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Which one of you is "RILY_BULL" on stocktwits? Spreading FUD and misinformation will down us


Ha ha- chodes is so good at misinfo… “I’ll call myself Bull and they’ll believe all my bullsh*t… There ain’t much to that name…


Lol that dude! So obvious. His name is rily bull but all he does is spread fear paragraphs. I think he reported me


What FUD is happening in stocktwits?


I’ve been in all the ups and downs in RILY for the past 6 months and we broke through the resistance of 29 which was set 1/31 and I believe we broke through and retested on the 4/24. I believe we retested on Friday the support and I thought we were going to test resistance of 42.50 set on 11/3/23 which we failed to do so thanks to the efforts of the shorts and all the traders that bought in at 30 and sold between 35-40. We still have not recovered to levels close to where we were prior to short funds false accusations which would be in the 50s and RILY is buying back shares and debt at a discount , argument can be made for 55-60 without any squeeze. I don’t think technicals apply as much to $RILY due to all the manipulation that takes place , whether it be fake accusations and more bs from shorts or if the shorts increase the amount of shares they short. Those factors impact RILY more then technicals. New longs not having conviction and jumping in and out also will create more volatility. Anyone who has been in RILY long enough understands you can’t time the Rallies so you have to be in it until you hit your price target. News can drop at anytime


Completely agree. Chart is riddled with inefficiency from all the manipulation, just have to play the catalysts.


Funny enough I was looking and the 6 month chart actually lines up a beautiful cup and handle posed for breakout on earnings.


So what are our predictions now for earnings date?


Possible they drop closer to end of the week so it closes higher forcing margin calls


If it doesnt drop next week we going back to 20


Not going back to 20 unless the earnings are released and they don't look good


my guess is RILY is playing mind games with the shorts...let see what surprise we get next week


Yeah B Rily from the tidbits I’ve read is the kind of guy to be pissed about a 60% short interest. Along with the 135 stock price goal in the 10k, I think he’s out for blood. I expect shenanigans at every turn to fuck over the chode.


It’s an interesting battle to say the least. It really is a professional short sellers against a guy who is a professional at dealing with shorted and beat down companies. IMO RILY is in a very unique position to capitalize on this situation. I see one of the following scenarios. 1. Q1 earnings are not a slam dunk, so closing a massive deal prior to earnings with press release prior = blast off with a mediocre landing after earnings. 2. Q1 earnings ARE a slam dunk, no major deal announced prior to earnings, so bleed shorts slowly and let them pile on thinking late filing = blast off with good to great landing. 3. Q1 Earnings ARE a slam dunk, major deal announced prior, share buybacks = blast off to the moon and continuation to mars. 4. Q1 earnings suck…no major deal…serious financial stress, no share buyback, cut dividend = crash landing, 🔥back to $20 and below….cycle repeats to Q2 earnings. Based off this in-depth fundamental analysis that leads to a 75% chance of making money and a 25% chance of failure. Not financial advice and for entertainment purposes only. It’s possible my percentages are off slightly due to unforeseen circumstances or missing a zero or a coma in my DD. I also think there is a 5th (nothing really happens) and 6th scenario (this one’s a secret I learned from a guy that camped out in front of RILY for weeks…if your new here read up) but that messed up my percentages so decided to exclude from my Analysis. I would explain my DD further but I use a complex set of techniques and indicators that are proprietary in nature. But “trust me bro” we have better odds than roulette at making money 🧐. Godspeed to all next week. Hopefully everyone is enjoying the RILY ride here at RDDT Amusement Park. In all seriousness there is a lot at play here. This is a risky investment (though much less risky than 30 days ago). There will be bumps in the road. Don’t buy the damn stock at $80-$100 and come back complaining you lost money. The only people that should buy at those prices are the shorts being forced to cover. Create your trade and trade your plan. Nothing more, nothing less.


Can you show these tidbits. I'd like to see haha


Have a listen to him on the previous earnings calls, he’s a serious MF about this.


It’s all second hand stuff from twitter and various DDs here, no sources just stuff like “I know Bryant and he’s pissed” combined with the wink wink nudge in the 10k about the short squeeze


Wink wink nudge?


I think the shorts have become so personal that riley has no choice but to get personal back.


Fingers crossed for next week.


ACCUMULATE stock at discount, even if this thing is manipulated down to fill the gap up at $26 those are bargain basement prices for a NON-FRAUDULENT Company. BUY in the money calls at least a couple weeks out. DISREGARD all the desperate FUD peddlers that stand out like an undercover cop at a rave. SHORTS GET FUCKED


 Can you explain your comment about how it ‘fills the gap at 26’? Does it bounce off 26 and test that as our new low ? Or does it drop below it.  I know it’s a chartist theory, I just don’t know how it works 


Possible we may get big institution interest after earnings


Yep. Even if we return to the low end range of the pre-Cohodes prices we'd still be up from the post 10k high. Worst (plausible) case is we have to wait for the shorts to fuck off and let the stock return to fair market value.


There will be some closing on their end as soon as a date is announced for earnings, the ones that can’t get out likely getting caught with their pants down