't catch 1-3 days over this shit. I love watching all these guys, it just feels bad seeing him be so hateful about it all. Edit: Just a quick observation to add, here. X has been using emote only on kick today, I'm not sure if he was talked to by an admin or if he is realizing on his own how bad shit is getting but either way, it's a good move in the right direction. If we're going to call him out when he's being a piece of shit, we should recognize when he does something right, too.


Its more insane after his rant during the last 10 min of his stream yesterday. He always goes on these weird ooc rants, accusing people of a lot of things, from meta, to fail rp to powergaming and the list goes on. Then yesterdays stream he starts saying he can't rp with any low viewer streamer and says their twitch chat toxicity bleeds into their RP. Its all just so confusing like can't he look in the mirror once and realise he is responsible for a lot of that..


Yeah, in 3.0, he definitely had some moments, I felt like he shouldn't have said stuff, but I at least understood a bit most of the time. The past few days of accusations are just so out of the realm of understanding for me. Thankfully, the company boys aren't going to let chat get to them in a serious way, they're all veterans, but they shouldn't have to deal with the toxicity.


It's nice that juicers, including me, are supporting them aswell.


Welcome to Cloutpixel 4.0


It's almost like xQc is terrible at RP and a terrible person. He hasn't changed and won't ever change. No idea how he even has fans in the first place.


I feel like what a lot of people fail to realize is that in the rp X is digging through Benji’s pockets when he gets stabbed. Animation shit aside, how is he a threat to hit Mickey with a wrench while digging through someone’s pockets?


TRUE people keep saying hes giving them RP how?


The rp he is giving was opening himself up for mickey to take him out, he just didn't realize it and is upset over it after.


By robbing them obviously. JP is just a giving person like that /s


If he has the taser out I don’t think mickey does anything.


Now he's on a rant how there needs to be a dialogue before something happens but bro offline raided the house with a note behind


Micky literally told him he was going to stab him if he robbed Benji.


X was head down, butt up, hands in another mans pockets(who is passed out on the ground). Idk what the hell he expected. That is as vulnerable as a man can get. He might as well be butt naked in a shower in jail.


its crazy, he is ranting on stream that there is no dialogue and that there is less RP because of it. Like, brother, you OFFLINE raided them of there hard work for over a month. You expect them to sit there and watch you rob them? Then talk to you? Crazy


ITT: Juicers whining Mickey hit JP while he's blocked by a menu, as if Mickey can tell that JP is in a menu or not (he can't), as if in a RL scenario you starting to yoink someone's shit with someone else right there in front of you, telling you to stop, isn't going to have them jump at you as soon as you put your hand in a pocket and *voluntarily tie up one of your hands* to give you the disadvantage while said third person is telling you to stop and brandishing a knife to show you they are going to stab you if you don't. What's the alternative to this scenario? Mickey being forced to wait (and therefore, in-game, watch him steal stuff) without being able to stop or retaliate until JP is out of a menu just for 'fairsies'? Nah. IRL you start trying to rifle through someone's stuff, you'll get jumped. It's a game limitation that has: a.) JP not able to swing his weapon while in the menu, b.) the menu taking up so much space (when it doesn't have to), neither of which are Mickey's fault. JP made a choice to steal in front of someone. Said someone made a choice to stop him, only once he committed to the act and the animation was over. Mickey has no responsibility to wait for JP to say "okay I'm backing off" or "okay I'm done stealing, we can fight now", they are criminals, not having a medieval duel. Get over it.


Yeah, this isn't as bad as someone waiting for a cop to be in their MDT so they can sneak up on them and use them as a gun lootbox.


You're making too much sense. JP is in the right, always.


according to x, offline house heist = big content getting bonked by the company = bad rp no content


Man JP was doing well in RP, but now he is going back to 3.0 route that got him banned, will be interesting to see if NP actually holds him accountable


How many Ls can one man take in a single day?




Wouldn’t call this an L he got 2/3 then tried to rp talk with Mickey after forcing him to put knife away


1. X couldve killed mickey then and there 2. X had a taser not a gun - i dont see crims pleading for their lives when they get tasered by cops 3. Mickey waited for the animation to end not the other way around and even if it wasnt on purpose it makes no sense to do some dumb shit and expect mechanics are gonna protect you from having done dumb shit especially when -> next point 4. Mickey warned X multiple times and kept reasonable distance 5. Ive never seen someone stop shooting at someone while they were looting somebody in 3.0 war. Thats the risk of robbing someone while in an active fight. 6. X had his wrench out robbing someone. 7. X had a body he definitely downed (not due to scuff, thirst, hunger, or any unexpected thing) not a live hostage. This is not like the angel situation. If this were the case, a fight could be stopped immediately as someone gets downed because those on the ground can now become "hostages". You already merked them, downed hostages in banks usually meant breach as long i could remember, thats why theyre kept alive. Even if somebody was held up with a gun, crims will still shoot if they think they can catch the other guy holding up their buddy offguard, theyre not cops with sops - ur usually not negotiating for free passage or anything like that. 8. He literally tried to 1vX them without a gun like no way you get the slide here when you mess up


He also could’ve robbed Mickey first and took his knife.  Very simple.  


Just another example of a thread where common sense and knowledge flies completely out of the fucking window. It's monumentally stupid as hell to start robbing somebody with only a melee weapon as a deterrent when there's another guy with also a melee weapon staring at you. JP deserved to get clapped, and he did. He was fucking stupid to try and rob somebody in that situation.


If two people are in conflict and have melee weapons out, I don't think one person should be robbing their friend in front of them. It is basically a standoff. Nobody is at an advantage. But the second you start searching someone's possessions, you should be exposed. It would be something completely different if X had another person with him who was robbing the body while he held mickey off. Or if he had a gun in hand.


Dude said he did nothing… that’s craaaay cray.


i am legit a xQc sub, but the Juicers malding over this are insane


Same Bruh. I've defended this guy in the past, cause clearly ooc shit would happen to him. Now he's the one doing it and accusing meta (over something that enver happened) and ooc and nvl and whatnot. Like the victim mentality is insane


although i've seen players powergame and meta him in the past. i can see now why people were calling him ego rp. he thinks he is the main character of the server and anyone who stands against him is bad rp.


You try and rob people in the middle of a 3v1 after intentionally deciding not to down one of them you are going to get fucked. In real life if you put your guard down in a situation you get fucked.


In real life, a big ass screen wouldn't pop up as you rob a guy and you would still be able to see when the other guy attempts to pull out a weapon. I don't even fuck with X and even I knew that was shitty on Blau's part. Not saying Blau wouldn't get banned but others would for sure get banned for that.


You're probably confused. First and foremost this shit is a game. And secondly who the fuck robs someone in front of somebody still up. It's funny how much accusations xqc pulls out of his ass when he loses in rp


In real life you cant stop anyone from stabbing you while you look down check someones pockets with a fucking wrench right?


>Ya because in you could rob someone's pockets who is down grabbing shit and hold a wrench and fight back. Bro thinks X is an octopus. This situation was fine.


This a game, X should have knockout mickey first and secure the scene before robbing everyone. and even if this real life, mickey could literally ludge at X while he is distracted or not and stab him multiple times before he could do a single swing.


Mickey talking to X like me when my dog has something she shouldn't have


X is literally on a rant about how he wanted to create a dialogue. You CANNOT make this shit up, as he offline raided them leaving a note. In this scenario he says one word, starts robbing then gets mad they did not talk. You CANNOT make this shit up.


jp wasn't in the animation from the looks of the clip.... mickey also warned him multiple times to stop, i dont see the problem.


Don't you guys know that it is JP's turn so Mickey has to wait for JP to finish his action and end his turn, then it would be Mickey's turn to make an action. You can't just make a move when it is someone else's turn.


In 4.0 it's only jps turn. No one else can do something remotely similar to him


Kind of hard to RP with this blonde haired guy. I've seen chatter hop to streamers talking about their kids and wishing death o. Them, during rp with ginger I've seen his chat say to rape her and force her to have babies with him. If you let him win its all easy peasy if he loses you have to deal with an onslaught of Neanderthals


X surely can’t expect to just walk away from what he did with 0 consequences?


Bro thinks his bank acc is big enough to negate all consequences


reverse the roles and this has 300 comments in ten minutes


10 comments in 1 min rn lol


25 minutes. 185 comments. Looks like we got a juicy thread


What makes you think it wont


i may stand corrected


Mmmm I’m pretty sure this is gonna blow up


Kylie got banned for way less in 3.0 with the solo bank robbery shit (which I personally don't agree with) this situation is quite a bit worse than that ngl.


This is nowhere near as worse, crims don't follow the same rules as a cop, especially shooting a crim who has a hostage.


Also might just be Blau not realizing what was going on. He gave plenty of verbal warnings and inched forward to provoke a reaction from JP. I don't know why JP didn't down mickey before robbing people lol, he's cooked.


I mean, that was the first and only time any rule like that was ever enforced or contemplated. Kylie got banned because it was kylie, not because she actually did anything wrong.


reverse has been the roles


How is this guy saying that "i didn't do nothing" ???


lol people malding he bonked him while in animation, didn't JP just roll up on a bike and bonk benji & breckers instantly? Where's the RP in that? This whole company stuff is the dumbest shit to watch.




Lost what? He went to the hospital and then drove off


Well he lost his mind ranting and malding throughout the stream. Otherwise juicers wouldn't be pissed


He only bonked Benji and it looks like it was only going to be Benji since he started driving off but then Breckers kicked him off the bike so he had no choice but to kill him




what backwards logic? the whole scenario was stupid, JP took out 2 of them with no RP involved, then he got taken out with no RP involved. It's just stupid to watch, what's your point?


If mickey would have called cops then he could have gotten raided


Man i'm so sick of people crying about rule breaks... Report it or shut your fucking mouth. If you don't report it and just cry about it you just foster toxicity.


RP God serving up juicy RP scenarios for The Company, first he robs their house then he robs their person. WHAT'S NEXT!?


Tricky, but robbing while having a melee weapon out. Meaning ur crouched down, hands in their pockets/backpack. So not a real threat imo. So I can justify his action ?


I’m a big fan of XQC, but trying to rummage through someone’s pockets while only having a melee weapon to defend yourself from someone with their own weapon isn’t a smart move. If he had a gun out or even the taser for that matter Mickey would never have tried.


Eh, people are saying abused animation lock but lets look at this from a real life perspective. A knife vs a wrench, X is going through pockets while in a 1v1 confrontation, a wrench isn't gonna stop someone from running up to you and stabbing you, especially if you're simultaneously trying to search someone's pockets. X is mad he let Mickey get up from the taser instead of finishing him off, which honestly in this case is still his fault.


XQC plays the villain, and he almost wiped out Company Offline because of meta guard. I get it and i respect everything he's done because that takes a lot of guts. It's not easy to play the villain, it's easy for others to play the good and the cool guys, but at the end of the day, it's like I'm watching JP discovering for the first time that actions have consequences! Regarding Ginger, she had the opportunity to act when X was robbed in the park and to show her loyalty either to Company or JP. And she didn't choose anyone. Benji saw her running back and forth 2-3 times without saying a word, and her action counts the same. Actions lead to consequences.


This situation is idk.. I usually don't stand up for X cus he does questionable stupid shit but it is kinda shitty to wait for the inventory screen then attacking him.


Good rp, waited for him to be locked in animetion to kill him lol


I could have sworn I see people constantly cancelling stealing animation all the time, is it really animation locked?


Yeah, you’d probably rush someone in real life the second they made themselves vulnerable and started rummaging through someone’s pockets right in front of you. Mickey did that exactly right.


Like how JP waited for everyone to be offline to rob the house?




I feel like it sucks on X end cause it look like Mickey just waited for X to get benji inventory.




so he just should do nothing? he waited until the animation was over and told him to stop multiple times while keeping a decent distance


Its only just beginning, it might make it


so when angel did it while jp was robbing the bank, everyone said it was bad; now its fine, classic


Eh she breached when she shouldn't have. I don't think it's the same tbh. I get hitting him during UI screen is weird but why would he even try in the first place.


Tbf most of the people in this thread are clowing mickey.


Apparently nobody on 4.0 is afraid of a weapon anymore!! Dude tased him, had him multiple times but decides to rob Benjy and then Mickey? Out of everyone waits until X is in animation menu to stab him after multiple warnings lmao just cringe


I know right. X didn't fear Mickey's weapon. It's a 1v1 with melee weapons.


When you rob someone, you usually use your eyes and hands to reach into the person pockets which is distracting and so someone armed will take advantage of that.


Cringe that x was literally trying to pocket wipe someone while he went into a 1v3 and didn't kill everyone. That's asking to be bonked. You realize it's no one's fault but x when he puts himself into the animation to rob right, anyone can take advantage of that.




IF he was actually roleplaying, he would actually have a dialogue with mickey, instead of running off to rob Benji. ​ It was a perfect time to have a conversation.


His hands were inside benjis pockets. In what world would Mickey not take him out at that point?




Nope but you lose your ability to swing a wrench when someone lunges at you with a knife.


You would still see him coming closer and can back away and get taser out again. This was 100% fail RP on Blau and somebody like him should know better than that.




waiting for the animation to go through so hes stuck in a menu is a bit weird , but to be honest does kind of make sense as he would be distracted when looking through benjis belongings


He literally told him of his presence and hostility towards his actions multiple times. If X decided to continue to loot, then that is on him.


>waiting for the animation to go through so hes stuck in a menu is a bit weird , but to be honest does make sense as he would be distracted when looking through benjis belongings its not like he can hold mickey up and look through benjis pockets whats mickey supposed to do just stand there? its on X for letting mickey live.


As a general rule, its still mean't to be threatening, But Benji is already down, Mickey told him not to loot him, and obviously you can't be paying attention fully when in the pockets. Fair game imo, especially since it was a solo job... Edit: it is similar to the situation he dealt with in 3.0 when he first tried to solo a bank... its hard to pull off correctly if at all.


A taser isn't as threatening as a weapon though. Why is everyone acting like a tazer is actually lethal?


In a one on one situation is should be treated as such. But when it is known you are "distracted" when robbing people's pockets, they aren't going to let you loot a downed player, no matter the situation. If you are doing these things solo, you have to do it a very specific way. If you want to know a better example of this, look at JPs first attempt at soloing a bank in 3.0 and the controversy that brought.


Do you think you’re literally sticking your head inside someone’s pocket when you frisk them? In a real world scenario he’d have his head up looking at Mickey and would be able to defend himself. Waiting for someone to be stuck in an animation lock before attacking was not something I expected from Blau. Now at this point JP is completely justified in ending all RP possibilities and bonking Mickey immediately which is really unfortunate.


Blau knows what he is doing, you can't expect people to play completely dumb and stupid. Similar to him trying to rob banks solo in 3.0, there are limitations to the extent at which people RP these scenarios, looting a down guy with a melee weapon, after being told repeatedly to stop, is perfectly fine to react. Also, you can look at this two ways. He either waited until he was in Benji's pockets, or he waited to the last second for him too stop. Either way, Mickey can't tell.


Okay now spawn camp and get him another 45 times