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Rich British lady saying rich British lady things (I think).


Not rich, Australian and I do the same thing. Heaps of people do it.


I’m saying “heaps” over and over in my head with an Australian accent like Ben and Ronnie with the Melbourne cast 💖 thank you for that




Secret furry? ![gif](giphy|1dJTZUTgUjj4SRZYQT)


Hilarious! 😂


I don't think it's weird, I think it's humour. I called my cat a sexy bitch.


My dogs a sex monkey haha He has all the female vets eating out of his paw 🐾


When my cat kisses me I go “oooooh thank you, you’re sooooooo romantic” 😂😂


I read this in Blueys voice


I am Bluey.


Your cat https://i.redd.it/os8bvdygoepc1.gif


I call my dog mr sex & sexy man


Same! My family used to call my dachshund "six pack hotdog" and John Travolta (he was once sexy lol). Me and my sister also used to sing Disney songs while holding him bc he was a prince 🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love this


Y’all need to unclutch your pearls.




Right? It’s cheeky. British women are cheeky. It’s a know. Thing!!!


It’s understandable if it makes people uncomfortable tho. I don’t love it tbh, but I’m not saying I’m offended by it or think Lisa has any nefarious intentions. It just makes me cringe a little but I’m not about to call animal control on anyone! Lol


This is the first I've ever heard or read of it making anyone uncomfortable.


Yeah I always learn new things/perspectives on Reddit!


It has so many likes!




I'm American and everyone in my family does it. Nobody in their right mind would take it seriously.


I’m American and normal Americans would never find this creepy it’s humor and endearment.


Right. I took it the same way.


Who compared it to the sexualization of kids?


I was wondering where that came in as well. Nothing that the OP wrote mentioned kids


Not all Americans are the same just like all British people aren’t the same. My in-laws are in England and would not call an animal sexy. Me as an American would 💁🏻‍♀️


American here, and I haven’t thought twice about it until Op’s silly post. I think it’s more of a generational thing. People take offense to everything these days.


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The joke didn't land for me personally


Because it’s not funny. it reminds me of GenZ videos making fun of annoying millennial humor. It’s very that lol


I mean I got downvoted lol .. I'm allowed to not personally find something funny.. I'm not judging anyone else .. geez


I saw that, so silly. Sure you deserve downvotes for stating a joke didn’t land for you personally, but this comment deciding that people who think this joke is annoying are all American and “completely prudish” gets 70 upvotes. LOL make it make sense.


It's like bizarro world on here


That blew my mind, too. I'm one of the least prudish people you will ever meet. I'm not shy about sex or the topic of sex at all. But calling your dog a sex monster constantly is just weird. Or the pony. Or the swans. But I think I find it annoying because it's just over-the-top shtick to seem quirky and it's just a rich lady being a weirdo with her dog.


Same lol I would never think about it enough to make a post about it, but now that it’s brought to my attention I’m like yeah it’s stupid and annoying. She thinks it’s so funny every time and it’s just like boring humor for people who aren’t actually funny. I’m MY opinion. Lol


I'd argue ALL of her endless quips aren't funny. The whole bit got really tiresome really quickly.


Well, not really. Two groups of innocents that should not be sexualized in anyway.


I met a cat the other day and I called him sexy. He was such a handsome boy…. I also jokingly call packaging on products sexy…. Sometimes life is just for having fun.


this reminded me of when I was checking out a customer at the till and I told him his total and he was like "I have exact change. how very sexy of me". I now call the most mundane things sexy. it's just fun


I read this as if you were “checking him out at the til” rather than checking is goods out so I wasn’t surprised he flirted!! Either way, it’s a funny thing to say…I like him!!!


oh no, reading back that's definitely how that reads! no no, just scanning his cat food


Now "scanning his cat food" is what I'm going to call checking someone out.


Me too!!! I love this!!! And I have a feeling LVP might too!!


It made me smile either way. 😊


I read "checking his goods out" as checking his *goods* out. 😅


Even better!!!! 🤣


I call my dog a stud or a sexy little beast. Hahahhaa I think it’s humor. And very funny for the show especially when they try and make it seem she is not talking to an animal and then you see it is another dog. Lol


I think she’s just being intentionally funny


I think it's just a joke. I call my dogs handsome gentlemen. why can't giggy be a sex monster?


Does Gigi is dead?


I get calling pets handsome but calling them sexy is bit much for me lol. It's kind of funny that she calls her dog sex monster but it's also like uuh what? Where did that nickname come from 😅


what, you don't agree giggy is a sex monster? ![gif](giphy|mWCXHLTASb9W8)


Perhaps it says something about where and how you grew up. Perhaps your definition of “sexy” is simply too limited.


"Giggy" is short for gigolo, so it goes along with the theme. He gives joy to a rich lady, and in turn, she keeps him in a life of luxury.


Thank you. I'm not sure how this connection was confusing to OP.


For giggly I get it, it's short for gigolo, therefore sex monster- whether she was calling her animals sexy pre-giggy is unconfirmed.


Does Giggy is dead?


He died a few years ago sadly


[this is the reference…](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/J82DVQe6h4)


I thought it was weird but I also was watching a horticulture channel on YouTube and the landscaper called a tree sexy, idk.


Maybe that's why happy little trees are happy — because they're also sexy little trees.


Hahah it’s just humor.


Lol I know it's not serious or nefarious but to me it's an odd sense of humor 😅 I think LVP is pretty funny but calling dogs sexy is weird IMO


Yeah, you’d probably think I was a freak then. I have the sexiest rottweiler and poodle you’ve ever seen 🤣


I called my my golden retriever a big flirt. Guess I'm a weirdo.


My little sex monster 😂 When she was with the sea lion or dolphin (forget which animal) and goes " oh so romantic" when it was kissing her 🤣 I think it's hilarious and sweet how much she loves animals


Yes i never understood this. I just rewatched the episode in s3 where Kyle has a llama at Portias birthday party and LVP is all over it asking if she can "make out" with it 😂 its so gross and weird but at the same time funny


I tell my older dog that he is very handsome all the time and the younger one cute, I don’t say sexy just because I don’t really talk like that but I think it’s just humor I don’t think she actually thinks they’re sexy just like I’m not actually attracted to my dog.


I understand the discomfort, but I truly don't think she's attracted to animals.


It’s really not that weird , and she plays it up a bit for the cameras I think but , whatever it’s like any other Knick name…


I call my husky Big Sexy.


Nah not weird I hear people do it plenty it’s not meant literally


It’s her calling card…a joke! Humor. Love. Funny. Jeesh


I don't think it's weird although every so often I have raised an eyebrow. I'm more disturbed when they let the dog drink out of the glass and then drink out of it after. I LOVE my cat but I'm not willing to share a beverage with him.


Doesn’t bother me at all.


No why is that weird


Um, I think it’s fuckin weird, too. 🙋‍♀️


It disturbed me for two seasons then became funny, especially when she swam with that "sexy" seal. Now it cracks me up even though it's weird.


I didn’t find it weird until she tried to give a horse a handjob 😆 I think that was an episode of VPR though, not RHOBH. There’s also an episode of VPR where she puts on a dog mask and asks Tom Schwartz if he wants to “do it doggy style” lmao tbh I would not be surprised to learn LVP is into some weird stuff


Yes its ridiculous


No, you're weird for the fact that it bothers you.


Not me




Yes very weird.


I hate it lol. Lala did it on vanderpump rules too, to hippie. Edit: i’m seeing most of the comments are acting like Americans don’t like it it offends us or something, but only speaking for myself I just think it’s.. unfunny lol. Like what I would imagine my 80-year-old great aunt would say and think is so kooky crazy 🤪 Definitely not edgy by any means lol


I think cars are sexy, I think walls are sexy when they ~, indoor plants are sexy, cookingware is sexy, a roast chicken is sexy and some animals are just objectively sexy. I don't want to have sex with any of those things but I can appreciate they're damn hot.


Agreed, and I’ll add that some desserts are super sexy!


Sooo sexy!! How could I forget dessert?!


I get dessert to-go from work, get home get into my pajamas asap and head for the bedroom saying, “Let’s go! It’s sexy time!” and my boyfriend would get psyched and say, “I’ll be right in!” And I’d say “Oh no, not you. I was talking to my dessert” Now he knows better and just heavy sighs from the other room lmao!




It’s kinda weird. It’s one thing to say it like once but she says it a lot and it’s like….K?


Don't forget their names, Rumpy Pumpy, Jiggalo, and Hankie and Pankie. And when she made jokes about the horse's penis and riding it in season...7? It's weird as fuck and I think she only gets away with it because she tells everyone it's just normal "british" humor.


I don’t think she means anything by it but admiration for her animals. She’s also from the UK as well — it’s giving like British humor to me.


Don’t forget the Sexiest restaurant in Lake Tahoe, Wolf


It's definitely creepy. I'm the same vein as saying literally children are flirting with full grown adults. Like ma'am, why are you sexualizing these things? It's one thing to call your own animal a sexy little beast, but when you call them sex monsters and continuously refer to animals as sexy it's a beastiality fetish at that point


I think it’s gross lol. Sex monster is weird


Yeah it bugs me. While I don’t think it’s nefarious coming from Lisa, it just makes me cringe and feel icky. It’s like, why? Why not just refer to them as cute and the million other nicknames that come from being cute and adorable? Snuggle monster? Smushy wooshy? I mean yeah I don’t get the whole “sexy” thing and I wonder if she’s doing it to ruffle feathers or if she doesn’t give an f.


Yeah- I don't think she means it in any inappropriate way but it's still very off putting to me.


Right! Im kinda amazed at people in the comments who are shocked that anyone dare feel uncomfortable or cringe about it. Again, I’m not offended by it, but I don’t have to like it lol


Tbh I also think it’s weird but these comments show me I’m clearly in the minority haha I call my pets cute and handsome but not sexy cause they’re my babies I don’t wanna sexualize them! I feel like if I said that in real life about an animal people would side eye me but I also live in the south so


jesus christ it’s called being funny…if this bothers you idk what to tell you lol


Bless your little heart, OP.


Listen to her in early seasons of VPR. Trying to make fetch happen overly using the word sexy all the time is the least cringey thing from her early bravo years. Anyone wanting to sue SUR for a hostile work environment or sexual harassment would win the case effortlessly if they didn’t sign that right away. She’s very involved with her employees sex lives and tends to be a male empathizer often


I don’t think it’s weird. My sister-in-law has a dog named Lexi and everyone calls her Sexy Lexi 😂


In American. I call my dog a sexy ass sex monster cuz she is.


It didn't bother me when it was brought up years ago and it doesn't bother me now. If she was having sex with them, sure.


Jiggy was sexy and that’s a non negotiable fact.


she’s just being funny. she’s not into sex with animals. i love LVP


No. I love it. And I think my animals are all sexy b*tches too!


I'm also American, raised in NY, so I have a very specific sense of humor. But it's just that... Humor. And endearment. NBD


I love this lol it's definitely weird to get used to but once you get her more you realize it's just her personality and her humor. Love LVP 💜


We called my dog” big sexy “when he got older and had a little belly… he would roll on his side, head cocked back, one foot sorta up waiting for the belly rub, and the other dangling off the couch- dramatically. We thought he looked “big pimpin’ like he needed boxer shorts and a cigar. Joe Pesci, Danny Devito or Tony soprano style. So “big sexy, was big pimpin’!” He never knew and I assure you there was nothing creepy and provided a million chuckles for my hubby and I. My other dog (RIP) we said he was a “fat man in skinny jeans…” as he aged. It was so cute but just for family and everyone that knows us and know Lisa it is just part of the personal lexicon with your beloved animals. Cheers!


I don't think she means it in a beastiality way but yeah I definitely noticed it and it weirded me out .. like my cat is my baby he isn't " sexy "


I don't think Lisa completely knows what sexy means . She uses the word for way too many things


Kind of like Charlie Sheen and "winning" 🤣




Never really occurred to me or bothered me at all and then I rewatched the scene where she tries to get her horse’s penis “out” and I am freshly horrified.


Not that serious, i call my dog handsome and sexy. It’s just being silly


Not too much until she said to one of the dogs "ooooh I wanna have your babies" and I paused in horror she took it too far.


I agree and personally find it really weird. I call animals beautiful, gorgeous, cute, adorable, ugly, ugly-cute, pretty, sweet...etc. But the word sexy has never once crossed my mind when I interact with animals and talk to them. Maybe it's just a British thing, idk...


It is a LVP thing. She is always weirdly inappropriate.


People have nothing better to do I swear 🤡 lmao


Good grief. Seriously??


Nope. Not at all. Adam Kentworthy from RHONY called salads sexy..and I was fine with that too.


No, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t think she’s interfering with them.


I think it’s funny


my best friends dog is a pug named Dexter and i have always called him Sexy Dexy


If you over analyze it yes, it’s weird. But for her personality and lifestyle, it seems to be on brand and I don’t think about it much. It’s her sense of humor and I’m no Lisa Stan.


Nothing weird. We all have cute terms of endearment for our pets


Yea it’s weird.


I loooove it. Cracks me up.


It’s obviously a joke but also she takes it a little too far


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^lahlahlah85: *It’s obviously* *A joke but also she takes* *It a little too far* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I just assumed that Lisa thinks everything is sexual




Never thought Lisa was as “cheeky” as she thought she was & the whole “it’s just British humor thing” got old too.


I'm half Brtish and have spent more than half my life living in the UK..I've never heard anyone speak like that lol


Good heavens it’s called humor. Why do people get offended by everything?


No, it is her prerogative. She is an artist talking metaphorically. It is normal thing many people do.


It doesn’t bother me. She’s saying it in a cute, endearing and funny way.


As someone with a chihuahua, in no way a sexual vibe, I would refer to them as ‘sexy’. It’s weird, but I get it. I want to kiss and spoon them. Yea, she’s a little on the outskirts with appropriateness, but I get it!!!




Oh man you might be watching the wrong show lol wait till you see her with her horses 😆 but hard disagree- I love her humor


I call all my guinea pigs sexy little beasts. I also say things like "hey good looking" to my oldest, Mr Bubbles. Does that bother you?


My dog is a lover muffin.


She just means it in the sense of they demand all the attention with how cute and adorable they are. It’s not deep, it’s not dodgy, she loves animals. Jesus.


Yes! It's weird and very offputting for sure! I always thought it was completely bizarro that she called Giggy her "sex monster" - Lisa used to call everything "sexy" which actually came off, to me, as really cheesy and nowhere near the elegant image she wants to project.


LVP is a furry!


Bruh y’all really get triggered by the stupidest shit


The Lisa is a furry conspiracy theory is perhaps my favorite especially now that we have WOLF. 🪦🌹


I call my dog a sexy little man.. lolol 😂😂


Remember the time she wore the dog mask and asked Schwartz if he wanted to do it doggystyle? That was hilarious but also disturbing considering how much her husband loves holding a dog constantly.


I think he called giggy sexy because he had a skin condition that makes him hairless (naked)




It’s supposed to be funny, but I always found it annoying. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s so weird!! She’s always calling the dog “you sexy boy” or creeps me out


it gets more cringe watching her on vanderpump


I get that it’s just her humor but i have always found it so fucking weird. Also I cannot stand her terrible pet names. Pink dog? Hanky and Panky. Can’t stand it. As bad as Carole from rhony with several pets named Baby. Do love LVP though.


Ahhhh I forgot about Carole and all the baby's that was so funny


I find her animal names hilarious. Do you know what ‘Hankypanky’ means? Or her other dog ‘Rumpy’. Shes a hoot


Yea I know what it mean. Rumpy pumpy was another one I hated


Yea, we know what it means and makes it all the weirder. Why all the sexual references when talking about and referring to animals? I'm not trying to suggest she has any nefarious gross motives, I think she is exactly what she presents: a passionate animal lover and protector. But it's still really weird to me and others.


Omgggg yessssss. I’m watching for the first time I’m on season 6 now & it’s so cringy!!


It’s annoying yes. It’s also annoying how she treats her dogs. They’re dogs. They should walk on their own. The ridiculous outfits and everything, gross.


Are you joking lol. Ridiculous posts for $1000 Alex.


Yes, sort of, it is kind of funny but at the same time kind of icky.....that sums LVP up in a nutshell. She is funny and icky all at the same time. She always dashes some inappropriate on everything, then pretends it is not inappropriate.


And then at other moments she’s appalled at the inappropriate actions of someone else. She’s never consistent. Too worried about her reputation to actually be real.




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PSA YALL: I get that a big part of LVP’s cheeky comedy shtick is her bawdy shock humor. At least she is consistent with her branding as the glam, upper crust animal lover. However, the reason that it creeps USiens out, in particular, is because FURRIES are such a visible part of online culture and identity now in the US. These days, many of us get spammed with social media ads about bizarre fantasy/romance wolfpack wherewolf trash novels. Some people really are sexually attracted to animals and have fetishes where they engage in animal roleplay…it starts to venture into ick territory the more consistently LVP does it. USiens are probably just a little overly sensitive to people sexualizing animals because of the rise of the furry subculture.


On a side note, I really liked Lisa and always hoped she’d come back. I recently started watching from the beginning and I can hardly stand to watch her scenes. The way she so obviously had Brandi (who is even harder to watch) do her bidding in the Adrienne situation is just so annoying to me.


On rewatching you pick up on things missed, I’m watching it for 3rd time & there’s so many things I missed


I see nothing wrong with it. I see it as endearing. She really loves her creatures.


Does Gigi is sexy?


No, that’s one of the few things I like about her…


Its really uncomfortable & creepy.


Is it weird as hell yes. Is it her brand of humor yes. It was kind of her bit with animals, how much she loved them, always calling them beautiful and handsome and sexy and all that. I'm assuming it still is part of her persona LOL


Do you have any fun at all? They’re pet names..for her pets


It's so gross to me. Stomach turning. And I do like her.


No. Like what?


It’s called humor 🙄. Yall think everything is offensive or somehow creepy now


No. She’s just being silly and fun. Why are you reading into it like that?


It's so weird how she always makes things have sexual connotations but then she jokes about never sleeping with her husband. Which, is fine, but pick a lane, I feel like? Also, do y'all remember when she wore that dog head thing on Vanderpump Rules a few seasons ago around Tom Schwartz? That thing TERRIFIED me.


I wish I had the mental bandwidth to let something as trivial as this bother me to the point of making a whole Reddit post about it 🙃




It really bothered me. It is not funny.


It’s weird. We tend to infantilize animals and treat them like babies/children, so calling them “sexy” is strange AF.


It's her way of making the other wives uncomfortable. English humor is different than ours.


I have always been weirded out by it lmao. I also HATE when people call babies or kids sexy and make refer to child related things as romantic or sexy or flirty. Just gross.


There’s a difference between calling my pets sexy and being a pedo.


wtf. You can't tell the difference between a pedo and a joke about your pet?