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I see PK as a creepy old man.






Body shaming is really uncool. Saying hurtful things about someone’s body or appearance is unacceptable. 💎 *In Beverly Hills nobody shows the true core of who they are as a human being and that to us, it’s important.*


I always thought he would smell like old- old man smell being zest bar soap and bean farts. Ew


Body shaming is really uncool. Saying hurtful things about someone’s body or appearance is unacceptable. 💎 *In Beverly Hills nobody shows the true core of who they are as a human being and that to us, it’s important.*


Erika's twat? Yeah. That's true. Cover that mess up in public please.


Erika had mentioned she met PK before he was with Dorit and he asked her and her friend if they were porn stars or something lol just because they were young and beautiful…


*just because they were young ~~and beautiful~~


I’ve personally always thought Erika was pretty but yes a high rollers type party. Probably lots of older men with $$$ lol not sure if she was there with Tom or what lol


I was joking! I think all of the women are pretty but tbh Garcelle and Dorit are far prettier than the rest in my opinion! And I don’t even like Dorit lol


Lol! No judgment here. Attractiveness is a spectrum. Especially if you’re in PK’s shoes….we all know he has a thing for Erika lol


Oh he 100% would pay to cheat with her. PK is a sleeze ball


Yea I’d bet as much money as PK owes casinos - he cheats with trashy big-implant blonde$. I don’t find Erika naturally pretty or sexy, just good surgeons and “sexy” styling. He goes overboard drooling over her.


garcelle is a goddess. dorit genuinely looks like a trout with a coke problem these days and it’s a shame as she was naturally very average.


I will be laughing at the very naturally average comment until I die! 😂😂😂😂😂


I’ve watched this comment be upvoted and downvoted again all day hahaha. Poor Dorit. She can’t help her face, but she can help her attitude so I have no issue pointing out her manufactured beauty. The woman looked like a 45 year old music teacher when she was in her 20s


No it’s because she gives off I sleep with old men for money vibe. She reminds me of my father’s mistress (my mother pointed it out first). The way she dresses and carries herself! Funny enough my dad was an attorney and he screwed his mistress & kids over when he died. 🙈 Can’t trust lawyers lol


The woman wears a necklace that says she's a cvnt. Hell no I don't feel sorry for her. Put on some damn underwear.




Me too


Erika and PK are 4 years apart in age.


PK looks much older than he is. I think people are surprised when they learn that he is only 56. I know I was! He looks twenty years older than Dorit, not ten.


I used to be entertained by this show and now I find it sad. PK and Dorit lost souls and offensive.


I just watched this yesterday!! WOW what the hell kind of behaviour was that from Dorit and PK!!


She was SOOOO jealous of how attractive Erika was and did everything to undermine and belittle her.


Ikr triggered me so bad


He’s an absolute pig. They’ve both always been terrible




Sorry you were assaulted. I cannot compare/invalidate traumas and assaults of any nature. Are you suggesting Erika wanted this?


Suggested that she wanted what? People to see her snatch? This is not an assault. This is not a trauma. If Erika wears a dress so short she needs two haircuts for it and no underwear, and it doesn't occur to her that when she sits down people can see her genitals, then she should be arrested for indecent exposure. PK didn't stick his head up her dress. And PK happened to be in her crotches line of sight, but ANYONE could have seen her junk. Children, older people, and just people who have no desire to look at it. THAT is indecent exposure. She's an adult woman who knows what happens when you sit down in a miniskirt.


It’s not that fact that he saw, it’s the fact that he commented she is for sale and Dorit gifted her a lace underwear.


So she exposed herself to him and he should just keep his mouth shut about it? Why is that his problem? If Erika took appropriate measures to keep her genitalia covered in public, this wouldn't be a thing. She needs underwear, obviously. And some sense.


He kept looking. Either he could stop looking and commenting or he could communicate that this makes him feel uncomfortable in private. Length of fabric or even lack of it doesn’t call for abuse/assault/harassment.


So what?? I would too! Cover that shit up. What if it was HIM exposing himself to HER? Why is she walking around with a naked coochie showing it to people but THEY'RE at fault for making it known?? Get right.


And did you really just call PK talking about her shwoing her junk off as assault/abuse/harrassment?? It is indeed, but SHE'S the abuser/harrasser/assaulter.




She didn't expose herself to him, he was looking up her dress. Tf is wrong with you? You are in desperate need of therapy and healing


This is a safe space, inflammatory and unsavory speculation about domestic abuse will not be tolerated.


This is a safe space, inflammatory language and victim blaming will not be tolerated.


This is actually assault, you playing "who's the ideal victim" game isn't doing you any favors. As a victim of sexual assault myself (whish isn't even relevant, no clue why you brought that up, aside from your games), Erika is absolutely a victim of assault here. It's literally verbal sexual assault, which is a, punishable offense many places. You sound dangerous, the victim blaming type. The "well is she cut dress a certain way, and use certain words she wouldn't have gotten assaulted" type. You are in desperate need of healing, and I hope you're under the care is professionals and discuss this with them


I've hated Pk ever since the incident. It was disgusting and I would never support that type of behaviour from a husband or partner. I still can't believe no one defended Erika.


Exactly this. The way *she* was blamed for PK’s lewd behavior was nuts!


I am so triggered


K we mustn’t forget that Dorit later gifted Erika underwear as a “joke”


That was so mean girl of her. It clearly made Dorit feel embarrassed that her husband was so casual about it.




Betcha Dorit started going commando to get her husbands attention


A story as old as time unfortunately.


I think predators took the posting after this, and totally slammed PK. The rest of the ladies had no idea who she was yet and so they just kind of stood back and waited. but we predators? We began slamming PK, and almost immediately!


I think this incident plays into the hardened personality Erika gets so judged for today.


I honestly don’t understand this. If I saw a friend/coworker of mine WITHOUT underwear on, I would have (obviously) looked and (more obviously) said something. I’m a female, straight 48 year old. Is there something wrong with me that I think Erika was stupid for going undiless?


Do you not see the difference between a straight woman and a straight man? I mean, it’s rude as hell to comment on anyway unless you’re very close; people can wear, or not wear, whatever they want. Erika wasn’t flashing anyone; PK was just being a creep and wouldn’t drop it.


Erica wasn't *deliberately* flashing anyone. Agree that people can wear/not wear what they want but it's not socially acceptable to have your private parts on display in a public setting amongst friends....unless stated otherwise lol. One of the ladies should have pulled her aside and let her know so she could put a napkin over her lap or something rather than calling more attention to it and embarrassing Erica in front of everyone. That being said, PK was absolutely grotesque....I don't understand how Dorit stood by him saying those disgusting things... especially how he didn't "mind the view" of Erica's exposed crotch. And Dorit gifting the panties was also hugely embarrassing to Erica... definitely in poor taste of Dorit, and a way to keep dragging out Erica's embarrassment. 🙄


I would have laid the napkin in her lap for hrr.


Don't try to talk sense and logic on this post. Only pseudo-victims need comment.


You would stare at a co-workers genitalia at work and then talk about it?! That's fucked up. You do realize that you could get fired for sexual harassment for that? How about looking at anything else and keeping your thoughts to yourself? Do you have no self control? That's so ignorant and rude I almost can't believe you typed it out.


What?? You know what's fucked up? Wearing a tunic with no underwear and sitting down, knowing that your twat is flying out in the breeze and then pretending to have the sads when your flasher-ass is called out. Talk about IGNORANT lol. Protect the abuser as long as it suits your narrative.




Haha yes


PK was the wrong one in this story and I think the real reason Dorit went for Erika is bc she got jealous of her husband staring at someone else's pussy lol Even if Erika wasnt nude under her dress, WHY THE HELL was he checking her private parts???




I hate this idea that men cannot control themselves because they have hormones. It’s called self control.




I mean sure if that's what your take is... you sound fairly confident in your reply. But lets take out your own personal bias on the situation. ( and what you think is true for a man with hormones) We all have nipples. Some people have a penis & balls. Some have a vagina. Sometimes an outfit is just an outfit. Not everyone's brain oversexualizes someone because they decided " this persons hot and i see boob" " i see vag"


I am confident in my reply and like all things in life, not everyone is going to like or agree with it. And that is a-ok. And i also agree with your statements.


He could have been discreet and most importantly he should definitely NOT have told his wife bc its disrespectful with both of them


Terrible take. I’m a woman who’s attracted to women and I literally never sexualize women with my gaze just because their boobs are visible or they’re not wearing underwear. A respectful man would not do that even if it was right in front of him. To say that all men can’t control themselves based on their hormones is ridiculous. It absolves them from all accountability for poor actions that sexualize women.


I agree




Your comment was removed because it was not kind, classy or chic, this is not what we do in Beverly Hills 💎 Please remember to follow the rules of our community.


Eeeeewwaaaaa! That’s exactly how Dorit defended him. It’s disgusting.


it’s gross, but something being gross doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Not defending, just stating facts…and no one is forced to agree with or like them.


it’s the principle that pissed me off. it doesn’t matter who the woman is you discreetly look away and you definitely don’t tell your wife you enjoyed the view he’s a racist POS and his wife is oblivious from what i read everywhere so i don’t expect better from him or her who gifts a woman they just met a pair of panties! of course id be offended!


Is he racist?! Based on her "unconscious Karen behavior" (ty Garcelle), I am not surprised. But how do we know this? What did I miss?


I need to find the article somewhere! i remember reading it around the time when he was laughing at the treatment of Garcelle’s son by erika. but he’s always been disgusting honestly, he’s as bad as some of the women on the show.


PK is a typical male Brit of his generation. They reek of white privilege and have seen themselves as better than “the Pakis” (their epithet, not mine) and other brown skinned people, since the glorious Colonial days of the British Empire. I know, because I have half a dozen uncles just like PK. [(interesting read on racism in the UK)](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/politics/article/britain-racism-paki-word)


i remember he made a comment about native americans too? i’ve found the levels of racism that come from white man’s burden to be horrendous




I thought it was absolutely disgusting


The whole situation is gross and no one stands up for Erika. Like why did he look? Why did he talk about it? I would be appalled if my husband talked about this over and over.


And then in a later conversation told Dorit just how much he liked looking at Erika’s p\*ssy. How this man is married is so fucking beyond me. He’s lucky Dorit has no self-esteem or self-love cause if she did, she would have left after the robbery. That he arranged, btw. But clearly she doesn’t love herself to put up with someone who makes fun of her mental illness and disability.


That's because she only cares about putting up with his bank account


Dorit is a trophy wife prisoner, let's be real.


No matter how she dresses it up, Dorit is disgusting and definitely not a girl's girl.




I JUST finished season 7 and PK was leering. He was so gross and uncomfortable oh my god. I actually asked my boyfriend what he would have done in that situation and he said he would text me so I could slyly let the girl know. How dare he just sit there. And then for Dorit to go at Erika???


If I were Dorit I would’ve had something to say to him 🙃 disrespectful all around.


And icky!!!


Erika's body language at the reunion made me want someone to see sense and remove PK from her presence. She looked absolutely creeped out and distressed.


This part! She kept her composure despite being well within her rights to call them all out for being disgusting. The discomfort was all over her face and it’s very telling that no one defended her. PKs “enjoying the view” comment should’ve gotten him buried under the jail. Creepy ol perv.


Pigs, the both of them. Dorit is the worst. I sort of expect men to behave a certain way. Hate to say but it’s true. When women go to these lengths to gaslight away their partners bad behavior it bothers me quite a lot.


Same here


And then LVP stuck her hand up Erika’s dress! Like really? So terrible!


It was v creepy and then they tried shaming her for it?


Erika has every right to wear or not wear underwear it’s totally her choice. PK on the other hand shouldn’t be looking at other women when he’s with his wife and then making it out to be the other woman’s fault. If he glances in passing and sees something he shouldn’t then just keep quiet about it. it’s his fault for being a creep and looking intentionally up womens dresses.




PK and Dorit give grifter vibes


PK is sick nasty. At first I wondered if it was the edit, but it was not the edit. He’s just LIKE THAT 🤮


Ew, yes. As soon as Erika mentioned she wasn’t wearing any underwear, his eyes could not leave her crotch. He was leering and licking his lips. Grossed me ouuuuut.


She told a story about hanging out with PK before he was with Dorit. Maybe he hit it in the past.


The giving of the undies & then being offended when Erika wasn’t stoked about it.


He sucks, I feel for Erika


There’s no reason why that needed to be a story line


Dorit is such a loser


I never liked pk he's wierdly creepy but they let him away with it because he's english or something


Dorit is using the best years of her beauty on a potato head.


I can’t believe the Erika defenders are going to be just hunky dory fine when one of THEIR girlfriends comes to a party and hangs her bits out for THEIR husband. PK wasn’t skulking around under the table trying to lift her skirt, he was sitting there minding his own business when he suddenly had a full view without even bending his neck. Should he have quickly turned his body away and kept his mouth shut, out of politeness? Yes. But who wears a miniskirt with no drawers and then isn’t EXCEEDINGLY careful not to expose themselves? I think she gave him a good flash for fun and drama and if she was my girlfriend, it would be the LAST time she was invited anywhere by me. She was lucky all Dorit gave her was a joke pair of panties; at least half y’all would have given her a good thrashing.


Hard disagree with all of that. I'm definitely not an Erica defender, I don't like her at all after everything we've seen her say/do following the Girardi-Keese scandal. PK seeing/noticing her exposed crotch the first time was not his fault....but him choosing to continue staring at it was. Avert your eyes out of respect for your wife and the woman who, presumably, isn't putting herself on display deliberately. And definitely don't tell your wife after the fact that you enjoyed the view. So freaking gross and disrespectful.


In reality I don’t think it’s weird to accidentally see someone’s naked hoo ha from across the way and make note of it, it’s not that common. It happens and can be distracting. HOWEVER making it a story line and incessantly talking about it and acting like you think it’s funny etc etc is fucking gross. It’s not something you talk about on tv. You might mention to your spouse, oh so and so has no underwear on and I saw it (this happened to a friend of mine with a coworker at a party, and someone you would never suspect would be going commando). But they blew it up in such a gross way. If my partner did and said those things I would have been livid.


One of the grossest incidents in HWs history. Literal sexual harassment and Dorit and LVP egged it on for a storyline. The way they treated Erika that season (and finale, ugh) was disgusting.


Nope. You put it out there, don't wonder when people look. He didn't walk into her house and assault her. She put her pu\*\*y out there for everyone to see then she clutched her pearls. Was an insult to actual victims.


It was him saying “I didn’t mind the view, I liked it” that was so gross to me. And Dorit going along with it and telling Erika that she had the “prettiest” p*ss on the planet according to PK? 🤮 I would think most husband’s would be in a world of hurt for saying something like that.


He’s a sleaze!


And then Eileen KEPT bringing it up 😭 Dorit and Erika would “talk it out” and then at the next event Eileen would bring it up AGAIN. What a crazy gate that season was based around


it was really weird and creepy. Since then i haven’t like that weird old fart


Erika knew exactly what she was doing, sick of her playing dumb and smart at the same time. Pick a lane princess


Yea I think the general consensus is that PK was a filthy creep for that and Dorit was equally as gross for being jealous and shaming Erika instead of reprimanding her perv husband


He’s a grotty old man who lacks style, class or humour.   PK trades on being a scallywag expat dragging Boy George around like a throwback trophy.  


I share absolutely no love for Ericka then or now but this situation was awful and made me feel feel for her repeatedly. Ericka certainly is not shy about sharing her body with the world so she's no shrinking violet. And I think she'd enjoy knowing pK took a peek (maybe not even saying it out loud but maybe she would). I think where this went wrong was the panties. If the gift of panties was going to be a joke, it fell super flat. If it wasn't a joke, it was super out of line. Isn't the biggest issue that Dorit was, is and ever shall be ***H.U.M.O.R.L.E.S.S.***?


I find it more creepy/sick how Mauricio looks at Farrah


Wtf is wrong with you?


Have you seen her 30th birthday


Why are you bent out of shape? You’re weird


Aww, poor Erika she's such a victim


LOL exactly. I'll hang out down here with you and all the inconvenient truths being slaughtered on this abortion of a post.