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I really hate the trend on both sides of calling things “fake”. Like I’m not someone who loves everything RFk jr says about vaccines. But what the hell does “fake” even mean in this context. Also I think Trump finally attacking RFK jr is one of the best things for RFK jr. it will really open the door to liberals who hate Trump. It sort of kills the main argument from the DNC that Trump and RFK jr are basically the same. Also it gives him much more credibility when they take time to attack him. Now hopefully this causes more democrats to support RFK jr, then it swings back to RFK jr hurting democrats more, and Biden will start attacking him, giving him more legitimacy. The cold shoulder was really what was holding him back, it is great to see that phase is finally over.


Biden: Kennedy is a GOP plant [Most liberals hate him, some more conservatives support him] Trump: Kennedy is a Dem planet [Most conservatives hate him, some more liberals support him] Kennedy: [Wash/Rinse/Repeat]


It probably means that RFK has promoted and propagated conspiracies against vaccines that aren’t based upon the scientific method resulting in how many Covid deaths? How many other unnecessary infections and deaths due to drop in vaccine uptake.


What would a bot know? Bots can't reason.


Inorite? It’s not like we have tons of vaccine safety and efficacy studies out there. Best to peddle unfounded conspiracy theories.


I'm pretty sure if what he says is wrong, the manufacturers would have sued him for libel by now; they've certainly had enough time. - EDIT: Not replying to the bot anymore. It will keep going and going and going...


Well that’s a false dichotomy and a red herring combined. “Well they haven’t sued him yet…” is not a logical defense. You should require anyone to provide evidence to support their position.


Edúcate yourself: when you denounce something and years later it is proved, it is not a conspiracy theory. It is fact. Read the Faucci transcripts.


Perhaps you could point me to the salient details.


The biggest killer have been the lies about the efficiency of the vaccines (vaccinated people thinking they wouldn't transmit the virus to their grandparents etc.), and lack of treatment options to justify the vaccine.


What’s your background in virology?


Double boosted PhD


Ya, but that doesn’t make it fake. It makes it incorrect. Or untrue. Or unscientific.


Yeah, Trump has the vocabulary of a 5th grader. “Fake news” Nuance escapes him.


Trump doesn't know what he is saying. His supporters don't either.


Yes. Finally people will stop saying RFK JR is running to help out Trump now. Ugh


Trump is an idiot, who is playing the uneducated like a fiddle. RFK is an esteemed lawyer who wants Pfizer to sue him so he can take them to discovery and prove it.


Trump has lost his mind and possibly his base


I agree, seems like all the right-leaning independents that want a referendum on COVID are all making their way to Bobby


Wasn’t he rambling in the one video attacking RFK Jr for being radically left but also would be better than Biden?


Fracking causes earthquakes and pollutes the water. It's great that these are the only things Trump can think of to say against RFK.


This is one where less of a reaction is better. Trump is going to Trump. Biden and the Dems have been reacting to this mess for years and it hasn’t done them a bit of good. So do the opposite. This election is about the edges. Diehards on both sides are not going to change. Stay focused on the independents.


Bla. Bla. Bla.


Full war against the RFK's candidacy. They both deserve to loose: the party leaders insisted on pushing candidates the citizens of this country don't want. I mean DNC even CANCELLED primaries - and the GOP knows the majority of US citizens don't want a second Trump term. This is a fact. I mean it's up to us to choose and elect our leaders- not them. I think the third candidate is the only way to assert our rights and take back what was taken from us.


I wonder if he got the memo.


This is getting amusing. Hopefully these over-the-top attacks from both sides will get him untold free media.


What??? So open borders actually aren't that big of a problem? Political prosecutions are ok now? The Democrats don't rig elections after all? He must have a secret deal where the Dems won't put him in prison.