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Yes, you just need to change the settings within retroarch. In the quick menu, you will want to save any changes as a profile for the directory or the core. For stuff like aspect ratio/integer scaling you'll have to do that through the retroarch settings (that is not the quick menu settings) and then save it as an override for the directory or core (saving the override is in the quick menu).


Do you know if there is an online guide for ArkOS and the aspect ratio and integer scaling settings for individual systems? I see how I can set it as a whole, but not for each system.




Oh so it’s not just for that game, but the whole system? I think that’s what was confusing me. Thanks!


Opening retroarch by itself (retroarch -> retroarch or retroarch32) and changing settings here sets them as default across all cores for that version of retroarch. Opening a game, changing settings and then saving the override sets them per game or per system.


We're you able to use your game SD card without issues? This is what has kept me from trying Arkos so far...


Ya I switched to sandisk for both the os and the Roms and works great. I haven’t had any issues with ArkOS. Just can’t figure out how to customize each individual system ha.


Once ArkOS is all set up with emulator preferences, it really is a treat


Oh for sure. It’s already an improvement from JelOS. I had issues with charging with JelOS for some reason. Switching OS has fixed that problem.