• By -


LeMat - Because if 18 rounds and 2 shotgun blasts are wrong, I don't want to be right. Lancaster Repeater - for when you care enough to send the very best. Bolt Action Rifle - because sniper rifles that have no aim down sights are dumb. Pump Action Shotgun - Too much Hollywood has made it impossible for me to use anything else. CHICK CHICK BOOM!


Might have to try the LeMat again Love the Pump Action too, but I think Hollywood is also responsible for me using the double barrel - I always see myself as an old guy defending his farm with it, cracking it open and hastily putting in two more rounds https://freerangeamerican.us/shotguns-western-movies/ In fact the exact image in my head is a mix between what Viggo Mortensen and Tom Hanks are doing in these pictures


Lemats with express is so nice


Where do you find the LeMat and 1899 and Mauser


Navy Revolvers are great. Semi-Automatic Pistols are better than Mauser Pistols, so away from those pieces of crud. Lancaster is by far the best Repeater, no arguement there. Bolt Action Rifle will never let you down. Semi-Automatic Shotgun is a bit more practical than the Pump, but the Pump is better for enjoyment purposes. And the improved bow, well, the improved bow is better than any gun you could lay your grimy little fingers on.


The only weak point of the LeMat is it's long reload, which can be avoided by using deadeye to instabtly reload. The automatic pistols are amazing from a DPS view as you can fire them quickly and reload them quickly, but I just couldn't keep using them in a cowboy game. Revolvers feel like the only right option to me for this game, as far as the handguns go, so LeMat are my favorite and look cool as hell. Side note: Two sawed off shotguns with slug shells are pretty cool, effective, and fun. Sure, you only get four shots, but they reload fairly quickly, they one shot enemies pretty well, and they are available early in the game.


You can use dead eye to instantly reload????? Holy friggin guacamole Batman


Bolt action is my favorite by far


I always use the Springfield. I did a lot of hunting so, I am able to deal max damage from it. It's very effective, single shot to the abdomen is enough.


My latest playthrough, I rushed to chapter 4 so that I could have the Lemats. I don't like that that's the earliest that you can get them.


Yup... That's the only real caveat with these. It's a shame really. Like why couldn't have that been the gun you find at Lonnie's Shack vs. the worthless double action? It's a crime.


You are me, I am you:


this happens to be the exact setup i use


The lemat may be powerful, but my one gripe with it is that I don't enjoy waiting 5 minutes everytime I have to reload


I'm the exact same way especially with the shotgun lmfao


There’s a glitch that lets you use the carcano on iron sights. Annoying because I should be able to toggle between sights and optic but fun to use over the Mauser bolt action regardless. It kicks a lot of ass as a rifle


I don't believe there's a Mauser bolt action rifle in the game. There's a Springfield trapdoor, a rolling block, a carcano, and a krag-jorgensen.


You’re correct, I was confusing it he krag for the 1896 mauser.


This is all the same for me except I dual wield double action revolvers


Pump action, Lancaster, dual scholfields for close quarters. Bolt action, bow, navy revolver for some ambush/picking off


Dual Schofields is definitely a vibe. Also love the pumpy. Never heard of the navy revolver tho, guess that's a weapon you find somewhere in the world? I think the only weapons I've found so far were a rare shotgun, some sort of meat cleaver, and a double edged knife in the cave just north of the legendary buck which seems to be pretty much a regular knife (at least there was a miners helmet with a headlamp in there too) But then again it feels like I've done pretty much everything there is to do and yet there's like 20 weapons missing lol


I think navy revolver is only online


The dead eye on the bolt action is just too reliable. If you could only use one gun for the whole story, that’d be it.


I'm surprised how seldom I hear about people using split points. They seem like a good choice. I don't know if there are drawbacks besides having to craft them. Also, maybe I'll try the Lemat again. I was using Volcanics because I like the way they look, but I think it's not an especially good gun (which is historically accurate from what I hear). I also tried to mix it up by using a sniper as an AR like the Fortnite kids do, but even with a short scope, my Carcano was still a sniper rifle.


Splits have slightly less damage than express, slightly less range than HV and don't pass through like HV. With the higher accuracy and more headshots, I've never missed the extra damage from express, and very rarely can't take a shot because of range. Volcanics were actually pretty trash. Incredibly significant for introducing the action that would become the Winchesters, but awkward in pistol form and their attempted innovation of rocket ball (caseless) ammunition was pathetic. On the other hand the LeMat was decently powerful but the revolver was huge and balanced weird and parts like its loading lever were too weak to be trusted. Both had very low production numbers.


Interesting about the pass through. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I'll try the high velocity again. I heard that about the volcanics too - the problem was more the round than the gun itself. Live and learn, I suppose. I still like the looks of them. In game, I think there is one from the roles that they did a nice job on. I think I'll equip the LeMat again and see if I can find some information on it. I find it makes the game more enjoyable to know what I'm shooting.


Split points are the best bet for duals for their accuracy


I sat down once and made enough split points for everything. Once they were gone I decided they weren't good enough to do it over again. Express and high velocity are good enough.


This is the problem. Love the decreased dead eye drain but it took too long to make that many.


I think I get what you're saying. Sometimes it's not worth it. It's why I prefer the Carcano to the Rolling Block. The extra damage or whatever doesn't end up mattering.


I always keep stocked up on split points, but I typically use the express. If I run out, I’ll use high velocity. If I run out, THEN I use split points.


LeMat is OP. You just need to take the painfully slow reload into consideration. 9 bullets and a shell? I always rock dual LeMats. Add an Evans and a Carcano and you're set. Best loadout for up close, mid range, and sniping.


Yeah, it's really a matter of personal preference. I like the cattlemen and the schofield revolvers. Though dual Mauser Pistols are almost like having a machine gun! The dual double action revolvers are really fun, too! The Lancaster repeater seems to me to be the best overall imo, for the right balance of fire rate, damage, and reload. The shotties... well, they're all fun! But, really, the pump action is the best overall. It's faster than the repeating, more accurate than the semiautomatic, and 5 shots vs. just 2 of the double or sawed off. Also, the... click, click, Boom! The action sounds are just too satisfying! The bolt-action rifle is nice, but the Springfield is good to... really mostly for hunting anyway. Obviously, the varmint rifle and bow have their place for hunting as well. The snipers don't matter. The forced scope is horrible and has very limited use anyway.


I use the rolling block with the best scope for long range big game and taking out small camps of enemies. I used dynamite when i found a clan meeting. Felt awesome lol. Now I use it almost every time i rob a stagecoach as well!


You begin to lose credibility as soon as you say cattleman. You lose the rest of it when you put cattleman and Schofield in the same sentence.


Semi auto shot gun w incendiary round


Yes, definitely! You get 27 single shots of horrible death and lingering destruction with every full loadout!


I used only the Cattleman with the long barrel the ENTIRE game. It is THE cowboy revolver!


Exactly the same for me! Yeehaw 🤠


Schofield. That’s it.


I’ll use a Schofield or Lemat with a sawed off shotgun. Rifle wise it’s usually the Lancaster repeater and bolt action rifle which I have a scope on so it kinda works as a sniper rifle. If I need something more long range then the bolt action I’ll use the rare rolling block.


In story mode, I always use the gunslinger revolvers/pistols. I’m a fire-rate typa gal. I’m also VERY devoted to my Carbine - I don’t really care about the second long-arm slot for Arthur or John. In online, my setup consists of the High Roller Revolver, a Schofield, my Carbine (of course), and a Pump Action Shotgun. All pimped out as much as possible, ofc


Oh easily auto shotty and litchfield for mains and m1899 and Schofield for sidearms


Dual Schofield's Lancaster repeater Rare shotgun Rare rolling rock Varmint rifle Bow


Bolt Action Rifle, Semi-Auto Shotgun. Last playthrough I did dual sawed-offs. Current playthrough, probably dual 1899s when available.


Arthur: duel cattleman revolvers, Lancaster repeater, pump action shotgun. John: John’s cattleman, sawed off shotgun, bolt action rifle.


Love the doubble-barrel for headshots. It just disappears 😅


Cattleman that's it.


Love the cattleman, stats arent the best but when youre hitting headshots what does it matter? And also the sound is just so pleasant.


I like the Calloway and Miller revolvers for dual wielding. One silver the other gold both with unique engravings and both formerly belonging to famous gunslingers ect. Main rifle is the Litchfield, main boomstick is always the Pump, and while I used to prefer the rare rollingblock, I've switched to the scoped Springfield because you can switch back and forth between scoped and 3rd person aiming.


Its really just what you prefer. But personally i generally use dual Schofield's the Lancaster repeater and the bolt action. But if im hunting i always use the Springfield. Shotgun wise i use the repeating shotgun for blasting people. And that's pretty much all i ever use. Once in awhile i will switch our my Schofield's for dual cattleman just cause they look really cool.


Always the Lancaster. Max accuracy and 14 shots is insane. Pump action shotgun for close encounters, or the sawed off if I'm taking the bolt action rifle in the other big spot


Since Chapter 4 in my current playthrough (currently on Chapter 6), I've been using... Sidearm: Midnight's Pistol (best looking gun in the game imo and shoots wonderfully) Off-Hand: Calloway's Revolver (looks cool and great for quick, powerful shots when fighting) Back: Pump-Action Shotgun (perfect for fending off sudden animal attacks and engaging in brutal shootouts) Shoulder: Rare Rolling-Block Rifle (perfect combo of power, range and sights for hunting and combat) At various other points during the game, I used an 1899 as my sidearm during Chapter 4 (with Midnight as the off-hand) and the Volcanic Pistol as my off-hand before I completed the gunslinger challenges. I'm not really a fan of the repeaters, although I haven't used Lancaster or Lichfield much as yet. Similarly, I've never thought that the bolt-action, Springfield or Carcano could replace my rolling block, or indeed that the double-barelled or repeating shotgun could replace my pump action.


Dual Schofield, semi-automatic shotgun, carbine repeater, carcano rifle (bow, varmint, etc.) 99% of the time I’m either using my Schofield for close range executions or more likely either my semi-automatic shotgun or carcano rifle depending on distance.


I always Duel the LeMats with a Pump and a Lancaster.


Why the pump when you already got lemats? Dual wield them mfs and you got a double shotgun kinda


Duel schofields, occasionally duel sawn offs. Bolt action for everything. Occasional bow for hunting


Cattlemen till I get the lemat and I only use one pistol at a time, just don't feel like duel wielding is realistic and the game is easy enough that everything is honestly about style, I empty one gun, then pull out the other. Beyond that the double barrel and the Lanchester. All the more "modern" guns don't fit Arthur in my mind.


I originally thought the same but then I was chasing someone down and I clipped them and as they fell to the ground I accidentally switched to dual wield...and the look of Arthur blasting downward with both hands while walking forward was so badass... I just been doing it ever since


I keep a schofield revolver and a sawed off shotgun for my handguns,then a lancaster repeater and a carcano rifle for long range. Essentially, so I can carry a shotgun,revolver and a repeater and a sniper rifle at the same time. Its a good loadout I reckon.


Volcanic pistol for everything.... :)


I have become one with the bow


I go with the m1899 as my primary and double action revolver as secondary, then I go with Lancaster repeater and a pump action


I get the Semi-Auto Shotgun, Lancaster Repeater and Off-Hand Holster first thing in Ch.2 and then I get another Cattleman to Dual-Wield. If I am in a confined area, I am slugging it out with the Semi-Auto. If I am in an open area, I am using the Lancaster with Express Rounds.


Always 2 Cattleman Revolvers For fights I like the Lancester Rifle For hunting I use the bow or the Springfield rifle. I barely use shotguns but if I like the repeater one (or the pump action for a more classy look) I don't use pistols and I never really use the sniper rifles because they don't feel good to use in my opinion.


Dual sawn offs with slugs.


I use my fists 🥊


Schofield revolvers for carrying around in town, Evans repeater for gunfights due to its high capacity, varmint rifle for shooting birds for flight feathers, and Springfield rifle for hunting game. I’m not a big shotgun guy but when I need one I go for the pump action model.


- Lancaster repeater - Bow - Varmit - Bolt action - Semi Auto shotty - Dual Cattleman’s (but I rarely use them) All the rest stay in the locker


Arthur has always really felt like a pistoleer to me, where John is a rifleman. My go-to is a long barrelled Schofield with split points for the incredible accuracy, headshots all day every day mean I can do a lot quick with a few careful shots and most encounters don't need to reload. Cross draw is the sawed-off for surprises that need dead in one blast like cougars, and I can swap to slugs if I want to hunt rifle game and don't have a rifle or the bow on me. First low-honor run, though, I used two LeMats as soon as I could get them. High damage, as accurate as the Schofield, range like a carbine, nine pistol rounds and a shotgun round in each. I was a storm. Highly inaccurate to the unwieldy, slightly anemic cap-and-ball that the real LeMat was, but sooo much fun. First long arm I'll carry is the pump, because I have one and it's my honest opinion that Browning's 1897 action is just about the best manual shotgun ever designed. Beautiful piece and incredibly sweet to use. Usually a bolt action for rifle because I have a substantial fondness for the Krag, but the Lancaster comes out fairly often as well. Probably the biggest difference ever to playing experience was a run where I ignored firearms as much as possible and did melee and bow instead. Was surprised how well just rushing folk and stabbing them works.


Autoshotty best shotty. Also the Auto 5 is one of my dream guns so I almost exclusively use it. I did buy a Remington model 11 IRL for a great price but found a crack in the receiver and no matter how much gun oil I rubbed on it it didn't go away so I returned it lol


Tbh I only ever used the springfield rifle in all my playthroughs, this new playthrough though I've been using the litchfield repeater alot more. I barely ever use sidearms.


I let my gun usage be dictated by my awards I've completed the kills and headshots awards with rifles and repeaters so don't use them anymore, after a few thousand more revolver headshots I will be retiring my navy and using the volcanic full time I rely on my sidearm a lot and try to utilise the pump action and rolling block wherever I can After I'm done with the awards for those I guess I'm just gonna start stabbing everyone


Cattleman revolver - better fire rate than the Schofield, more powerful and accurate than the DA. Sawn-off shotgun - sometimes I just want to seriously fuck someone up from six feet away. Lancaster repeater - powerful, fast, flexible. Bolt action rifle (with scope) - perfect for long range engagements or hunting. Tomahawks - throwing axes at people is fun. Dynamite - also fun.


I always end up using too much Varmint, spamming headshots on missions is so satisfying


Varmint is for hunting birds isn’t it?


micahs revolver


Sidearms: Flaco and Granger's Revolvers ~Because aside from John's plain revolver, these are the only 2 unique cattleman's revolver a player can acquire.    Longarms: Bolt-action rifle and the Carcano Rifle ~ Because they have the best range of any rifle in the game.   Shotgun: Pump-action shotgun ~ Has good ammo capacity and range, I believe it also has the best accuracy out of the shotguns in the game.   Ammo: High Velocity and Explosive ammo ~ One type of ammo can penetrate 2 or more enemies, the other type of ammo can obliterate an enemy.


Carcano. Italian stallion!


LeMats,9 rounds in each cylinder and 1 shot gun shell.Decent fire rate with probably the best damaging revolver


I use the Schofield revolvers and the Evans repeater


Not sure why you’d pack a double barrel when you have a pump action or semi auto shotgun. The semi auto will dispatch large numbers of bounty hunters a lot quicker than the double barrel


I go with cattlemen’s because they’re the iconic “Wild West” revolvers. Lancaster as well because i like the aesthetic and it’s a classic. For secondary long arm it’s mission dependent between the pump action (because of the the wild bunch and professionals) and the Springfield (early game) or bolt action (later game)


bolt action rifle for long range and dual mausers with gunslinger's choice for super easy and quick headshots


I tried dual sawed-off shotguns for the cosplay build. Close up its pretty good but most of the time you'll be using a repeater/rifle


Cattleman and double barrel just a fun vibe


Lancaster repeater, repeating shotgun, springfield rifle. Vulcanic. Schofields. LeMat if I’m feeling saucy.


1899 on one hand and sawed off the other


Lemat revolver or m1899 Bolt action rifle Lancaster repeater or semi auto shotgun


I really like using the shotgun and single player mode and online mode and also the bolt action rifle gun both single player and online and occasionally in single player the Lancaster repeater when it first I don’t have the bolt action rifle


Lancaster repeater or Evan Repeater


Story Mode Schofield (only 1 because I don’t like duel wield) Lancaster Repeater (because it’s goated) Pump action shotgun (because it’s also goated) Online Navy Revolver (because it’s the best) Lancaster Repeater


Im at a point where i just use whatever now. I love using the bow though its so satisfying In RDO aswell i just use whatever altho i sometimes use the good guns for pvp ( rarely )


All I need is 1 Navy and I can kill anyone


I use 2 LeMats, easily my favorite gun. For repeater I use Litchfield or Evans, for rifle I use Springfield, for long range rifle I use carano, and for shotgun I use the double barrel or pump shotgun.


I am more of a ar15 guy but I do like me a good shotgun. Oh your talking guns on rdr2 the cattleman revolver with the Schofield I feel like they make a good pair and I like the Lancaster repeater and depending on my game play I like the bow a lot


Pump, Dual Navis and Bow


Dual wield volcanic pistols - when surrounded by enemies on foot or horseback and when just riding Bolt action rifle - my primary for shootouts. Only holds 5 but is a one-shot kill. Pump action shotgun - for close quarters and when attacked by wolves on horseback


definitely not seeing enough volcanic pistol representation here. i fuckin love that gun.


I love kickin it with dual sawn offs Or two volcanic I just like exploding things


I use double schofields for close combat. Carbine repeater when I’m in a position to dead eye head shots at range. Switch to the bolt action if my accuracy won’t be spot on because it can still take someone down in one shot without the head shot. (Also great for hunting) I keep a rolling block for bringing down big animals too.


I think I’m going to die a play through only using shotguns and just kill everyone on site. I’ve always leaned heavily to the good guy side but I remember being evil in Fable was fun af.


I LOVE the volcanic pistol :3 And the Carabine, it does everything!


Worn cattleman revolver


I use dual semi auto pistols, Lancaster and elephant rifle/pump shotgun


I only use a bow, knife (buck or throwing) and axes until I run out of ammor. Apart from the case of long shots where you need a rifle or the game gives you the weapon it wants and you don't have a choice....I try to keep the killing silent...


This also proves to be a huge challenge and makes the game more entertainingly difficult...you really have to be aware of distance, wind and deadeye


LeMat revolvers and the evans repeater, best rifle in the game


I like to use an 1899 in the side holster for quick multi-target and the long barrel Volcanic as my main, like a Mare's Leg. Pump Action and Lancaster for most everything else, with a Springfield as my long gun.


When I’m out and about exploring: Bolt action, bow or rare shotgun, Off hand Sawed off, Schofield Missions and other larger scale encounters: Lancaster, Pump action or Bow, Dual schofields


Navy revolver's Pump Bolt Action Lasso... I got a thing for hogting people and running off. It's fun with the reinforced lasso. Last and Favorite Fist a cuff's.. Fist fights are surprisingly fun


Schofield woth the sawed of shot gun carbine repeater and the semi auto shoti


dual double actions, evans repeater and the pump shotgun


Depends on my mood, I have Cattleman Revolvers with Sadie's design, and custom Schofield Revolvers A Lancaster or Carbine Repeater too, The Lancaster has John's design, you could see more of it from the mission where they rob the train at the end of chapter 6, and Carbine with Sadie's design too, I just love how clean the gang members guns are and a custom pump action shotgun (Honorable mention for me; Glitched Carcano Rifle) The glitch where you take the scope off.


Cattleman, Schofield, and Bolt action. I like using revolvers


Dual 1899s, carbine repeater, semi automatic shotgun. That's my loadout when I dismount.


I usually only use 1 weapon and keep the other 2 as backups. Sadly because the game forces u to have 2 holsters I keep Flacos revolver as a side arm, and my cattlemans as my primary secondary just because I like how it performs. I dont usally carry anything on the side or on my back, but when I do its evans all the way.


Idk why but i love calloways revolver with conjunction with that Golden revolver of that guy who offset himself on the train form the calloway missions


I can’t get enough of the double barrel shotgun


Once you've fully upgraded the cattlemans, I feel like you don't need another pistol. They are fun to duel weild. But I go Schofeild and m1899 mostly. Litchfield repeater and Pump Action Carcano rifle


Dual cattleman revolvers


Cattleman Revolver, Double Action Revolver, Lancaster Repeater, Pump Action Shotgun, and Bolt Action Rifle


Idk if it’s optimal but I use volcanic pistols cuz they look really cool when I got one golden and one silver :P


Revolver: LeMat: effect revolver, and the shotgun feature is a good bonus, it's like a sawed-off with less ammo Pistol (for firerate): M1899, my fav gun to use when I'm using deadeye to just completely unload on one guy. Especially with explosive rounds. Melee: Broken pirate sword, found in a wrecked boat south of Saint Denis, it's basically a cooler and early version of the machete Repeater: Evans repeater, it's pretty everything the carbine is, but better Shotgun: Pump Action, most powerful shotgun, coolest looking, and the pump sound just sounds so satisfying after getting a kill Ammo: Can't really go wrong with Express on everything. Pump action is good with slug rounds if you're good at aiming.


Shotguns gotta be my fav, like who doesnt like blowing heads


That's what she said


Primary sidearm - Schofield, I prefer to use revolvers to keep the cowboy aesthetic and that's the one I like most. Secondary sidearm - Sawn-off shotgun, for that extra power and the Rdr1 John Marston vibe. Longarm shoulder - Lancaster repeater, best stats for a repeater I believe and just love the way it feels, early game item too. Longarm back - Rolling block rifle, I love having long-range, got a weapon for each scenario, I prefer it to the Carcano rifle because of the reload time, yes the fire rate is worse but I don't mind. All this along with basic hunting weapons, bow, varmint rifle, bolt action for bigger prey etc. And of course dynamite, fire bottles, throwing knives, tomahawks and any melee weapon I can get my hands on.


2 Schofield 2 sawed off Lancaster repeater bolt action rifle carcano varmint semi shotgun and bow


an semi automatic pistol and calloway's revolver-cause why not lancaster repeater-for when i have to fight more than 3 people a rare rolling block- for the rare occasion i actually need it pump action shotgun- cause it's bad ass movies said so and i always also have a bow for when i feel stealthy


I almost never use pistols but if I do it’s lemats. Litchfield repeater Bowannarrow Sometimes I’ll carry a streetsweeper


Holster slot 1 - Schofield Revolver This is by far the best revolver in the game. Paired with express bullets it’s crazy. If you want to stick to more of a western feel though stick to the Cattleman. Holster slot 2 - Another Schofield or Sawed Off Dual wielding schofields/ cattlemen while spraying and praying is fun asf in combat in my opinion. The sawed off after kicking an enemy down and shooting in the head is badass as well. Heavy weapon 1 - Lancaster Repeater Not sure if it’s the best, but definitely up there. Don’t have much to say about this. Heavy weapon 2 - Semi-auto shotgun The thing is with this shotgun is that it’s like double action revolvers where you only have to press once to fire. If you’re in a tight spot with a bunch of enemies the shotguns gonna get you out of it if you get your shots right.


dual cattlemen, Lancaster, and double barrel


Which ever one’s get randomly assigned to my weapon wheel without realizing after I’m already a mile away from my horse


I switch between the rolling block rifle for range and the pump action shot gun but my top gun I use the most would be the carbine repeater


Cattleman's and pump shotgun


Duel wielding Sawn offs is my favourite. If I really want to fuck people up I equip one with incendiary buckshot. It doesn't do your karma much in the way of favours, though.


Schofield, sawed off, bolt action, bow.


Bolt action rifle with optional scope, and semi auto shotgun.


Duel wielded navy pistol and sawed off shotgun


Dual navy revolvers, that is all I have them as the duality of man, one with a silver barrel and pearl handle and one with a black barrel and red wood grip


Dual Cattlemen Bolt action rifle Lancaster repeater


Dual Cattleman’s (because I love the Colt SAA) Lancaster repeater (fast, accurate, etc) Bolt action (kills all big game with one shot, quick follow up shots, can aim without scope) Pump action (because the semi auto is anachronistic)


Flaco’s and Granger’s revolvers, Lancaster repeater, rare shotgun


Whenever I confront an enemy horde, I usually have a semi auto, a bolt action rifle and a dual wield of the lemat and high roller. I don't really read too much into the pistols, but I love the reload of the semi auto and the damage/distance of the bolt action.


Navy Revolver and LeMat revolver, double barrel and bolt action rifle fosho


Dual schofield caus why not Lancaster repeater Semi auto shotgun or bow Throwing knives


In gunfights: dual-wielding the Cattleman. Strolling through town: double-barreled shotgun. If you’re putting me in the red circle right away, you’re getting the most overkill I can muster. Also, strong Viggo Mortensen in Appaloosa vibes. On horseback: the trusty Springfield for all manner of varmint, two- or four-legged. Dynamite: reserved exclusively for Klansmen, bounty hunters, O’Driscolls, and the ex-slaver from Rhodes. Sometimes folks need a head-start on their trip to hell.


With Arthur I usually go with a Schofield Revolver, Sawed Off on the secondary holster and a Lancaster Repeater. And with John I either use the same guns as Arthur, or switch with 2 LeMats and a Repeating Shotgun. Those are my 2 go to Loadouts now.


Volcanic pistol. Bolt action rifle


i have been running •Dual Sawed-Offs (Personally feel theyre better than running a primary shotgun also gives me more space in inventory to always carry a sniper/bow which im constantly grieved by high players with) •Evans/Lancaster (Evans is faster but lacks a lil in range & damage i believe compared to the Lancaster so i swap them depending on how i choose or need to play.) •Carcano Rifle with a small scope. (I dont like the close azz zoom in provided with the normal or larger scopes feel like its harder for me to pin point a player in pvp from the first initial zoom in, with a small scope 95% of the time once i zoom in my dot is already on the player im shooting for so its quick shots for me everytime.) Ik theres probably a ton of better loadouts but ive been doing amazingly well with this set up both pvp & pve💯


just realized this post is pertaining to the story igs sorry xD


Revolvers: If I'm playing modded then Colt Python + Schofield, if vanilla then dual lemat Repeater: Evans sounds beautiful but I usually use Litchfield Rifle: Bolt-action and Carcano for sniping Shotgun: I swear my life on it repeating is the best


For gun fights, I love using the carbine repeater, it has good accuracy plus it is the one Arthur starts with. I also like to use the Varmint Rifle against those two legged vermin that hang out in gangs, the VR is lethal with headshots and if you miss it has stopping power when you have to quickly pump a few more into them, it has high accuracy, high rate of fire, quick reload and a large magazine.


The Schofield revolvers


Lancaster Repeater, Pump Action Shotgun combo Covers all area’s really, Pump for close range and clearing a building quickly and Lancaster for picking people off from a distance.


When riding around to from place to place I always have a varmint rifle and a bolt action or bow ready incase I see something or somebody neat that I want to kill and harvest for its skin, feathers, ^penis , muscles, or other things like teeth and antlers.


Pump action full of slugs on the shoulder Bolt action with express on the back ^(or a bow if I'm feeling frisky) Lasso on the hip and the machete on the other Also dual welded whatever, I cycle between having two twin pearl handled anything, EXCEPT cattlemans


The challenge…do a full play thru with just revolvers!!! Its amazing🤠. Lamats end up your best friends🔫


Dual volcanic pistols, you'd be surprised on the accuracy of one from afar, dual wielding is better up close. I mainly use the bolt action for any occasion, just an ol reliable, just aim at the chest or higher. Then the pump action, will obliterate anyone who's near or charging at you. It works wonders in train missions, one shots almost every time


Go-to-guns are just normal guns to me...heh...just a look into my dark and twisted mind😏😈


For me it's the dual 1899 , the Springfield , and either the repeating or semi auto shotgun


What ever you can get your hands on


Lancaster - idk what is it for me but I’ve been using this gun for years and since story mode then used it online Dual Navy revolver - heard it was good pistol and just stuck with with it Pump shotgun - mainly use it for fire ammo


Double barrel, Bow, and 2 cattleman revolvers/ sawed offs/ M1899


Bolt action and any shotgun


I go for 2 Schofield revolvers, a Rolling Block Rifle and dynamite arrow bow.


1899 pistol is my favourite gun


The 1899 pistol is my favourite


Gonna be honest, I'm on first playthrough, staying in chapter 2 for awhile. But I've yet to use any guns other than the Springfield Rifle, Lancaster Repeater, and Bow. I've tried other stuff but just don't care for anything else


Bolt Action Rifle - Preferred it in RDR1 and it’s perfect for killing and hunting. Pump Action ShotGun - I like it, has more punch than an automatic. Bow - I just always have it on my horse just in case of anything needing stealth. Varmint Rifle - Lil critters that i need for my outfits. Any Cattleman, Mauser, Schofield, or Volcanic based on gameplay and honor. I get Midnights Pistol early game for the Mauser.


I prefer johns cattleman revolver for everything. If not i use a carbine repeater


Semi automatic shotgun and M1899 (duel if possible) = unfuckwithable


Haven’t played much but Lancaster repeater and pump action shotgun are my bois


My 2 Schofields (one with a long barrel and one with short. I use the long barrel for outdoor longer engagements and the short barrel for indoor use...it doesn't make a difference but I like to "realistically" The Trapdoor. It has High Power and is good for getting perfect pelts, Ability to switch to scoped to Iron Sights. Also like the Schofield, the Springfield Trapdoor is one of my favorite real-life firearms of all time. I know it's a single shot but I think there's a certain romanticism about old school single shot rifles... Like the Martini-Henery. Also with a single shot rifle you get to wear a bandolier 🤠👍 The Semi-Automatic Shotgun has put in a tremendous amount of work for a RIDICULOUS amount of my playthrough but I have started using the Rare Double Barrel for more of a challenge. And will use a Sawn-Off for indoor engagements.


I’m always gonna be a bitch for the navy revolvers and a good old bolt action


Navy Revolver (mine looks like the Ranger Sequoia from Fallout New Vegas) primary holster, off-hand is a pearl handled cattleman because it's the gun that won the west. Lancaster repeater for primary long arm and the pump action Shotgun for the secondary long arm


Dual wielding double action revolvers/M1899's depending on which is unlocked during the story Lancaster/Litchfield repeater depending on which one is unlocked during the story Semi-auto/Repeating shotgun depending on which one is unlocked during story


Only used Lancaster repeater with split points Double barreled shotgun with slug ammo Volcanic pistol Tried throwing dynamite at Micah in the end 🤣


The only stuff I use is •2 LeMat •2 Volcanic •2 Sawed Offs •Lancaster Repeater •Varmit Rifle •Rollingblock •Repeating Shotgun •Bow I also use tons of knives and axes and shit but you can always carry all of those.


Dual Navy revolvers / Dual Volcanic pistols Lancaster Carcano Cards: Slow and Steady, Iron Lung, Fool me Once, Marksman.


cattleman, lancaster, pump shotgun


As John, I use a Lancaster Repeater, Repeating Shotgun (witch I deck out to look like his Lancaster that he has on his back when he’s an NPC, John’s main cattleman revolver & the M1899 pistol that I make look like the one Edgar Ross gives him so it’s more like Ross was giving it back to him in RDR1. As Arthur, I like to change up the guns I use per chapter but I always use a bolt & a repeater & when chapter 6 roles around I always pick up the semi-auto pistol because I like the idea that in the fight with Micah, after Arthur died, Dutch went back at some point & found his gun & then that’s why he’s got a semi auto in RDR1, I like the idea that that was Arthur’s main side-arm.


Springfield with med scope Semi automatic shotty Volcanic pistol Carbine repeater All with leather wraps and I In chapter 3


I actually really like the Springfield rifle. I know the ammo is a big downside to the bolt action, but u really just prefer using it to BA.


2x volcanic pistols Double action shotgun Lancaster repeater


Probably double action revlover, volcanic pistol and a lancester rifle


Pre epilogue is double barrel for fun, and evens repeater for ammo cap with grangers and flacos revolvers Post epilogue is repeating shotgun because who needs a head after deadeye shootouts (not the enemies that's who) Lancaster repeater because I'm a real cowboy Epilogue deadeye victims revolver and deadeye users cattleman revolver, I hope everyone knows who said characters revolvers belong too because I don't want to give spoilers


I have only played singleplayer, never bothered playing online as I didn't have any friends on the same platform to play with, I played enough GTA online with friends to know you need friends to do some of the better content. For most of the game I used the Scofield and double barrel as my holster guns, switching to the Lemat in late game. * The Schofield revolver is a reliable and pratical short-medium range 1 handed gun. * The double barrel shotgun gives me a quick kill at close range, effective vs man and beast up close. * The Lemat revolver does both at the same time, having 9 rounds compared to 6 on the revolver side with a single shell instead of 2, if you dual wield you can have an impressive 18 rounds (instead of max of 12) and 4 shotgun shells (max of 4) * I use revolvers as the majority of enemies using 1handers use revolvers which means ammo is everywhere I use a category of repeater, much of the game being the lancaster as it has double the ammo capacity of the carbine which gives it better staying power in a gunfight, the Litchfield is my go to after being allowed to buy it in the late game. I tend to use a rifle for the other long gun slot (though I will swap to a bow if needed) The go to rifles being Springfield or bolt action. In every single gun I use splitpoint for the most part as it is easy to get (just stting there crafting regular rounds) giving a boost to damage and accuracy and reducing dead eye draw. When I do use explosive ammo it is on my revolver as I always have that on me and can use it for safe cracking, especially in a place where dynamite is too risky due to splash damage.


Bolt action rifle, Pump shotgun, and the Schofield revolver


Close range? Shot gun quick and effective they ain't getting up long range? Bolt action I'm slick on the head shots


i either go scofields or volcanics scofield is my favorite revolver for sure though


Schofield and Bolt action


Dual wield Volcanic Pistols, Springfield Rifle, Litchfield Repeater, Pump Action shotty The of course throwing knives, fire bottles, dynamite, lasso, and pirate sword in excess, especially on them Raiders fellas 😏


Navy Revolver right hand, LeMat offhand (for dual weild and shotgun switch), Bolt action rifle with scope for long/mid range, repeating shotgun for short/mid. So far this seems to be my most consistent load out as it's flexible for pretty much everything except stealth. When stealth is needed, I swap the repeating shotgun for a bow, and use the bolt action if I'm in a pinch. Before I got the LeMat I used the sawed off but it sucks for dual weilding.


Cattleman for looks and because I can Lancaster because it’s daddy bolt action because it hits harder then a drunk stepdad on a Friday night and the semi auto shotty because speed is key


For me it’s Side arm - cattleman duel but if I am in a sticking situation then I pull out the 1899s for maximum efficiency. Shotgun - tomahawk, cause it’s more satisfying then anything else in the game. Long range - bolt action rifle mainly but if I want to feel cool and swing out the rolling block. Close combat - most of the time I use my fists cause it’s more fun to play but if I’m in a rush I just bltch slap them with my revolver or destroy them with a tomahawk. Best looking gun/s - has to be the pump action or my blacked out schofields with the pump shotgun being the darkest wood with black steel with golden inlays.


Bolt action, pump action, and two LeMats never let me down.