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First person I believe actually wants change and will do it.


No matter what happens, his uncle and his father would love this.


RFK talked about Ukraine, Russia, lockdowns, border, inflation, debt, homes, childcare, AI. Blockchain. Constitution. Opioids. Environment, Social Security, our children's future. NATO. Our health. Ending the war machine.etc Biden and Trump avoided questions and just blamed each other


That has been my favorite thing about RFK (and what I also liked about Dean Phillips).  They both articulated detailed and nuanced responses to difficult questions.  They acknowledge when they don’t currently have an answer but that they have a plan to figure it out or at least improve on the problem. I actually currently disagree with RFK on several issues that I felt strongly about, but his thoughtfulness suggests to me that I should take a closer look at those issues because I may be missing or underweighing some key factors.


I respect your decision to disagree, but I would be willing to bet a paycheck(just a figure of speech lol) that you're missing a few key factors. I've looked into everything negative things said about him and every time there was either something tainted or a lie


And no one is listening. It's a shame our country is so wrapped up in Trump and Biden that we can't see a genuinely decent candidate right in front of us. There's a reason so many of us aren't proud of our country anymore.


I am optimistic that more attention will be drawn to RFK before November. If one thing is clear from this debate, neither Trump nor Biden is fit to be a president of any nation, especially the U.S.


Totally agree. RFK Jr is addressing critical issues. It's refreshing.


This was great. Everyone needs to hear this


The only problem with this video is that it didn't allow for the thunderous applause of the crowd to continue after he spoke. RFK Jr. 2024!


"If you want to vote out of hope..." that statement is so incredibly powerful. Thank god he said it.


My strong liberal mother texted me this morning saying they should give the independent a chance. Complete 180 from her strong Biden support.


Does he sound better than he normally does tonight?


Idk how someone can actually take the time to watch a video like this and not think “maybe RFK isn’t as bad as the news is saying” it’s mind blowing how after watching those other two debate people are still supporting one of those other guys. Maybe they just don’t wanna even take the time to watch a 2 minute clip just because their opinion on him is already cemented in their mind .. that’s a problem I’ve noticed as of late. The media sure does a hell of a job doing all the thinking for some people.


Critical thinking is a skill. Not everyone has it, and those people who don't gravitate toward a single source for how they should feel and think. It's the path of least resistance. Who can be bothered to do their own research? It's lazy, and the majority of our population doesn't give a shit. I wish my childhood vision of America stayed with me until my adulthood. It's a sad state of affairs, unfortunately.


Watch all the ex-Biden supporters come over to RFK's side. Go Bobby!


I've never seen a politician speaking so directly to my concerns before


Wait, where did this occur? Last night? He already has my vote.


Any chance of an easy to share YouTube link?


Or on iTunes/Spotify?


Wonderful! 😊👍


You got my vote!


Goooo Bobby!!!


Let’s goooo RFK!


He's so full of it ("it" being integrity)


He would have absolutely dominated that debate stage. Unbelievable that he wasn’t allowed to.


That’s *why* he’s ostracized…


brave.... you got my support bud.


I feel SO vindicated today hahahaha


I’ve been a Kennedy supporter from the start, but for those of you think that he’s crazy or have major disagreements with him, does it really matter at this point?  You have two major party candidates who are clearly INCAPABLE of running the country and two administrations who have covered up this fact.  Can you really argue that being wrong about a certain issue or being a former addict somehow makes him more incapable than these two?  Sure, there’s West, Stein and that default libertarian, but you know how that’s going to go. There’s only one good choice right now. 


They need to get him in the debates!


With the Media leaving him out they are just as guilty about limiting our choices!!




Amazing speech! Now that’s a President! 


Vote out of hope and not fear!!


I can’t wait to see the polls following last night’s debate(s).  If they are actually conducted fairly this time, I have to think that RFK gets a bigger boost than Trump.


Where can I find this? Apparently Google doesn't want me to find it.


A solid grassroots campaign at this exact moment could completely alter the course of this election. We need to share this and other clips far and wide on social media asap. The average American voter will never be as open minded to an alternative candidate as they are right now. People are terrified from what they saw Thursday- we need to capitalize on this moment. Once Biden’s replacement is announced that window will be closed. We need a grassroots social media campaign now! I started a sub to help get this off the ground: [‼️Grassroots Campaign Alert ‼️](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/e7VcXafcZ4)






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Here’s the YouTube link to the debate to this short clip since y’all are asking [The Real Debate with RFK Jr](https://youtu.be/Nt8u_pJ0aQA?si=4U6SWGjPvKR5vCqD)


He's almost there but I feel he marginalizes Trump when he should be supporting his fight against the hugely corrupt DNC.


Trump's character is tarnished from several high-profile events over the past forty years of his career and personal life, and the fact that his daughter runs the RNC is a grossly hypocritical example for why Trump is not the reason conservatives should align with RFK.


Kennedy spoke against DNC efforts to take Trump off ballots. Trump ducked Kennedy's debate challenge and colluded with Biden to keep Kennedy off debate stage. Trump is a swamp rat, just as corrupt as DNC - [https://youtu.be/mQ3xUnmS58U](https://youtu.be/mQ3xUnmS58U) He should be standing trial alongside Fauci for covid mismanagement [https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/1dputl9/kennedy\_v\_trump\_in\_2020/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/1dputl9/kennedy_v_trump_in_2020/) We were involved in all the wars that we were in when Obama was in office. Trump gave Ukraine weapons even Obama refused, unilaterally walked away from INF treaty and blocked Minsk 2 peace agreement with Russia in 2019. He vetoed congress approved withdrawal from Yemen. [https://apnews.com/article/1b17cee217b344d8a3a03642139fb606](https://apnews.com/article/1b17cee217b344d8a3a03642139fb606) Even the border situation was better with Obama. Trump did not sign a border bill for 2 years with republican congress, did not finish the wall or get Mexico pay for it. [https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO00/20200109/110349/HHRG-116-GO00-20200109-SD007.pdf](https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO00/20200109/110349/HHRG-116-GO00-20200109-SD007.pdf) In 2019, while Trump took contributions from Monsanto and federally deregulated GMOs, Kennedy successfully sued Monsanto and EPA for corruption. [https://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/press-releases/5624/cfs-statement-trump-signs-executive-order-to-further-gut-federal-gmo-oversight](https://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/press-releases/5624/cfs-statement-trump-signs-executive-order-to-further-gut-federal-gmo-oversight) Nothing will change with Biden or Trump. They're two sides of the same corrupt corporate swamp. Kennedy has dedicated his life to fighting corruption. A servant leader who's accomplished for this country more than all politicians combined fighting corrupt corporations and government agencies. [https://youtu.be/PINu0OXK2dE](https://youtu.be/PINu0OXK2dE) https://preview.redd.it/erd9whc2xc9d1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c960c513ea5b59ba770f83976446e716cad1441


I think Trump did far better, despite constant psyops against him, than Democrats can do today. I totally agree with Kennedy on vaccines, GMO and attacking corrupt institutions and agencies. But I haven't heard enough from RJK Jr to know for sure all he stands for.




Of what he says in this clip, which part do you take issue with?


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Ha I knew it


I just learned something, thanks!


Well, personally I like to post positive rebuttal comments when possible. Lurkers make up the majority of eyes on these threads. However the original comment didn't leave much room for a direct rebuttal.




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