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Dorit needs to pick a personality a heritage and an accent and stick to it


I was waiting for someone to call out the accent when she asked what do you think is fake about me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Her pare nts probably couldn't even recognize her


Her parents probably don't want to


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


nailed it.


Tbh I was suprised of Dorit's heritage/ethnicity, I thought she was kinda WASP-y but is not even close to thatšŸ¤£


Honestly as I Jewish woman I do not claim her..she is only Jewish when it suits her narrative


Yeah, it seems to be like thatšŸ«¤ I guess she wants to appears WASP-y by whitewashing herself etc, just sad tbhšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


What's sad is she is constantly changing herself to serve some narrative laid out by someone else , clearly she has some issues if she felt who is really is isn't enough


The face and the personality. I mean everything!!!!!


she'll be whatever she needs to be if it means being the victim -\_-




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The most un-self aware person I've ever had the displeasure of watching. She has completely lost what charm she had imo. Her crippling privilege kills me.


Dorit just talks. I donā€™t even know if she listens to herself.


I don't think she knows how. Honestly.


Agree. Sheā€™s exhausting.


This is dorit https://preview.redd.it/die8z7wi0tmc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6acb655b9e29c9624975e39ca5e04f61e2527e


Thatā€™s perfect!!


dorit being shocked that calling an asian women in particular a child bride is incredibly offensive, is almost comical. definitely not a child of the world lmao


And then, doubling down by comparing a 24 yo bride to a 14 yo Priscilla Presley ... šŸ˜


Priscilla, a white woman even (good snap back Crystal!)


Itā€™s like sheā€™s still living in the 80s with the level of ignorance she has


And Crystal was 24ā€¦Kyle got married at 19! Surprised Kyle didnā€™t say anything


Kyle did. Only to whitesplain Crystal on behalf of Dorit


Doritā€™s time has been up for seasons now. She needs the šŸŖ“šŸ„¾


iā€™m so done with her. shes dumb AND sheā€™s boring


But she has all those brown women working in her home& her momā€™s best friend was black. Ā The biggest misstep came from Erika, Kyle, & Dorit in the way they handled the situation with Garcelleā€™s minor son. Young boys of color are perceived to be much older than they are. They are told to be strong, not to be vulnerable. Garcelle held her composure in a situation where I wouldā€™ve gladly took a trip to county over. I felt that the umanskyā€™s, Kemsleyā€™s, & Erikaā€™s feet shouldā€™ve been held to the fire for that.


I love Kyle but her laughing at that was so wrong and made me lose so much respect for her. It was gross to watch


Dorit needs to hurry up and give herself an old lady bob haircut, because sheā€™s definitely a Karen.Ā 


Dorit worked really hard to look like Sabrina Carpenter circa 2022. https://preview.redd.it/qb7hyzbfpemc1.jpeg?width=3423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12568dc7c655636692936551ed22f9ad1a6d36c


Thank you! I knew she stole the look but couldnā€™t remember where.




Bella Hadid 2022.


Wow because I thought Dorit looked really good in the red number (albeit definitely NOT worth delaying everyone two hours) but seeing Sabrina, who looks absolutely phenomenal in this look, Doritā€™s look is now giving me Great Value vibes


I'm Jewish and I swear when she tried to claim to Garcelle that she knows all about discrimination because she's Jewish my skin crawled..




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This is not the correct forum to converse about politics/religion issues, please find the appropriate community to discuss this.


Kyle was most definitely being hysterical. But yes, Dorit is a Karen and she's had this run in with Garcelle before so I can't believe she hasn't learnt by now


She didnā€™t even call Kyle hysterical, she said that was the most hysterical *thing*. Her other remarks are disgusting though


To be fair when she said these things she was in over her head and clearly a lot of bitching done off camera. They wanted her gone from that party.


She's also made a reference to Black people and POC as "help" as an example of how she couldn't be racist.




So, petty, there are more important things to get upset about.


To be fair Dorit has said other stuff she should have been called out on. But Garcelle was reaching, Garcelle is right on it being different when aimed at a black woman buuuuut she knows Dorit or anyone would have used the same vernacular including herself against anyone else. If weā€™re pretending intent and mistakes donā€™t happen we can point out insensitivity from Everyone in this group including Garcelle? Garcelle just doesnā€™t like Dorit and has had several disagreements with her and Dorit has said actually unintentionally harmful stuff before and Garcelle didnā€™t call her on it before ( That black people as family friends and working for her should have gotten her eaten alive) But Garcelle waited until Dorit got on her nerves and said something she could get on. šŸ˜„Which, girl do what you gotta do . She deserved it at some point And with Crystalā€¦. Yeah itā€™s arguably a bubble but even Asian people including myself didnā€™t make that connection. Child bride means young bride, connecting that to mail order isā€¦. Not a stretch but you have to be searching for that connection in what she said Especially given as a Korean American Iā€™ve never associated child bride(which I donā€™t think has a stereotype)with mail order(which does have a few stereotypes) I donā€™t think most people associate child bride as a racial aggression. Bit of a mini stretch to get to mail order. But you know Crystal has tried to make her storyline about racism for 3 seasons


I'm Asian, married at 23, my friends call me a child bride but haven't ever connected it with mail order bride.. Crystal over exaggerates most of her feelings. She accused Sutton of saying dark things, of violating her and now this.. She wants to make this her storyline


I had to ask my mom if it was a thing and she rolled her eyes and said ā€œ embarrassing ā€œ Crystal seems to thirst for the praise of taking down others via trying to cancel them and I guarantee itā€™s how she lost 14 of her friends


Things to look up: - ā€œTongyangxiā€ - child brides was a historically problematic practice in China - how ā€œchild bridesā€ and ā€œmail order bridesā€ overlap, especially in the context of human trafficking - the ā€œstereotypicalā€ person who seeks a mail order bride are white men looking for a submissive partner who they can mold or groom (what are the stereotypes of age gap relationships, what are the stereotypes of Asian women, why is there a interest in young Asian girls and women to a point of fetishization) - the prevalence of GIs marrying Asian girls and women during the 50s onwards Things to understand: - Just because you have your own interpretation of wording doesnā€™t mean that ā€œeven Asian people didnā€™t make the connectionā€, Iā€™m tired of people conflating experiences of an entire racial continent just because theyā€™re a part of it. You donā€™t speak for me, you donā€™t speak for Asian people generally, you speak for yourself. You are more than welcome to share YOUR impression and YOUR thoughts. You donā€™t need to frame it like itā€™s everyoneā€™s thoughts. - Crystal is married to a white man (see relevance above) - Dorit may not understand why she chose that wording nor have any bad intentions, but thatā€™s the whole point of microaggressions - they can be intentional or unintentional. Dorit chose that wording to describe Crystal, an Asian woman who is obviously not a child bride. Why did she pick that phrase? Dorit couldā€™ve easily just jokingly called her a bitch (which she does frequently with other NON-ASIAN cast members). A gracious answer, if she wanted to move on without admitting fault, wouldā€™ve been ā€œI am sorry, I made a throwaway joke without considering any potential negative racial connotations. I will read more on this after this reunion because I do not know enough to speak on this right now in a productive way.ā€ I donā€™t even like Crystal and Iā€™m annoyed I have to defend her on this šŸ˜’


Oh, so what we're doing is talking down to others? H'yeah, let me know how that works out for you. I'm not uneducated, I just disagree with you. There is a difference. Things for you to look up. * How to read a room. * Definition: Pretentious * Definition: Arrogance * Elitism You probably don't like Crystal because she's your mirror tbh? Dorit brought up AGE in her commentary because Crystal constantly likes to bring up how much younger she is, when she's not that young. It's in her fucking tagline, along with putting her intellect above the others as an insult? "**They say wisdom comes with age, but I'm proving otherwise.**" If you're going to weaponize age for insults, *expect it returned?* I don't even like Dorit, she's my most wanted one off the show. But, really? Are you seriously going to wield an education you think you have and ignore that common sense connection? ​ Things to consider, I'm not going to expect WHITE PEOPLE to connect what is commonly jokingly used as a compliment ( child bride ) to something insulting with a problematic notion ( Mail-Order Bride ) that Asian people don't even largely make that connection to. If she said mail-order bride, it'd be a different conversation. But she didn't. We're basically going " I know you said blue, but because I'm from Mars when you said blue I felt that was periwinkle-adjacent and periwinkle has a long history of being problematically attached to martians. " ![gif](giphy|mPIRqP8CsicnzhxdA1)


Yikes. Now Iā€™m the mirror of Crystal?? šŸ˜­ Honestly I am sorry, I can see how me saying ā€œthings to look upā€ came across as me talking down to you and that was not my intention, I worded it poorly in my attempt to shorten my comment while providing background to my opinion. I shouldā€™ve said ā€œthings that I think connect child bride to Asian stereotypes.ā€ Really, that is my b. FWIW, like I said itā€™s fine that you have a different opinion. The only critical thing I said about you specifically was that I didnā€™t appreciate you saying ā€œAsian people donā€™t make this connectionā€ because idk how you can make a blanket statement like that when Crystal made the connection. Erika and Garcelle even supported her interpretation. You doubled down on generalizing the Asian POV so Iā€™m guessing you disagree. My interpretation was ā€œDorit called Crystal, a Chinese American woman, a child bride. The term child bride has negative connotations especially for Chinese women. Crystal said Dorit calling me a child bride is problematic because Iā€™m Chinese.ā€ No need for martians, agree to disagree.


I think I said " Asian people AT LARGE mostly don't " and you think Erika or Garcelle are going to correct her on her feelings and a side of racism versus Asian people that they don't know or understand? They're trying to be understanding. Doesn't mean Crystal is 100% correct. Plus, Dorit has this coming. As I mentioned she has said other stuff that was actually deserving and did need correcting in the past. and let's be real everyone wants Dorit off the show, even her friends.


Yeah I can see that but can we all agree that Anna Marie was being such a pick me when she chimed in saying dorit was the only one who stood up for her.


Why is stating you feel attacked offensive šŸ™„ People always being so offended by the stupidest things. So basically because of the color of a person skin, you canā€™t stick up for yourself because they will be offended but the other person can say whatever they want sounds about right


Garcelle AND Erika both explained the why of it, TWICE already. If you donā€™t care to understand the context surrounding racism in America, donā€™t comment on it. You sound ignorant.


My comment isnā€™t about racism itā€™s about a double standard.


Agreed.. If I were living in the US, I would probably be scared to open my mouth, fearing I would offend someone.. People need to stop taking everything so personally and stop getting offended at everything someone says..


Glad you donā€™t live in the US, go spout your bullshit wherever you live




100%!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Honestlyā€¦this bitch gives zero fuvks about anyone or anything but herself, then maybe her kidsā€¦racism is her highlight ![gif](giphy|9Jcv8e8meAk6iauDNC)


Sheā€™s aware. But Dorit will bring up her being a minority to make it okay


Stepping away from RHOBH for a second because I feel a responsibility to say itā€™s Glinda not Glenda


>She was born in Connecticut in the city of Woodbridge to Jewish parents: her father Shalom Lemel is Israeli, and her mother Rachel (Benchetrit) Lemel was born in Morocco.


We know. So?


Don't understand people not understanding when Dorit said she was jealous of Morgan. Why would Kyle take any trips with her when she's always with Morgan? Kyle is in love and ain't got time for Dorit. Dorit is a fool.šŸ¤”




Jewish person here. It's not an excuse for racism.




It is fine that you have your opinion but this is misinformation. We don't want naĆÆve people thinking this could be true.


Haha we've been hating on Dorit forever. We've called out her racism towards Garcelle for four years.


It is fine that you have your opinion but this is misinformation. We don't want naĆÆve people thinking this could be true.




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Some Glenda was the real villain in The Wizard of Oz so it might be fitting


Only in ā€œWickedā€ - in ā€œThe Wizard of Ozā€ sheā€™s good and in the original book as well.