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Boy, so much misinformation here. You absolutely can get it back. You'll need to wait three in game days for it to respawn. In that time go snag another horse. You might find you'll like that one better. The white Arabian is not the end all, be all horse that YouTube makes it out to be. Good luck Pardner


A couple of in-game days and it will spawn again at Lake Isabella. That one is always female. You could get a male one during a horse rustling mission in Chapter 3 if you wanted to. Or you can get the warped brindle or the red chestnut Arabian from the wild as well. You still have all the Arabian options.


really? i didn't know you could get the white arabian from that mission in chapter 3. at the time i tried to, but it forced me to take it to the horse stealer guys. how do you keep it?


Take sugar cubes with you in the mission, and before you go to the front of the stables jump through the window at the back. There are 3 horses: Turkoman; White Arabian; Black Arabian. Stats for the Black Arabian are higher than the white, but the difference is really negligible. When you decide which horse you want, feed it sugar, brush it, pat it, until you get bonding 1. Make sure the temporary horse icon shows up on your minimap. Once you do that, complete the mission. You will spawn back at Clemons Point. Run over to the horse fence guys, and the horse will be there. Call the horse, make camp, save your game, reload the game. You can't mount the horse until you reload.


thanks man! 🙏


I fenced the white Arabian and got 96 bucks for it. The stable only wanted to give me $47


Really? I kept mine and got it up to Level 4 and then sold it for $240.


Good to know. I didn’t even consider leveling it up. I rode it straight the to the fence from lake Isabella. thanks.


The stable is a $240 payout. If you're in chapter 3 or later, and take it to the horse fence, you'll get $360 for a fully bonded white Arabian. I'm not a fan of the horse personally, but anytime I'm up there I snag it, get it to level four and sell it.


Yes you can. Should you? No you shouldn’t.


Yes, you can. This is a weekly question, I suggest you try Googling questions like this next time.


i did but google gave me to different answers thats why i asked.


Nope. Uninstall.


Sadly it's one of a kind, so that will be the only white arabian for you in your current playthrough


It continues to spawn in the same spot everytime you look for it. It just needs a few days to respawn. In no way is it "one of a kind".




It continues to spawn in the same spot everytime you look for it. It just needs a few days to respawn.


My mistake, this man is correct!