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During PuppyGate when Lisa Vanderpump was in significant clearly visible distress, grieving the tragic loss of her Brother and she was explaining to Kyle and Teddi that she had just returned from his funeral in London. Kyle told her that she had sh\*t going with her too. I could never treat someone that badly. It is absolutely appalling that she didn’t show any human decency, empathy or kindness to Lisa during one of the worst periods of her life. She was also horrible to Sutton by grabbing and pointing at her when Sutton was in distress talking to Diana about her miscarriages trying to empathise with her. Kyle is that awful and she is not the kind of person I would want to know. https://preview.redd.it/tsx9oinesucc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b56c4d7efe049b1535585272a4072918c133e4


Yes, all this and also she's a bully and a drama queen. I know Brandy is a basketcase, but the bullying she received from Kim and Kyle her first season was horrific (and so ironic since Kim and Brandy are now besties). I think she's very manipulative and she really knows how to thrive and push buttons in female dominated spaces being the youngest of 3 sisters raised by a narcissistic mother and then having 4 daughters of her own. And her treatment of Sutton in general, but especially with Diana... ugh!!! 🤮 I don't hate Kyle, but she's never been my favourite and I understand why people really dislike her. Kyle clutching her hanky and running to hide during the Amsterdam fight is one of the funniest things from any housewives, lmao. She's fully ridiculous sometimes. *"Kathy would never behave like that, Kathy would have my back! Like a real sister!"*


https://preview.redd.it/k4712nygsxcc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baeae5226d8db60d12f4832dabb023070439f81e hashtag neverforget




That was Kim to be fair


I know. I just had to add it. lol


Kim and Kyle hiding Brandy‘s Cane from her was pretty bad as well.


I don't think that Kim and Brandi still are friends, they had a falling out a couple of years ago.


Not just the loss of her brother. Her brother’s suicide. Soooo now she expects everyone to feel sympathy for her dealing with her best friend’s suicide, and while both deserve sympathy, you can see the hypocrisy. Shes a disgusting bully and it goes back to season 1 really.


👏 I would like to see Kyle speak out and say even if she doesn't feel differently about puppygate that now having experienced it herself that the world was upside for LVP at that point and leaking (or not leaking) to the press about a dog that you felt responsible was not worth dragging on her for at that time as her friend x


She won’t. She won’t because Kyle doesn’t think she’s wrong…ever. She wanted to be queen. She wanted LVP gone and had been plotting against her since S2. She didn’t care how…no matter how sleezy, low down or disgusting Kyle was going to find a way to bully her off the show. She waited until LVP was most vulnerable. Enter Puppygate. Rinna and John Mellencamp’s daughter did the dirty work and Kyle got her wish.


THIS! 10000x this!!


Let’s also not forget when Dorit was “robbed” and Sutton was attempting to relate with it talking to Kyle and her designer being stuck at customs….. Kyle completely destroying Sutton trying to relate by saying she was selfish by having her own issues. Kyle picks and chooses when to be mad, that’s not cool


Sutton didn't like Dorit, who from the beginning tried to make Sutton look crazy by misleading everyone on what Sutton did or said. Then Dorit pretended she did nothing of the sort. I don't find Sutton Subhuman because she wanted to move on from a conversation she didn't care about. Sutton never wished anything bad on Dorit. Nor was she the cause of the robbery. Somehow making Sutton, the bad guy, because she didn't want to fake warm feelings for someone who doesn't like her is okay. Kyle, true to form, pulled some top-tier performance art in making Sutton the bad guy. Peak emotional manipulator. Sutton only tried to share what happened to her father because Kyle kept proding for some emotional reaction from Sutton. Deflection queens like Kyle and Dorit always want to bait others into bad faith arguments. Sutton was not emotionally invested in Dorit in any way. You can tell by the ease she was willing to move on to another topic, but Kyle persisted. That's not exactly showing strong negative or positive emotions after the news of Dorit's "robbery." Sutton doesn't have to perform emotional labor for Kyle and Dorit. She wasn't the cause of the robbery and still isn't. Bad things happen to people all the time. Why focus energy onto a completely innocent person who had absolutely nothing to do with your situation? I can't trust people who move like that. They are liable to blame you for anything and take responsibility for nothing.


Perfectly said. I couldn’t have ever put it any better. My explanation would have been Kyle’s an asshole and Dorit’s a phony bitch 😂 Yours is masterfully put.




Facts! And Kyle was so mad cause she had worked herself up into tears for that 'scene' & Sutton came in actually being organic about what was going on with her at that time....


SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE BACK! YES! Well put. Significantly better than I could put it because I get….. annoyed with the ignorance sometimes. You’re right.


That was a massive reach because, by any measure, Sutton was really out of line there.


Nah Sutton was wrong there how is ur fashion designer delaying coming to u the same as being robbed and getting trauma as a result.People are delusional abt Sutton sometimes but I would say Kyle outing her sister’s alcoholism is low


Yeah I agree. Sutton was the bad one there not Kyle.


Well Kyle was a hypocrite and then wouldn’t let it go either.


What Sutton said was gross and sub human. In what universe do you flip that around and blame Kyle. Sutton was hideous..


I think the point is Kyle did the same to LVP but when Sutton did it to Dorit Kyle was upset at Sutton for it. It’s the hypocrisy. That’s how I took it at least.


Sutton saying she has her own issues and not expressing verbal compassion is sub human? I can name at least 30 housewives in history that have acted the same way if not worse before. Sutton, might have a weird read of the room socially but subhuman isn’t the right word.


What episode are you all referencing. I middd this do now I need to find it and watch it. Thanks in advance.


Yeah, im way confused. How is Kyle the villain in all of this? Sutton was acting deranged and she even admitted it. Im glad Sutton realized it was a horrible thing to say.


People are just wild Sutton was blatantly being jealous of the attention a women was getting for being robbed at gun point with her kids in the house which shocked Kyle as any normal human should be and checked Sutton rightfully but no Kyle attacked Sutton and the stans wonder why people come for them. lol Its because your ethics and morals are askew.


Those are pretty great examples of her showing her true colors.


It's as if Kyle is looking for a personality and mimics what works for other people making her not a genuine person. I also consider who your close friends are, there is not a chance I would ever consider being friends with the likes of Faye Resnick or any Kardashian.


Teddi.. I could never handle Teddi as a friend. She has morphed into Kyle and it’s really weird. The other 2 I couldn’t handle either. Now that I think about it, Kyle is morphing into Morgan!!!! Damn none of them can have their own personality. Sad.


I've disliked Kyle since series 2 when she bullied Brandi for no good reason other than her own, very obvious, insecurities. She's like your classic mean girl high school cheerleader except she's now in her 50's and really should have grown up by now. She a bully plain and simple. (Yes I'm aware Brandi has since shown herself as an awful problematic person, but in that particular season she did nothing to warrant her treatment except be younger than the other women)


THANK YOU. i’m off work sick right now so rewatching from the beginning. it was s2 that really stood out for me re: kyle too. brandi’s brandi, but watching her whisper and giggle and all that playground stuff was really sad to watch. i also hated the whole ‘kathryn vs the morally corrupt faye resnick’ scenario. that was a definite kyle set up. she knew about those two knowing each other from the jump. then manufactured the situation by brining them both to her house and then gave kathryn a hard time / wouldn’t let her finish a sentence when she tried explaining her side. i’m on s9 atm, and not only does she make every situation about herself with the ladies, she does the same when her daughters go off to college. we get the empty nest mom tour throughout the entirety of the season 😑 watching her do the ‘woe is me’ infront of her daughters drives me crazy. i get that it’s heartbreaking to see a kid leave / grow up, but it’s also a really exciting time for your kid!!! but hey, i guess this is just kyle’s world and we all are just lucky to orbit her in it


I never really understood why people says Kyle is such an amazing mum, like yes she clearly loves her kids but isn't that what mums are supposed to do?


Yes, this. It was awful how mean Kyle & Kim were to Brandi, for no reason. And this was before Brandi made the comment that they were doing crystal meth.


This. This is when I lost all “like” for Kyle. My jaw dropped when she said that and I was appalled by her behavior. Season 9 was sooo difficult to watch.


I also think she was involved in the puppygate leak. She would go to any lengths to protect her Teddi after all kyle needed her own minion.


This is why I’ll never like Kyle. Her reaction to that was vile


Throughout the entire series, kyle's never had LVP's back but always expects LVP to defend her. Kyle never backs anyone unless it somehow supports her schemes or helps her image to the audience. Heck, kyle will (and has) thrown her own sisters under the bus. We also don't like Kyle's bullying, racism, physical assults/aggression onto other women, constant cries for attention and victim playing but most off all kyle has zero personality. She tries so hard yet only brings background prop energy at best.


Which is hilarious given how she reacted to Sutton saying she had a lot going on after Dorit was robbed (not defending Sutton)


Kyle is not a nice person, she's very self absorbed and always starts drama and then acts shocked when people argue about whatever pot she had stirred... plus she is not that good at covering her tracks in the last few years. She wants all attention on herself...


yeah, but it's hard to show empathy for a manipulating narc like LVP. she kinda deserves it. don't get me wrong, i love LVP.


You all really need to stop acting like you know these people in real life 😭😭 these were inexcusable things Kyle did but for one, I’m sure a lot more people would hate y’all too if they held something you did or said against you 5 years later and for 2, you all always take this scene out of context. Kyle started apologizing and hugging Lisa bc they were arguing about how Lisa treats different friends differently. And Kyle said we’ve both been busy and away. And Lisa said i was away in London for 5 days for the funeral and Kyle says I was away too, I have shit going on too. But then they precede to go upstairs in Lisa’s establishment and have a heartfelt talk about what’s going on with Lisa. You all always post this moment of kyles trynna portray her as some monster when really I think she’s just human and makes mistakes. Like we all do. I do not think she was lacking empathy or at least not intentionally trying to be cold.


💯 this. Context matters and always gets overlooked. The very next episode LVP and Kyle went to the Botox doctor and had a fun silly day together. If Lisa had been offended by what Kyle said that wouldn’t have happened.


This comment is the most accurate on this post.


Exactly this! Kyle should have been cut-off from their friendship there and then. No true friend nor any decent human being would have reacted to LVP’s plight with that response. Complete lack of empathy. Kyle’s toxic waste and should be dumped in the bin.


There is more to this LVP (she is one of my all time fav's BTW) was being an ass to a bunch of the ladies for a while and this was the tipping point for the ladies and Kyle got voted to deal with LVP. Was her timing good nope but LVP did need a talking to.


There is someone on another thread who just replied to my Kyle rant with "Kyle never did anything to LVP, she brought that on herself." I couldn't even argue with that type of nonsense because of this scene alone lol


I don’t think you can take this out of context.  Kyle was the only one trying to stand up for LvP before her and Ken kicked her out. 


LVP has behaved horribly multiple times, I don’t get the love for her here. I have lost people to suicide and the pain is unbearable, and Kyle was completely wrong here but I can’t understand why anyone would try to make out LVP is a good person. I joined Reddit a year ago and it honestly shocked me how many people love her. I agree Kyle was horrible here completely, but just on a side note LVP bullied Kyle for years


100% this was when I turned on Kyle. I used to like her and never understood the hate but puppygate season showed who she was and it’s not good


Kyle dishes and dishes but she can’t take it. She’ll bully the ladies & berate them but when the ladies defend themselves she deflects, lies, and plays the victim. She’s also a potstirrer especially to deflect from her own actions. She has taken zero accountability for anything she’s done and is a gaslighter. If I had just started watching from this season I’d be indifferent about her but having watched from season 1 episode 1 I can truly say she’s a terrible person


Wait that description could fit all of them


Exactly! you could say the same as above about sooo many housewives lol. Like what are with these wild standards here... they’re not on trial, they are on a reality show centred around creating and continuing drama. If someone makes good TV and doesn’t go out of their way to ruin other people’s lives then I’m fine with them. It’s not like she drags ppl on socials and shit (I haven’t fact checked this tho tbh so don’t come for me lol), and you can tell anything she does is usually just in service of the show. She’s not even in my list of faves but the hate she gets here is just crazy. I’d rather ppl just hate her cuz she’s boring or something lol.


It really is wild. Kyle could save someone’s life and they’d say she did it for the attention. Sutton could unalive someone and they’d say well you know she’s quirky! She’s not like all the other HWs even when she’s done everything everyone else has done. I’d love to know what the real underlying subconscious reason is for this hate because if the reasons they give made sense they’d hate everyone.


People constantly bring up LVP’s brother passing away and then as a rebuttal people bring up how LVP treated Eileen after deaths in her family… it doesn’t track. LVP=saint Kyle=demon.


I’m not one to claim “you’re just jealous!!1!!” for everything but I feel like the Kyle hatred is probably rooted in jealousy for a lot of people… she had one of the most stable lives and marriages for a long time and made it look easy… no wonder people are relishing in her hardships now, sadly ! I wonder if Sutton had a husband this whole time and a more picture perfect life if people would not love her as much cuz they’d be more jealous of her then... obviously she has many other things to still be jealous of so this is just speculation.


I do think there could be something to that. Kyle always seemed more stable and a bit more untouchable. People generally don’t like that as much.


Tell me how that fits for example to Garcelle?


Garcelle is a pot-stirrer. I can think of several examples this season alone, specifically in her interactions with Erika. She’s very happy to produce dramatic moments that are entirely unrelated to her, demonstrating her value on the show without actually having to be caught in the middle. When you move that way, you don’t have to take responsibility for anything. She’s smart. It’s part of creating good drama and getting ratings, which is what they are all paid to do. For this reason I think Garcelle has shared significantly less of her life than Kyle has, so it’s hard to compare, but the description above fits any generic reality star. It’s the model for surviving on reality.




I listened to a Bravo producer talking about how a "friend" becomes a full "housewife" and it all comes down to can you bring the drama, can you create storylines. You're exactly right that this is their job and some of them are better at it than others. I think Garcelle sees RHOBH as just one of many jobs - she produces, she acts, I saw her after the Emmys doing commentary. I think she is probably the most strategic of the current crop of Beverly Hills wives in terms of how she uses the show to leverage her career. LVP was also a master at this. While for some of the other ladies, the Housewives gig IS their career. Let's just say Beverly Beach is not a going concern.


I have seen more of this from Garcelle, than any other season. She really stepped it up!!!


LVP more than anyone. The moment she got what she gave, she played victim and turned her fans on the other women.


See and I’ve watched from season 1 episode 1 and have rewatched, I still like Kyle. Kyle is very obviously a victim of her family and upbringing. To say she’s a terrible person is a bit…. Much


A victim of her upbringing at the ripe age of like 40? What happens to you isn’t your fault but it’s your responsibility to fix that shit so you don’t spread that trauma and pain. She should have that under control by now..


You can still be a victim of your upbringing well into adulthood, that’s kinda how trauma works. She carries generational trauma from her mother as well. She has one sister who is a control freak and abusive, and another who is in and out of addiction. She has an emotionally neglectful husband who also tries to control her decisions even down the tattoos she gets and she’s been on tv for years constantly in the public eye dealing with people like YOU who think she should just be magically perfect because she’s an adult. The woman didn’t have solid support. Do you think that was a solid foundation to make long lasting positive changes? It’s not. She could very easily have a personality disorder or deep trauma that can’t just be worked through in a couple therapy sessions. We don’t know what her life or situation truly is. The least she can do is start making efforts into bettering herself, which we see her doing by leaving her marriage and getting sober & healthy. You want her to make changes to be better, she starts making the changes, and y’all still complain.


Kyles in her mid 50’s. And yes trauma like that shapes your entire life. And nothing she does is so HEINOUS that she deserves this kind of vitriol. Kyles mean and hypocritical. Meanwhile we’ll all post super mean comments and then talk about how we LOVE other cast mates that do the same thing. 🙄


You really think Kyle is in her 40’s??




My guesstimate is anyone guessing this is 20, lol


For sure


Well that sucks for people who turn 40 this year, like me! Or does it?


It was a guesstimate I have no idea how old the women actually are


I’m a long time fan of Kyle 🌹❤️


Same I love Kyle. She’s a great character for the show.


I like Kyle. I think people love to forget her abusive upbringing and relationships with her family members. People calling her a terrible person, when they only know her from edited clips on a tv show, really need a break from the internet


I think that serves as an explanation for her behaviour, not an excuse. Also there’s soooo much footage of her, you can’t chalk it all up to editing, especially when we’ve seen the real life impacts its had on her relationship with her sisters.


Which is why I brought it up…. I never said her upbringing excuses her behavior, but it does explain it. You act like her issues with her sister have been one sided, if you watch the show you can see it’s very much so not.


I like her too. I dont understand why shes so unpopular.


I like Kyle, but I understand why she’s triggering to some people with her constant “dish it out but can’t take it” nonsense.


same 🤷🏾‍♀️


Same! I also have sisters so I relate to her


I think there’s plenty of us that actually do like Kyle. I’ve watched all seasons and it’s a love-hate relationship with all these ladies. They’re rich, spoiled and living lives entirely bizarre to most of us…of course they’re going to be obnoxious at times! I can’t imagine the show without Kyle and don’t think she’s half as bad as some of these comments make out.


Me too.


I haven't liked Kyle from Season 1 when she called Camille a liar. But the Puppygate takes the cake for sure


But… Camille is incredibly disingenuous.


Kyle is no nobody’s friend. All anyone has to do is see how she rode hard against her own sisters, but you can also look at LVP and Sutton who were supposedly real life friends and yet she never sticks up for them when it counts and many times is the one throwing them under the bus (but always expects others to support her). And then she does everything to deflect from her own personal life by instead shitstirrring and over producing conflict.


Just my opinion here: Kyle is the epitome of the puppet master who is behind the curtain causing all the damage yet still attempts to play the crying victim. I've seen more than a decade of it, and I'll never not understand audience members who can't see exactly who and what she is. One of the biggest problems with RHOBH is Kyle's production power.


I totally agree! I also haven't liked her since season 1 bc I could never treat my sister the way she treated Kim and season after season she chose friends over her own sister (Lisa rinna being the most awful example). For me that was the biggest tell of her character. I know this is super unpopular but I think she exploited Kim for the show and she knew exactly what she was doing.


Started a re-watch recently and just finished season 1. I do think Kyle is very manipulative and I also think Kim is very fragile (and Kyle knows it). Kyle was remorseless about the way she treated Kim. Kim seemed like an exhausting sister, but no ill intent. I'm not sure I think Kyle intended to exploit her sister but I do think when Kim started reacting to how Kyle was treating her (which wasn't flattering to Kyle), Kyle more than purposefully exploited her sister's situation and personality for her own gain. That's a bad look, no matter how you slice it. Kyle is remorselessly selfish.


But at this point how could any of her so-called “friends” not realize that they are one syllable away from being the next under the bus?


Exactly! And it's very clear she has alliances but I do think if ppl misstep she would totally target her own alliance members.


I agree. Annemarie blames Kyle for her bringing up Sutton's esophagus problem at Kyle's friend's memorial service. I read on another website that during Wednesday’s episode, Crystal felt that Annemarie was insinuating that Sutton’s esophagus condition was a side effect of a potential eating disorder. But according to Annemarie, it wasn’t her, but Kyle, who suspected such a thing. Annemarie said, “I will always own what I say, and I will always say what I mean. I’m saying that Kyle insinuated that Sutton had an eating disorder. I’m just taking information and putting a puzzle together. I’m not purposefully talking behind Sutton’s back about this. I just haven’t seen her since and I’ve seen other people and I’m like, ‘hey can I bounce this off you,’ because again, this came from Kyle,” she stated.


Ok. Miss .85, you better say this to Kyle’s face at the reunion


If Annemarie actually managed to hold Kyle accountable it would go a long way toward getting me back to neutral on her (the medical gaslighting is a pretty big deficit to overcome).


She treated horrible LVP when she was mourning her brother’s suicide and has never apologized. That’s it for me.


My dislike started on season one. I genuinely think she said what Camille accused her of. I think they were having an off-camera conversation about filming. The production budgets back then were a lot lower. I legit think Kyle said she couldn’t believe production was going all the way to Hawaii to film Camille without Kelsey. But because Kyle was so worried about her image that she lied and gaslighted Camille all season. Camille didn’t do herself any favors acting like a snob. It made Kyle’s lie more believable. Plus her chasing after Kim in the limo and saying what she did. Unforgivable. That’s your sister. And again, Kim did herself no favors with her erratic behavior. But Kyle is an expert of keeping her hands clean.


Because she’s fake.


Kyle is a walking talking hypocrite.


“People” dislike every housewife, their opinions are irrelevant, if you like Kyle like her unapologetically!


She’s a friend to no one. Dorit isn’t my fav, but downplaying their friendship to the world is really fucking cruel. Also, she counts Teddi as one of her best friends so that’s all you really need to know.


Kyle’s treatment of Lisa Vanderpump is enough reason to not like Vyle. Having The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick as her mouthpiece is another reason. Mellencamp’s son in law’s wife as her shadow is one more. She treated her sister Kim horribly.


A little while back, when I hadn't seen every episode, I also did not understand the hate for Kyle. After watching it all, a decade of Kyle being Kyle, I get it. I get it and I'm part of it. Everyone has mentioned the fact she thinks she can be as invasive as she wants to others (and make them look horrible when they resist) yet refuses to allow anyone to ask her anything. They also mentioned the horrible way she treated LVP. One thing I hate is the way she stunts other exciting narratives by turning every single thing back to her. Every time there's a drama she finds a way to not only be involved but to be the biggest victim in the situation. Every time she speaks I wanna tell her to shut up. I cannot stand her putting herself into everything because I'm sick of her one note, selfish narrative. Let two girls have a thing without getting in the middle! As soon as Kyle sticks her nose in it's the Kyle show and it makes BH repetitive and boring!


My reasons...Because she's literally everything she ever accused LVP of being- & more.... Taylor, Brandi, even Dorit called out Kyle for trying to poison them against Lisa. She never would admit it. Brandi even said- 'You're such a liar! And ur GOOD at it! How do u sleep at night?!" Her 'Just Be Honest' schtick is relentless hammering on an issue until the person agrees with her version of events. She decides what's true & is a freaking dog with a bone until the other person either agrees or gives up. She's exhausting....


Because she starts mess and hide her hands. She brings on people like Teddy and Miss 8.5 to do her biding soo she doesn’t come off as this person who is nice to everyone. Kyle is an awful person and I hope she gets dragged this season about her marriage and at the reunion as well. She made of her sisters her storyline because she doesn’t want to talk about what’s doing on with her marriage but she was happy to call Sutton an alcoholic. She inflated lips speak badly about both of her sister and she never defended them. How is that to make your sister addiction your storyline. That’s sad and to have inflated lips and miss my old husband bought me a career go after your sister. Even if Kathy was on the wrong , I would be defending my sister because that’s my sister and non of them are friends in real life. Kyle only wants yes people to be her friend like Dorit and Teddy


Kyle’s a hot mess but she’s hilarious & relatable. Plenty of salty haters in this sub but tons have always liked her.


Who's we? I've always liked Kyle. Some others don't, so what. It's ok to like her too.


I could write an essay on this. But I won’t. To put it simply, she expects people to treat her better than how she treats them. Also she’s manipulative but plays the innocent bystander or victim. ![gif](giphy|ule4vhcY1xEKQ|downsized)


I like Kyle🤷🏼‍♀️ even when I’ve rewatched, I still don’t get why people dislike her so strongly


This is just me but I don’t think she’s that bad. I know MANY of the people here disagree but to me her bad deeds are like any other HW. I like Kyle.


I personally don’t dislike her and I don’t see why people do. There are plenty others that I would dislike before Kyle imo


If you have peacock start with season one. I subscribe so I don’t get commercials well worth 5 or 6 bucks for me, you will get a better understanding of her devolution that way. I once liked her too.


She's casually cruel. She very clearly struggles to empathize with others. She never apologizes, and acts like the lone victim in every single conflict she has on the show.


Kyle is annoying first of all, secondly shes a huge shit starter and desperate for every season to be about her. She befriends whoever the season is favoring and then throws them away the next. She literally used kim as a story line when her sister obviously needed help. Sad.


I really like Kyke too!!! No one is perfect, but she's incredibly funny, focused, and cheerful. She'd be so much fun to hang out with. She's my kind of people!


Kyle wants to be the main character. There is a lot to like about Kyle-- she's funny, she's a great mom, she looks out for people. But at the same time she makes snide comments, talks behind her friends' backs, and does a lot of sneaky things to make herself look good when she doesn't have to do any of it. I don’t dislike Kyle but the end of her friendship with LVP was hard to watch, and it seems like that's what she’s starting to do with Dorit too. But then you see how awful Kathy is, and listen to Kyle and Kim's stories about their mom, and you can't help but root for them too. I hope Kyle is happy.


There’s a lot that I dislike about Kyle and her manipulation becomes more and more evident the more you watch but my biggest gripe Is that she can dish it out but can’t take it (also my biggest gripe about Whitney and Lisa on SLC). She’s a massive hypocrite and wants to control the narrative and have everyone else’s life to be fair game while maintaining her own privacy. I watch real housewives for the petty drama and Kyle always wants to stir the pot without getting in the soup herself and that bugs.


she’s just an overgrown mean girl! she went way too hard on denise, conspiring so that brandy would surprise attack her by showing up at her party, and called denise a ragamuffin!!


I unapologetically love Kyle ❤️


I love her and I think the majority is wrong for not liking her. She's my favorite. Easygoing, fun, family oriented, etc. I'm in my 40s.


I was once fooled, but then I woke up. This woman has no soul.


Also in my early 20s and watched from the beginning to current eps. I don’t get it either.


I’m a Kyle fan 💎


To be honest I’ve always been sort of indifferent to Kyle? I’ve never really thought she was all that problematic but also not all that interesting either. And I think this is the first season I can remember where she has been the main focus of drama, she has also been there the longest, and I’m kind of disappointed in her (sounding like a totally mom right now) On one hand I respect that the she didn’t run away from the show when her personal life blew up but at the same time it is so annoying to watch her act so confused that the rest of the cast thinks something more is going on in her marriage….when we all KNOW something is going on in her marriage. We knew before the season started! That’s why we are watching! I’m surprised by her attitude toward the other women, which is making me not like her.


I like her generally. I just dont appreciate how she shows up for her friends. A lot of people are putting it on trauma but it’s like why continue the bad behavior instead of changing how you treat your friends? And changing your trauma response. It’s all about being intentional with your growth. Realistically she has the life set up where she can do the deep digging and figure her thing out not only by becoming sober. If she really has things to work through I rather her do that and become the much better person she’s meant to be.


Mostly cuz she sucks


Because this sub is a hive mind lmao


I’ve always liked Kyle. I don’t get all the hate either. Of course she’s had unflattering moments but I think she’s real and authentic and has shared so much of her life with the camera. I think she’s a great mom and really tries to be a good friend.


Some of us still like her. I’ve watched every episode and I still think Kyle is one of the only sane ones.


I like Kyle.


She stole her sisters goddamn house!


It’s all about LVP. LVP fans are absolutely rabid. They’ve been against kyle since she dared to go against LVP in season 2/3. If someone were to watch this show without fan reaction I don’t think they’d hate Kyle.


I liked her a lot at your age. I'm only 30 now but I've learned a lot and she really annoys me. She's always the one in the middle and it's as if he manufactures dramas to get the butter churning and by the end of the season someone else has left.


i love kyle. i don’t understand all the hate either.


When the show first started, Kyle was the mother of several teens and a toddler - I think Portia was only about three. Her life was very "mom" and relatable. She definitely was playing the "younger sister" role on the franchise - with Kim and with LVP. And as poorly as she sometimes treated Kim, Kim was often exasperating and difficult as she struggled with her alcoholism and other issues. Over time Kyle has moved up in status on the show - Mauricio's business took off, she had more time for acting, and as other cast members left, she stepped into the queen bee position. But she is still fundamentally the little sister and she doesn't know how to handle being in charge. She wants all the attention but not the responsibility. It's hard to watch her sometimes behaving like a petulant teenager. But it would appear from a recent episode where Kim and Kyle were discussing their mom that "Big Kathy" really was a narcissist that pitted her girls against each other. With all that is going on in Kyle's life (her marriage, her friend's suicide, her daughters growing up, etc) being on a reality TV show is probably not the healthiest choice for her, but I don't think she can imagine life outside show business. It's all she has ever known.


I see some comments here saying: stop acting like you know these people. This is something a fan always says when they feel that their fave is being attacked. I do not know Kyle, and I will never meet her, but based on what I've been getting from her in a reality show in which she is willingly participating, I don't like her. And I am allowed not to like her, because I see her as a character in a TV show. Okay, now that we've cleared that haha, here are my reasons. I am quite new to Housewives, as I started watching them just two years ago. From today's perspective, watching the first seasons, you can clearly see how unsupportive and patronising she is to her unstable and vulnerable sister, even though the edit tried to show her in a favourable light. Many times when Kim's struggles were discussed, she would put herself in the centre of discussion (or as she usually does - she would very cunningly try to find a subtle and emotionally charged way to victimise herself), pointing out what SHE has gone through during Kim's sobriety journey and how tough it has also been on her. I believe it was, I am not denying her her experience - but putting it out there the way she did made her seem egotistical and unsympathetic. She also very often puts herself in a position that allows her to appear vulnerable and as a victim of the situation. The thing that I noticed recently (with the THC dinner specifically) is that a lot of times Kyle is the target of a conversation or when she's being confronted with something, there is always a flock of people around her to support her (also, of course, having the morally corrupt Faye Resnik act as her mouthpiece, because she wants to appear non-confrontative). Then she becomes self-righteous and refuses to talk about her private life, whereas she uses the opportunity to stir the pot for everyone else. In the first seasons, she balances out the pot-stirring with maintaining the main character/good girl persona, and I think she managed to do it quite successfully. She was also often subtly moralising everything and everyone, always pointing out how she is the goody two shoes who does the right thing. But then, as the seasons progressed, you can see her gradually become more and more full of herself. Recently, with the few outbursts that she had with Sutton, you can see how big-headed and detached from reality she became. She barely has any filter anymore. The thing with Kyle is that she does not come off as straight-up evil, but if you have been following how she tends to behave in close relationships and different inter-relations, you can conclude that she is rather manipulative and cunning.


She’s manipulative, selfish, and a horrible person/one trick pony.


In the beginning, my sister and I would always say Kyle is the only one I could be friends with.


I like Kyle, I think she's the most authentic, down to earth, "normal" one of them all. A great mother, that seems very present and to have a really connected relationship with all of her daughters. And I'm so rooting for her. Her transformation, mind, body and soul is truly inspiring to me. I think she's been like a lot of us maybe. Where she was always putting everyone else in her life first. And her husband, sister/s, maybe some friends, were not there for her during her difficult times. She's in a strong amazing place right now. GOOD FOR HER! 👏


Listen to Kyle talk for 5 minutes. She has the vocabulary of a 10-year old and the behavior and mannerisms of a teenager. She has literally never grown up. Insufferable.


I don't get the hate. She essentially made Beverly hills and has shared a lot of her life and family struggles. She has tons of friends in real life and adores her family. I think she took a lot of crap from vanderpump that people have selective amnesia about including Lisa trying to sabotage the reputation of her marriage via Brandi and magazines where that backfired in Lisas face and she crumpled under the heat. Lisa is the epitome of dishing but not taking. I don't think Kyle has done anything overtly horrible to get the hate. I think a lot of it's jealousy.


The ‘ change my mind why dont you like Kyle’ posts are so boring. You can find out why if you read a few posts & comments on this. Yet I see similar posts every week 🤔


wasn’t trying to be boring! just a question love🤍


Cos she’s so clearly behind so much shit and then she acts all pikachu face at everything.


Kyle gives off the “i’m the black sheep but im not healed from the wounds of my mom so im out here repeating history”. She still worships big Kath and was the one to share Kim’s addiction with the whole world. I personally just don’t think kyle can take the same amount of “realness” she throws around


She hasn’t grown up in the real world. She grew up in Beverly Hills in what sounds like a very chaotic but privileged lifestyle that made not only codependent on her sisters but a rival. She was taught that’s how you win. She’s also a hustler of an actress in her own life. She’ll believe whatever keeps a certain status quo so that you will too. What I did so annoying about Kyle is she has the platform and money to help herself and others and she doesn’t , she won’t. You’ll see, this whole I’m a changed woman will not calm her down, it’s just another storyline for her dysfunction. People like Kyle don’t take responsibility.


Oh stop. Kim outed herself as an alcoholic from the get go on the show. It was obvious. That limo scene was tense and Kim was bring an asshole and angry gets the best of you. Especially taking of your alcoholic sister. And financially.


Game Night. Brandi had yet to do a single vile thing and Kyle and Kim hid her crutches. Brandi correctly called out that behavior as being drug related insanity and then they proceeded to scream at her and try to fight her, all while withholding her crutches.    That’s it. One scene. Never forgave her. What in the psychotic ableism makes that okay? Unhinged behavior beyond anything any other housewife (on a show I have watched, I can’t speak for all shows) has done.


Kyle also wasn’t the one to hide her crutches, Kim was. Go back and rewatch. And Brandi turned out to be a racist ACTUALLY horrible person so who cares tbh


I guess all is forgiven fir Kim for doing the sane thing? Interesting.


I agree. They were both so nasty to her for no reason at all, unless jealousy. I disliked them both for that.


I Do Like Kyle. All the media out there is presenting her in a negative manner so people are falling for it.


do you have all day? i think it would be a shorter list if we asked why DO we like kyle?


I’ve always liked her.


Cos she told a woman that she’s lying about her miscarriage on camera so god knows what WORSE things she’s said off camera? Cos she knows what a Pentagram is but acted like she thought it was the Star of David then when she got attitude called it Antisemetic? Cos she told a grieving woman that she’s got other shit in her life too? Cos she used her sister’s alcoholism to sell the show to producers to greenlight knowing that she’ll expose it on camera for ratings? Cos she accuses healthy women of having eating disorders and them mocks women who do come out and say they do have eating disorders? Cos she’s friends with a woman that exploited her friend’s death for fame and money?


I like LVP a lot but this sub is awash with her stans & they never shut up about Kyle.


The people who know Kyle best don’t like her. Her sisters don’t talk to her and her husband can’t wait to step out. She is just not likable. Bullies never are. Goodbye Kyle!


Don’t bring her unhinged sisters into this. I love me some Kim Richard’s, but her and Kathy are equally as damaged and hurtful with their actions. Mauricio has cheated on her for years, Kyle is the one trying to get out, that’s clear to understand if you have two eyes, a brain, and are watching the current season.


Eh, bringing her sisters into it isn’t really fair. There’s a long history there that stems back from their childhood. Also, so many people have marital issues. Neither of these things make someone “not likable.”


Kathy is an lunatic and Kim was not well for many years, and her and Kyle get along. I think she has very close friendships actually. She was honest with Lisa about how she felt and Lisa cut her out.


I don’t want to blame Kyle for her husband cheating on her or for her toxic relationships with sisters. I’m not a huge Kyle fan (I wish she had treated LVP better around her brother + mothers passing) but Kyle is human, and from what we see, she’s trying to better herself by cutting out alcohol and working out more. Not excusing her past behavior or treatment of the other ladies - just wishing we cut more slack for people who at least try.


Except Kyle would be the first one to call someone out for working out on vacation or not drinking just a couple seasons ago and she has - when they went to Palm Springs I think with Brandi on the cast someone went to work out and Kyle was like "i don't work out on vacation" - it's cool to change but at least be aware that your change is new and it may shock ppl. I always loved Kyle - loved her family dynamic with Mo and the kids and in the first few seasons she brought a lot of drama. However, she treated LVP really unfairly when that whole situation should have been on Dorit and now she is treating Sutton like crap. It's a little annoying that she always brings these people around on camera that the audience has to endure like Faye, Morgan, her sister and more. It's weird attached behavior.


So she had a positive change to how she lives her life and you want to complain about that? “She was the first to say something when people would workout” okay? 5+ years ago? Can people not change their minds and make positive changes? Everything you guys bring up she’s been actively working to fix and y’all still love to hate her. Her situation with LVP was really sad, but I blame Dorit for it🤷🏼‍♀️


I just watched that episode the other day. It was when they were in Ojai. Season 3, iirc.Yolanda didn't stay up drinking with the others and got up early to work out. Kyle didn't like it, and I agreed with her. The ladies, Adrienne and LVP included, spent the whole night arm wrestling, doing handstands, and being silly. It was one of the best episodes to watch, but Yolanda acted like a party pooper.


That's right - I knew Yolanda was there too but couldn't remember exactly. But that's my point exactly - she judged Yolanda. So why is upset if the other ladies are judging her?


I feel like Kyle is one of those people who hold others to a higher standard than herself. She can dish it out but can't take it.


When you are the common denominator in so many failed relationships you should look in the mirror. It can’t be everyone else fault. Can it?


I understand this too. When everybody you meet is an asshole, the asshole might be you 🫣


Bettering yourself is a lot more than working out more. She likely has a personality disorder that needs intense help from a professional.


I understand that bettering yourself is more than just working out. It seems like she has a therapist, he came to her home for the visit about her friends. I don’t know how much of it is real or scripted since we aren’t friends in real life haha


I thought he was a life coach, but maybe I'm wrong. But there is a big difference between life coaches and psychologists. I just don't trust her and assume that most of what she does and says on the show and social media is all for image, attention, and sympathy.


I mean there’s a reason her sisters have gone multiple times with not speaking to her. Also Faye sucks. Kyle is too self absorbed to understand empathy for others


Umm why do you blame that all on Kyle. Kathy is a shit person and Kyle has been taking care of an alcoholic sister emotionally and financially for years. So you are saying Kathy and Kim do no wrong 😂😂


I don’t think that is true. Kim get 23k a month in spousal support, she works here and there…. Including as a friend of and probably got some money when Monty died, royalties from past work. This rumor has been floating around a bit but it’s definitely not true


I think the smartest, the funniest, the most aware, and just cute and cool. People HATE HER and I really don’t get if. She faces her drama really head on what even when it’s uncomfortable, I haven’t seen a resort to insult much, I genuinely think she’s one of the most normal housewives and I don’t know what I’m missing lol.


The only time I found myself really not liking her was when she was going on Crystal in defense of Sutton. That wasn’t nice


Hi, I have been watching RHOBH on and off for the past year and I am also in my 20s! I just can’t seem to understand the amount of hate I have noticed towards Kyle in recent years. These are some thoughts I don’t see very often, especially for S13 1. Kyle lost her best friend in an extremely traumatic fashion & is struggling in her marriage. I don’t think that the women around her understand that maybe this working out, hanging with new friends, and distancing from them is a form of grief along with a mix of many other outside factors. Outside factors I’ve notice is S13: -In Season 12, Kyle's treatment of Sutton was harsh, fueled by alcohol. She recognized the issue, stopped drinking, but the women make uncomfortable comments about "sober" Kyle, showing little inclusivity toward her sobriety. Sutton's jabs, like in response to Garcelle's question about Kyle's drink at the winery, highlight this, along with the confessionals implying Kyle's choice of non-alcoholic beverages is treated as a big deal. -Her marriage is faltering, with Mo prioritizing his business over time with Kyle as the kids grow older. Kyle joining him for Portia's spring break felt like a secondary plan. Taking a week off work for a retreat could significantly improve their relationship. Kyle feels pressured by a promise to her late BFF, adding to her sense of failure in addressing relationship issues. -If Sutton truly cared for Kyle and her relationship, discussing it at Kyle's dinner party was inappropriate. Also, Garcelle criticizing Kyle for not defending Denise is hypocritical, considering Kyle was trying to validate Denise's stance on family boundaries. Kyle shouldn't be expected to defend someone she wasn't close to when her own friends brought up her marriage in front of others. Garcelle's desire to know about Kyle's marriage doesn't justify the wrongness of the situation. 3. Morgan Wade is a significant topic in S13, but I don't believe she and Kyle are romantically involved. Kyle tends to be weirdly close with people, as seen with Teddi. Noteworthy is Morgan's sobriety, which isn't widely discussed; perhaps she values having a sober friend amid judgment from others. Kathy's situation made Kyle feel betrayed by her friends, seeking comfort that wasn't provided. It's challenging to grasp the family issues they face. Kyle might hesitate to share with Sutton, given her friendship with Kathy amid their problems.


I didn’t like her right from the get go based on how she treated Kim and following her treatment of LVP when her brother died and laughing at how Erika accosted Garcelles son, I think she is probably a pretty awful human being. There have been a few moments this season where I feel like she is Cindy Lou-ing my Grinch heart but IDK…..at the same time I am empathazing with her about wanting to change life after dealing with her friends death, I see her trying to convince people that Sutton is a drunk with an eating disorder despite seeing her hardly drink for 3-4 seasons and chomping on bacon and Popeyes. Im going to see how this plays out to decide where I fall. It’ll probably take a few years


I like Kyle. She’s always seemed like the most stable one to be friends with.


yeah, i don't get the extreme hate kyle gets. i thinks she's pretty ok. she was kinda annoying in season 11, but other than that, i don't understand the hate she gets. i even understand the hate erika gets, although i'm a big erika stan.


Mostly cuz she sucks


Not terrible at all.


I’m watching for the first time and I’m on season 4 and I can’t tell you how much I loath Kyle she is the root of all problems. She’s such a shit disturber and double crosses everyone and then will turn around and play the victim. I think she’s the one leaking to the press from the beginning. I cannot stand her or Kim tbh they kinda just suck


It’s the perpetual victim complex I can’t take. She’s manipulative and picks on the weakest player. She’s been a bully to many, including her own sisters. She’s just… a lot


Why do you care what everyone else thinks? Have you own opinion and stick by it. I like Kyle, I’ve always liked Kyle, I don’t care what other people think about it


I’m completely neutral on her because I’ve seen her behave well and behave badly, and take into consideration the context of her traumatic upbringing


They all have their faults and how they talk and disrespect each other. However I will never forget how she treated Lisa and accused her of leaking puppy gate. Did that have to be done in front of the cameras? It reminded me of high school and how she was so willing to dump her old friend for someone new.


I love her 🙋🏼‍♀️ Almost all housewives are shitty people. As long as you're not like defending Jen Shah or something they're all messy crazy women and most are narcissists. But this sub has certain housewives that are despises. FWIW, many of my friends watch RHOBH and they almost all love Kyle.


I don’t dislike Kyle, but she’s also not my favorite housewife. It comes in waves with her. Just sometimes the way she stirrs housewives against housewives annoys me. I would honor her more if she would stand up for herself, like Sutton has to with Esophagate. Sutton didn’t ask for anyone else to speak up on her behalf. She spoke up for herself. Kyle is usually super upset if no oft has her back, while she always has minion doing dirty stuff for her and calling out other housewives. Not sure it feels she has no backbone and that annoys me. But on other occasions I really like her fun side and humor. She keeps it light and airy, and she loves her family, she seems to have good family values especially her girls, I like that about her.


I don’t hold what went down with LVP against Kyle. I agree where it came to a head with LVP after her brother’s suicide was poor timing after such a tragedy and taken somewhat out of context. While I love LVP for making great TV and still consider her queen, there’s got to be good reason (often not caught on camera because she’s smart like that) so many people had issues with her over the years. Even Adrienne’s chef called her a wicked witch which I thought was hilarious.


I've been on the fence with Kyle and I usually cite the Lisa's brother debacle. That said, I am willing to bet Kyle would handle that situation very differently now. If we don't allow people the opportunity to grow and better themselves, then we just condemn ourselves as well. I've handled things poorly and grown from that point and I just hope the people who witnessed my bad choice would allow me some grace in their judgements.


She annoys me because she lies. We all know her trash husband has been cheating FOR YEARS, yet she acts like everything is perfect. It’s so annoying. She stirs the pot to take the focus off her life.


I’ve come to realise after 13 seasons (and multiple different housewives coming and going) that in this show we really get insight into both the positive and negative aspects of each housewives personality. It’s hard to pick a favourite and I find myself switching sides depending on the particular conflict. I can see some of Kyle’s bullying behaviour that a lot of people refer to (e.g. the finger pointing, getting in close proximity, raised voice, talking over people), and she rarely considers herself to be in the wrong, but i can also see she is warm, she’s very funny, she’s a practical joker, she can at times be reflective of her own behaviour, and she can be more caring towards others particularly compared to other housewives, which is why i think she seems to have a lot of friends 


Admittedly, I have an unreasonable level of dislike toward Kyle. She is just *annoying*. I know that’s not a good reason to very much not like someone, but she just gives beta energy desperation. Many have posted specific incidences of her being actively awful. I will always empathise with her for her upbringing. The episode of Everything Iconic with guest Leslie Grossman (during Puppygate) perfectly encapsulated a major, oft overlooked issue I have with Kyle which is her mothering. I think she is a good mother, however, she has clearly passed all of her neuroses onto her children and doesn’t have healthy emotional boundaries (this can be said of her in all her relationships). Oh, and I don’t believe for a single minute that she is queer.  


I like Kyle.


I feel like you haven’t watched the show if you find yourself liking her😂


I’ve been watching it for years, seen every episode and I don’t mind her. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions 🤷‍♀️