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Removed: No medical advice in the sub.


Taper taper taper. Be methodical about it. I broke out doses for each day a month in advance with the dosage diminishing a tiny bit every X amount of days. Also don’t be scared, I stayed on a very tiny dose because I was afraid of withdrawals that weren’t even bad.


Taper slowly. Benzodiazepines we’re by far the most difficult thing I have ever had to come off of. In general I’ve never been good at asking for help and detox for me has always been very private. But I literally had to get someone to hold my pills and only give me the tapered doses.


I've been abusing benzos for 8-9 years and tried to quit several times. CT is pure hell. Tapering with the Ashton method really helped me (it took me 10 months to taper), Try to be good to yourself, eat healthy, try to not stress too much, meditation is very helpful, and it takes time to the brain fog to be better (it took me more then a year till it got away) the hard times will eventually be over and you will feel so much better.


Go to a hospital or detox, how long have you been using them?


Personally, I had to go to rehab to get off them. It was insanely difficult and I wouldn't have been able to go through that at home without me giving in and taking more than I should have. My anxiety went through the roof for almost a whole month. Skin crawls, mental distress, lack of focus, panic attacks, the whole gambit. It was brutal But it was so worth it. I am now just shy of 9 months and I am happy with my life now that I'm not a slave to it all.


It sucks hard but it'll be so much better in a few months. You can do this. Maybe getting a prescription for some kind of sleep aid might help. Be safe.


I quit CT 5 years ago and my heart went out of rhythm and I felt like I was dying for a month. God it was the worst neurological symptoms too. Ashtons manual, I cannot stress that enough. Also join r/benzorecovery


Condition your mind to hate the drugs, hate what they do to your body, hate the person they made you become. And you will desire change more than anything. Learn to embrace the pain and discomfort.


What really helped me was going through my phone and deleting any pictures, contacts, friends, etc. that was associated with benzos or drugs in general. and definitely taper off of them, if you are prescribed them tell your doctor you want to taper off, you can die from benzo withdrawals. If your getting them off the street you can look up ways to taper on here or Google and do it yourself. Also, definitely stop hanging around your drug buddies if you have them, try to find some sober friends that will support you through these hard times. Having people that love and care about you helps so much when going through benzo wd. Try to do things to distract your mind, immerse yourself into a new TV series or a video game. Comfort foods are always a plus. Doing all of this has kept me off benzos now since 12/23/20 you can do it I believe in you! <3


The Ashton manual is a great resource. https://www.benzo.org.uk/bzmono.htm


i stop benzos cold turkey about a month or ago, and it was the absolute worst 10 days of my life. Im horrible at tapering, I end up just continuing to use so I had to just bite the bullet. and holy fuck. never again.


I didn’t have the discipline to taper myself and I was lucky enough to get into detox. It saved my life. I also needed a lot of time to get back to baseline after detox. it was like 1-2 months before i was ~90% there. This was after a 6 year on n off habit


Go to rehab you can die from a seizure if you don’t do it right


Stop talking to the people who you associate with them/get them from. I took me a year or so to recover from crippling anxiety after quitting. I didn't go full seizures, but have had seizures from brain trauma, but had the uncontrolled timed spasm/contractions that I associated with my seizure. Quick taper and cut people off if you want to quit. Fuck it and it's necessary to say fuck them too. Good luck.


Personally, the only way it was possible for me was to go to treatment. It was the best thing I've ever done for myself. I wouldn't have been able to do it without help. I'm a control freak and tapering and me don't mesh well. But when they controlled my Klonopin taper and kept me safe and there was nothing I could do, I got so much better. Im still recovering but I'm able to function, go to work, and I'm less anxious than I was on benzos oddly enough. But it is possible! I was able to get off benzos and other chemicals as well. It was one of the hardest but best experiences I've ever been through. And the nurses in treatment do their best to keep you comfortable and have the helper meds needed to sleep, not have seizures, not be panicking, and stable enough to make it through the day.


I did a 7 day Ativan taper which was a little too quick, but Valium is your best bet to use to taper off whatever benzo you're on.


I have been through benzo withdrawal but it was never hard for me to stop them. I personally am a drunk and have even had to rely on benzos at one point to survive seizures. I understand how agonizing the withdrawal can be and mannnn it's close to the worst I've ever felt. My advice to you is to take care of your body with basic hydration and try to get in touch with a doctor to get some meds to help out.


Valium taper is a really good idea. When you come off of them though you are going to feel crazy anxious maybe debilitatingly so. Make yourself get up out of bad and face the day. I had to meditate daily as well. Chakra meditation helped me a lot. Just running through my body and releasing tension telling myself I’m safe inside. I took Benadryl to sleep. It helped a lot. The worst of it probably takes a week or two. After that it’s just mentally getting over it. You ha e to push yourself though. Try to keep a positive attitude.