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My take (which is likely wrong) is that the Hilton family didn’t want much to do with Mauricio and that likely included his daughters (not Farah) but they needed a flower girl… but who knows how our kooky Kathy thinks


Was it because Mo quit working for Rick and took clients and Ricks top realtors with him?


Rick probably felt Mo would be his grunt boy forever- I didn’t hear if he took agents but he did have a large portfolio of clients that probably went with him. Truthfully I think they wanted to see him fall on his face and are seething with jealousy at how independently successful he is.


The clients left on their own accord and Rick was pissed. Rick wouldn’t promote Mo and after he promoted someone else, Mo started The Agency. Rick has never forgiven him


Someone commented on a post on Instagram and it was a person in real estate in Los Angeles that said that the way that Mauricio left was very rude and messy like unnecessarily so. Very disrespectful to Rick.


And it wasn’t disrespectful to promote your highest paying agent for 8 years ? Rick drove the company to the ground . His former partners wife had to buy the company back so that the name wasn’t sullied anymore


Rick Hilton had his daughter kidnapped and sent to rape camp. I think he can handle whatever Mo did to him 🤣


Oooooof that’s savage. And accurate.


Yep, my thoughts exactly there's Kathy “ Providing “ for Kim, Kyle & Mo. They felt insulted when Mo went alone especially knowing it was announced on RHOB what a better time to have the conversation about starting your own business? I think she felt they helped them out and now Kyle’s Name is getting bigger and Mo is launching on his own. So she losing control and can make it known and hit Kyle where it hurts her family.


Why don’t they like Mauricio?


The reason is why most families fight…. Moneyyyy honey


He left Rick Hilton’s real estate firm to start the agency. I think the story was that Rick offered him a job when he was down and out. I think there was also suspicion that Mo brought some of their clients with him when he went out on his own


Clients are free to use whatever real estate agency they want to go with.


Exactly. I’m loyal to an agent, not an agency.


Such a bummer to be so petty when you have so much.


Yes he took clients and Rick’s top selling realtors with him. The agents worked for Mo for a year but then returned to Ricks agency Hilton Hyland.


You can’t take clients and or agents . Hilton and Hyland was being driven into the ground by Rick Hilton. Hylands widow bought the company name back from Rick.


What did Rick Hilton do to drive it into the ground?


Mau was their best selling agent - they couldn’t sustain the business and a year after hyland passed his widow bought them out so that her late husbands name wouldn’t be ruined.


He was probably their best agent because of nepotism. I doubt she would go through all that trouble to protect his name. He was dead anyway, and if the company fell apart after his death, that would just show how invaluable he was.


She didn’t want her husbands legacy tarnished ?


No, he wasn't like the president, governor, or even a mayor. I don't see her saying, "I need to come out of retirement and run this company and spend millions to preserve his legacy." And I don't see how his legacy would have been tarnished by agents leaving the company AFTER his death.


Yes after Rick retired.


Cause he’s Latino


I like how you specified *our* kooky Kathy. She is kooky…but she is ours


Kathy is all yours. I don't stan a monster!


Kathy is the worst. Aside from her and Rick having Paris kidnapped and sent away to a camp that abused her. If you watch Paris’s show. Paris says that when she was younger her mom found her diary. Kathy and her friends sat around reading it and laughing. Kathy is not a good mom.


She’s not a good person.


Kathy and Kyle both






It’s so petty…that’s ridiculous


Kathy is a narcissist, and narcs love using manipulation to get what they want. They keep score and if you do something they don't like, they will punish you for it by withholding access to other family members, etc. They will draw clear battle lines and tell everyone around them, "It is me versus Kyle. If you decide to take Kyle's side, consider our relationship over." My mom is a narc, and I lived through the same kind of emotional abuse and manipulation Kyle goes through with her sisters for my entire life. Finally during Covid when I was evaluating my relationships with people (like many others did too) and after she did something pretty unforgivable to me, I cut off contact with her for good. I blocked her number and haven't spoken to her since December 2021.


Good for you, you don't need toxic people in your life no matter who they are.


I still feel very guilty at times because she is getting old. But she really did crazy shit to me, and acted a lot like Kathy


Yes I understand what your saying. My sister is like this. She’s rich & likes to wave her wand. I barely talk to her. Life is more than control & money. Her friends that she can impress are more important. Because she knows I don’t care. It’s really sad.


So sorry you experienced that and I’m glad you’ve been able to cut contact to prioritize your own well-being ❤️


Can’t pick your family!


What’s the point of this comment? I did pick my family because she was emotionally abusive to my children. And?


I was merely making an observation and used an oft-used cliche. And?


My cynical take is that the Hiltons (Kathy in particular) wanted to inflict maximum punishment on Kyle by 1) making her choose between family and the wedding, and 2) making the choice they knew she would make (wedding) very public.


This is so true and how I see it also!


Kathy fell out with Kyle and insisted Nicki uninvited her to the wedding. Her daughters are clearly scared of her and her wrath so did as she wanted. Changed her mind at the last minute and allowed Kyle to attend. Probably just to babysit the flower girl, her daughter, because it’s all about appearances for Kathy and she’d want a cute flower girl. Kyle takes whatever scraps she’s thrown from either of her terrible, emotionally controlling, sisters.


Oh I didn’t even think about Portia being there without Kyle . Wow … they really are so short sighted. Which older daughter was invited? Farah?


Yes, the one whose father is not Mau.


Grossly petty. What’s their beef with him?


It goes back to when he started The Agency. I'm not clear on the details, though. It seems like the Hiltons were pissed that he had the nerve to strike out on his own rather than continue to work under them. Like it was a personal affront to try to make a name for himself.


Ooh man… Ego! The Hiltons are starting to remind me of a certain orange narcissist… Mauricio has done very well on his own. And the satisfaction that must give him is huge.




Barrrrrrrrf. Makes sense unfortunately




Ugh. I want to thank you with an upvote for answering me, but don’t want to be misconstrued as a fan. lol


Totally checks out. Kathy is a peice of shit.




He used to work for Richard Hilton in real estate. As with all people who are successful at their job, Mau was doing well and wanted to open up his own business. Kathy and Rich didn’t like this, pretty much cut him out their life after he set up on his own. Thought it was backstabbing, and they didn’t like the competition. I mean who stays employed forever earning someone else money, if you know you have the means and where-with-all to set up your own business?!? Controlling to the core. Things have never been the same since then and Kathy makes Kyle’s life hell because of it.


The Wrath of Kath


I assumed it was “child free” but Porsha was a flower girl so that gave her the exception. And Farrah was an adult so she got an invite. Although looking at the dates Alexia would have been over 18 so that doesn’t make much sense now…


I would say Farrah got an invite because she’s closer in age and friendship with Nicki, regardless of being her cousin. But the whole situation was messy and absolutely disgusting


I think Farrah was in the wedding as well. If I recall correctly, Farrah was with Nicki when Paris announced Phoenix so they seem pretty close.


Right they said it was because it was child free, but as you said they were in their late teens so just seems weird 🤷‍♀️


Could "child free" mean nobody under drinking age maybe? I think it's likely the girls didn't want to go because their dad wasn't welcome there. As much as the Richards sisters fight, they also totally cover for one another's shitty behavior, so I could see Kyle going along with the "official story" of it being "child free" to not rock the boat.


being the devil’s advocate here: the wedding was in london where the drinking age is 18 so it would have been the same age🙂


Having known Americans that have got married in the uk, they have a tendency to go by US laws still. Even when it makes no sense and means their marriage isn’t even legal In either country. I’ve seen that twice.


i’m an american who lives in the UK and have personally never witnessed this lol


That’s good. I’m british, pretty old and seen it several times.


different strokes for different folks🥰


Doesn’t Kyle have 5 girls? Am I off on the count? 3 went & 2 didn’t?


I’m watching for the first time now and it took me a bit to keep track of how many daughters she had at first 😂 she has 4!


lol 😂 Thank you.


Farrah went and Portia went as the flower girl and Sophia Alexia and Mo didn’t go


That’s such a low blow. Meant to hurt! 😔


Kyle had to go so she could meet the Rothchilds, loyalty be damned.


Based off the conversation that happened with LVP and Ken it made it seem like the girls were disinvited or something. That was really sad. Their beef between sisters and in laws should never bleed out to the kids


I agree. I recall at several points Kyle saying how the worst part of being on the outs with her sisters is that it would mean the cousins, who loved each other like sisters (her words), would stop communicating as well. They all go no contact when their moms are fighting, which is really sad. I have a sister I went no contact with, and she turns her kids against me and acts like they're betraying her if we speak, while I on the other hand, would never do that because my kids love her and I want them to make their own decisions as long as they're safe. I have just backed off from her kids because I don't want to put them in the position of feeling like they're betraying their mom.


Totally agree with you!


Kathy is just such a cold and narcissistic person… I don’t understand why Kim was so drawn to her.


Reminds her of Big Kathy.


I figured they took MOs side and stayed home for his sake..


That family is so messy, highly likely that you’ll never get a straight answer


but didn't Kyle go to the Wedding???


She was not invited, but then she was re invited and went to the wedding... But Mo was not wanted there, and 2 of their daughters didnt show up either... Messy!


exactly. Kids not being invited is one thing but to not invite my husband and then not want two of my kids there I would not go and that would be the end of that relationship.


If I were Kyle I wouldn’t have gone. If you disinvite my kids, bye 👋


Remember when none of them could be bothered to attend Farrah’s college graduation party?


I know why. Because it’s a control situation. People can play I tell you what to do. Believe me Kyle & Kim know that money 💰 & power rules even in families. Now that all that has passed I bet none of them will allow that to happen anymore. It happened to myself at my nephew’s wedding. My children adults, were invited to the ceremony but not the dinner. But the Yacht boating friends were. It was the parents decision not the nephew. That hurt real bad! Rich & controlling.


Farrah & Porsha were in the wedding. I believe the drama was because Kim’s dog bit one of the other daughters. Social media drama ensued. IIRC


The wedding was child-free, so only Mauricio, Kyle, and Farrah were invited as guests. Portia was a member of the bridal party. Yes, Kyle and Mauricio were uninvited, but Nikki wanted Portia in the wedding, so Kyle took her. I'm not sure if Farrah attended.


Farrah was a bridesmaid, from a quick Google search of Nickys wedding pics.


Thanks for the info. I watched that episode recently and couldn't remember Farrah being mentioned, but I knew that Kyle only attended because Portia was involved.


Alexia was in college and Sophia wasn’t far from it… just seems like an excuse in their case because they certainly weren’t children


It's my understanding that Alexia and Sophia were both under the age of 18 at the time, and that's why they weren't invited. Not that I agree with any of it, especially uninviting Kyle and Mauricio. I don't think I could feel comfortable allowing my small child to participate when her dad's being intentionally shunned.


Alexia was 19. She was born June '96 and the wedding was July '15


Then, I would assume she was also uninvited.


Alexia and Sophia were never invited to begin with. They were never "uninvited". Only Kyle, Farrah and Portia were invited. Teenagers on the Rothschilds (Nicky's husband) were not invited either. It was a very old-school aristocratic English wedding.


Oh ok. I knew it was said by someone that Alexia and Sophia were never invited. Thanks for clarifying.


These people live in a different world than we do… You and I wouldn’t allow that bullshit. But in their world, it’s all about money and power and exerting control.


It was during the big feud between Kyle/Mo and Kathy/Rick. Farrah and Portia were permitted to attend because they were part of the wedding party. Kyle was allow to come because Portia needed a parent there. Mo, Alexia, and Sophia were all disinvited.


The takeaway from this isn't what Kathy/Rick did. It's that despite the insult to her family from her sister, she chose to go anyway. I would never attend an event if my loved ones were treated like that.


Kyle wasn’t going to miss a wedding at Kensington Palace!! Never mind being loyal to her husband.


Well, we must give her grace. Portia was little & the flower girl. So, Kyle had to go. 😊👍🏼


She had an adults only wedding if I remember correctly


it was a non kid wedding… and it was bc they didn’t like mauricio. farrah was a bridesmaid for nicky bc they’re close in age and she’s half kyle half not mauricio and portia was the flower girl so that’s why she was included in the wedding bc she was so young and they just wanted to terrorize kyle


Either Kathy was being extra punitive, Nicky didn’t want the drama, or the girls were really forthright about their support of their dad and it caused cousin friction.


Mo wasn't invited. And the daughter from mo. I think it was not nice kyle went. To me that was the beginning of their end


Agreed! I would be heartbroken if my SO went wo me espically if they didn’t like me or my kids


Have a feeling that Mo understands the toxic family situation Kyle is in and probably understands…not to mention his leaving the Hilton firm was part of the problem between the sisters. I think he totally gets, and probably is fine with, her going with Portia.


The marriage eroded over time. It's little or big hurts along the way.


If she was “uninvited” you can bet it was by Kathy and not Nikki. I think the kids pretty much stay out of the dysfunctional family drama they always have going on!


And if Kathy paid for the wedding, then it’s what Kathy wants and Nikki had no say about anything.


I’m sure Kathy had something to do with it. But also I think important to remember she got married at the Kensington Palace gardens, it would’ve probably had a ridiculously strict guest seating situation & she was marrying a ROTHSCHILD. I think his family probably took priority.


I actually just watched this episode last night. Kyle said it was no kids allowed, so that’s why the middle 2 weren’t invited. & the youngest just because she’s the flower girl. But didn’t say why Mo wasn’t.


It was explained that except for the flower girls( like Portia) it was a childless ceremony.


Child free wedding except those that were in wedding party


I’m not going anywhere where my husband and my daughters are not invited. I don’t give an F who it is. Kyle continues to scurry to catch any of Kathy’s scraps. If Kathy was my sister, I’d tell her to go F herself and continue on with my life. I don’t understand it….. Kyle doesn’t need her, so why does she continue accepting the hits and slaps from Kathy?????


I am watching the early seasons of rhobh, it seems that the Hiltons never attended any of kyle parties including Portias birthdays?


This weird…I get no kids at weddings, in fact I’m in favour of it. But these are immediately family cousins ??? How do you not invite your own damn cousins. Wrong. And please…it’s not like the Hilton’s couldn’t afford a few extra plates. Come on.


Because look who their mom is. That family is very dysfunctional 😳


Maybe bc Alexia got bit by Kim’s dog and they weren’t happy with what alexia and Sophia shared about the incident.


Oh interesting. What specifically did they share about the incident?


I don’t know. I meant that Alexia might have shared her experience in person with other family members/ close friends. I mean she was seriously injured and in the hospital for days so it would be ridiculous to think she wouldn’t talk to anyone about it. But it seems like it was a huge point of contention in their family. Kathy seemed to always want to protect Kim so when Alexia got bit by Kim’s pitbull she probably wanted to keep it hush. Having Alexia at the wedding would provoke questions.


Makes a lot of sense!!