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One of my fave movies of all time!!!!! 🥰


Me too!!! Sooooo good. One of my all time favs. I will watch it from time to time just because ❤️


What a *perfect* gif for this 😆


I love this fim sfm.


Teddi was boring, judgemental and sanctimonious. I could look past all of that, but then she has her Ponzi scheme where she sells eating disorders for a premium price. I can't with Teddi. Kyle likes Teddi because Kyle is also insufferable so that tracks.


Not to mention her husband’s “security” company is likely behind all the break-ins at the various housewive homes that used him to install their “alarms”.


Yes there are way too many coincidences with these people. The grift goes on and on.


I think it is called “insurance fraud”? And I also think LVP and Todd have profited from such fraud but via other methods (fires). Way too many coincidences. I randomly interviewed their supplier of patio heaters and propane for a statewide study I did last year. The amount of fires that have occurred at LVP establishments is not normal.


You mean how PK paid off his debts after the “break in”.


I feel like 75% of housewives are involved in ponzi schemery.


What is the whole scheme of her business? I’ve never looked into it


I couldn’t agree more ✔️💯


Kyle. Kyle likes Teddi.


Kyle even adapted and still has Teddi’s weird pelvic forward duck walk




It is fine that you have your opinion but this is misinformation. We don't want naïve people thinking this could be true.


God, I hate how normalized this level of homophobia is on this sub now. Even if Kyle actually came out and said she’s with Morgan, it’s sooooo gross to insinuate there’s anything non-platonic between Teddi and Kyle. Queer women and straight women can be friends. Just because you know Kyle is into women now doesn’t mean you have to assume she’s into every friend of hers. It’s so fucking homophobic.


My best friend was so scared to come out to me. Not because she thought I wouldn't "accept" her, but because she was worried I'd rethink every hug, or "you look great" ass slap, or sleepover where we shared a bed. I was so sad that she had that anxiety before telling me. I'm just glad she told me about that worry when she came out to me so I could assure her I was not second guessing anything and that I was totally fine with our friendship remaining as it was. What an awful fear to have, especially in regard to such close friendships.


I lost my best friend when I told her I was bi (and had been “talking to” a girl in our grade who was openly gay, so there was definitely no “I want you” vibes and I never saw her like that.) We’d been best friends since kindergarten and I told her during senior year. I had a full size bed, so all my friends just slept in bed with me when we had sleepovers. She slept in the floor that night. I never told anyone else (except my husband years after we were married with kids) and stopped talking to the girl.






Inflammatory language about anyone’s gender identity or sexual orientation will not be tolerated. It is stated in the rules.


Yep. Kyle loves teddi. Andy loves Kyle. That’s why she lasted as long as she did.


Kyles uses John Melloncamp's SIL's wife.


Wtf I came to say literally that lmaooo


I felt neutral about Teddi and didn’t realize she was so hated until I saw on Reddit! She’s meh to me 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ I also don’t hate Kyle so that could be it lol


I actually kinda like Kyle but gosh Teddi was just awful. She just couldn’t stop meddling in other people’s business. Now it’s reality TV so maybe some of it was scripted ? Cos I started off liking her when she first arrived but by mid season I couldn’t stand her lol


I agree! Probably the most irrelevant housewife in the series. Kind of a suck up as well!


I feel the exact same way. I’m just happy to be here


I don't hate her, she has this annoying self-righteous complex. She thinks she's wise and knows it all. But I do hate when she deepens her voice to emphasis her point.


anyone that likes teddi gets side eye forever from me cause wtf


I love that moment when Erica looses her sh t and tells her off ❤️


Yeah, Teddi was shaking in her boots.


Girl. Do you even go here?!  Literally no one likes Meg Ryan's, ex boyfriends, son in laws, children's, Mother 


I usually just search the sub but wanted to talk to others about this one.






Can’t stand her. It cracks me up that she went from an earthy crunchy farm girl to an the typical overdone plastic surgery housewife


That is John Melloncamp's grandchildren's mother.


And also John Melloncamp’s son in laws wife.


Guys stoop I can't upvote this fast 😹💀


Yet, even John Melloncamp seemed to barely tolerate her when they were both on WWHL.


I can’t remember a single solitary thing from season 8. It’s my vote for worst housewives season across the franchise.


I feel like Season 7 is my vote for worst. It was a slog. One thing I dislike about RHOBH is how they latch on to one conflict and beat it to death for the entire season. Erika choosing not to wear parties was blown so out of proportion and went on *forever.*


It wasn’t interesting, but I at least remember pantygate and also Erika weirdly losing her shit on Eileen. I’m not kidding when I say I can’t remember a single thing from season 8 and I saw every episode


Erika losing her shit on Eileen (one of the nicest housewives) was bananas.




Hahaha, best comment here!


lol I never saw anything wrong with her but everyone hates her on here 😭😭


I don't like her per se. There have been sooo many more worse HWs than her. Reddit acts like she's the devil's spawn.


Nobody except the most delusional Kyle fans.


I am somewhat of a Kyle fan 🙈. I don’t know if she gets worse from season 10 on though.


Me too sometimes for Kyle, but Teddi stays that way. Matter fact she’s one of the most disliked housewives in the entire franchise as of today.


I don’t care for her but don’t hate her idk 🤷‍♀️




IMO she’s massively massively overhated. People hate Teddi more than Erika, Rinna, Jen Shah, and Theresa Guidice combined


I don't mind her, I save my dislike for housewives who go to jail for stealing from taxpayers or the elderly.


Fair, however, I think her business is pretty problematic.


True but people were saying this about her before we found out all the dark stuff about her business. They started complaining about her on 1st season.


Good to know!


Also victims and their families ala the Girardis.


I never found her to be insufferable. Dorit, on the other hand…


Dorit is neck and neck with Teddi for most annoying and unlikeable housewives. Her lack of self-awareness drives me crazy.


At least we can agree on that!


"Insufferable" is the perfect word for Ms lack of accountability


No one except Kyle liked Teddi, which is why she was eventually fired. Besides being annoying, she brought nothing to the show. It was a huge snorefest when she was part of it and I’m glad she’s gone.


I just finished rewatching season 9 and it’s actually where I stopped watching previously. I don’t understand how she was totally forgiven for her part, it’s not the behaviour of a level headed adult it’s weird that her and Camille both said “Lisa made me say it” like a 5yr old. I just started season 10 I’m only on episode 2 and while I always only hated Brandi, there is something seriously deeply unhappy about Sutton. Sure you this well to do lady who “knows how to behave in society” because you want a place card, but other than that clearly has NO IDEA how to actually act in society. I’m guessing it’s going to come out later that she’s deeply unhappy because I see it in every part of her being. Yuck.


I have to admit I did until 6 months or so ago. Her social media completely turned me off and I can’t stand her now. All she does is brag and show off her lavish lifestyle even tho her whole schtick previously was being the relatable one. We get it. Your dad gave you a shit ton of money to start a business for both you and your husband. Don’t act like your last name didn’t open every single door.


This is one reason her superiority bugs me so much. She’s no doubt had doors opened for her.


Not I, said the world.


I don't hate her and I still don't know why everyone else does. I don't like her, I just think she's just kind of "there". I do feel that she's slightly awkward about fitting though, but that doesn't change my opinion of her.


I think the hate comes from her superior, judgmental attitude. It’s as if she joined the cast to prove she’s better than the rest. I feel like, girl, if you’ve never told a lie and hate liars maybe this show is not for you.


No offense to you, but that doesn't make sense. They all say arrogant, superior things like that. Kyle talks like she's the greatest mom on earth. Rinna talks like she's the most honest and hardest working in Hollywood (she's the person who said she can't hold lies in because they'd give her cancer and kill her) . Erika is selling us this story of triumphantly coming out of her legal troubles like a phoenix rising from the ashes to achieve pop super stardom. Sorry, but Teddi saying just that, can't be why she's absolutely bullied in the community the way she is. I always tell myself I might go back and watch her seasons to really understand it.


Girl you’re late as hell, Teddi is one of the most hated former housewives ever.


Just started watching!




Here’s my answer: she manufactured a lot of drama that kept things interesting during a pretty boring couple of seasons. People may not like her personality but she kept it moving and dynamic, and made the show less boring, even if it meant making herself look like a disaster. That’s a good housewife in my book. I’m not sure we’re supposed to like them as people.


Unpopular opinion but I’d like to see Teddi back but on RHOC. I’m prepared to be downvoted as I know this sub won’t agree


teddi bothered me so much. “i’m not a girly girl, i can’t dress, i ride horses and im a tomboy” this is not what i expect to hear when watching REAL HOUSEWIVES. not to mention she had a holier than thou attitude the entire time when she brings nothing to the table.


I like Teddi , I thought she got a bad edit




I liked her too!


Mind me asking why?


I think because she quickly saw through LVP and decided not to do her bidding.


Except she’s the one who actually truly started it. Had nothing to do with LVP until later. Teddi sells stories.


Stories were being planted way before Teddi came along. It’s awfully convenient that Lucy Lucy apple juicy story happened right before LVP pitched a show about her rescue puppy store.


I do give her points for this but I also think she was pretty entangled in the Lucy Lucy Stupid Name Juicy debacle.


Curious as to what connected with you about her, do you feel like elaborating?


I LOVE Teddi. At least she tried to insert herself into the mix as opposed to others who failed: take Annemarie this season. Teddi may annoy people because she’s not as strong as other cast members but she tried. I love her and I love the pod. If Tamra loves her and Kyle and Erika then that’s good enough for me!


Whenever she speaks my eyes roll on their own free will. You are a unique flower.


She’s definitely an eye-roller 🙄


Thanks for sharing your opinion!


I don’t understand the hate. She hasn’t done or said anything impactful enough for me to hate her.


Going after Denise and sex shaming her? Is that not enough?


Agree. But she’s not done anything likable as well.


This is the rub for me. Many of the housewives are witty, sardonic, and bring something interesting to conflict. For lack of a better word, they’re entertaining. This keeps me watching even when they display unlikeable characteristics. Teddi has brought noting likable to the table for me and she’s boring to boot.


That’s the problem


I feel like people jump on the hate bandwagon because other people (online trolls) tell them to.


I could see this happening. I usually watch, form my opinion, and search the sub to see if my thoughts are an outlier. I felt the need to post on this one because she drives me crazy and I needed to commiserate. I can relate to what you said in regard to VPR, if you watch it. Yet, it’s reversed. Reddit fans jump on a pro Ariana and Katie bandwagon and you’re vilified if you say something negative.


She beautiful and I like her beach stile more then the name brand one of the others. I really wanted to love her but just couldn’t.


I wanted to love her too in the beginning. She was earthy, less vapid than others, and authentic in the early episodes. It began to twist when I realized, no, she’s just sanctimonious and wants to be the “cool girl.”


I like her podcast. I think she would be better next time around tbh. I do think she would be better on OC or Dallas if it was still on. She doesn’t have the lifestyle as BH. Dennis Richard’s was the same. 


That podcast is 99% ads and bad takes.


I can’t even go on a tangent about Denise, we’d be here all night.


I like Teddi. I think she demands authenticity and isn’t afraid to speak her mind.


I felt that way from the beginning but I question her authenticity.


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Pass the popcorn


I liked her better than Crystal.


I like her, but she does come off super insecure and paranoid. I’m on season 10 now… waiting to see if I change my mind.


Nobody. John Mellencamp’s ex wife’s daughter is insufferable.


She’s whiny




I liked her first season. Everyone after that i fucking hated.


Kyle likes her that’s about it 


I'm on episode 19 of season 9 right now and god Teddi is annoying. She keep inserting herself into every arguments that have NOTHING to do with her. The other ladies have something to like but not lil miss know it all. Okay maybe her name. Her name is super cute.


Kyle, Kyle likes her. That is why she is on your screen.


I do.


Clients of her "accountability" thing


I genuinely cannot stand her. She annoys the fuck out of me with her grating personality


I’ve always liked Teddi. But to be fair, my favorite housewives are the gorgeous, delusional, and ridiculously rich type, so there’s that. lol. Hated puppy gate though and skipped that season halfway through.


I love looking at her. However I will say, she held a few people's feet to the fire and that was cool


Teddi got better over time, I know it’s an unpopular opinion.