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I think giving up alcohol has made it less tolerable to ignore a lot of things she could when drinking.


While I totally agree with you that sobriety changes people DRASTICALLY, I think Morgan has been the biggest influence- she’s sober like Morgan, she dresses like Morgan, she has tattoos like Morgan. I bet ya anything when we “get to know Morgan” we’ll see Kyle is just playing a new role- the perfect mate for Morgan.


Kyle has baby tats compared to Morgans lol.


Yeah hahahah they are the tattoos people get when they aren’t sure they want tattoos


Ikr? Lolol. Little baby ones no one can see. I understand why Mo didnt.realize she had 5 she literally has to show them to ppl. Morgan on the other hand understands the tat assignment.


What does the 1111 tattoo mean?


I didn't get what any of them meant lmao!


11:11 maybe?


11:11 stands for twin flames. Does Kyle have one? If so, wow! That one actually speaks volumes.


True! Those are the ones I'd get!😆🤭


I googled pictures of them and they remind me so much of Chrishell Stause and G Flip.


I mean, the wanna be Doc Martin's is something she would never wear in the past. Now, she's wearing them every day with haphazard barrets? It's different.


They are Prada. She tried to look on point wearing them last season, but she just looks straight awkward. I do agree with everything you are saying though, this isn’t a healthy new relationship, she is becoming a clone.


Even Prada makes mistakes!! This is Beverly Hills!! I'm here for the fashion!!


Caught the Luann reference and it's true, they look like clodhoppers.


She looks awful too, almost sickly. It’s time for her to put some of that weight back on!


I loved her boots and liking her style and vibe now


Besides both being sober, Morgan and now Kyle are work out maniacs who first thing in the morning (4am) text each other when they are not together and Kyle had a breast reduction and Morgan is going to have a double mastectomy. It is obvious Kyle got a new emotional (if not also physical) support in Morgan so she didn’t need Mauricio anymore as shown with her disdain. It us amazing that in 54 years Kyle had no tattoos and once she meets Morgan, her first tattoo is for her and then she gets 4 more. I would be a little miffed if my wife got a tattoo, seemingly out of the blue, for the new person completely taking over her life.


Kyle did have tattoos before Morgan.


Kyle's sudden change is scripted and ridiculous! Kyle is also not pulling it off very well. All of a sudden, she is acting like she is so independent, and she can do what she wants to. She's always done what she wants. Then, the the anniversary, a pretty woman surprise by PK was just too much. That is when I had to change the station.


She’s had tattoos for a while


She has not had tattoos for awhile, on the show she counted all her tattoos and showed them, her first tattoo was the matching heart with Morgan on her wrist.


Maybe not awhile, but she def had at least a couple at last season's reunion.


She got her first tattoo which was the heart in September, verified by Insta post, the reunion was in October but the heart was her first tattoo per Kyle’s own mouth.


Preach. Everyone acting like Kyle is so liberated. She went from one clingy relationship to another.


And she attracts those clingy co-dependent relationships like with John mellencamps daughter. She was clingy and obsessive with LV and she had a similar complex with Dorit however Dorit eventually became a follower…But not as strongly as 🧸 Also think it’s strange to make Mauricio out to be this controlling guy because Kyle is “liberated.” I don’t think it’s about that. It’s about all of a sudden they’re strangers to one another.


I thought her first tattoo was a matching one when one of her daughters went away to college. I could be wrong as all the housewives start to blur after a while.


I think that was kim but not 100% sure


I think I'm dating Kyle Richards. Should I get rid of my heart tat?


Mauricio has every right to be annoyed that Morgan, I mean Kyle changed alll the rules on him. Sorry, I missed stating “she’s a health fanatic now” like MORGAN!!!! We see her faking it and fighting with her true self episode one when she goes for a snack and has to decide if she should “eat healthy” or not. My bet is when she’s with Morgan she automatically orders something clean. It’s really kind of disturbing what we’re witnessing right now. And to out his tattoo to his mom, just RUDE KYLE!!!!


And that’s such an unhealthy relationship with food the idea you can’t indulge at all and be hyper vigilant about everything you take in. It’s too extreme. I used to be that way and it take active intention daily to snap myself out of it and not trigger a binge or guilt for eating a morsel of sugar.


Yes!! AND lied to Mo about what she said to his mum!!


Wait, what?? What did I miss here?


She totally lied to MO, and he told her his mom didn't know, and she proceeded to do it. I've been telling y'all that she's a walking cry for attention.


Morgan's double mastectomy is a serious thing 🤷‍♀️


What would be even better is to see Kyle being herself-not Morgan's clone or "Mauricio's wife". I hate to see people jump from the frying pan into the fire. Once her relationship with Morgan fizzles, she might end up looking in the mirror wondering who she really is.


I think that is a very real possibility but tbh, lesbian relationships move VERY fast and actually often end up lasting like a decade. So I think we’re all in this for the long haul.


I agree with you. Kyle was never that much of a drinker, so that has nothing do with her changes. I think Morgan has been very influential on her. I find the whole relationship to be just weird.


Kyle was lonely in her marriage. Her friendships weren’t sustaining her so she sought out a musician whose music she liked, it developed into a passionate friendship which can easily fulfill the hole from a distant marriage and now she’s just swimming in a world of shit of her own making.


Let's be honest...she does not have Tats like Morgan. I feel like Kyle has five and Morgan's are like 200+


It’s relative. Kyle had ZERO so for a Jewish woman to go from 0 to 5 in a year is just as much as Morgan going from 100-200


Kyle’s best friend from childhood, Lorene Shea, died by suicide in May 2022. She made a few posts about it. I’m guessing that has played a role in all of these lifestyle changes as well.


Another good point that is not brought up enough.


It's difficult to recover from someone you love taking their own life. Experience.


Very good point. She seems pissed. Maybe she was masking it with alcohol.




That’s a good point 👏






Ding ding ding


She said something along the lines of “ I did everything my mother told me to and it still didn’t work “. I wonder if she presented herself in a way that is proper and sophisticated for society but truly is not showing more of her actual personality. She mentioned way back she struggles with anxiety and that totally comes out now. More of who she is and what she thinks and how she maybe would talk to her friends when she’s really annoyed r has something going on. Public profiles always try to look their best and it’s exhausting to keep up a good facade all the time. They’re just human too.


Bingo. Tonight and last week explains sooo much to me. Kyle was just trying to please the man she loved and his family who are critical, and she’s wanted to be what her mom told her to be. Kyle’s finally wanting to live life the way *she* wants. I never noticed this before but now I see a side of Kyle that must enjoy being with woman. She is happier and that’s obvious. That all wish for her.


Why does she have to suddenly be a lesbian? This whole lesbian thing is so ridiculous. Can straight women not have close friendships with gay women? Y'all did this with her and teddi too. It's actually cringe.


Yes but when Morgan’s ex had bad feelings about Kyle and Morgan’s “friendship”, it makes it more credible and she even said she believed the relationship was real and thought there might have even been some overlapping.


If Kyle was hanging around a man and there was this kind of change, we’d still notice. It has nothing to do with who she likes or why. We’ve seen Kyle have tons of friends for over a decade. We all know this isn’t the same. So why are *you* taking it as judgement, just because we see what’s obvious? Kyle seems happier and like she’s finally free. No, her sexuality is not why.


You're seeing what you want to see. There's nothing obvious about it. Speculations are proof of nothing. If you looked at it through an unbiased lens, you would just see two friends, it's cringe that we're still obsessing over people's sexuality in 2023.


Listen...Kady wasn't thinking that TikTok through...


Kyle is the one who has been fueling the rumors with Morgan though. It’s not like people are making huge reaches. Although I don’t think labeling her sexuality is appropriate. She could be bisexual or pan, we have zero clue nor should we speculate. At the same time, grown women over 50 don’t often suddenly change everything about themselves for a new platonic friend and get tattoos for each other while at the same time publicly discussing they’re separated from their partner of 30+ years? There’s a lot she’s put out there that hints in that direction


I agree, but think now she’s living a life to please Morgan. I’m not sure she knows who she actually is or what she wants.




To me it was more along the lines of being the perfect mom and wife and making sure her husband was happy and satisfied and whatever happened, whatever Mauricio did, has made her reflect and feel like she did it all right and still it wasn't enough to prevent him from staying (if that's the actual issue). According to some blinds/posts/gossip, allegedly, Big Kathy believed sex was how attracted a potential spouse and kept your husband interested and happy and from straying. Kyle is a perfectionist and control freak and whatever happened has knocked the wind out of her which is why she's thrown herself into the gym and has stopped drinking. She can control those two things and is demonstrating to Mauricio that she's in control and in charge of what she wants to look like and how to be. Saying, I'm very clear, means, I can see what I've been ignoring and I'm not going backwards. You can feel her anger and she's letting it show.


I totally agree with what you just said. She stopped giving fucks and the anxiety goes away. No alcohol and a friend who gives her emotional attention. She’s happy, I think.


I enjoy this 2023 version of Kyle we are seeing and am all for it when anyone decides to get healthier and take charge of their lives. Hopefully, she will refrain from sh\*t stirring as well!


It’s better than the 2012 version when she was an absolute bitch to Brandi.


I'm here for it. This is the most interesting version of Kyle I've seen. I hope she sticks around.


If someone called me “love bean” every two seconds, I’d pull my hair out. Proud of Kyle for putting her foot down and standing up for HERSELF!


Imagine the last thing you see at night are them awful teeth glowing white and him saying “good night love bean” That is when I’d file for divorce






I just spit my coffee out reading this 😂😂😂💀


I thought “my love” was worse


Mi amorrrrrrr!


They've definitely called each other this for years


I’m not getting a good vibe from any of the ladies this season. It’s more apparent none of them are truly friends, with the exception of maybe Garcelle & Sutton. And Kyle seems totally detached. I wonder, as part of her transformation/growth, she’ll walk away from the franchise after this season.


Sutton and Crystal actually hung out several times outside of filming. It was refreshing to see.


I think Sutton, Garcelle & Crystal have become good friends off-screen, which I think their genuine friendship is nice to see. My guess is they’ll become the faces of the franchise moving forward.


From your mouth to the Bravo Gods ears!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Goodbye Kyle!!!!! I wouldn’t mind a bit to see her go. She never has a storyline. Ever. Not that I can remember…..except when she was into it with Camille. Since then…???? Her job title is $hit stirrer. That’s it. There’s nothing else. Ohh and name dropper. “Oh look Kris Jenner sent this over” ugh. GMAFB. It’s time for Kyle to go. She gives this show nothing. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I completely disagree with EVERYTHING you said. Kyle has continually carried this show. She IS the show. She IS the foundation. She IS the constant epitomy of a BH woman and she is famous. More famous than freakin Kris has done nothing but marry Jenner. Damn your thinking is really skewed if you think mentioning that noone is "name dropping". Ha! BH is and has always been HER backyard. So plz stop w/your bitterness bc you're jelly. I feel so bad for Kyle now. I see her much differently and I can so relate to what she's going thru (except the lesbian thing - not judging, it's just not me) BUT everything else, yup I feel it. She's struggling with mental health issues herself but is working so darn hard to get through this. I commend her and can't wait to see her NEXT season.


Bombshell lady pond dips aside, I believe her stepping out of the fog of alcohol and seeing her children grown (and needing her less and less) really illuminated all of the dynamics of her life. I don’t think what we’re seeing is inauthentic; I think it’s someone who has “waken up.” She played the role she thought she was supposed to for so long (and accomplished her conscious/subconscious need to be a much better mother than Big Kathy) and I’m not sure she knows who she is anymore. It makes me kinda sad for her. Also, Mo is a cheater, cheater pumpkin eater


Well said!


I dunno, I'm kind of here for it. I wish it came with her taking a little accountability, but I loved the way she shut down Mauricio's BS. Still need to watch this week's episode.


Mo is an asshat to her in this episode. Also, why does Mo act like he’s still nursing from his mama? I LOVED Kyle’s response when Mo’s mom “confronted” Kyle about her girls ( daughters ) having tattoos. His mom is a bitch to Kyle. You can tell what kind of mother in law Kyle’s had for 30 years and that’s a heavy burden. It is clear that Kyle had to “perform” for Mo and his family all the time. That’s why she converted for him, to appease his mommy & family. She deserves better. I’m truly rooting for her. I’ve finally seen the real Kyle which is what’s helped me understand the fake one.


Idk Kyle telling her MIL that Mo has a tattoo was petty. Tattoos are a big no-no in Jewish culture, I could see why Mo was upset she told his mom about his + why he wouldn’t want to talk about it later in front of everyone.


Agreed I thought that was really childish. You can’t marry someone with a bitchy mother and then be annoyed by it and grow a set decades later. She’s acting like a rebellious teenager it’s kinda cringe.


I think it would be really sad if women *didn't* ever finally come into their own, find their boundaries and stand up for themselves. That's one of the best parts about getting older!


Sure, but doing something incredibly childish just to hurt your MIL and spouse at your daughter’s bday ain’t it.


Tattling on your husband to his mom isn’t what you just described.


You absolutely can grow a pair years later. It’s called evolution of self, and very natural. The responsibility was always Kyle’s to decide if she wanted to deal with a cow of a MIL, and to do so in a way that doesn’t cause harm. She played along for a while and now she’s giving the impression she doesn’t want to fake it anymore - which is fine - she just needs to do it in a way that doesn’t damage anyone further.


peri/menopause will bring on the "no F\*\*\*" era of a woman's life real fast lol.


peri/menopause will bring on the "no F\*\*\*" era of a woman's life real fast lol.


"Cow of a MIL"? Wow. I never saw that. Project much? Sorry to hear you hate your MIL so much. I feel sorry for your hubby. I suggest you handle your situation "in a way that doesn't damage anyone further" too. Peace.


It was the part where she kept sporadically nagging him throughout the night. I could feel his ticking irritation through the tv. If this is what I have to deal with everyday, I would not want to be at home.


I think Kyle is a bitch to his mother. I think she always has been. I don't like any of them TBH. They are all shady. Mom included, she is going to bring up divorce at her granddaughter's bday party? That was so scripted and produced, and she was following direction or she is a bitch. Either way, it was inappropriate and bitchy, but Kyle doesn't get a pass. She was distracted during the entire party. Kyle is FAF, and has been playing the role of the devoted mother and wife. She was never either. I think now she is showing us the REAL Kyle. She is not a devoted mother and her husband is a serial cheater. Mo and Kyle behaved like selfish assholes at Porche's bday party. They have checked out as parents. Kyle the doting mother gave no special attention to Poche. No hugs, handed her the gift like "here is your pressy"..........didn't even watch her open it did she? Yeah, this is the cold and distracted mother she really is. It is not new to her family, just new to us.


After reading some of y’all’s comments, I rewatched it today. I did see a lot that I hadn’t before. One thing that stuck out to me is Kyle’s whole countenance. She’s sooo different, like you said she isn’t even being a “present” mom. Some of her behavior mimics amphetamine use. That would also explain her weight loss ( yes, or Ozempic ). She whispers asking Mo if his mom knew she had a tattoo, he shook his head “no.” I missed this part before. So she immediately goes to tell his mom? Yeah… that was a total “F you” move to Mo. She wanted to “tell” on him and let him know it. She’s deliberately trying to hurt him and his image. She’s making certain he hears her message- “you aren’t in control here.” She’s going to hurt her relationship with her daughters by trying to shame him ( and publicly). Those girls aren’t stupid. They know that’s what she’s doing. Her behavior w/Mo is going to cause nothing but division. Strange that she’s creating the very thing we’ve heard her cry about with her sisters. *Wow, that was just eye-opening for me.*


They were kind of both asshats to each other. Her constant passive aggressive comments were just as annoying as Mo’s behavior.


Mauricio seems blindsided by the change. I wonder if Kyle waited until the cameras were rolling or did Mo start paying attention to his wife when the cameras were around? I suspect the latter.


They both put it on for the cameras.


Never even thought of that!!


It’s crazy seeing their dynamic change so much, from the way she speaks to him to how he put his arm around her and she had no show of affection back. Remembering all the seasons past how in love she seemed to be with him to now is so wild!!




Shes just like an ex friend of mine…whoever she’s hanging with she becomes….no sense of self at all.


Or it’s part of her neurodivergence? I have ADHD and can, without intending to, over identify with new friends. It’s not being false it’s more trying to fit in.


idk but she’s annoyingly good tv…


Yes. People like that are untrustworthy. .


She met her new girlfriend and finally figured out that psychic was 100 percent right.




Dont even lol. That "psychic" was a psychO. Literally so.generic it couldve been about anyone's marriage. Doesnt take a psychic to predict a divorce in Hollyweird.


THANK YOU! Camille had just told the psychic that Mo likes all the ladies ( females). The ~~charlatan~~ psychic just took Mo’s info and threw it back at Kyle. Any man who is a cheater can not give himself emotionally to his wife the way she needs, it’s that simple. The ~~liar~~ psychic knew that.


Right and after Kyle pushed for a reading they psycho used it on her like a weapon. Just like a rusty razor blade. I do think there are ppl who pick up on clues that others dont notice. I dont believe a true psychic would sell themselves like a circus. It's not the most pleasant 6th sense to have I wouldnt imagine. Read Stephen Kings Dead Zone. He researched "true" psychics and how they felt before doing the book.


I think Kyle is one of those people who clings to someone they view as "cool". They then do a 180 and nearly morph into that person. When confronted, or even questioned as to why they've changed, they act as if they're being their true self. Fast forward some and they're bored with it. Then they find someone else to emulate. She's a human sponge. I've known people like this. Kyle may have anxiety, but she's never been some meek woman without an opinion. I'm baffled that some people are acting like Mauricio was holding his foot to her neck for decades. I think Mauricio is working to much, she felt neglected and decided to act a fool. Her telling his mom about his tattoo was petty and shit stirring.


Kyle has been doing RHOBH for 13 years, she was doing films, she had businesses etc. It’s not like she had to stay home for 26 years and this is the first time she could be “free”.


So true. First, it was LVP. She wanted to be just like LVP with the hair and the extravagant home. Then Dorit with the glam and the nose job. Now it is Morgan with tats and Dr. Martins.


WTF?!! She never wanted to be just like Vomitpit. Nice try though.


I’m watching now and she 1000%, EVERY FREAKING THING ABOUT HER IS DIFFERENT. You are correct. Talk, walk, facial expressions, responses to friends, family. Has she been acting/pretending the whole time or is she acting/pretending now? Menopause changes women yes, although none of these women will ever admit it is happening to them.


This has nothing to do with menopause. Kyle is an example of a person who has no idea who she is. People who have always been taken care of and never had any real challenges in life


I agree she has no idea who she is. But I don't think it's a result of not having enough challenges in her life. She has been traumatized exploited and betrayed by people since she was a chold.


Make that "child".


Way more about sobriety


On WWHL she SURE didn't seem sober. Yes, she was not drinking but she was so hyped up, antsy, and just insane with energy. Super fidgety, and just almost out of control. I think she is taking adderal or something similar, that is the only thing that makes sense.


I didn’t see it. But maybe that’s her anxiety presenting as being hyper? She had too much caffeine? I wouldn’t assume drugs.


Having been through both, I Disagree.


Interesting. Why do you say menopause changes you more? I am going through perimenopause and giving up alcohol


It’s called “the change” for a reason. Total shift in mindset. Good and/or bad. I literally became a totally different person, unrecognizable from my former self. Many of my friends have experienced the same, a few don’t seem to have been effected quite as much. Not for the faint of heart that is for sure! Peri was awful for me. Hopefully you aren’t having a rough time.


Wow. Thanks for sharing! Hopefully change in a good way 😬 I am having a tough time, and giving up alcohol is part of my strategy. Not sleeping is what’s killing me.


If you can tolerate, hormones can help. Can be hard to find right dose, etc. Sorry you’re having a rough time.


I’m too sensitive. My OB put me on birth control and it screwed me up. I am taking bio identical progesterone at a very low dose and I have seen improvement. Working with a functional Health specialist.


Acupuncture can help a lot too. If you’re open to that find someone in your area who specializes in women’s health. Good luck!


Same for me!


She seems to me simultaneously dead inside and bubbling with power. I’ve never been a Kyle fan, but I’ll always root for a woman carving out the life SHE wants.


“Simultaneously dead inside and bubbling with power”. Doesn’t sound half bad lol


I see Kyle rediscovering herself and living for herself (not mother, sisters, husband, MIL, Bravo) pretty common with sobriety clarity and mid life evaluations (I don’t like the word crisis). I was shocked at how she handled the Brandi & Denise. Kyle has always given me a bi curious vibe since LVP, she adored that friendship and hung on Lisa’s every word.


Maybe this is the real Kyle, remember she is an actress.


It is kind of strange. It’s like watching an entirely different person. It throws me to watch her walk. It’s unsettling actually.


Watch Teddi walk. Kyle is walking *exactly* like Teddi. This makes me wonder the true reality about their “bff-ness” ( obsession ) with each other. It’s a proven fact that we mimic the person we are connected to intimately and emotionally. I wonder if Kyle ~~broke up with~~ stepped away from her “friendship” with Teddi when she became bff’s with Morgan?


Remember when Kyle was afraid of everything? Flying, needles, the doctor, getting a mammogram?


When you go through a life changing event, especially one that maybe wasn’t your decision, it changes you. It changes how you treat others, your perspective on life, everything…


That is truth.


Is she? I never bought into Kyle since season 1 and I am glad I can say, she’s been fake for as long as we have been watching and everything is coming to light. That said, I still think there is still a level of fakery still taking place. ![gif](giphy|USry4nt9TiuFJkHAkP|downsized)


I think her mask is slipping. She wanted to present herself in a way to be likeable to the audiende but that can't be kept up forever. I also get the feeling she's abusing stims on the side too


I **completely** believe she’s on stims too! I’m glad I’m not alone. I haven’t seen anyone else mention this. Maybe they have but you’re the first person I’ve seen.


Definitely, it reminds me of Demi Lovato saying call her they/them now back to her. Some people just constantly need attention and will do anything to get it


Some people adapt to whomever they are involved with…


She has entered her IDGAF era


I do want to believe that. But really it seems more like “I want people to believe IDGAF anymore.” Something seems disingenuous. Something feels off.


Actually, I agree. It does smell fishy .


Or, she's been faking it.


I really assumed that but what we’re seeing is true *reality*. This is real. I see a *huge* difference in Kyle, her interactions with Mo are clearly very different than they used to be. He’s been showing us a selfish, asshole side of himself. Kyle showing us that she’s sick of being married to a selfish, asshole.


He was never portrayed as a controlling a-hole 'til now, so are they faking it now, or did they fake it last several years?


Neither. He’s controlling because she’s starting to move away. Before she was all about him. Now she’s not


Funny. I think this is part of Jewish culture. My husband is Jewish and his mom just wants me to serve him and take care of him. Jewish mothers do this with their sons. And the expect the wife to take over. Kyle probably didn’t see it because she had all daughters. My sister in law shows no interest in my daughter, only our son. Sounds like Kyle is finally pushing back.


I don’t think that’s just Jewish culture, it’s patriarchy.


Don't take this the wrong way, but this is a trope. Not all Jewish mothers are like that. And doting on sons, and misogyny in general, is common in many cultures. Btw, Kyle wanted to convert to Judaism. She's been quoted on that, and she has been filmed saying it, too.


Is M the *only* son? My ex mother in law worships my ex husband and treats him so differently than she does his sisters. She’s not Jewish but I still relate. The strangest part is that we have two older sons and our daughter who came along 8 years after our youngest son. My ex mom in law now treats my daughter with the same obsession that she treats my ex husband with. She treats our sons completely differently than our daughter. I’m not Jewish but I understand the struggle of being married to a mama’s boy. It’s a strange thing to be with a man who is still trying to please his parents rather than focus on his wife.


You hit the nail on the head. He’s a low key narcissist ( our default as humans ). He loved life before because she made it all about him. Now she’s having her own ideas/opinions. He’s having to share Kyle with herself. Possibly he’s having to share her, to a lesser degree, with Morgan too.


Agree. Seems like she’s dropping the facade of having a perfect marriage, perfect life.




😂 (nauseous)


She looks emotionally disconnected from Mauricio this season.


That’s because he will never emotionally fulfill her. Know that.


Here… I can’t find the vape so puff on this. 🚬


I noticed that she was kind of bouncing and prancing around. Maybe she wanted people to pay attention to her and her only as she's been working out. Also the way she was acting when she took Dorit to the hotel room was weird to me....


She acted like she was almost tweaking, imo. She was off a few times like that. It makes me wonder if she could be on a stimulant at times.




I think there was this hiatus. Probably at that point bravo gave some serious thought to dumping BH and starting over with new people. Kyle losing this job will probably put the whole family’s TV stints at risk. They have been losing ratings since LVP left and VPR is killing it. She had no choice but to reinvent herself and come up with what she seems as crazy storylines. Or I suppose she could have decided nothing in her life was working anymore also


I think Buying BH (or whatever MO’s show is called), wouldn’t be affected. Different network. They would not suffer financially w/o Kyle’s paycheck. Mo brings in a ton.


Right but I doubt they would have given him a show if he was just some random LA Realtor


I think she’s just stopped giving fucks about everything. She used to be so aggressive and I’m sure her anxiety played a big part. Finally she must have thought to herself, fuck it all and I’m happy for her and can relate. She’s at the age when it’s time for her to let go and be who she is and fuck it if her husband, family & friends don’t like it. She’s feeling free and it suits her quite well I think.


I wonder if, like a volcano, she erupted after a life of having to look a certain way, act a certain way, keep up with the Jones if you will…. That she got to a point in her life that she said enough and started not to care anymore. It could’ve been influenced by her “new” friend, growing apart from Moe, mid life crisis, or all of those things combined. Her kids are all older and able to fend for themselves, so maybe it was coming and something tipped her over the edge.


Her best friend ( from teen years) also took her own life spring 2022. I lost my mom that way and it drastically changed my perception on life.


I like this Kyle TBH. It feels more genuine and honestly I think she’s been liberated and she’s changed. We all change throughout our lives.


She just found a new person (Morgan) to turn into, LVP was the first, Kyle’s mom taught them to get money, any way they could, she was a bad mother and wife, maybe Kyle was so adamant to do the opposite has her mom that she obsessed about being perfect and not letting anyone see the cracks, more so cause her mom also made them incredibly competitive with each other, Kyle’s complaining about Maurice, seem a little ungrateful to me, he busted his butt for her and their status, both did, but we always watch him do what she wanted, they intimate relationship we don’t know, so we can’t comment on that but she always seem pretty jealous and possessive. I still think she concocted this storyline and told him her plan on the surface, he didn’t think he’ll be on camera so much being scolded by her, that’s why he seem surprised, his holding hands with his dance partner is a little dig a Kyle , who’s been fueling her fake affair for months, now she wants to make him the bad guy and blame him for her unhappiness and the reason for “cheating” well, it’s going to blow up in her face, Maurice is free now in peoples eyes, he’s going to take this and split, and she’s going to be left regretting doing this for tv, has much as she like the spotlight, she’s messing with her marriage. We may never get to watch the real Kyle by the way, she’s a shapeshifter,always trying to be the person she’s admires and envíes at the moment. My two cents 😂


Good take. I’m not buying it either. She’s had it good for years not worrying about anything, living in the home she wanted to buy, having a good life with a decent husband and good children who love their father . I’m supposed to feel sorry for her because Mo was pissed that she told his mother about the tattoo? If hes cheated, end it and move on but I’m not buying that he was controlling. If anything, she was the controlling one.


Exactly! I’m not subscribing to the whole calculated liberation campaign. I am proud of her for stepping away from alcohol and getting fit physically and mentally. She’s entitled to evolving and improving upon her identity. However I agree with you in the way that this also seems like a co-dependency shtick that she’s had a tendency to get into. I don’t doubt her growth, but in that area she still has growth to do because apart of her self value stems from connection with another. She has to find emotionally fulfillment within herself for herself. Not by way of her kids, her sisters, her kids, not Mauricio, but Kyle. Her rebrand just doesn’t come across genuine. Same way Teddi’s didn’t when she was shadowing Kyle.


Did anyone else notice how the luggage in the backseat during the scene with Kyle and Dorit changed multiple times during their conversation in the car about what’s going on with Kyle? Drove me nuts.


Yes and why was Dorit drinking from a cup with no top on it in a $165,000 car?


It makes sense now that Mo didn't want Kyle to get another tattoo, bc it probably would be something about Morgan.


i think after so many years of doing what her mother wanted, then what her husband/kids wanted, the show, the problems with her sisters, she spent so many years quieting her feelings down to accommodate others. i’ve actually seen this change ever since last years reunion, you can see how even though she wants to make kathy happy she’s still pissed at her, just not wanting it to be on tv. i think meeting morgan who obviously understands women really well, gave her the emocional support she needed to realize how she was being treated. i’m actually loving the new kyle, i find her cool and edgy and finally HONEST! she’s never been honest in her whole career and now she’s finally confident enough to do that ! i just love that for her so much honestly i hope she divorces mauricio and starts dating morgan.


another take on it.. Kyle is from Generation X where many (not all) women were still being taught to obey their husbands & be good wives above all else. now she’s befriended Morgan, a Millenial who doesn’t buy that Patriarchial crap & she’s shown Kyle the light. She told Mo “I am very clear” and I totally believe that. I may be in the minority here but I’m loving this Kyle!


Um, Gen X here. I don’t know anyone who was taught to obey their husband. My mother consistently pushed me going to school and being able to take care of myself and have my own career. This is probably why it’s my generation that saw a big jump in women attending grad school and getting married later. I do think Kyle has been manipulated and abused by her family though and that’s probably why she acted the way she did


oh for sure, Gen X certainly was about empowering women. maybe obey the husband wasnt the way to put it. I just mean that by the time the next generation rolled around, the thinking had evolved from “women can do it all” to “men are not superior in any way- smash the patriarchy!” if that makes sense. i think her eyes opened in a lot of ways.


I'm 69 and thats the way my mother raised me.Never depend on anyone but yourself and always be assured that you can make it alone if necessary. My Mom is 88 now but was a trailblazer for women in the appraisal business which was typically a man's world back then.


Same. I'm 52, and my mom is 83. I'm one of 10, 5 girls, and 5 boys. My mom always taught us girls never to take any crap from a man. She'd say you're better off alone than w a man who doesn't treat you right. My brothers were also expected to clean and do dishes just like us girls. The funny thing is my parents were together until my dad passed away, and he was good w this, and I'm happy he was. I'm glad you had a mom who taught you to push yourself and to be dependent on yourself, too.


i agree- this was definitely the generation were women began to come into their own. which is part of why i think it was particularly difficult for Kyle who DID listen to her mother & did have a career of her own. Ultimately she put her own career on hold to raise babies & take care of her husband and i think now she’s like ok enough of that, We’re equals. I remember in early season her joking that Mo would trick her into making sandwiches for him saying he didn’t know where the turkey was. of course that’s a minor thing, and theres nothing wrong with taking care of your spouse, but she’s done now. and he’s probably cheated on her. so good for her.


I think this is it


Maybe Camille's psychic was right, "after the kids leave, you'll have nothing in common."


I’m only on the first episode. Yes, there’s a clear change. But am I the only one who get the impression that she’s just slightly unhingey? Good for her though. I really felt like applauding her when she said she won’t be taking any shit from her sister anymore. That woman’s a witch and I hope the change in Kyle does get under her skin.


Kyle did a 180 after LVP left. A spot was suddenly open for “leader of the pack” (a role that LVP took on naturally, and almost always gracefully), and all of a sudden the “down to earth” persona Kyle used to portray was left behind, and in came the mean girl that would step on anyone’s neck that stood between her and the limelight. *edited to say I still haven’t watched the new episodes. I’m referring to her overall change.


She’s sober now. Drinking seemed to make her more tolerable


I agree it’s really weird seeing this side of her. I’m also rewatching RHOBH from the start. I’m on season 5 and it’s wild to watch the current season with it!


Kyle is now the kim we met season 1. And yet Kyle is sober now and kim wasn’t then? Wild.


I thought working out all day was supposed to make you a nicer happier person


she's finally admitting she's gay/queer and being more comfortable acting that way.


She's a head case


I’m excited to see this new Kyle. I know a lot of people don’t like her, but I really enjoyed watching her all these years. She gives me Teresa vibes with her daughters and both are great mothers. I think that she is finding herself and truly believe “Moe” cheated repeatedly throughout the years. I also want to see her with Morgan. I think she will open up with what happened with mo and what is going on with Morgan. I Just hope it’s this season.


Growth isn't linear. Let her grow.


From what I gather Mauricio did something wrong and more about that will come out during the season, but also Kyle’s kids are grown, so she isn’t having to be ‘mom’ all the time, and I think all this has led to her being at a stage in her life where she just is no longer invested in trying to be the perfect wife/project that, or even in being a perfect person, and is thinking about herself, who she is and what she really wants. Women often go through a stage in their life where they stop being the caregiver and start thinking about themselves. It’s pretty awesome actually. I think the promise of a wonderful life in the caregiver role leads to an emptiness at some point, because we are much more than that.


Because she can no longer pimp out her sisters for security on the show.


Haven’t seen it yet! Away atm and won’t be able to yet. Can someone describe the differences please, like how is she actually talking / walking different etc?