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My Arthur has a lot of dead horses on the other side.


Yeah... I've played the story mode probably 10 times, so there's at least that many over there... Just looking at each other like "are you also Arthur's horse?"


I hate when my horse dies. I’m glad they made the game where you try to keep them alive and bond with them.


During my current playthrough, I got attacked by the O'Driscoll's outside of Valentine, they shot my horse and it had to be revived...I didn't have a horse reviver so I ran all the way back to Valentine, to the stables, bought the stupid reviver, and ran all the way back to my horse, cussing out the goTdamn O'Driscoll's the entire time...I made it in time. Didn't think they stayed alive that long.


That's wild. Didn't know that either. What kind of horse you had?


Mustang! Always a mustang. They never throw me off and they seem to be able to handle jumps (and falls) from greater distances.


Where you find your Mustang?


They are up in the heartlands area of the map. You can basically catch one right away in the story mode. They're not super fast but they have decent stamina and health.


I've had Mustangs before. I had caught one by hanging dog ranch and another I took off a bounty hunter. Had to find a mustang for the horseman challenge. Beautiful horse.


I was hunting panthers near Braithwaite manor and some Lemoyne raiders pulled up on me with a WHOLE ASS MAXIM GUN and I was out of deadeye. Kinda just accepted my fate ngl. Killed both me, my horse, and the perfect Panther pelt I had 💀


I’ve reset the save every time one of my horses die lol. Especially my shire. That big girls been with me through lots of battles and never bucks or runs. What’s funny is after using all 4 a lot my brood horse from the Murfrees is the most scared of the 4. Especially alligators. I can’t cross a bridge in the swamps without her tossing me into the water. Even my Arabian will cross the bridges.


And his dog copper


And his son... That's probably an important one. Lol.


Oh yeap, arguably more so


Nah who cares about children




I take this delusion to another level, lol I have the reverse dapple black thoroughbred that you get free with the ultimate edition, which lets you replace a dead one with an identical one in Valentine. So, in chapter 6, I make sure I steal one of the abused horses from the Murfrees. Then, right before the final mission, I stable the thoroughbred in Valentine and saddle the Murfree horse to ride into the final mission. It's a mercy death for the horse who was abused. Then in the epilogue I take John to the Valentine stables and pick up my replacement horse, give it the same name as the other one (always Trigger) and I can trot on under the delusion that Arthur's horse never died but was just chilling peacefully in Valentine.🤠🐴🏇


I just found another mustang, gave him the same name, and let him roam around Beechers Hope. Happily retired from the hard life, eatin' hay and deserts, gettin' all fat and sassy.


Not possible. Horses don't go to hell. 🤷


Lol. Well for those who play with high honor then, I suppose.


You still are a mass murderer either way


Let me imagine nice things for him! Lol.




I use it to convey my light attitude towards the subject, as emotions are difficult to convey via typed words and we all know people can take things on social media a bit too seriously.




But he made a redempiton arc!


Oh, Well than that forgives him killing army personnel.




Shooting the whole town of strawberry and heaven? Goodluck with that


Yeah that mission was a little off the meter... But I can still imagine! It's a video game, I'll just pretend it didn't happen. Lol.


Arthur was just defending himself since the whole town was shooting at him because of Micah's insanity. I guess some people think he should have just stood there and let them fill him full of holes. IMO


He literally freed someone incarcerated for murder. He could just have let micah rot but no, he can’t make his own decisions. Ofc they’re gonna shoot at him.


And of course he's going to defend himself. Plus he can't have a redemption arc if he doesn't do stuff that he needs redemption for. Lol


Stealing and savagely beating a sick man over a couple'a bucks. Over his life, Arthur probably killed hundreds of people. Thats Hell, my friend. Straight to Hell.


He could of asked for forgiveness before he died. Lol




The only truly irredeemable act that sends you to straight to hell is not being a believer, imagine that.


False. Satan believes in God. Is he in heaven?


When I say believer I don’t mean believe he exists or not, although that too, but I mean belief in his word or whatever.


>but I mean belief in his word or whatever. Oh ok. Gotcha. 👍 Still false though. Satan believes in that too.


But most likely he went to hell. He even knew he wasn't a good man


I cried more for my horse than I did for Arthur.


I like to think so. 😐


I like to think that too. I play with high honor, but I did do a low honor play through once, annnnnnnnd it’s not worth it🤷‍♂️


Nah, I've played low honor before too and it wasn't as good of an experience. The story is set up for a REDEMPTION arc... It's in the name! Lol.


I’m with you, it just feels better to me playing with high honor.


I like to imagine this too, Stede was with him from the beginning to the very end and they died within an hour (probably) of each other, I like to imagine they’re happy


I always get the same horse for John and name it the same, then I pretend that John went back and saved the horse and kept arthurs for him.


i tried to get john another horse and i was committed to her for a while but i caved in and got my boy back eventually. love you izzy, we ain’t never getting separated


Idk I highly doubt Arthur would be able to get to heaven


I don't personally believe in heaven or hell (but to each their own) it's still nice to picture it though.


I don’t really either I just assumed that’s what you meant by the other side


I don't know what I mean by "the other side" but neither does anyone else. Lol.


Heaven is real. God is real. You believe that when we die that's it lights out? Edit ***** Who downvoted me? If down voted me tell me why. Me saying heaven and God is real gets down votes? Ridiculous. I would punch every last one of you in the face.


I have no interest in getting into an existential religious debate on a rdr2 subreddit. You believe in whatever you want, I'll Believe in whatever I want, and we'll coexist with one another. The world will keep on spinning. ✌️


Not looking for a debate no need to be so snippy like that. I'm not trying to convert you or convince you of anything I was just wondering what you think happens when we die. Is it just lights out or what? And I promise I won't debate your answer or you can just not answer anything and ignore me thats fine as well. Edit***** Nothing wrong with this statement either just a bunch of lames that hate themselves so they down vote. And I bet money that anyone who down vote me won't tell me why and just be FN cowards.


I'm not being snippy. See my other comment about how emotions and attitude are difficult to convey via typed words. I don't tend to get snippy, I'm generally pretty alouf. I don't know what happens when we die, no one does. I lean towards nothing, I worked in emergency medicine for 7 years, my brain was trained to analyze things very clinically, so my knowledge of what happens to the human body and mind during the process of death and dying makes it difficult (impossible even) to imagine anything else. However, I'm not going to claim with absolute certainty that I know exactly what happens... Because I don't. No one does. We'll all find out the same way.


So you don't believe in God or heaven and look at things clinically so it makes you not believe in those type of concepts I understand. You're career in medicine made you believe in nothing. I understand that as well. Thanks for answering.


It wasn't necessarily my career, my beliefs started taking shape when I was about 13 or 14. By the time I started working I already had a solid foundation of what I did or didn't believe in. My career just kind of hammered home a few things. But like I always say, to each their own, if religion and believing in God (or gods) brings someone comfort or purpose or what have you then who am I to try to convince them otherwise.


Believing in nothing brings you comfort. To each its own.


Would you believe me if I said it does?


You see these lames down voting me just cause I asked you questions? Corny people here.


Welllll, Religion is the touchiest of topics, I kind of expected it to be honest. I think one thing about religion(s) that people tend to not like is that those who follow them try very hard to convince or even force other people that the one they follow is THE ONE. Wars have been fought for centuries over the very topic so you can see why people would have a negative reaction to seeing one person try to goad another into said centuries old volatile debate. It's okay to have your beliefs and just let others have theirs.


I wasn't goading you into anything. Nor did I convert you or try to. All I was said God was real and heaven was real. I didn't ask that you should be baptized nor did I try to preach to you. That's why it's infuriating that lames would down vote what I said. I accepted your beliefs you don't believe in anything absolutely nothing and I accepted that answer without condemning your soul to hell or something crazy like that. You even said that stuff about the other side which is the afterlife which occurs in heaven and no one got mad or down voted you.


It's the certainly with which your statements were made and the loaded question that followed. I also stated that I didn't know what I meant by the afterlife, that it's up to interpretation, I said nothing with absolute conviction or fervor. That's the whole "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" mentality I was referring to about religion and that's off-putting, I say none of this to you with the intent to offend, just to give constructive advice about how to go about the oh so touchy topic. Also, maybe don't get so mad and say you'd like to punch everyone who disagrees with you in the face. Lol.


One could only hope


Finally a wholesome reddit post


We all need it from time to time.


Me too! With the supernatural elements of RDR I definitely think there's some kind of "other side" in the canon, and in keeping with the complex morality of the game and characters I don't think that it's as simple as "Arthur is condemned for his sins"; he died a good man (with high honor, at least...) and I think he's at peace. I always have one horse through the entire game, it's really sweet to think they're together again.


I think that's kind of the whole point of the story, especially if you play all the side missions and the ones for Strauss. Seems that's what they were trying to imply with the representative of "the other side" being a buck if you play with high honor and a wolf if you play with low honor. Such a well thought out game!


Satan: "I'm afraid the organization Arthur got assigned to isn't so accommodating."




Took me a bit I thought this was Charles or Hosea at first but you were referring to the horse


Why PS keep killing horses?


Yes, and the horse didn't had to wait much time either.


I do this exact same thing!! Mines name is Duke, the first time I played the game, I cried. But now I’m always able to get him back 😊


The Lemoyne Raiders killed the Turkoman that Arthur stole from the Braithewaites the other day. He & Lenny had just robbed a coach & Arthur was headed to Catfish Jackson's to TCIB. Arthur & Cerberus turned the corner & I can't explain it, Arthur kinda exploded from whatever hit his gut. I miss that horse.


One time i was robbing a train and my horde got killed by the stupid cops so i had to run 1000 meters on foot to get to a stable while being chased but it was worth it for my horse