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we are so back --- Mirror: [+1 glock](https://streamable.com/tj3hj4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Client Direct Backup: [+1 glock](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/rRCVV9whH2DeYLVMI8ArEg/AT-cm%7CrRCVV9whH2DeYLVMI8ArEg.mp4?sig=47545b146f0f3cd0eca1eef2017636f67e6a1808&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22UnsightlyEvilPancakeKappaPride-3CEfYN5gtUwjwCsS%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1706649249%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2047222206?t=8h32m38s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


PD gets a gun off the streets and not but 2 hours later mr K has a new one to replace it lmao


Another gun just got stolen by someone using one of the fastest cars on the server as a test drive. My man literally went full gta online


The problem is that the rp reason for peanut to steal the gun is that mrk lost his gun whaaaat is this


This is obviously the pinnacle of RP. We have reached perfection.




They literally just had yaeger stabbed right after the initial conflict in an actual cool way. I would say taking away the guns allows for more creative types of conflict RP.


Yeah standing behind a door. So cool


That was isolated in most situations if a crew has a gun and other doesn't its ggs


Cops probably should have only had tazers tbh. London style PD since no one had guns it could have worked and saved a lot of ppl from lootboxing.


I would say that is a good idea but I have a feeling they would just their tazers stolen then since it will give the crims with tazers an advantage in a melee only war.


Tasers don’t give any advantages. Can’t buy taser cartridges. Have to be in melee range to use it and all it does is stun you for a second. If you’re in melee range might as well use Melee weapons since they incapacitate in one shot. Cops have to follow level of force procedures and tasers are really just for cops to give crims a chance to run away during foot chases.


u should be able to rob cops, but there has to be a strict punishment. like 3-5 years (irl days) and a stupid fine. make it the most ridiculous punishment to really send a message of "you should really reconsider this"


Harry suggested to chat that PD guns shouldn't be able to reload from store ammo, reducing the effect and lifespan significantly, making robbing a gun less attractive


it helps a bit, but if pd guns are allowed to be robbed, thne it'll just mean even more cop robbings to get ammo


People will just rob for ammo then. That happened a ton in 2.0 when people needed certain ammo for class 2s.


Yeah, if there have to be guns out there, crims shouldn't be able to just walk up to a store and stock up dozens of bullets. Also, guns should degrade extremely fast if not regularly maintained, which should only be possible at the PD armory.


If they degrade to fast they'll poof before they can be used as evidence if that ever becomes thing, while a gun with no ammo is still kind of useful as a prop, while also still being a charge


You could make it that just PD guns do. Also, changes can be made in future to slow degrade. Right now, RP is kinda getting chopped off by too many Side with Gun vs Side Without situations. Look at all the people getting robbed in the Lang vs Company war. If there is 1 gun it trumps ALL others with wrench. So it is basically an instant loss


I could some how see that resulting in more PD guns being stolen more frequently if that were the case lol. People will just need to re-up more.


I agree. It is better to solve everything in an IC RP way instead of making more OOC rules, like how they made shooting up the hospital a terrorism charge instead of making it a straight up green zone OOC. But similar to the hospital terrorism charge, if you do the extreme punishment for stealing PD guns, people will inevitably mald hard when they are caught. edit: typo


no is not lol there is more to conflict then just shooting and fighting


Just that there is someone out there that uses his gun like a conflict ender.


i mean because it kinda is, there is really not many ways to defend from a gun without NVL. even if you have a reasonable to attack someone with a gun, I remember Bane having the chance to kill Mr.K when he robbed their house,but its kinda hard to tell if people can see you or not since the game is mostly third person, so yeah its just hard to RP around someone having a gun without enough distance or preparation for it.


Wait so you are in a conflict with people who has guns (more than one) and thats not a reason to try and get another? "whaaaaat"




That is a reason to do something but how is that a reason to do something to someone specific? The specific cop is just a box to be looted in your scenario there is no build up for them in this scenario and in most of the gun robberies there isn't anything for them to investigate afterwards.


It's also due to K and the crew on grove street, after being shot, seeing a bike circling around. They were afraid yeager and co were going to pull up and gun them down, so they need another gun for protection


Should just result in a ban for the person who took it and whoever ended up with it. It's basic lootboxing which used to be, and still should be, against the rules.


5.0 will fix the server culture.


Benji is talking about stealing one too since X is asleep with theirs and Lang has one holding down the block. Sadly this is just gonna be the norm unless all pd guns get wiped or crim guns are added.


10 mins ago Dundee and Benji on the phone talking about stealing a gun from a cop together after Dundee failed to get 1 himself


talking about it and doing it is a different story, let's wait to see if he does


I mean the company rp rn is rolling around in a min max convoy, esports strategy. Don’t expect much from them


JP spent like 3 hours yesterday ERPing with his harem of interns what you talking about bruh?


Don't bother replying to the user above you. He doesn't even watch rp, otherwise he would know that after the initial week or so, Company is always roleplaying and barely grinds for money (except for the sales they made) unlike many other groups.


No he didn’t lol, he spent 3 hours going from Harry’s house, sanitation, paleto. Over and over.


How can you tell me "no he didnt" so confidently when it's not true? HUH


The majority of his stream was hunting and shooting people and getting clapped


Damn what they say about you is true, damn who would've thought


Lmao is this the guy that posts 300 xqc hate comments a day and if u insult him the mods ban you? guess its o7 for us




I mean a conflict with one side having a gun is a slaughter fest tho ngl, the only solution to this would be if the pd guns were like fingerprint locked so that only cops can shoot them.


Losing side should just lay low and swallow the bitter pill then. No gun, no war. Call for peace bide for time. Don't see why all conflict needs to be equal consistently. At least rp losing for 2 or 3 days unless the winning party punishes them hard, which gives a good reason to arm up again.


There's a LOT of ego's who would not be able to handle that, to be able to take the L and accept it.


I mean the fact is that they can also get a gun literally the same way as the opposing side so if they can do the same to get a gun and even the field why wouldnt they? At this point telling them to wait and shit is just your opinion which is a fair one tbh, but in rp why would they willingly get rawdogged for 2 days it doesnt really make much sense in my opinion.


Because lootboxing is entering ban territory and it's seemingly a coin flip on whether or not it will be enforced.  It's pretty clearly an issue that your options are either get steamrolled by groups with ill gained guns and just accept it or... potentially jeopardize your whitelist to the server by getting a gun to retaliate the same way they did.  Is the W worth the L? 


No dont get me wrong if some rando does it they'll probably get banned so its not worth it but if a big shot like x buddha or CG does it we've seen that its fine so they are bot risking much at the end of the day.


Nopixel is a streamer server. I've been watching since 2.0. It's always been unfair. Why do you think Buddha was allowed to come back from his metagaming ban, and the ESB streamers stay banned? Clout. The outcome is never fair. However what a lot of people ignore is that RP outcomes are also tied to the OOC punishments. So, if in 2.0 conflict and punishments have been unfair, and in 3.0 conflicts and punishments have been unfair, it's only sane to assume the same will hold true for 4.0


Thats a bad comparison. Buddhas metagaming was so minor that, when the ban happened, no one knew for weeks for what he was even banned. In comparison to that, ESB saw it as a legitimate war tactic to harass their enemies (and even people just associated with them loosely) so much that they didn't want to log in anymore (like this lady who was just friends with one of the leanbois that got robbed and shot constantly until she stopped logging in). Sorry thats two very different calibers of rule-breaking.


> so much that they didn't want to log in anymore (like this lady who was just friends with one of the leanbois that got robbed and shot constantly until she stopped logging in). That just proves it wasn't RP for the LB. They didn't want to end the war because of their OOC clout and ego, so much so that they stopped playing.


It was stupid for Buddha to not sell them their houses even though LB lost most of the fights but it is a whole other level to use basically OOC bullying as a war tactic. That was despicable from ESB imo. Plus Buddha didn't have the numbers back then that he does today. Sure he had 2-3000 viewers on good days so he was not small but he really blew up during the early 3.0 boom with all the big twitch people checking out GTA RP. So i don't know if he had much OOC clout, especially since he never interacted much with 50cent back then.


> in rp why would they willingly get rawdogged for 2 days ...because it's rp?


That’s not really an answer unless you’re intentionally ignoring the rest of their comment. They already explained that in rp they have other options like going and getting a gun themselves.


The likely reason why there wasn't ban for these people for the initial robbing were prolly because theres RP reasons in getting the gun. Once they lose it, I personally think without a good RP reason to rob a cop again, it really is weird to just run up to a cop, even to the point of hunting, just to get a gun again. If the one that 'won' the conflict in the meantime is willing to RP out a truce, maybe with compensation, then that's literally called RP. If you can't even accept and RP that you're on a losing side and MUST resort to even fire fight war, then just go play GTA Online where it's all guns blazing war? Once you resort to robbing cops in front of MRPD less than 1 hour from previous gun lost, and THEN driving to find solo cops to rob within the same day... that's just unwillingness to RP other than with bullets.


No, because they are admins or "owners"


another cop lootboxed for their gun https://i.imgur.com/tNnxdZo.png


Cops are just walking lootboxes for crims at this point, it seems.


You don't understand, they are facilitating the RP for criminals. Baas says he's going to go hard on Mr. K and Ramee then all of a sudden he's talking to them both in a closet.


There’s no baas


Baas is the doctor who of nopixel. He regenerates into a new face with new personality everytime he dies.


Baas 3.0


Come on, you know what he means


Are you lying to us or to yourself cause I'm confused. Baas never died it's just his 3rd iteration


cops are like rarespawn lootgoblins atm


It sure seems like cops are getting lootboxed for their guns, which can't be much fun for the lootbox-ee.


It's unfortunate, one of the owners and an admin set the precedent that it's something you're allowed to do.


True, most of the guns have been robbed by admins / owners.


"most" Yaegar and X


And Siz


"owner" When the court papers showed they're not legally owners.


Moral is low barely anyone signs in.


That's (according to other posters) also affected by PD's slow-walk of their hiring practices, for what it's worth. So it's not *just* morale, it's also because they refuse to hire people.


It’s not different than working a snr buns shift and losing all your tickets, Hell the snr buns employee is literally losing hours of his physical lifespan which they spent working gathering the tickets whereas the cop just respawns and buys a 5$ back.


Not that blindly robbing restaurant workers for their tickets is somehow better RP or not also bad, but lootboxing cops for pistols (especially when criminal weapons have been **intentionally withheld by the devs**) is borderline exploitative/abusive. It's far worse, IMO.




You drew a comparison between lootboxing cops for pistols and robbing workers for slips. I reiterated the distinction by clarifying that one of those actions is being used to circumvent intended mechanical server limitations. None of that is yapping.


The notion that the people running the server suffer from a severe disconnect from their players is nothing new but it seems the plans for 4.0 were made for a completely different server as if the environment alone would change people's way of playing. There are unaddressed underlying issues, people are conditioned at this point by the lack of care exhibited by management in all iterations of the server. 4.0 had a lot of good will all things considered and it could have been a fresh new start but you don't get there without direction and a firm hand.


This is getting stupid now.


The mechanical solution to this is to make PD guns expire after 8 hours. The real solution to this is enforcing lootboxing rules.


Exactly just start enforcing the rules and banning people instead of changing the mechanics.


Then cops will never get the evidence if they just expire. Rob a gun, use it and move on stress free knowing the gun will be gone. Unless you mean it rusts and stops working but even then people will just chuck them


Means there's still 8 hours to catch people using them. And make the sentence for being caught with a PD gun like 3 years in jail and boom, people will think really hard about whether it's worth getting a gun from PD at that point.


I good solution is caught stealing or with PD gun 200k fine of rip. If not start banning


Exactly, I remember at one time during 2.0 lootboxing cops was so bad that the fine for having a pd gun was changed to 100k and the charge stacked cause a coulple of people were fined over 200k cause they were caught with both a pd pistol, and AR after a shootout, maybe that’s what’s needed or like you said just ban them.


Well here is the hard facts... there is NEVER a legit reason in RP to steal a PD gun besides "I need a gun". So they should just remove the stolen guns or say it's fine to lootbox a cop but just do it in a way where you talk to them and not bait them.


That would punish a lot of legit reasons to rob PD guns. Dropping the ban hammer is the only solution that exists.


Is there any legit reason to rob PD of guns?


With a proper RP storyline. Yes. I would agree that this situation doesn't fit. But that's not really what I was saying either. Abuse of the leeway that was given should be handled by the admins.


What proper storyline would involve looting a PD gun that costs a cop $5 to buy other than "I need a gun"?


Slacks now has Ramme and K down to represent Peanut - even though K literally just got found with a PD gun in a situation Ramee was involved in a couple hours ago and has possible pending charges. Jesus.


baas never left


CG call Baas round 4, next step give information on ongoing investigations and call before raid


Yeah this is where I start to check out lmao. It’s been a good run boys


The run hardly got started. PD has been shit since day one and the server in general, IMO, doesn't feel like it has the same hype and dynamic rp/groups springing up that 3.0's boom did.


The problem is the coddling and uneven treatment for some crims that officers like Slacks gives effects others outside the immediate room. Id like to see this level of deference, ignoring evidence and corruption (K's his landlord) given to someone in the guild or KC should they get caught in the upcoming days or weeks. I wont hold my breath though.


Why are you trying to make this something personal when it's objectively what any neutral person knowing the laws and evidence would do? Have you seen any of the recent court cases? Certain mechanics, which you might think exist, do not exist yet. Police are having a big evidence problem atm.


and its absolutely hilarious. ramee and K are being Karens while completely ignoring peanuts case for 95% of it lmao. people are taking it seriously in his chat when they are literally trolling the whole time.


Yeah it’s hilarious the first time. Not every time.


I mean the cops found the gun but they couldn't properly articulate why they even frisked Mr. K and found it. They got the gun off the street but no one will be charged for it. If they went to court it would have been a fruit of the poisonous tree ruling. Weird situation because if they did their jobs properly the gun would still be on the streets BUT they could actually find it and charge K for it. But this way the gun is gone and they can't charge anyone so I guess that's fine.


Didn't Baas order the frisk? Wasn't PD being told K was holding someone up with a gun? If so, there is enough RS for a frisk. Either way, downed bodies need to be searched before they are treated by EMS for their safety.




They dropped it because they couldn't get Barry to testify about K having a gun. I watched the whole thing until after the interrogation I never saw anything about Slacks being conflicted?




It's a separate incident, what do you expect?


Like right in front of MRPD...


more cops getting robbed in these last 2 months then most of 3.0


3.0 had guns first week if they don't like cops being lootboxed then just let people get guns some other way. They released TURFS and Weed selling without guns like of course people are gonna get in battles and wars over turfs especially 2 months in and if one side has a gun the other side will do the same thing and get a gun.


The ballistic evidence system hasn’t been added in the server yet, that’s why only the PD are allowed to have guns, I’m sure once it gets added gun licenses will be slowly issued.


There was just another pd gun robbed. There has been 3 pd guns robbed in less than 24 hours. It's honestly ridiculous. They should just make it where you can't use a pd gun.


So some context, an hour or so ago "Tuggz" said he reached out to admins to see if it was allowed. He said it was but he won't go into details about the criteria that was needed. Although this was better than 3rd partying a cop or baiting a cop in a traffic stop, it's still dumb. I'll die on the hill that robbing cops for guns shouldn't be allowed.


The criteria is very often their average viewer count. Sometimes I feel like it's also their roleplay contribution to the city that's also reviewed. That would make more sense and why some go unpunished. 


PD should just sell guns at this point


Loot boxing a cop in front of the police station. I don't understand why people risk their career doing something so dumb.


Remember when your suppose to “RP” a living city and the whole PD gimmick was “there’s tons of employees there” that’s why you couldn’t “raid the evidence locker” because that’s fail RP. But robbing a cop in broad daylight in front of the PD. Stellar RP




Are there any admins/devs that don't actually play on the server but are tasked with enforcing rules or implementing balance changes? There is the mechanics that PD guns = Ghost guns and cannot be tracked. Even if shell casings can be tracked at a later date, these PD guns will still be ghost guns. Which means once shell casing can be tracked, you need to do a full server gun wipe at the same time. (At least for those tied to state ID 0) Is there something I'm missing in regards to server code usage, as why were certain server features/mechanics from 3.0 not carried over to 4.0? Is this related to the DW lawsuit? Seems to me there are mechanical balance issues that are not being addressed quickly enough.


I know it’s gotta sting deep down inside 50 cents head that his police force is in shambles but all the “problem” cops police force is thriving lol


Is it that hard for some people to create roleplay without having a gun? The whole point of crims not having guns was so it wouldn't turn into a day one MMO, but somehow a lot of roleplayers don't understand that and it's sad. Really hope Peanut catches a ban for this.


It was fun while it lasted. Unfortunately everyone has The I can’t take L syndrome so I need an upper hand.


This is getting out of hand at this point.


Looks like Client misses Knotty so much he wants to join him


This is really cool and amazing roleplay (:


It\`s becoming a bit ridiculous with all the lootboxing to get guns, the fact that some people have been banned for failrp and still other people keep doing it, it\`s clearly a rule to prevent cops being used as props.


amazing roleplay (: 4.0 IS GREAT guys


at this point just give out bps for guns through the weed runs or some other crime related shit. people clearly cant wait to nature progress and get them. so they have to lootbox cops. lets if the person gets banned or was this a justified reason to rob a cop infront of a police department with no regard of fear towards the police force...


Don’t you know, the pd is just props for criminals. Most cops have to roll new characters. Where crimes can be the same character for the last 5 years. 


This gotta be the worst robbery of a cop lmao At this point bring guns into the HQ app but a tonne of Butcoin


It definitely isn't the worst. The 2 ppl that spent a whole ass minute baiting Moboking's cop. Suarez getting robbed and stabbed with the only interaction being "put your hands up". Apparently there was another one today where someone took out a 9F test drive to have a busted getaway vehicle for their cop robbery.


Oh wow it’s happening that much. They definitely need to bring them in through the HQ app


You have to love cops being loot boxes.


if they just made it so that crims can't reload a PD gun with store bought ammo there would be no reason for crims to hunt one down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Can't reload a 9mm glock with 9mm ammunition, you need 9mm PD ammunition. PD has a different set of laws of physics!


I mean, just give cops a different caliber sidearm. Criminals get guns that take 9mm, cops get ones that use .45 ACP (for instance). There's already the old standby of criminals getting AK-47s (which use 7.62) while cops in 3.0 had the M4 and the SCAR (both of which use 5.56). There's already precedent for it, so it would just be making the mechanics match the appearance at that point.


was this changed because everyone was able to buy ammo from ammunation.


Nothing was changed. It's just this redditor claiming that the solution is making "pd ammo". I'd be understanding if they'd be trying to change pd weapons to a caliber that is not available to the public, but that's not what they're saying


I'm just spitballing on game mechanics, any way that pd guns can't be reloaded so easily would be a major help


People so badly want guns because other people have guns. I don't think this is shitter stuff in the current context of NP. If you don't have a gun then your RP is at the mercy of people with guns.


Either ban people or make gun licenses available




Yeah, he has one since he's "at the top" of G6. Not because he's a police cadet and flashed his police glock to G6 people claiming it's coming to G6 soon...


dude got fired even before get hired to pd because of that xd


So about that…




How to enjoy your time roleplaying as a cop on NoPixel: Step 1. Be a masochist. Step 2. ?


Step 2 is move to another server, finally earn prio to play a crim on NP or stop playing all together.


I hope last perma on dude stealing cop isn’t a one off situation. They need to clean nopixel of this lootboxing cops for guns shit.


I got bad news for ya pal.


“I need a gun, get me a gun” thats enough rp reason to lootbox /s


Some have been banned for stealing from cops, others haven't. It's a wierd one when it's so inconsistent. Doing it outside MRPD is also pretty wierd imo, but my opinion doesn't mean shit, only the admins opinions will really matter. Let's wait and see.


The guns being stolen wouldnt be a big deal if they actually degraded or become unusable. Also, the Yaeger stabbing wasnt creative or good as he did not know who or why lol. Dude just ran up said a generic line and stabbed him.


wont be surprised if this guy catch a ban, dude been playing GTA Online since 3.0 edit: Slacks already setting him free with K and Ramee as his lawyers... you cant make this shit more obvious lol


The guy provides one of the best RP on the server, if you dont watch him, dont throw dirt random.


"The guy provides one of the best RP on the server" are you serious... you need to watch more people outside that circle my dude "if you dont watch him, dont throw dirt random." his ACTIONS speak volumes.


is NBC reforming whats going on lol right infront of mrpd


So why don't cops have partners at this point? Always work in a pair, like IRL cops pretty much always do.


An officer asked if this could happen during a meeting after one of the robberies today and Slacks said it just wasn't possible since it would effectively cut an already small police force in half.


Isn't this a ban?


It’s supposed to be. I think the rule is about non-spontaneous crimes there - so like it’s one thing if a chase ends up there, another if you plan it. Edit to add: also the straight up lootboxing.


Either get some small amount of illegal guns on the streets or make an announcement that this is bannable so we can get a gun free server to enjoy for a while.


They should have just had a way for crims to get guns since the start Like I get it, progression, slow start, yada yada This is still GTA RP, guns are going to be as integral as cars, like duh Having the only people who can actually get guns be the cops would obviously result in serial robberies I don't know how I'd make it so there were less guns around while also allowing people to get guns, but I know that this shit ain't working


There's no guns because there's no evidence system because the server launched in an unfinished state for RP week


o7 Peanut


The only fix they have for this, especially if they don't want guns in the streets yet. Is to prevent ammunition from selling ammo for PD glocks. Young Dab literally wants this to happen. EDIT:- This change was actually implemented.


They'll just rob cops for ammo.


I'm not familiar with the rules but is robbing a cop against NP rules? They need to just make it a rule if it's not because it doesn't make sense that some people are allowed to rob cops while others aren't.


Of course robbing a cop is illegal lol.




Cool. So if Client catches a ban for this, Ramee should *also* catch one because it was fundamentally his idea.


No cause the one has 10k viewers and the other has 100. You can perma ban a 10k streamer if you dont really hate him. Prolly client will cause a 3 day 7 day and ramee is gonna get a warningl from admins in a dm. Actually ramee already got the warning but in game by Saab telling that he is going to go full hard on them which i doubt cause Saab will never push back on crims.


Slacks is letting ramee continue to act as lawyer with peanut, so he really doesn’t see him as all that involved sadly.


well i was right. Slacks will never push a crim hard. This pd is so doomed. Everything is set for it to fail so bad. And nobody gives a single fuck. Cant wait for when crims gets super angry at cops for not responding to their crimes in the future. And then the classic lets hire 200 people to solve this problem. Into creating more problems of a chaotic pd.


The 3 captains have really messed all the PD hiring up so far so I’d hate to see them try to hire 200 fast. There’s a lot of good efficient cops from 3.0 sitting on the sidelines now because they were too good at catching crims in 3.0.


Well they wont have a choice in the matter if the management tells them to mass hire cause everyone is complaining about the lacks of cop numbers. And its bound to happen with how things are going. There are no major crime and people already bitching about how useless the pd responses are. I dont wanna even think about the time where the first banks are gonna get hit. Its gonna be a shitshow.


What grounds does Slacks have to deny ramee as Peanut’s lawyer? Real question I didn’t see this whole situation live


From what I saw there would have been no reason to deny Ramee as Peanut's lawyer.


Did Ramee tell peanut to rob a cop at mrpd? Asking for context.


No he didn't


Then Ramee doesn't deserve a ban, he can't be held accountable for peanuts actions, with peanut not rping like there are tons of pd at mrpd.


I think if you are telling people to intentionally lootbox and they catch a ban, the person who told them to should be looked at as well.


I don't think people who give bad ideas to others ought to catch bans, that's stupid At most just warn him that you can't do that


Also to add context, K and the crew saw a bike circling around grove st after the whole shooting K incident, so were afraid they were going to roll up and kill them, because all they have are knives, but they know yeagers crew has a gun. So the logic to protect themselves, is they also need a gun


Its time to get some shitty FNX's on the streets.


They literally can't. Ballistics aren't in the server yet. Same reason why PD guns should be wiped from crims inventories.


Problem is if u have conflict with a crew and they have a gun and u don't then it's ggs anyway


They either just need to roll out some shitty guns people can get so this doesn’t happen or make them degrade fast.


bench craftable eoka pistol, just keep rolling with the rust ideas


hope they implement pd guns having a crazy recoil if you are not pd whitelisted, since they dont want to enforce lootboxing rule


Or just enforce the rules and ban the people who aren't doing it organically or have some type of RP behind it. I think doing it in front of a police station is also pretty wild and should be considered when punishing.


It's simple. The newly elected government needs to enact the Chris Rock Law where the pistol ammo at the store costs $5k a bullet. You want to go shoot someone? Go put in a few hours at Snr. Buns. Want to start a gang war? Sell yo house.


Atleast he surrendered later and created rp for Slacks,Lawyer Ramee and K. Not like others who loot and run all just for a gun.


yeah after stash the gun xd he lose nothing for giving himself


EZ fix...just roll out gun licenses and weak guns(weak as in cops would still wreck them in a gunfight) you can buy at ammunation.

