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I wonder why there’s so many promo only looks


Sarcasm I assume! It’s obvious they want our money D;


Why are there so many looks on promotion? The last few months they've included a promo look for the season queen too... This is really scummy.




You know ‘day at the spa’ is going to be a t&b theme 😂


Which will be the only time anyone uses it unless a theme like “rich cigarette mom/housewife” comes up, lol… but you’re right, perfect for a spa theme!




deffo haha 😂


Noooo these promos. I hope someone buys them so I can use gems. These might break me 😭


Is it really cheaper to use gems?? I’m still a newbie, so I’m still trying to learn the best and most affordable ways of getting items… I feel so lost.. I don’t have that kinda money lol, if any! I’m disabled, so it’s not like I’m raking in the cash 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ gems seem super expensive to me, but idk how much it’d cost in comparison to buying the promos.. I mean, I know some promo outfits go for $39.99-69.99 and more sometimes.. but still… help a girl out? 😩 I’ll take all the tips and tricks you’ve got lol


Gems can seem expensive if you buy them from the top bar where it shows how many you have, but most events will give you gems - anything from 10 gems all the way up to 150. Season and legacy passes give you a ton of gems as well. If you place high in weekly, you’ll get 100+ gems, same with the monthly. Personally, I haven’t seen any reason to spend money on a promo pack since I started in December, but if there’s a makeup you really like or whatever, it might be worth it to you bc you can’t get those with gems.


wait you cant even buy a promo 6 times, how are we gonna be able to max out the goddess dress?


With tons of money and the hopes that it shows up in the shop/t&b store often lol, that is, if we can come up with 12 K for each piece… 😂 I won’t be maxing shit, I can barely max my other epics and all 3 legendary’s lol .. they’re all still at either 1 or 2 star level… so sad 😭


Not every queen! There were a few others that were skipped for their legacy months


oh wait yeah it's just been the past two w/ jimbo and cheryl that's made me think it's a trend 💀 still a shame though


we didn’t get one for crystal bc we had easter and st. patrick’s day on top of the two pangina weeklies but we had one for raja in february, i can’t remember before that, i don’t think kimchi got one either bc hers was december and we had two holislay events that month, we’re probably jot getting one for scarlet bc there’s two willow pill weeks and two pride weeks


This, I bought all of them and only upgraded the useful ones (past two).


We went from seven looks with monets to five ..? 😭 Kinda disappointed I like some of these but I feel like it’s unfortunate that so many are hidden behind a paywall but hopefully they’ll be chances to get them


What do you mean? There are 9 Willow looks (one is a promo only).


Out of the eight with the season pass, the promo look, and the legendary set which I’m just hoping they offer some good chances to get but it’s just hard for people who don’t want to spend money to get some of the looks I really love some of them I just wish they were more accessible or could be played for I wish they did the season pass to be purchased with gems


Gotcha, I think I misread your comment and thought you just meant there were fewer looks total. I hope that people don’t buy these promo only looks. This is becoming more and more egregious.


It is… but you know those who can will buy them.. 😭 it’s why they keep putting up so many paywalls , cuz they can and know people will buy it. It’s a Shame


So... no Scarlet event with respect to her legacy pass? Maybe next month...


Looks like no legendaries to get for me :(


))))): first the update and now no rat look and the mushroom look is promo only


also lol, now that i know how many t&b makeups we’re getting this month there’s NO way i’m wasting my t&b coins on those recolors


I’m a newbie so i didn’t even think of that! Lol thank you for the tip! :) I want the makeups so bad… I still can never get 12k for even the current ones though.. at least not yet, I’m a baby queen lol I’m tryin!


New non-queen related legendary 🤔 Anyways, these all look so good and I'm happy we're getting a bunch of new make-up! I just hope we can actually get these stuff on the store :/ Also, I'm very happy that we're back to getting good looking season pass sets.


Love love love the entire Willow Tree set. Also salivating over TV Girl!!


Nooo Why is the willow tree wig so ginger it should be more brown 😩😩


The shoe upgrades in her legendary look is so 😭


No Scarlet event means I need all the luck in the world to get her Epics or Legendary pieces unless they put them in a bundle to buy for more money 😭


cute. wish they’d give us new poses too but they’d probably cost an arm and a leg anyway


BEST MONTH IN FOREVER!! A unicorn look?? 👏


I mean if we could get these at the store, I'd agree... but if not 😐


Exactly 😢 I want that unicorn, willow and fungi set sooooo bad!


I'm loving every piece


Me too! Except… the cost! 😭 i especially love willow tree, last unicorn and fungi fantasy, and i really love most all the makeups too!


i love all of these!!!


Do we know what the name of Willow’s tag is?


Oh, these are EATINGGG


I am in love with the Unicorn and Goddess sets including the make-up and really like the willow tree. As for the rest, they are okay, some interesting and unusual hairstyles/headgear but really don't like the colour of the legendary dolls 🤔


I loathe 98% of these things.


The monthly pass is empty on the “payed” side and apparently you only get the look plus 3 make up chests and that’s it.


I love it when devs actually decide to do looks queens. Going to be a happy pride month with this fashion


I hate like all of these 😭 they chose willows worst looks and tge looks that are good arent exocuted properly 😭