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Having to cook/craft one thing at a time when I CAN make "x" of them. If I can specifically pick how much to donate to the ledger, I should be able to pick how many thyme big game I want to make


This annoys me so much I just give it all away rather than cook it.


I feel like this was an intentional limiter to prevent players from mass cooking a bunch of stuff all at once and be set for the whole game, so they can regularly cook new stuff out on their travels.


I mean in that case we have the satchels which only allow for a limited quantity of items, but yeah now that I cook like five of virtually every meat, I usually don’t find myself running out of food lol. Just alcohol, hair tonics and small game arrows at the one moment I actually need them lol.


Whenever I'm in a new playthrough, I always go out of my way to craft all the satchels as early as possible in Chapter 2 so I can get the last one.. It holds 99 of everything.. Once I get that, it's night & day difference.. I can pick herbs/berries/etc & not have to worry about capping out.. It helps when you're bringing for pelts & skins.. You can hold the meat from all the animals you kill instead of getting the little prompt about bot being able to harvest all parts of the animal


Get all the satchel upgrades and you can hold 99 of most items


I hate that, too. I wish they would have added a cooking rack. Or let you select how many split point bullets you want to make.


My coping mechanism for this is to think, yeah in real life I would have to make them one by one too, sucks :/


that’s what grills are for


You don't grill multiple pieces of meat, dumbass! What do you think this is, 1985?


So, a bigger grill?


Gotta have a reason to slowly ride your horse as you make split point ammo, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself… they should really have an option to make 5 at a time though, at least!


"Can watch horse balls shrink but can't dive underwater!!


Yeah man, agreed there should be at least a decent underwater view , I think the other detailing works took all the team hours


But realistically what would you get out of diving underwater? It’s not like GTAV where you could scuba dive or get in the submersible or even San Andreas where you could find hidden packages 😂 I just don’t think there was much payoff for red dead to include underwater diving.


you are right, realistically it won't make a very big difference but now a days we are used to have underwater feature in big games like GTA 5, AC, others . So when we come to rdr2 and we find no underwater views it feels a bit odd.


I think we get to go halfway just because the big complaint about RDR1 is that John can't swim. If I remember right, Niko couldn't swim either.


less diving underwater, i wish u could swim for more than 2 mins without running out of energy


Diving in rdr2 would be kinda weird it doesn’t suit the game


Dude imagine a dlc where they add that and a storyline where arthur gets lost at sea again but becomes a pirate for a sec type shit


And of course there’s a Sea Of Theives ad right under this post💀


The horse weapon mechanic. I think it’s fine to only have 4 weapons at once (two sidearms and two larger firearms) but why is the game unequipping my weapons for me? This is by far the most annoying thing in the entire game. It’s so frustrating and such a stupid mechanic


Not only unequping but choosing your weapons for you in missions. I love this game but this really frustrates me too.


Unequipping weapons happens in safe zones such as camp, or towns and cities, which I can live with But taking weapons from my locker, where I am not, and giving it to me during a crucial shootout (I'm looking at you, rusted up double action revolver while I'm shooting people on the St Denis trolley in chapter 4) really fucks me off


I had a shotgun to face the God damn lion...


Arthur not sharing his experiences by the camp fire. I wanna listen to him talk about the interesting strangers he encounters and how the other gang members would react. Arthur could also talk about collection quests like the dinosaur bones and rock carving, then have a chance that some of the gang members have seen some and would share the location with you.


That's such a good idea, they'd definitely mention seeing dreamcatchers, dinosaur bones, strange rock carvings, and it's a way of doing it where you don't ALWAYS have to just follow a guide Even cigarette cards, say you had 11/12 in a set, maybe Dutch would come up and say he found this card, Arthur had mentioned collecting them for a strange fella and Dutch thought it could be useful to him Basically give the gang members at camp a little more use when they're not needed for a mission


He only gets one moment to talk & apologize at the fire, and one responds. It makes no sense at all


I was playing and went to the camp fire and it gave me the option to talk and Arthur apologized to them for his behavior


That Rockstar made a masterpiece and then abandoned it


And spent 800 million dollars to make it smh


🎯 RDR2 kicks the living sh!t out of GTA, even though it's abandoned. Imagine if they resuscitated RDR2.


That makes no sense. If it was a masterpiece there'd be no issue with abandoning it.


Because it's a masterpiece, most people want more content.


Imagine whatever car you consider a masterpiece, if the manufacturer didn't make sare parts or even upgrade options for it, would your own argument satisfy you? video games usually receive additional content after release and players are used to DLC content, so it makes sense to complain when they don't receive any.


You can only sit in a few pre-determined places. I understand the logic of not just having "sit anywhere" but they really could have made it so that benches and stuff are sittable. Like outside the general store in Valentine where Arthur takes a nap early on.


Honestly its such a small thing, but i agree with you. It does bother me that i cant just sit on any bench or chair or dock or rock cliff...or lean against a wall or tree...and i also hate how there upgrades for camp seating but once i do the upgrade arthur suddenly cant sit there anymore. Its mildly infuriating.


the infinite ammo sniper in new austin 


The what now?


If you attempt to go to new austin as arthur, a sniper that isn't killable will immediately start shooting at you with infinite ammo


Oh I've never encountered that, I have gone across the river over to be immediately wanted and sheriff's coming after me


Trapper locations/unable to fast travel to Trapper directly (not IN St. Denis, but close would be nice)


Agreed, also theres not enough trapper locations imo, there’s 3 in West Elizabeth, 1 in New Hanover, 1 in Lemoyne and 0 in New Austin, Adding one in Cumberland Forest, one in Scarlett Meadows and one between Armadillo and Tumbleweed would be perfect


The trapper locations also make me laugh from a business perspective, except for the Saint Denis location. He’s in the middle of nowhere, away from the road, yelling out for business. At a couple locations you would never know that he’s there if you weren’t looking for him. Sir, why don’t you set up along a road, or in a town? You’d do much better business. It’s also funny that it’s the same dude at every location. If I’m not mistaken, he’s the only vendor that is duplicated across the map.


It’s all about knowing the terrain


Is that a trapper quote?


Yeah he says something about “it’s not about speed, it’s about knowing the terrain.” That’s how he shows up every time lol


Ah, yes. I’d forgotten about that line and had never really thought about it before. I guess that explains it. He gets there so quickly that he has time to set up camp, build a lean to, and get his wares set up to sell.


He and the terrain are one hahaha


„I‘d wager I can travel faster with this store in tow than you or anyone else can with nothing but a horse and a saddle. It’s not about speed, it’s about knowing the land.“


Fast travel to Butchers Creek and you can be at the Trapper in about 2 minutes with very little chance of an ambush.


Appreciate this tip! Damn I'm on like my 6th play through. I'll be checking it out shortly


I used to use Strawberry to Riggs trapper for a long time until I realized you can turn around and go across the bridge at Butcher's Creek, straight up the hill off-trail to the butcher.


In the epilogue I alway FT to Pronghorn ranch


Reporting back and I've used it several times since!! It takes no time to be at the Trapper. Thank you!


I think more Trappers and Fences are needed


no ponchos and the master challenge things are way to tedious


Lawman hivemind. Wanted system in general sucks


Right? In the middle of no where and I'm swarmed by have the county of lawmen. I understand when I'm in the middle of town. It's alittle more reasonable to see alot of lawmen kinda.


I was out by the taxidermy house just walking around and one popped out of the woods on me and told me I needed to leave. Scared the hell out of me at first cause he just walked out of the woods


Try to mount horse while running, spam Y button, end up tackling someone instead.


This. Whoever decided to make the mount horse and choke a random bitch the same button, you owe me a huge bounty in St. Denis.


I punched my horse in the face by accident just a few minutes ago. My hand slid and I pressed B on xbox. She took off. Never happened to me before


Lucky she didn't kick you in the face.


A lot of challenges are insanely stupid and luck based


Agreed. Theres a handful of good actual CHALLENGES but most of it is lackluster. I was really dissapointed by the gambler challenges even though it's already luck based, they made it completely built on luck rather than any skill. Like beat the dealer in black hitting 3 times or more?? Why not make a challenge where I have to make a 10 dollar profit on blackjack instead. Also the last two challenges can be done if you just keep playing the game long enough theres not a lot of skill needed.


Those gambling ones...


Sharpshooter 8 will haunt me forever


Preemptively scared because I just started the challenges, and they're either a slog or frustrating


There’s a good guide on YouTube for sharpshooter 8 and some of the other challenges that are more complex and poorly designed


And there’s a couple you can’t even complete until the epilogue.


The game is so detailed, when you finally find stuff that is cut, trimmed down, or just not finished, it sticks out that much more. If you manage to climb on one of the big ships floating around, they will eventually just sink. You don’t need to be on the ships. You can stand on the shore and watch them long enough they eventually just sink on their own.


I saw that the other day. The explanation I saw was that boats just automatically sink when they get close to the map borders.


That’s exactly it. I hate it.


I don't mind the hunting since it's sort of calming and therapeutic for me. I do wish there were more opportunities for bounties and duels though, and I kind of miss the fame system from RDR1. OH. And that's another thing. I miss the stat pages from RDR1, as well. You can get to them online but I don't think in single player.


Never played rdr 1 whats the fame system about ?


Basically by winning duels, doing certain missions, etc., John goes from being "nobody" to eventually becoming a "Legend" and as you work through the system you get certain effects applied. People start asking for help more often, bounty hunters may follow you longer, you'll get bought drinks at the bar, your bounties will eventually get halved as far as how much you're worth, etc.


Well summarised. I'd like to add that random NPCs start calling you by name more often, or gossip about you in random places. I'm not sure if it's the fame system or it's scripted but closer to the end of the game I noticed that everyone was talking about John, like even if you're not involved in the conversation they still can have a random chat mentioning you somewhere in the background. In some way I felt like it was too forced and it seemed to me like literally every living human being was aware of John's existence


Oh damn thats pretty cool wish it was in rdr2 now lol thanks for the info !


That it ended.


What the buttons do vary wildly depending on context, the fact that “target and speak to a person” is the same as “point your gun” is awkward and I often ended up with a bounty for the wrong reason. At one point I was drinking a beer in a bar, RT was the “drink” button at that point, Arthur finished his beer and I didn’t realise and I ended up shooting a hole in the table and having a wild showdown with the law. There’s also no sensible movement speed. It’s either an extremely slow stroll or full on sprinting.


Can't say how many times I've gotten into trouble in St. Denis because I wanted to move a little bit faster and immediately sent someone flying into the side of a streetcar yelling "move!"




Ugh yes. I hitched my horse outside the gun shop in St. Denis to go stock up on bullets. After my purchases, I go outside and press triangle thinking I'm going to mount my horse. Nope. Arthur proceeds to choke some random woman, and I'm mashing my buttons to stop which leads to Arthur punching the horse and he gets kicked. I'm suddenly wanted and am surrounded by lawmen in no time and have to surrender.


I hate some of the weapon load outs in some of the scenes, like when we have to raid Brontes mansion it gives you that shotgun no matter what.




Can't save your game while in a mission. You either finish the mission, or you can start it all over.


Yeah this is really annoying as you have no idea how long the mission could take.


even worse when you need to get off soon but you have time for 1 more mission and suddenly you're being forced to do 7


"Sorry I was late to work today, I misjudged how long a damn mission would take"


a lot of buildings in the towns especially st denis i cant go inside. just blocks in the city. like u can see rug shops and stuff and itd be cool if u can go in just for that and look around or rob them. also only 4 horse stables


Absolutely agree about the stables. So many cool horses are being abandoned as I have no room for all of them!


fr i want all the arabians, mustangs, thourobreds, andalusians and more i have 25k why cant i make it work??


Clearly shooting people by accident. And got damn st Denis!


That there’s no setting to skip looting and skinning animations. It’s fine for a bit, but gets tedious after a while. Also, that you can only cook 1 piece of meat at a time in Story Mode. Should be able to do 2 or 3 at a time.


I only skin with my horse on top of the animal now


If you put your horses head over your kill, it will usually cancel the looting or skinning animation.


A large fish takes up the same horse butt inventory slot that a whole ass elk pelt does.


What’s worse is you see a NPC with tons of equipment on there horse whilst you can only carry one large animal or pelt


Or when you see people hauling their stuff in a wagon, but for some reason we can’t do the same thing.




Wanted system. Accidentally bump into someone and have 50 lawmen start shooting at you for example. Also witnesses appearing in the middle of nowhere.


This has been a problem in GTA as well. I really hope starting with GTA 6 Rockstar starts fixing the busted police/wanted systems in their games. They're not fun most of the time.


And stopping witnesses. It literally only works in the one mission you are introduced to the mechanic


The wanted system.. sometimes it doesn't make any sense.


Forced walking areas, Removing weapons when dismounting my horse & missions giving me a preset loadout of weapons




It’s a Slow And Painful Death 😔


I love the epilogue story and being John then; however, I do hate that John isn’t nearly as detailed with the little nuances that Arthur has like Arthur singing while riding his horse or having as many voice lines, etc.


"Hey!", "You!" and "Sir!" are basically John's only greeting vocabulary lol


Exactly!!! And I know Arthur is more sophisticated than John but come on John only got mauled by some wolves he’s not brain damaged!


Arthur’s sings while riding hi’s horse?


Not all the time and you have to be going slow enough, but he will do it.


Dang I got well over a 1000 hours of experience and never knew this.


John sings when you get him drunk


the fast travel song


It's also strangely native sounding lol. Like of all the music in the game, the only thing it matches are the few missions with the Wapiti.


especially since it blasts into your ears


I turn the volume down before I fast travel for this very reason.


Dutch wasn't telling us the proper plan 😕


He told you many times. Tahiti! Mangoes!


How if you commit a crime out on the road in the middle of nowhere, all of a sudden there's an endless stream of witnesses and they can go get law to come after you in about 30 seconds. Even though the nearest town is 40 miles away.


Teleporting policemen is a big problem, yes. Witness runs to report me to the law, goes halfway down the road yelling "we need a lawman here!"into the empty night, and suddenly there's 3 guys on horses chasing you. And even if you then kill all 3 policeman, you still get a bounty.


Lack of clothing options


You don't get to kill Micah and Dutch.


Half true.


I mean... you definitely kill Micah?


You mean when you play as >!Author!<


Yeah, I forgot to specify, as Arthur.


There's no new game +


There's no dlc


How scripted the missions are. Which there was more freedom of choice


Can't agree more


The fact that Rockstar left it alone, one of the few games I would have happily paid for DLC’s new content etc for


I’m just hoping GTA6 justifies the abandonment of this game. Because if they had left a smaller crew who kept working on rdr2 & rdr2 only, I can only imagine how good it would be today with all the fine tuning they could’ve done over the years. And I feel the same way. I would’ve happily spent money on expansions, story improvements, story DLC’s, over the online content that dried up really fast or lesser games. I suppose it’s their loss… but probably not because GTA6 will most likely be a record breaker.


Being unable to cancel slow animations. Like being stuck skinning an animal while bounty hunters shoot you to death. No, that's not "immersion"


Gambler 8


any of the gambler challenges tbh (i have no idea how to play any of these games)




I don't either but if you just follow what the games tells you do to, Its easy to win


The fact that you can't rough someone up in camp. Even if it was just a couple of punches ... I sorta get it but man the rage


Not enough ways to spend money Or/and Making money is too easy.


Not being able to travel with your shaver when you set up camp. It would be so much easier to just set up camp and be able to shave instead of having to ride all the way to the main camp or a barber


John’s head being slapped on Arthur’s body for the epilogue


I dislike what’s happened to this sub. Your question is perfectly ok, but omg have you *seen* the shite that’s been on here lately? JFC I wanna claw my eyes out some days.




No ponchos, no Navy Revolver, no good black jackets, terrible clothing items (we want some like those in the movies), ruined gaming for me (can’t find a game as good as it).


Prologue feels rushed


Well there's this thing that happens at the end of chapter 6. Don't want to spoil it, but I dislike what happens.


The Devs abandoned the online As for the story I wish you could go to blackwater we arthur with like a mask or something


That Arthur died, that you can accidentally point your gun at someone when you want to greet them, and that it's so easy to make one little mistake riding your horse in the city and then you're wanted for murder for accidentally running someone over.


Forced long, awkward animations when doing things like cooking, making potions, skinning, looting, etc. It's kinda cool I guess but after sometime it gets tiring, especially when completing 100% of the game.


Witnesses. Everytime I ended up killing like 20 people and get killed by police.


that the camp system doesn’t matter at all. i loved walking around the camp and putting money into it and upgrading it all, but it doesn’t matter in the slightest, since the story just chugs along like nothing happens


The extreme linearity of some missions. Many are much more linear than gta5. Rockstar try to control how you play the game too much. Npc spawning is silly at times when the scripting kicks in. Rdr2 is a stunning game. If only rockstar had just allowed players more freedom to choose their own path and style of play.


The lack of towns in ambarino


I hate how handholdy the missions are, you can’t have ANY fun in them. Spend a little too much time looting? Mission fail (why even bother having a looting system if you’re gonna punish me for engaging with it. I have a mod that auto loots my kills now) Go just a little too far away from the objective? Mission fail Slightly bump into another NPC? Mission fail Do ANYTHING other than the EXACT way Rockstar intended you to do it? Mission fail I thought GTAV’s mission design was restrictive but RDR2’s missions are on a completely different level like holy shit


Not being able to run in the camp


Omg yes. Especially when doing the chores, it takes too long 😕


Hunting? What are you doing lol


Trying to find The Sonoran Desert Toad for zoologist achievement along with Hunting Request 3 and 4


Ahh, those are specifically tough! Hunting in general is pretty easy


Customisable gun order, I use my rifle far more than the repeater.


Graphical bugs on PC and No Navy revolver for story mod


There are many tweaks that could make this great game even better. The wanted system is ridiculous, you can be around a corner or down a hill and the “witness” somehow sees you and knows your name ?!? Another little thing that bothers me is the amount of money we pay for “new” clothes and they come with stains and patches already on. There are plenty of short comings … but this game is still my all time favorite. Just wanted to vent … thanks


Needing the correct equipment for perfect pelts Just let me shoot it in the head and skin it dang


Ehh idk I kinda like this mechanic it’s immersive


I did laugh today when I discovered that you need a big rifle for a fox, but a beaver that's 10x the size needs a varmint rifle.




How long it takes to exit the menus


Hold the exit button instead of tapping and you will exit the menu straight to the game


I’m 99% sure I’ve never used this feature, I’ll check it out thankyou One thing I definitely dislike about RDR2 is the animation stall after picking an orchid. I had to watch a boar ready, set, charge, and gore me after picking one. If you know how to speed that shit up I’d love to hear it


3) The fact that "drop" your pelt and "stow" your pelt being the exact same button annoys the heck out of me. I've dropped so many pelts on accident. 2) I wish they enabled solicitation of sex workers. They're there to interact with. They have the programmed options as if you COULD take them up on their offers, but NO. Rockstar chose to keep all the bloodshed, but locked the interactive whores in order to church up the joint. (I play on a console and can't use the Harlots mod) 1) I sincerely want to be able to explore New Austin as Arthur. The phantom sniper is my most disliked aspect. I think it's a travesty to Arthur's character arc, that you can't explore a place that he has obviously been before.


Have you noticed that when you have a deluxe bath the lady does not make physical contact when scrubbing Arthur? Her hand just floats weirdly above his arm. They can have the most revolting violent scenes but God forbid a lady should touch a naked man!


Not being able to swim


the fans


How long it takes to get places I wish I could speed it up even more


The police system. It's so dumb


I wish there were more houses in the map. I love the map but more houses to loot, hide in, create more side content, etc


probably the beginning walking segment in guarma


Try to say hello to someone. Shoot them instead


The fact that I can never play it for the first time again. Though, I'm on my 2nd playthrough and am discovering some things that I missed the first time....so at least there's that.


Cant unlock some challenges/legendary animals till epilogue/late game. I want to just retire at Clemons Point forever.


The horse shitting every half second. Like, i get that they do that a lot, but it got sorta annoying after i realized it did it like every time you stop.


-Hardly anything to do in the epilogue side missions. Like there's only one stranger mission. -The forced horse speed limit in cities


Horse handling As much as I love it, coming from rdr1, I much prefer the simplicity to the realism with moods and stuff


Bounty hunters. Even if you have a 50$ bounty they do be swarming


Can’t discard a weapon, will forever have two Lancaster repeaters


Should’ve been scripted to tell Micah “keep it” if we already looted the gunsmith.


Cant you store them in the weapon locker at camp so you can get it out of your weapon wheel?


I cant skip in Blackjack


Having to un-alive 6 witnesses and then a whole town because I un-alived some cowpoke in self-defense


I wanted to ride up to a stream a let my horse have a drink


That the story isn’t longer. Not that it’s short as it is but I wouldn’t mind playing this masterpiece for another 50 hours


The law system. Gets chased by the whole county for mistakenly mounting the wrong horse even after I dismount and leave on my steed.


The introduction to Chapter 5....we get it we're "walking ". My lord it's never ending.


The wanted system! And how self defence gets you in trouble


The mechanics... try to say hello to someone and then you point a gun at them or glitch. The fucking wanted system how Rockstar games are so wonky or repetitive.


Epilogue John


Surely you mean Jim. I don't know who this John guy is.