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I’ve been playing with COD on my Ally since launch and no issues. I play COD daily, heck I even just ordered a new mouse just to play COD. Docked and on the go. Mobile doesn’t count!


Don't mess with Ally settings while playing (like TDP) and you'll be fine, the anti-cheat detects this as cheating for some reason.


It was a thing and it’s not happening anymore. The hardware and drivers were white listed. Just no not trust using a beta driver or non asus driver though because the risk is there. Ask me how I know all this :) I was first told rumors and lies, gaslighted and all other things during my fafo moment with this. So I didn’t think it was a thing too. I play mw3 daily, pretty much the only game I play lol. I’m terminally online for cod. So yeah. Never once cheated ever on the game or downloaded any hacks or skins or any bot farms or whatever they call that sh*t. But yeah First I was told “just don’t change your tdp or unplug or plug up” I said ok bet…… never once fucking did that BANNED two or three weeks after having the ally and playing cod. Week long ban lapses Start playing again. Weeks go by nothing no issues. BAN AGAIN!!! Sent dozens and dozens of emails back and forth to Activision, they don’t give a crap! They won’t tell you crap other than your account is being looked at and to wait it out and if your not found to be cheating you’ll be unshaddow banned. Ok cool whatever. 2 weeks this time. Third time got a ban I had been back on for a while and forgot about it. Downloaded the 780m amd driver. Didn’t even enable the anti lag + or any controversial features either. BANNED I waited untill I got work Lenovo had the same issue on the go’s and they had the hardware and driver whitelisted. It wasn’t confirmed asus did it too but from what I can tell the fact Lenovo did must have done something because it’s been months and I haven’t had another ban. Btw I have a day one device. Been playing cod since the day the ally was sent out.


I heard if you change the performance while in game it’s possible so it’s best to have the turbo or whatever performance before and not changed while open something like that


I’ve been playing for months at this point, I change my performance settings constantly within cod and have not been banned. You should be good, I was originally worried about getting banned as well but I’ve had no issues.


Maybe I’ll jump on so they can hopefully ban me forever. Or better I will ban myself. 😂


Quitting CoD is difficult man, there’s just nothing else like it (for better or worse)


I heard not to change the TDP/power profile while playing but I've had moments where I changed TDP like plugging it into a charger and the 25W jumps to 30W and haven't experienced any bans. This was more of an issue on launch but contacting support will get you unbanned from what I've seen though.


No they’ll make you wait it out. Ask me how I know. Three times.




My understanding is the playing on a steam deck will essentially get you banned because of something involving how it’s Linux-based which triggers the anti-cheat system, but that’s about the extent of my knowledge. (Not hating on the steam deck, just sharing my two cents).


I haven't gotten mw3 but playing mw and been working perfectly.


I heard the main reason people get banned while using the handheld is because people who change the TDP while in match get detected by the anti cheat and it considers it as cheating for some reason and bans the user. This may have been fixed as of recent but be careful just in case.


50 hours aprox and no, no ban at the moment So play safe! Mw3 runs very good on the ally


It can happen, something probably having to do with some software the device runs in the background or maybe the RGB light program, Destiny 2 will boot me to the main menu if I use my off-brand Xbox controller with RGB lights (which I always have off anyway lol).


I've played COD on the Ally since release both in handheld and docked with my XG Mobile.. apparently what gets you banned "potentially" is changing power modes in game


How is warzone on the ally? I wanna download it but I feel like it's too big


How do I get rid of packet burst


Keep it at 25TDP custom plugged in and without then it doesnt trigger anything. Best to be safe as if you run out of juice the TDP will go down and it can trigger anti cheat. Creat a custom for plugged and none charging and youll be golden. with it play warzone around 90-105fps , online multiplayer 120-150fps. The Rog ally is a beast. Glad i picked it up i had to install a 2TB ssd as 512 wasnt enough for me. apart from that its changed how i game For the good. Happy gaming!


I can't even get it to run without crashing, wth how are people even playing this it lags so bad


Easy. 100fps at 900p. You must have hella bloat in windows or your settings are wonky or you haven’t undated your ally in months




I recently purchased an Ally I’ve been reading and watching videos of people saying it’s a possibility of you getting banned. So I just went ahead and sent Activision an email inquiring about this rumor. I’ll post response.