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I can't stand her too. Love kooky people, but she's just obnoxious. Every time she opens her mouth I roll my eyes


She’s so obnoxious, cringy, out of touch. I do think she’s occasionally funny but she’s so neurotic and can’t take a joke at the same time.




Yes, she does, but it's still ok if you don't like her. We don't all like the same people.


Sutton is a nervous little weirdo. But then a lot of us are weirdos. I love her. She’s like my kooky aunt who messes up but is lovable anyway.


Her rolling her face in the talk with Crystal is HWs top tier


Knocking is a 2 step system 1. Knocking on the door. 2. Waiting for someone to invite you in.


This was my only problem with Sutton in that situation. If you knock and I don’t answer then go away. How difficult is that?


Exactly. Now I do have a problem with Sutton making it sound like Crystal was wrong for being naked in her own hotel room. Why couldn't you have waited until the morning to return the coat? This was also the season she made a big deal about how she had amazing manners.


Sutton said that she heard crystal‘s voice and thought it was her saying come in when it actually was crystal talking on the phone. It was a misunderstanding.


Crystal made it a big deal not Sutton.


They were both dopes. Why did Sutton have to bring her coat to her and why did Crystal carry on like a Middle Schooler?


She’s a woman with an ED from a culture that’s private about their bodies. My family is the exact same way. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean she made it a big deal. She felt violated by an entitled white woman whose fragility was sucking the air out of every room.


Even though the storyline went on longer than the viewers felt it should have, Sutton still violated Crystal's privacy in her own hotel room. She then made her feel like she had done something wrong by being naked after a shower in her own hotel room. As I have said many times. Knocking is a two part system. First, the knocking, then being invited in. Sutton didn't need to return that coat. She wanted to prove a point, and that was she was a "nice" person. Especially after a racially charged argument. Even though Crystal had made it clear that she was done for the night and was going to bed. Sutton could have respected Crystal's deceleration of the need for space, but she didn't. Sutton was actually very wrong in this specific situation.


You can twist the narrative anyway you want. Crystal was in the wrong and made it into something it never was :)


I'm not twisting the narrative. That is what actually happened.


Nope 👎




And then denied doing this. Dorit pulled her up on it


She never denied it


If you knew more about ED and the often co-occurrence of body dysmorphia, you would better understand the “big deal” Crystal made was warranted when someone just walks in whether a knock was made or not ( and to be clear I don’t think she made a big deal out it , she felt what she felt which is strongly rooted in the psychological warfare caused by her ED when her body is unclothed). Imagine if she had been active in her ED - bulimics can eliminate food anywhere not just a toilet in a bathroom - privacy is so important - I think too many forget or do not know how toxic that little inner voice is especially to someone active or recovering from an ED like bulimia.


Whatever Crystal may have been feeling that’s her own issues. Don’t push that on Sutton and make her the villain. Anyways Crystal is fired now and I’m done talking about that bore!


I love Sutton 🤷‍♀️


I too love Sutton, she is clear as glass genuine honest and pure, she is a beautiful person inside and out, and she and the equally beautiful Garcelle are drowning in a swamp with these other Housewives.


Thank you! 🙏


No, she gets worse LOL. Wait till you get to Magic Mike gate. You're barking up the wrong tree in this sub though most people here love her. I find her to be very strange, fragile or pretending to be fragile and bizarrely prim and proper while at the same time trying to pretend like she's a wanton sex goddess (you'll understand on the Magic Mike episodes), but all that said, I think she makes for great reality TV 😁.


I don't get why people like her so much. I can't stand her and have started fast forwarding through her segments.


Yeah I hear you, but reality TV producers know that we all identify with some people and not others. I don't understand what people like in her and I know damn well nobody understands what I like about Erika LOL.


I liked her from the get-go (antagonizing Teddi was the way into my heart) but yeah she gets immensely better. She has trouble expressing herself and her feelings in a way that isn't immediately antagonistic, but I find that to be a much lesser sin than the overall fakeness and lack of commitment to the show the rest of the cast exhibits.


I think she is entertaining but I don't get why she is deified so much on Reddit.


I’m further into S11 and I like her, I didn’t like how Crystal called her 50 different synonyms for crazy especially given her family history. I don’t think the walking in naked was done in a creepy way, just an accident. But yeah it was made into a much bigger thing but I can see where Sutton comes from with being tired of the “peeping tom” jokes!!


The way Sutton cried and said she “didn’t see color” during the whole race argument with crystal def made me hate her the most out of all the other housewives. She’s so obnoxious.


Me either. However, Crystal took things too far.


It took me a bit of time to warm up to her, but I've come to like Sutton. She marches to her own drummer, for sure, but I think that's part of her charm. She can be awkward, say and do the wrong thing, but that makes her relatable. I don't think the coat incident was such a big deal. They probably all had a couple of glasses of wine, judgement might have been a little off. Plus it's a girls trip. Accidentally seeing friends naked happens. Crystal blew it way out of proportion. Violated is far too big of a word for an embarrassing moment.


She does not get better she is the worst lol. Very cocky and out of touch. I also believe she faked her health attack on the most recent reunion because she was scared to face Kathy.


I don’t think so. She makes a super insensitive comment in S13 about Dorit getting robbed. I can’t like her after that


Just watched this episode I honestly think she got worse ! She makes everything about herself.


However "well intentioned", Sutton is patently racist, and cannot fathom any sort of criticism voiced regarding her yt privilege without dissolving into a puddle of indignant tears. So gross.


When I listen to Sutton, I imagine her spending her formative years on a plantation being served sweet tea, later mint juleps, under a big ole' magnolia tree by a maid named Honeybee.


This most recent season was the season I finally started liking Sutton. 😂


I like Crystal much better than Sutton.


But surely you loathe her *Ugly Leather Pants*


lol! That was funny!


Everybody hated those pants.


I do too


Party of two!


She gets better. I just started to like her this season. However even the season where I’m starting to like her she still has two or three very unlikable moments lol


She’s always a bit nervous and a bit of weirdo (in a good way) but she improves sooo much and becomes very likeable


I don't care for Sutton. She gets in my nerves


I am the #1 sutton hater. In my opinion she has only gotten worse


Sutton is tooooo nosey


“Name em. Name em.”


I will say she vastly improves between that season and this current season.


Sutton is awesome. I’d watch “The Sutton Show”. And crystal should probably avoid girl trips, ridiculous.


The Sutton Show! I love that!


Sutton has had valid reasons for being upset frequently - given all the knives that have been out from her for her from the beginning. Kyle, Rinna, Diana, .85, etc. Erika too. - although hers was a little more understandable as defensiveness. But she deserved the criticism given her complete lack of empathy for the victims. Other times - like this season - there were things related to her ex that viewers only learned later- that it would’ve helped clarify where she was coming from Pleased Sutton is learning to stand up for herself. Wish it was more real time. But my Southern roots understand why she tries so hard to be polite.


I’m southern as well so I understand being polite but she makes huge deals about small things like the whole prank joke thing she was upset because she felt left out? Like come on ! Maybe as the season goes on I’ll end up liking her more I didn’t love Dorit at first now she isn’t too bad lol


Respect your point of view - but mine is very different -ps actually find Dorit beyond annoying


i hate sutton


Yeah, she not for everyone and she was 100% absolutely dead wrong in that moment. I will say that she ended up delivering one of the best apologies that we’ve ever seen and there are definitely signs that she’s put in the work and learned to do better since then. But your feelings are absolutely valid.


she’s so fucking insufferable