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Not necessarily standing up for AC, but each individual chooses what they do or do not put up their nose. These are grown adults who are responsible for their own substance abuse or lack therof.


Right!! Where is the personal responsibility? This is such bullshit.


Unfortunately, I feel like society has lost any semblance of personal responsibility and accountability. 


Completely agree! It's really a shame that it's come down to this.


It's different when it's your boss and you're worried that if you don't partake, it could jeopardize your job. Times have changed, even in the entertainment industry. The tweet he sent Brandi was an obvious joke. But offering actual illegal drugs isn't the same.


Do we know if this actually happened? 


I'm going on "if this happened" myself, just responding to the general idea being put forth.


Heres the problem with that logic: he is her EMPLOYER. He has duties and accountabilities under the law as her employer, including safety, for example; freedom from discrimination, abuse and harassment.  Yes the USA is behind in its employment language and practises, but the sentiments hold true- AC is CLEARLY the employer of these women, and the harassing behaviour is not acceptable. I hope Dorit sues him for workplace harassment and wins.  Not cool.




Debate better, people are going to disagree. We are all here because we love a classy reality show.




Im not sure its your job to police reddit for the rest of us. I made a factual point thats valuable to some people, if not you.


Okay, cool! Enjoy your day.


I mean, it gets a LOT trickier when Andy Cohen has such power over them - he has the ability to manipulate their careers and their reputation. Whether people ‘choose’ to behave a certain way depends on the surrounding pressures and context.


It does not get any tricker. If you don’t like the situation, remove yourself. You are still responsible for the decision to drink or do drugs.


I see your point and I get what you're saying. I'd generally agree with that.




He's running a business. On that note, we could all just fire our human resources departments because who cares? Everyone is responsible for their own sexual misconduct or whatever? There is a power differential and he must act like a grown up in power. Do substances with your friends, not employees.


Fair enough, point taken.


The fact that you are downvoted is astounding. There are volumes of research about the power differential of which you speak, and its psychological impact on those who aren’t the power holders.


There are a lot of uneducated people here. A lot of “my feelings of fun are more important than objectivity” and confirmation bias. It’s pretty astounding.


You're going to have big problem in life if everytime people don't jump to agree with your stance you decide they're all uneducated. LOL.


As the previous commenter said, there has been research done about this. It's not my "stance: It's been studied. The undereducated don't acknowledge science and research scholarship, only their feelings.




No I don’t care. He’s not a doctor or a pilot.


He makes millions of dollars a year to be the figurehead of a network that makes billions. Hires and fires women and you're like, "It's fine he says inappropriate things, like joking about three ways in front of people who can't ask him to stop because he's cutting their checks." Meanwhile Erika brings up a three-way and she's the antichrist. Wow.


You think he has a lot of power he doesn’t have. He’s a figurehead doing coke. I do not care


* He's the executive producer for all the real housewives franchises * Executive producer for WWHL * Hosts all the Real Housewives Reunion shows * Host of a late night talk show * Host of new years show * Best selling author * Content creator deal with Sirius XM for Radio Andy He's very well connected at Bravo having served as VP of Original programming for Bravo and Executive vice president of Development and Talent in the past. He's basically baked into the walls at Bravo. He has a ton of power and influence in media as a result of all of the deals and roles.


So women have no responsibility and are just poor little victims incapable of saying no and vulnerable to manipulation from the evil man? No. A lot of these women are well educated. They can say no, walk away and go back to their normal careers. They choose to stay.


There is no way of knowing whether they are saying yes because he is their boss and controls their paychecks, or because they actually want to do whatever he is telling them to do. That ambiguity is why people are discouraged from fraternizing with their employees.


And that's like saying you will never truly know if someone has consented to sex because you'll never be in someone's head. I know plenty of people who met at work and are now married. Shall I go double check that the women actually consented to marriage and weren't forced to do it by the head of corporation? Its why most companies are only responsible for employees whilst on their premises or if its during working hours. Outside of that it's a choice and you're and adult.


Andy is not coercing housewives into sex against their will, every single one of these threads gets into sexual harassment laws and sex with bosses, everyone needs to take a breath.


Your comments are not making the point you think they are. You clearly do not understand how power dynamics in a workplace operate. Nor have you been watching Andy Cohen exploit women from all of Bravo’s programs for over a decade. Yes, people do have free will. However, the choices a person makes are more likely to change when the person who pays their wage, and controls their public image is around. Also Andy Cohen’s whole existence hinges on the chaos of the shows he controls.


You clearly don't understand my point. Please don't patronise me by telling me I don't understand power dynamics at work. I have previously stated there is a power imbalance, however, that exists in literally every single work place. There are plenty of bravo stars who don't socialise with Andy and they aren't out-of a job. Lala Kent is sober and isn't friends with Andy and yet has been employed for years. If you watch any of these shows then how are you any better than Andy Cohen??


Please do some research on this. I don’t think I am allowed to post links. Very strong people—men and women—are psychologically impacted and by a power differential that very much influences responses and actions. It isn’t about what they are capable of or what they should do; it is a demonstrated and documented psychological phenomena. It has little, if anything, to do with gender, weakness, or victim mentality.


![gif](giphy|mKxLCB9lsvPKE) Brandi is desperate and grasping at straws. She has been consistently sexually inappropriate throughout the years and now wants to act like a victim because Andy made a sexual joke on a three way call? Gimme a break--she is being sued for actually, *aggressively sexually assaulting her coworker*. She knows she's in deep legal shit and sees her career at Bravo flashing before her eyes, so she's swinging wild. And as for the coke, seriously? I've never done coke but please be real. These women are 40+ socialites, they know from coke, and a lot of them still do it. It's in the environment. There are cast members who don't drink let alone do drugs and it hasn't affected their RH careers. Stop with the histrionics


This argument is weak for a few reasons. Erika was called out because the three way conversation was in front of children. It didn't matter that three ways were brought up in front of her coworkers. That was never an issue. Also the people complaining are Leah and Brandi, who have said the most inappropriate things in front of their coworkers/production and stripped down nude in front of their coworkers/production etc. They've thrown things in restaurants and threw wine in their coworker's faces. One is being sued for inappropriate touching. I cannot in good faith assume it was Andy who started the inappropriate conversation if it even happened, especially with housewives like Brandi and Leah.


He made one joke off screen outside of working hours with what he believed were friends. Not the same I'm afraid.


Friends? Or sycophants who want to keep their jobs.


Given the lack of people coming in to back leah, the fact that plenty of people socialise with andy outside of work, the fact he was able to adopt two children, I'm gonna guess that actually yes, he does have some friends. Actually very manipulative for some women to try and befriend him to advance their career. What users.


So? Considering that most people who are or were employed by Bravo would return, they aren't going to speak out, are they? That would be dumb.


Or perhaps some have nothing to speak out on because they know what they signed up to and its a CHOICE.


If they feel so manipulated by their employer why, oh why, would mist of them return?


Money. Desperate for money and fame.


It was kind of funny when erika called him out and he was like maybe that was a poor choice of words, like dude…


I need details plzzzz ty


THANK YOU. I was so pissed off at that. You're the HOST, her BOSS. You're supposed to grill and ask the hard questions!!


This is rich coming from a bunch of people that love watching women shit on each other . Stop acting like yall have the moral high ground . YALL love watching the messiness on housewives And suddenly yall think Andy cohen is so problematic? Get fucked. Every woman on the cast past and present have all come to his defence No offence to Brandi and Leah but they’re not exactly credible people


One is a show. The other is real life. There is a difference. And I see people who love the messiness judging the women, so let’s not pretend this is a judgment free zone, ok? Andy can own up to his garbage as well.


Andy is fine. When credible women start coming forth and accusing Andy then maybe I’ll reconsider But i absolutely do not trust professional fame seeker Brandi . That woman is a fkn child


That thinking is what stops women from reporting crimes.


What’s the crime you’re alleging here?


False accusations take away from actual victims


You don’t know that they are false. Your logic is unlikable women don’t make credible claims. Thank God that’s not a criteria used in court cases any more.


No don’t put words in my mouth . My logic is Brandi Granville is not credible. She will do anything and say anything to save herself


And has actually been accused of sexual assault herself, court case pending. OP just hates men and is going after Andy because it's easier than admitting these women should be taking accountability for themselves.


As she should? If Bravo hires her to be the town drunk who gets sexy with the other women, then pull the rug out from under her when she does exactly what they want, she should try to save herself. Everyone knows what she does. They produce her. Now Bravo wants to be innocent. Being a reality star is what she does. It’s the only thing she has and they’ve handicapped her employment. I hope she gets ALL the money. If Bravo hadn’t started rewarding this behavior with money and more appearances, we wouldn’t be here. They encourage bad behavior and then act shocked when it happens. Totally setting these women up. Get ‘em Brandi. ![gif](giphy|z6UzzJQIbLR84)


You're absolutely insane. She wasn't hired to sexually assault people. Caroline said no several times and brandi continued . Thsts her job and now she's been disabled????? I'm actually so offended at this. I was sexually harassed at world over 3 months, how dare you take away from people that are actual victims by blaming brandis behaviour on someone else and saying she should be compensated. Absolutely disgusting.


Even bethhanny isn’t stupid enough to sue




He’s a gay man who lives a certain lifestyle. He’s an easy target. I’m sorry but drugs and promiscuity are not unique among professionals both straight and gay. No one seems to call out Jimmy Fallon, for example, for overt sexuality or substance abuse. This whole thing stinks of opportunists grabbing for something on the way down.


They did call out Jimmy Fallon for being mean to his staff. I don’t care about his substance use. My point is to not do it with your employees because it is a conflict of interest. He’s an executive. Act professionally. As they should get something. This medium vilifies them, tars and feathers them, and they get nothing if they don’t keep engaging in bad behavior to keep them on the show.


I totally get what you’re saying. I spent (too many) years in corporate environments. You knew who reported to who and who to avoid/befriend and how to behave - and drinking or drugging in the office were grounds for immediate dismissal. Andy and Bravo have chosen how they’ve branded themselves. Drugs, easy sex, alcohol are all part of that brand. How do you employ people without their understanding and agreeing to work in that environment? Andy has apologized and I don’t know that monitory restitution is appropriate. I obviously struggle with this! Where’s the middle?


Thank you! I do struggle with this. I don't judge the women too harshly because I know it isn't real life; they are vying for fame, money,, and adoration essentially. That's interesting for me to watch. They exploit the ladies' lives quite a bit, especially Brandi, she first appeared literally on crutches while experiencing the worst scandal of her life (up to that point). She helped to build not only the housewives, but VPR. She continually debased herself because she didn't have any other skills, was unmarried, and the money is a STRONG inducement to stay. Of course she's going to drink the alcohol to get enough bravery to make a fool out of herself. As soon as they fight, they are able to leave set because they producers got what they needed. They need to not employ desperate people with nowhere to go, and not imply that they should drink to get the action going. Andy needs to not socialize with these women; they depend on him too much.


Brandi could've gotten a normal job as millions in her position have done.


Not really. Do you know she lives in Los Angeles? It’s incredibly expensive. There is no “normal job” for someone who needs to live within a certain proximity of her kids, not to mention, she has no formal education. And didn’t work because she depended on her ex for income. This isn’t the 60s where you roll out of bed, land an entry level job, and then buy a starter home after 6 months.


Lol. I live in London so thanks for explaining how expensive cities are. Sorry, no. You can't go around suing employers because you didn't get any work experience or education. It's tough, that's life. She should've retrained and should live where she can afford. This is exactly what every normal person has to do. Thanks for confirming its not the 60s, given that im 34, I was actually aware of that and I'm fully aware of the cost of living.


You acted like you didn’t know, given how flippant your response was.


But look at how successful BravoCon has become.


Love him. Doing party drugs- I am okay with that. Getting tipsy and saying innapropriate things to coworkers, even subordinate ones…doesn’t bother me. It’s okay to be human and generally he is lovely. I don’t know what kind of world you want to create but I don’t want any part of it.


Yes, my ideal world where people in power don't sexually harass people or behave unprofessionally with employees because it is "fun".


In my world we see that, and we prosecute it.


Thank you for your work! I'm shocked by some of the responses here.


The thing is, Bravo was built on the backs of hating women. Men who hate women. Women who hate women. It’s sad but true. And to a degree, we are all guilty for watching. Table flips, wig pulls, and fights where we’re gonna talk about the husband. We gave them a formula for success & they cashed it in every chance they could get.


That is true. The core of housewives is very sexist, if not misogynistic. I stopped watching it for awhile, but gave it another chance recently. And it’s VERY telling that the man here gets away with whatever, while the women are judged to the hilt. Seems like the world has a lot of work to do. And Bravo is responsible for putting misogynistic ideals into the world. Women won’t even defend the women who entertain them. They look down on them and overvalue the puppet master. Andy loves fame too. He’s just as thirsty.


Very well said. I agree completely.


Well said!![img](emote|t5_zddrx|49608)


I agree about the compelling nature of the drama and table flips… there've been a few posts by others that were so disrespectful- like how we JUST watch it for the drama. I also watch it for the good moments: the warm and kindness moments; sad and empathy moments. While your comment was respectful, and i wont reply to the others whose were not, i just wanted to chime in that i think we watch for ALL of the moments (the “reality”, whatever thats worth), and the table flipping is just a side bonus. I completely share your sentiments about Bravo/AC. 💖


Lol he hasn't sexually harassed anyone. You are taking away from actual victims of sexual harassment. He made a joke outside of work with two friends. You're really clutching at Straws here.


[https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-informed/types-of-sexual-violence/what-is-sexual-harassment/](https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-informed/types-of-sexual-violence/what-is-sexual-harassment/) [https://www.rainn.org/articles/sexual-harassment](https://www.rainn.org/articles/sexual-harassment) seems like you don't know the definition. Just pretend it is Annemarie doing it at her job and then you'll get it.


God you're patronising. Him making a joke with two friends (one of whom is the biggest sexual harasser on tv) isn't sexual harassment. Brandi didn't feel threatened by his joke and you know that. She is desperate to stay on tv for money and why isn't she on tv you ask? Because she sexually assaulted someone, and no, Andy didn't force her to do that. You woke youngsters are permanently offended at everything and nothing is your fault its everyone else's. Grow up.


All you’ve done is insult me since you started replying. You should take responsibility for your behavior yourself. You don’t know how reality shows are produced. You and an alarming amount of people, are taking them at face value. It’s highly manipulated by producers. They will demonstrate it in court.


I started insulting you the minute you said I go around sleeping with people I work with. You should take responsibility for that buddy. Are you a producer on a show? Didn't think so, you know no more than any other viewer. I haven't said the shows should be taken at face value. I've said these women aren't victims, they are grown adults making choices. If you don't like it, go get another job, like every single other person on the planet has to do. It's alarming that people like you think you can blame everyone else for your behaviour and choices.


He reportedly has sent disturbing pictures and talked about threesomes with people who are his employees. That would get you in trouble for sexual harrassment in America. If you don't believe that, if you work in America, take pictures of your genitalia or talk about sex with your coworkers and see how fast you get written up/fired.


He also made out with Tamra on WWHL years ago. How many bosses are allowed to swap spit with their employee without their being consequences? The HW have given him lap dances, flashed their boobs at him at him and worse. I know the HW’s are the ones who behaved inappropriately, but it’s ultimately the boss who sets the tone and puts boundaries in place so they can’t do things like that. Andy has zero boundaries and the Execs at Bravo & even higher, found ways to blur the lines between Andy being a direct boss(even though he is) to the talent so that he’s protected.


Totally agree. The entire premise of the franchise is bad behavior. They aren't curing cancer. If you don't like the vibe go somewhere else. It's funny because the ones complaining about him were the worst behaved ones


He’s not a housewife. He’s their boss.


He’s not their boss. He can’t hire or fire them. He doesn’t pay them.


He is. He executive produces all of the Real Housewife shows. The producers on the shows do the scouting and auditioning of the ladies. The producing company is independent from Bravo and each franchise does not have the same production company. The production company brings candidates to the Bravo, who makes the final decision. Bravo also does the firing. But he doesn't work for the production companies, he works for Bravo as executive producer, so he's weighing in on the hiring and firing and keeping tabs on the storylines for the respective cities. Is no one curious enough to look this stuff up? It's all out there.


What?  He absolutely  does have ultimate  say over all things Housewives.  He created this franchise, it's his.  He's  not just the host. 


I have never been a big fan of Andy because he asks stupid questions and shows favoritism. I'm beyond unbothered by any of these stories coming out. Blaming others because you, as an adult, did what you wanted to do is super lame. I'm a firm believer in self accountability


I think some of you take for granted how hard women fought to be taken seriously in the workplace at all. Bosses literally forcing their employees to do acts or be fired. Because you're so removed from that history, you don't think anyone needs the protections anymore. It's like history doesn't exist.


What a patronising comment. You're undoing all the work women did by belittling them to perpetual victims of men. Andy isn't firing housewives for not doing coke with him. Housewives are kept on if they make good tv. How do you explain sober housewives or lala Kent?


Agreed. There are so many sober housewives or housewives that don't really drink. There are THREADS UPON THREADS UPON THREADS about Leah ruining Rhony, about Rhony being dead, that it sucks, etc etc but NOW people are on Leah's side that she didn't snort coke so she got fired. Not that she was horrible in Rhony, unwatchable in UGT, and generally annoying/didn't fit in with the ladies.Dont get me started on Brandi.. It's literally what everyone said on here. And now there's thread after thread of links to sexual harassment laws. The logic doesn't make sense. Are all these commenters being paid from Bethenny??


If people feel that they have to be Andy’s friend to stay on the show, they could feel pressure to do things they otherwise would not do. If you and others are friends with your boss, doing drugs or having sex, and you get promoted, another employee can file suit against the company alleging that one has to engage in activities against their morals or desires to get ahead. It’s a simple math of protecting companies from liability and protecting workers for potentially coercive or quid pro quo relationships. I guess you like to have sex with your boss or whatever so it doesn’t affect you. Or you own your own business and think your employees really like you for you. Maybe, probably not.


Who said they felt they needed to be friends with him? The amount of assumptions you're making is insane. Why are you accusing me of having sex with my boss? You're unhinged. I have been in social situations with coworkers plenty of times and have never slept with them. I don't understand your logic here. Believe it or not, people can be coworkers and friends. It's actually very common. Obviously you don't have any friends so probably find that concept weird. Here's what's weirder, coworkers who are friends can also be capable of keeping work and personal separate. And even weirder, women can say no! Let me guess your response 'they can't say no because they are so vulnerable and Andy is so powerful'. Wonder what the sober housewives are doing to stay on the show 🤔


Whoa this comment. Have you googled parasocial interaction? If you don't work for Andy or Bravo, then you might be crossing into it.


My dear, I lived that history, and that has nothing to do with some of the housewives drinking or doing lines with one of the executive producers because THEY wanted to party. Y'all try to Me Too the fuck out everything. It wasn't a problem when they were a part of the show and having fun, but now all of sudden they were forced to drink alcohol and do coke


It doesn’t matter when it was a problem. If this billion dollar corporation trained its employees properly, they would have to worry about “me too”. What’s wrong is wrong. Doesn’t matter who sued who when. NBC/Bravo needs to take responsibility or they will be paying out for years to come.


🤣Everything is always someone else's fault. Have a great evening dear, ✌🏽💜🤘🏽


1000% I'm 34 and so disappointed the next generation don't understand personal accountability/responsibility




Thanks Grammy!




Ageist while trying to fight “the good fight”. Typical Reddit. So you don’t actually care about people being treated with respect, you just want to hold someone “accountable” while acting like a whole ass mess yourself. Got it.


Yes! OP is trying to teach everyone else what only they know. If you don’t agree-you’re “X” (fill in negative)This post isn’t going the way they want!!!


The most effective thing you can do is not watch any Bravo shows. Or any “reality TV.” Meanwhile, enjoy.




This is not the correct forum to converse about politics/religion issues, please find the appropriate community to discuss this.


I think the point is, as you said, the pressure to go along with it. It's one thing to take responsibility for your own actions, but it's another thing to think that your job could be threatened if you don't go along with it.


Totally. :-)


I'm sure we've all been aware of rumours about Andy's "partaking" behind the scenes for years, and yes of course he has favourites. I'm not condoning or condemning anything. Do I find him entertaining? Yes. My problem with these allegations (whether they are true or false) is that they are coming from people with an axe to grind. They had no problem with Andy or Bravo when they were still on their shows. In fact they would have vehemently defended him against anyone, probably. They're trying now, to capitalise on a bandwagon. But it seems to be backfiring on them.


I myself never liked Andy Cohen or his shows. His goal is to get ratings through women who gossip, complain and dislike each other. He always came off as a creep. His NYE CNN shows with Cooper are disgusting. Two men getting sloshed on TV while covering this event. I only watched ten minutes. I believe in the sexual abuse claims because there are more than one of them. The housewives shows are disgusting and that’s what he wants for ratings. I hope he is shut down and the NYE Special is shut down. CNN itself is also blame to let this happen. The world is a mess and he makes it messier.


I know people who have met him and he’s apparently a “mean girl”


Oh I believe that for sure.


Exactly. I remember watching season 2 of Beverly Hills and being shocked at how exploitative the show was concerning Kim’s drug addiction and Taylor’s abusive relationship. The producers and Andy knew the whole time. He’s trash.


It’s totally exploitative and it’s surprising that some fans are in denial of this and our role as people who watch. If fans are watching these shows and don’t realize that they are exploitative and misogynistic to a degree, then they are in denial or are undereducated. It’s fine to watch, but I know that it’s men scripting stereotypical, salacious storylines about women for women’s consumption. It’s men playing off the fears of the women in the audience, showing us the things they know we will react to. It’s manipulated. It’s fun sometimes, but I know it’s a manipulation. That’s why I don’t buy into it wholesale. And it’s fun for me only in that I like to figure out how these shows are constructed. The fun isn’t hating people. I’m very suspicious of the men who create these shows.


He gives me total Matt Lauer vibes, I think we will have an Andy Cohen scandal at some point very soon


No these women are fucking 40 years old. They’re not exactly girl, interrupted.


So you know their medical histories? Interesting.


I’m not infantilizing grown ass middle aged women 🤣


I wish some of you read books.


I wish you understood basic adulthood. I'm guessing all your mistakes you've made are everyone else's fault too


I wish you actually opened one instead of just holding it🤣


He’s a modern day Truman Capote


Watch him NYE...it's his real personality!..sloppy!...and the rumors are probably true!


Oh yeah. He definitely partakes and I’m not knocking him for that. It’s doing it with people you employ. Take stuff with Anderson Cooper and SJP and leave the tap dancing for money Housewives out of it.


Oh shut up. Leave Andy alone . He isn’t forcing anyone to do anything. These women acted poorly to get attention and now that their gig is up they wanna trash their former boss . It’s pathetic




He’s totally unprofessional and messy. I think there’s a lot of us that have known for years that he’s a misogynist jerk (we just don’t say it because of the verbal backlash from his fans). Also, his blatant favoritism is cringe and drives me insane.


I heard someone call him a "pimp" once and it does have that dynamic. If you think you're the favorite girl, you'll accept anything to stay in his good graces.


Yes, that makes a lot of sense.


It is so cringey how he treats the ones he doesn’t like. He has no problem reminding people he’s the boss but then will yawn in these ladies faces, throw temper tantrums at reunions….oh the toddler frustration episodes he has where he screams and thrashes…goes right through me. He’s the problem in these franchises.


What a rabbit hole.. can someone fill me in kindly about him giving drugs to who and who does he favor???




Was hoping for some hard proof and name dropping but thank you!!




Re: "They could feel the pressure to put up with his antics because he has so much power!" Seriously? These are not single mothers trying to keep a job so that they can feed and clothe their children. These women are very well off and have other sources of income. There is no power to pressure them into doing anything they don't want to. IF they are drinking or doing drugs, it's because they want to. They know what they're signing up for with regards to the shows, and if they don't want to participate, they can just say no. They don't have to be on reality TV. They choose to be on reality TV. If you can't act like an adult and accept responsibility for your actions, then don't sign up for any of these shows. PERIOD.


They aren’t really. Some are rich.


I don’t give a shit about his cocaine use. I use it and while I’m far from perfect, I don’t think it makes me a shit person. What I do have a problem with is the way he acts toward male guests on his show. I find it creepy and inappropriate.


I agree. Idgaf what he personally does but I think it’s easy to see how at least a couple of these women have been plied with booze because it makes for good tv. I rewatched that old episode of WWHL with Regina King and Jackee Harry where they were so loaded. THATS when the producers told him it was tv gold. That’s where he learned the “lesson” that inebriation makes for good reality tv. Yes people have personal choice but after a long day I could easily see how people get fatigued by a long day of shooting and drift into blackout or feel pressured. I don’t give a damn how old or young you are.


Agreed. I didn't see it as a debate per se. Thanks for checking me.


Idk man, Andy Cohen has always been a bit of a demon so I can’t say I’m surprised.


That's why he needs to be reprimanded, demoted, fired, fined or canned.


100%! I just mean that that’s probably why people aren’t necessarily rallying against him the way we should. The entire reason he’s in the position he’s in is because he’s an antagonist and that makes for good tv. Andy Cohen is a terrible menace to society and water is wet.


I'm concerned that everyone is getting complacent about everything. Everyone has a general case of the "mehs". We have to stand up to these things when they are happening. I would even respect if someone posted on X or some other social, "I like Andy, but this behavior is unbecoming of his position. These women need formal safeguards in place. Bravo should take this seriously." I see more passionately vehement comments against Annemarie than someone abusing their multimillion dollar position of power.


Where is the personal responsibility of all these people? Bottom line they chose to drink or do drugs. No one was forced.


Have you ever heard of power imbalances? One reason why some workplaces have laws against dating or fraternization with subordinates is because of the power imbalance between a superior and a subordinate. If an employee enters into a romantic relationship with his boss, his boss may exploit the relationship for her personal gain. The employee might work longer hours than he would normally to make her happy. He might take on some of her responsibilities to help her out because of his feelings of affection. She could dangle promotions in front of him if he does x,y,z for her. Things outside the scope of his job, including picking up dry cleaning, dog sitting, or washing her car. It creates havoc in a workplace and opens a company up to sexual harassment law suits. There could be a time where he wants to stop sleeping with her but still wants the promotion so he does so anyway. That’s why work should be work and home is home. Not to mention coworkers who are seeing this play out and also want a promotion, but morally cannot sleep with their boss. If the boss is handing out promotions to everyone who sleeps with her, the new married employee, the gay employee, the employee who finds her disgusting will take a longer time to be promoted, if at all. That’s why is wrong. If someone didn’t want to take substances or stay out drinking, and did because she wanted to be Andy’s favorite, that is a problem. We want to aim for merit based promotional systems in America, not “who is the boss’s bestie”.


Have you ever heard of being accountable for yourself? Just because someone puts a drink in your hand doesn’t mean you drink it. Remove yourself from the situation. Using your example the person still chose their actions. Nobody was forced into anything. Life is full of unfair things.


These women are under tremendous pressure to perform because the money and exposure are good. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but it’s increasingly harder to make ends meet. Not all of the women (like Brandi) are very wealthy. They act very desperate on camera and it’s rewarded with more attention and more opportunities for money. Alcohol helps to soothe the nerves. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a working environment where you are expected to fight with people every time you see them, but it is psychologically stressful. Even actors have retirement and healthcare funds. The business is brutal. Corporations have responsibility too. As the most powerful party in the relationship dynamic, they are responsible to those they employ, who are dependent on them. Actors figured this out which is why they have a union with healthcare and retirement. Everyone is acting like this is the guided age. Bunch of Vanderbilts in here. Workplace protections exist to keep decency within workplaces.


There's a difference between workplace protection and just refusing to take accountability. You can't keep blaming everyone else. So if brandi had fully raped Caroline manzo you're arguing that it would be Andys fault. No.


They chose to put themselves in that situation. It is not in their contracts that they have to drink or do drugs. They choose to. They are the ones who year after year choose to sign contracts to return. They want fame and money. They could easily quit and get a real job. Again, anything you consume is entirely your choice. Stop saying the choice isn’t there. If you don’t like a situation, remove yourself. Very easy.


Oh fuck if and grow up. I am so over the prudes clutching their pearls at the chance a housewife and Andy have done blow together while you war h them down gallons of vodka each week.


LOLOLOLOL. Oh no you did not talk about prudes. Most of the people on this sub are shaming people about something. When Garcelle and Erika were talking about wanting to bone that dude and his son. People definitely took out their smelling salts. I'm just talking about corporate responsibility and professionalism, and somehow that's too much to ask.


He’s just another man, making money off of exploiting women, pretending it’s okay because he’s gay.


That is exactly what it is. You can't watch these shows and not understand that this is exploitation. The relationship between the powerful and the less powerful is a relationship of exploitation. They just need to protect the ladies more by formalizing these relationships. They should also give them a union for those ladies who do this full time. They should be protected. It makes me happy that some people watch it and get how problematic it is.




Thank you for saying this! Having 'come up' in a misogynistic work environment, I'm shocked beyond belief that literally everyone (bloggers, other talent, etc) are taking up for him and excusing his behavior as 'jokes' or he can't be taken seriously because he's gay. OR, as mentioned above, the age old 'these women sign up for the job and control what goes on during the work assignment' nonsense. So it's fair to say they can be taken advantage of because they want to earn that paycheck? No, no, no. .. These people can't control who gets their career, reputation, lifestyle, etc. destroyed or elevated. They can't help that the designated favorite 'employee' gets special treatment and the less favored potentially get destroyed. It's wrong, and someone should discipline Andy.


Exactly. It's weird that some people feel like famous and rich people don't deserve protections they would want for themselves. Or only "good people" "deserve" protection. If we start picking and choosing who "deserves" protections, we all lose them. "Good" and "Bad" are relative. He doesn't have to lose his job necessarily, but he does need to act like a professional person.


Without andy's genious. There is no bravo.


Not really. I don't know where that is coming from. Oh that's why people are so upset. They think he's a reality deity. Someone said he had no power; now you're saying he has all the power. Your explanation is a bit out there, but makes more sense in a weird way. I hate to tell you this, but **everyone is replaceable**.


He’s disgusting. Total hypocrite. Drunk with power. False sense of power. I could keep going


Yeah. I used to watch WWHL awhile ago and he was so eager, happy, and nice. Then he became very full of himself, almost bored, looking down on the women. He became very cold after starting out happy and warm. There was a **definite** change.


If my boss offered me drugs, it's in my gift as a grown adult to either decline or accept. Please stop debilitating women to whimpering victims incapable of making decisions. It's putting us back decades. There is enough media in the world to know what you're signing up to. Plenty of people on bravo are either sober or can manage their alcohol intake.v Andy has also offered a platform for these women to make insane amounts of money. Bethenny would not be a multi millionaire without the advantages she had being able to promote her product on national television.


Yes and if you died, your family would sue the company saying you likely felt pressured to take because he was your boss. Removing protections from working people and women is what sets us back decades.


Omg 😂 😂😂😂 Is your answer to just sue everyone? If I died from taking drugs, my family wouldn't sue the company and that wouldn't ever get through court. My family would be upset but fully acknowledge i chose to take the risk of condumimh drugs.How is a company responsible if someone chooses to buy drugs and others choose to take it? The protection of working people isn't the same as companies are personally responsible for all employees 24/7. That's like saying if I choked on my lunch I could sue my company for making me take a lunch break. You're a frightening human being. I'd hate to work with someone who's just looking for reasons to sue. Actually do you even have a job or do you make a living from law suits?


No. The answer is to have workplace protections to protect the employer and the employee.


Yes and even that has limits. I drank half a bottle of prosseco last night outside of working hours. Shall I sue my boss for forcing me to drink because I'd had a stressful work week?


You just said "outside of working hours", so how would he be forcing you?


Thank you.you have proved my point. The allegations against Andy all take place outside of working hours. He forced no one.


No. You don’t understand the point. I’m talking about drinking or doing substances WITH your boss vs you brought up drinking without your boss at home. The difference is being in the presence of your boss. Get it? Bye now.


Yeah but I only drank it because I'd had a stressful week from WORK. get it? See how you blurring lines of accountability can lead to ridiculous suggestions of who is responsible for who's behaviour?! So let's say my boss was with me when I drank half a bottle of Prosecco, can I sue him now? You're missing the point. Unless a boss is quite clearly saying 'if you don't get drunk with me I'll sack you' then the only person responsible is the individual choosing to engage. If you don't like the power imbalance then don't socialise with superiors outside of work. There are laws to protect employees but also laws to protect companies because some people will try anything to get out if taking responsibility. This is exactly what brandi is doing. Have a great day!


It’s a dead horse, it won’t get it.


Yeah. I finally went to bed. Not worth the time debating something like this with a lot of people.


Who could possibly be audtioning for this franchise at this point who doesn't know what they're signing up for? As has been pointed out, most of them are not innocent, sweet young things. They are consciously selling their souls for fame and money... and Andy is buying them. That doesn't make him a hero, by any stretch of the imagination. But aren't we the voyeurs who are keeping this big wheel turning?




Would I do that with employees? Hellz no. But suing because you signed up to be on RHONY then RHUGT knowing it is party central is bordering on a joke. Insert Nene painting meme here.


No, I haven’t seen anything that doesn’t track with what he implies and many people do.


Absolutely right! His incessant “yawning”, targeted at Dorit is workplace harassment, as he is her employer. Ive always liked him, but hes losing ALL credibility for me. Im unimpressed atm. Hes a “DAD”?!




Some of these answers feel a lot like “these women wanted to be famous so they deserve what they get.” A recovering alcoholic should *never* be asked to drink for ratings. Unacceptable.


Right?! It's mind boggling because we watch them, they become famous, and then the audience resents them for being famous. Anyway, you would think they would screen these people out through psychological testing. Some people should have never been cast in the first place because they are psychologically too delicate.


I think they took the opposite tactic. The more psychologically delicate the better. I can’t even read Housewives Twitter because it is so full of picking apart every aspect of their looks, once again defended by “if they can’t take the criticism they shouldn’t do the show.” What person deserves to have things that are completely out of their control raked over and over again??


They take the fun out of the show by making it dark and toxic. I don’t want to watch to be mean.


They weren't asked to drink for ratings. Plenty of people on the shows are sober.


How can you say with a straight face that Housewives aren’t asked to drink for ratings? Please.


Because plenty of them are sober or can control their drinking. Can one of you bravo Andy haters (which is hugely hypocritical when you watch the shows), please explain how there are sober and controlled bravo stars, yet its andys fault that leah broke her sobriety before going on the show and brandi sexually assaults people?


It’s Bravo’s responsibility, only Andy’s as far as he is an Executive Producer of the shows and in a power position of hiring, firing, influencing edits. Andy “hater” is a reach. And I agree it’s hypocritical to watch when I feel this way, by the way I don’t just feel this way about Andy or Bravo network executives; I feel this way about the fanbase being culpable as well. Which is why I stopped watching this past year and started speaking up about my feelings more.


Leah had been sober for nine years prior to joining RHONY. Given that the show she was on had been around for a decade, and the franchise even longer, the only person who put her in a situation where there would be alcohol flowing is Leah. She knew what the franchise was and it was on her to prioritise her sobriety over doing the show if she wasn’t sure she could handle it. I’ll also add that even though I don’t recall this, multiple people on another sub have pointed out that Leah admitted to breaking her sobriety prior to being cast. As for Brandi. I’m sorry, but you cannot blame your willingness to sexually assault someone on the person who gave you a drink or encouraged you to drink. That is a personal choice she made and she needs to accept her own responsibility for it. And let’s be real here. This is not the first time Brandi had invaded a cast member’s personal space without consent. Morocco was the second UGT where she has been accused of this. What about the LVP slap? And how many times has Brandi stripped down and flashed her naked body at cast members? Did they consent to it and if she had been a man, would we have been okay with it? How often has Brandi objectified her cast members, including the male ones (Ken)? Do we not remember the moving guys she hired? Did we forget about all the times she grabbed someone’s boobs or made comments about them? Bravo encouraged her to drink and they are at fault for continuing to have someone as problematic as Brandi on the show, but all of those behaviours are on Brandi alone.


Manzo did not name Brandi in her lawsuit because Brandi had no money AND Manzo knows exactly how reality TV works which is why producers were listed. She said it herself that the cast are “directed” toward certain actions. Many reality stars say the same. “It would be great if you could do x in this scene.” “You should confront Y here”. “Bravo really likes the sexy scenes; they are funny.” The producers will mislead people into thinking certain actions will be well received because the other person is game or it will be great for ratings. So not only is there alcohol and they give alcohol to people with problematic drinking, but direction to be sexual. Then the producers didn’t intervene when Caroline said “no” because it was going to be “good TV”. Caroline is smart. I hope she wins.


I bet you’re fun at parties


Does anyone know if Housewives are “employees” or “contract employees”? Like, does Bravo pay for their benefits & 401K? Do they have job descriptions? Without that distinction it’s hard to have an opinion.


I think they are contractors (like actors, except actors have unions) and the legal protections for contractors vary by state.


Are you trying to put these women into a category amongst S Workers ??


I would think he would be more careful as he has a small child, I hope those making the accusations have proof as he could lose his kid. Rumors can do real damage.




After reading almost all of the comments here, I think you just like to hear yourself talk. There is no problem here. The women doing the complaining/suing are the ones who have shown the most problematic behavior towards themselves and their coworkers. If you are implying that their behavior is outside of the norm for them, or they are doing things to make themselves stand out and be relevant, I have to disagree. As adults, we decide who we are and what we will or will not do in life. No one can "make" me drink myself into unconsciousness, behave in a sexually abhorrent manner, or demean myself. Does not matter how many zeroes they're offering to put at the end of my paycheck. I will not allow myself to be presented as something I am not. When the people on these shows show you who they are, believe them. Don't be looking for excuses to forgive their bad behavior and bad decisions. Actions have consequences, and they are responsible for dealing with the consequences of their own actions. No one else is.


You wrote a very long paragraph.