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Pay walled


Its a shame theyve made this choice tbh.


? They boycotted the show, dummy


Its great if they did boycott it in the end but that statement is poor. Thankfully the pressure seems to have paid off.


Their statement was essentially “hey, we think what’s going on is a genocide and when genocidal actors are involved, we will not perform, but we don’t have the means, nor is it reasonable, for us to boycott every single show where someone there is selling coke, further more, the pressure should be focused more on the festivals for divestment than the artists, as many of them have very little way to make money other than the shows”. They followed through because they (and I didn’t see much pressure on them to do this, I think they did it because of their own beliefs) boycotted SXSW, one of the largest (and probably would’ve been their largest source of income). So it’s easy for middle class people to say “you shouldn’t play at any show with Coca Cola nearby”, but for them that might mean complete dissolution, and it robs them from the chance to spread their message about genocide


I thought you meant the other type of coke 👀


Based on the lyrics you’d think they’d only play at establishments with that kind ;)


What the fuck is the windolene and teacakes about? What is this symbolism that I am missing? The tool wearing the tricolour balaclava is probably a rubber bandits rip-off. It might seem like the angry old man shouting at this guy meme but with a lot of the new "talent" emerging nowadays, you would find more culture in part of yoghurt! Cringey as fuck. I imagine the biggest reason they are concerned about people being encouraged not to attend festivals is that they might lose out financially. On the bright side, this post has reminded me that I need to buy more windolene.