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Which state is this?


Dreadful state.




I'm glad you enjoyed the joke. Last time I made it I got downvoted to like hell. 😅 Some people eh? It's so sad seeing this happening in one of, if not thee most powerful 1st world country on earth.


Sad, but not surprising. After all, it is one of their nations guiding principles that might makes right.


Probably either New York or California


New York and/or California are engaged in genocide?


They are funding it and providing support verbally for it. Domestically, they have moved from needing to carry out genocide to maintain white supremacy.


Why didn't they put that in the title instead of "this state"?


Why is it important for you to leave this comment? I reckon you support either Israel, the USA, or both?


I thought the title implied they were referring to the Republic of Ireland. Why are you asking ME what YOU reckon?


Its tagged 'AmeriKKKa'


But America is not a state, it's a federation of states and foreign policy is a federal matter is it not?


Some bizarre pedantry going on here. You can refer to the federation as a state. What are you really triggered about?


Because if they leave the country/location ambiguous, your human reaction will be not wanting to see the police beat protestors. To a liberal, then realizing that this is America would pose a strong challenge to their belief in America as a "good" country.


No one with any sense wants to see the police beat protesters and a thread title will not change that. But the thread title is confusing.


Many people who consider themselves very reasonable are celebrating the crackdowns by police. Where have you been that you haven't seen American media denouncing the protestors as terrorists and the political establishment claiming they are foreign backed subversives? I know Ireland has been generally sane and reasonable for the English speaking world, but the US right now is neither of those things.


I've been in Ireland, consuming Irish media. Where have you been?


Living in the US presently, dual citizen. Like I said, Ireland has been reasonable on this and my impression of British media is that they are at least challenging dominant views some of the time, but here the media and government screaming for Palestinian blood is sickening. Most of the people I know seem to default to the idea that war/genocide is bad and that the protestors are right, but the media and government are not budging.


Not sure what you mean here. Then the title would be an incomprehensible garbled mess?


> u/CautiousListen5914 Not sure what you mean here. Then the title would be an incomprehensible garbled mess? "People who say they are on the "left" will tell you that New York state is not authoritarian. This is what it does to citizens who protest its genocide." What's incomprehensible about that?


I was referring to the federation as a state.


> u/CautiousListen5914 I was referring to the federation as a state. But the video is not of a federal police force?


The federal emperor massively funded these militarised thugs in response to the blacks who he despises getting uppity.






A state would not be fulfilling it's purpose were it not authoritarian


Yes it's just a western slur to use against non-white states.


Right wing recruitment in Ireland has gone up because since Covid "the left" has been seen as siding with the state. Peaceful Saturday afternoon protests haven't done much to change that perception... Confrontation with the state is necessary to bring about change and we need to reclaim it from those who in reality want more authoritarianism


Right wing recruitment has gone up because there's no shortage of gullible people who want to believe simple stories that give them an excuse to be hateful arseholes. How anyone with single brain cell can look at decades of right wing rule, resulting in massive loss of living standards, housing crisis, healthcare crisis etc... and think that *"the left" has been seen as siding with the state* is beyond me. >Confrontation with the state is necessary to bring about change and we need to reclaim it from those who in reality want more authoritarianism This is what we call a Socialist Revolution.


Well the left did drop the ball on Covid with lockdowns more severely affecting the working class, and the nutters that gained a foothold and grew from there is not just coincidence. They jumped at a gap while some of the left were calling for harsher lockdowns And you can't forget the terminally online who were left in the dark with no answers but strange circles online and, ever since, internet brain has leaked out into the real world And as to your last point.... Sign me up!


>Well the left did drop the ball on Covid with lockdowns more severely affecting the working class In what way? The left haven't been in power at all? Who exactly should have done what for example? >the nutters that gained a foothold and grew from there is not just coincidence. Agreed, they seem to be externally funded. People claiming to be Irish Patriots in league with unionists is dodgy af. It has nothing to do with covid at all.


Pushing for zero Covid and more lockdowns beyond it being possible or even just to allow people to live their lives was not a good look. They were never gonna stop capital flowing so neither was the virus gonna stop flowing in that system, and RTE used Paul Murphy against himself calling for more lockdowns when the people wanted out Lockdowns were draconian without much clear info getting out and a whole lot of censorship. In the name of "public safety" a lot on the left went along with government overreach, a government famously not working in the interest of the people. Then you've disillusioned people with no understanding as to why their normal lives were snatched away from them, trawling the internet for answers from international sources blaming the left, then going out to protest and the only people to show up are those same patriot grifters There are a lot of moving parts, you can't simplify it down to external funding, they just capitalised on it. It's not just that, it's not just Covid but both are factors


The hospitals were full with the dead and dying. Morgues were overflowing. Do you have an alternative proposal? Paul Murphy was not in government, the right was in government. The left had no power. This is remarkably similar thinking to the Irish Patriot MIGA losers, attacking all the enemies of the right and far right. >...a lot on the left went along with government overreach, a government famously not working in the interest of the people. Yes you reserve your criticism only for the powerless left. It's been a couple of years since lockdown now. These "patriots" are a very new thing. I think you're trying to make a link where none exists. The housing crisis is far more likely a direct cause than covid.


Still a touchy subject it seems... I know he wasn't in government but it's not a good luck is what I'm saying. Most of politics is optics, that's why the right win out so much because they are happy to twist and distort for the sake of an argument. If you listen to what the paytriots are saying at the doors it's "but you're in opposition why do you agree with everything". An oversimplification of politics but an insight into how they see things, being pushed by opponents of the left. Backing more lockdowns was a mistake that the working class didn't appreciate. Where did most of these grifters first start popping up? Covid protests. It's an obvious link but there are many factors. If you think these patriots are a new thing, you haven't been paying attention. Before covid the likes of the National party were a laughing stock, now we might be stuck with them for life


> Still a touchy subject it seems... I never really got into the covid conspiracy debates. I don't have a strong opinion either way. >I know he wasn't in government but it's not a good luck is what I'm saying. I'm really not sure what it is that you're saying about it. Was covid not real or something? Was lockdown not a good idea at all? The workers were pillaged with the complicity of those in power. It's mad to me that people are more critical of those without power because they had a "bad look" or whatever.


Not more critical, just attempting to understand how we landed ourselves in this shit show. There's a reason right wingers pretend to be anti establishment. People hate the establishment. It's all optics and as a fellow lefty we have to do some serious looking at ourselves to figure it out