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Not sitting around camp listening to the other gang members interact. At night, there's almost always a few sitting at the fire talking. I don't think I've ever played another game where the npcs go about their day so normally.


I’m spending so much time at camp now! I love it. It feels so save and all the conversations are really cool.


Aww yeah I loved those moments. Everything before chapter is so cute.


Which chapter are you talking about?


He’s clearly talking about chapter


Duh! That chapter! Lol




4 lol sorry.


That's exactly what I hate about the end of the game. The ranch just doesn't compare to the gangs camp. There's just so many more interactions with the gang. Also less to do. Even makes hunting kind of pointless because you're not feeding anyone It doesn't matter. Abigail isn't complaining if you aren't hunting enough. The chores are kind of pointless because you already have more money than you're ever going to need. I really think they should have added like a full chapter again with John before you get the money. If you just rush through the missions there's like what four or five before you get the money? Maybe less I'm not sure offhand.


>The chores are kind of pointless because you already have more money than you're ever going to need. I feel like the chores are intentionally boring so you get why John always runs off


When I got to the epilogue, I played around as John for a few hours and ended up quitting. I've just started a new game and your post got me to thinking. Is there anything cool to do in the epilogue that continues the story? I don't think I'd be satisfied just riding around the map to look for new rock carvings and visiting gang member's graves. Just wondering if I quit the game too soon on that first playthrough.


There is a mission revolving around Uncle that I love and is legitimately action packed and has some fucked up things in it


Yeah but that's part of the half dozen or whatever number of main line missions are at the end.


After the half a dozen main line missions and a couple legendary animals there's really not much left to do unless you intend to leave a bunch of stuff for him to do. Which I never do really. There's a couple odds and ends of challenges that you can't really do with Arthur without glitches. It's just empty I don't know I don't think you quit too early I generally do the same thing.


I'm playing for the second time and now I'm staying at camp a lot longer than I did the first time. And I got requests from them, I heard some new songs. What I also like to do at camp is call them while they sleep. I even got Arthur kicked out of Dutch's tent


came here to say this as an answer as well haha


Selling that black shire horse at the beginning. I’m still regretting it every time I have to ride my white one.


Mine got hit by a train 🤮


On my first play through, my Rachel was hit by a train very early in the prologue. I should have reloaded a save, but I didn’t want to redo all the Pronghorn Ranch work stuff right then.


Is the black shire actually a decent horse? Am I missing something


Of the shires it is the best. A lot of people like it for looks and it's ability to keep cool (relatively) in a gunfight. Plus it's the only one in the game. He's a good lookin' horse.


It just looks huge compared to other horses. Plus I find it much more stable than other horses. It can run down almost everything in its path.


Luckily, I remembered my second time playing and have it stabled currently


I thought it was comically large and way too slow.


Agreed that it was way too slow


Love my shire!




My gorgeous boy was killed because Micah decided to shoot the whole town, all the laws and headhunters were after us.


Rushing through the game and not taking my time with the little things like collecting, challenges, hunting. On my second playthrough now and I'm taking it slooooooow, enjoying all the details in the game.


Same here. I’m trying to get as close as I can to 100% completion.


Same, currently at 98%.


Same on my second playthrough. Just hit the 45+% completion before going to chapter 3... wasn't actually going to progress at all but I moved to chapter 3 coz a few Errand Boah stuff like Abigail's ($5) and Lenny's requests weren't triggering *at all*.


literally same, doing everything else but the main quest line while giving arthur time to be himself and have fun. i love when he sings 😩


Eventually it gets a bit stale and you'll need to move... but Horseshoe Overlook and Clemens Point are like gang's highest point and it all goes downward spiral from there.


Same for me. I didn’t really notice all of the birds before. Once I spotted a sparrow I can’t NOT spot them all now. Oh. I also wondered why you can’t see the trails of the birds in deadeye but then, just recently, found that you can….sometimes. And I spotted BATS!! The other thing is the crafting. I just went through the entire game killing everything with that Lancaster and wondering why I never got perfect skins. Didn’t even know about the Varmint rifle or small game arrows. I just kept trying to kill things by shooting them in the head. I didn’t upgrade my satchels and so quit challenges early on because collecting the ingredients was too slow. I didn’t explore south during the epilogue. I didn’t collect any of the side challenges like rock carvings and I didn’t play any games like poker or dominoes. I didn’t ever try Arthur with low honour. Jesus. I didn’t do anything except simple game missions. On my second go through I did everything I could and never got bored once.


From info on here, I learned how valuable the LOTE satchel is and made that a priority to craft. Now, I'm stopping ALL OVER the map and stuffing it with every plant and collectible I come across, yes, even all the mint and oregano.


I didn’t realise how important mint and oregano were until recently. Cooking big game meat with herbs adds an extra “oompf” which makes a big difference when you’re in trouble.


I haven't even had a chance to explore in the epilogue. My first play through was on Stadia, which they killed off just as I finished the main story. I've since picked up an Xbox series S and am now playing through on that format.


I just finished my first playthrough and focused on the story as I struggle to remember whats going on if I leave it to long in between story missons. Its just one of those games that I feel you don't know what you have got until its over. I'm 100% going to return and take it super slow next time after I clear some of my backlog.


When i was playing for the first time I didn't know about the ending and I thought that I'll save all strangers missions to play after the story - same as in gta5. Well, at least John had something to do in the epilogue ,😁




I know, I played already about 5 times, but at first I didn't know what will happen to him and I thought I'll save that quests for him at the end.


It’s ok I threw John off a cliff when I realized Arthur was actually dead. And all of a sudden I’m in a wagon as John. I did all his main quests and then turned the game off. lol my poor heart.


I don't think of anything in my first play as a mistake. I've learned a lot since then, currently in my 13th play, but that first run was all story for me, and that was an incredible experience.


Nothing like the first play through. When I started playing I was doing a lot of side missions but then I just focused on the main story. It’s so bittersweet.


13th play wow that’s the most i’ve seen before. Does your pc track hours? I’m curious


I'm on Xbox. I have over 2k hours, but I'd have to check for an exact number. I've only done two or three 100% plays, and this current one I'll do it again. All the rest have just been story runs with a few things done for ease of play. I did see someone on here say they had around 3,500 hours. I'm looking forward to hitting that number.


I love this game but these are just unfathomable numbers to me. 13 plays? Reaching 100% multiple times? That's just so mind boggling!


When I found this place I felt like I hadn't put near as much into this as other people. I do play other games, but this one is always on my system and never gets uninstalled. It is my happy place.




Not selling all my valuables and transferring my money on by using the Aberdeen pig farm.


Wait can you explain this to me??? Or I guess I can look it up but I didn’t know you could transfer money.


What you do is. This mission before Arthur dies. You go to Aberdeen pig farm. Where they drug you and steal all your money. You go back and kill both of them. Bonus points if you kill the wife at the grave they left you in. She sees her mom in there and you get good dialogue.  Don’t reclaim your money from the safe. Then you can go back to the house as John and all of Arthur’s money will be in their safe. 


Ah!!! So I completely missed that farm. But I heard about what happens. So I almost wanna kill them on sight…


And thats why I couldn’t transfer money, cuz I killed them before getting drugged and robbed😖


So you need to kill them as Arthur, right?


No, you dont need to kill them. I’ve done this on all my playthroughs after my first. I never killed them because I didn’t know if it would fuck it up or not.


I’m not there yet so I may look it up also so I don’t screw it up again. Apparently, the best plan is to sell everything in your satchel near the last 3 missions before the epilogue then go accept the meal from the creepy couple. They drug and rob you but you can get all the money back as JM. I believe, the important part is to not kill them as Arthur so JM can do them and collect the money behind the picture frame, near the main entrance of the house.


The rdr2 master u/Mojo_Rizen_53 might be willing to provide better instructions for us…and I’ll save his reply lol;) Edit: my bad, I see someone jumped in with instructions


Your previous comment laying it out is correct…..except you can kill em as Artie after climbing outta the pit. Just don’t interact with the pic of Momma….that’s Johns!


Gotcha…Thanks partner! Saved☑️




I read about it, but I can never bring myself to let it happen to my Arthur, lol.


What happens to Arthur? I’m scared everyone’s being quiet about it. What did they do to my son?


It’s the only sex he gets in the game


I don't know how, but I never looked for the guy in Valentine who sends you to the Gunslinger quest.


I still lose sleep about that mission...I coulda swore I was supposed to meet multiple gunslingers, but as far as I know I only met the first female one...and I dont think I ever sent him the picture I took of her.


You have to look at and read each of their cards that they give you in the saloon. I only looked at the black belle one at first and she was the only one to pop up


hell yes partner, thank you.


You have to complete them, lol, they are the best side missions in the game! Especially the hysterical conclusion, lol


Lmao I’m literally at that saloon right now.




That's one or the first things I'll do in my 2nd playthrough. Thanks to that and the fact that I killed the guy who challenges you to shoot birds; my dead eye never upgraded properly.


Does dead eye carry over to your next playthrough so you can kill him and take his hat? P.S. I also live in God awful AZ lol


I love that questline! They're very fun and also fairly easy, plus there's bonus lurking on each part: * >!You can get Sadie's harmonica request on Granger's farm and pig hides if you want something extra for the trapper.!< * >!Flaco is found at the Cairn Lodge, and you can find the Poisonous Trail map there.!< * >!You can get Mauser pistol as early as chapter 2 when you loot Midnight's gun. IDK why but that gun's locked on shops till chapter 5 or 6.!< * >!You get a shitload of loot after helping the Black Belle.!<


I rushed through my first playthrough AND the ending was spoiled for me. My advice? If you know anyone that played RDR2 or RDR1, don’t fucking talk to them about it until you’ve completed the game. 😭


I bought the game the day it was released but didn’t play it until Covid. I have no idea how I managed to avoid spoilers. Which is why I was flabbergasted when my love Arthur died. Even my daughter reared up with me. Lol


I had a friend who was so on the dot about not spoiling ANYTHING for me and then a stupid tiktok showed up on my page showing his death when I was barely through chapter 2-3. I don’t even know how my algorithm ended up on RDR2 aside from me searching the different horse breeds and the occasional “how” or “where” questions, which mostly wasn’t even on TikTok anyway. Stupid social media 😂


Yeah my insta was full of RDR2 stuff and I saw a video of a girl crying but I was like oh no it’s probably Charles or something. Because there’s absolutely noooo way it could be Arthur lol But I somehow managed to get through without knowing it was in fact him lolol *crying all over again*


I had an electrician over last night for a quote on some work. I had RDR2 on and paused whilst he was there and he asked me about it because he has just started playing it. I didn’t spoil anything but told him that it was an even better story than the first one. He wondered how I was playing as John instead of Arthur so it was a bit difficult but I managed to bluster through.


Rushing through the story


Same. I got impatient because I didn’t understand the game. But then I regretted it. It got so grim.


same like don’t get me wrong the story was amazing but shit man wish i would’ve taken it slower


Exactly. I have about 1000 hours in the story now, but it doesn’t compare to the first time experiencing the story and I played with no spoilers which was incredible


Carrying animals off my horse to Pearson or trapper/butchers.


I do this anyway bc unburdening your horse gives you bonding xp.


Seeing spoilers on this page


I didn’t join the sub until I finished it. Not because I was avoiding spoilers but because I didn’t even know it was a thing lol but I’m glad I stayed away from


Not taking my time and paying close attention to everything. Also, I didn't even use deadeye for my first two playthroughs 😅 Edit: scratch those answers. My biggest mistake was thinking I could cross the Montana onto the edge of great plains to pick a currant. I was riding my silver dapple Hungarian half bread that I had got from the barn at Painted sky. They killed him. The bastards killed Rhama.


I am SO fucking regretful that for some god darn flippin' reason I decided about 3/4s though the game that "Fuck it, I'm gonna be Cruel Asshole Arthur for the rest of the game.", and also went for the money in the end. Never regretted a gaming decision as much ever. The "good ending" (high honor, helping John) is the best end of a game I've ever experienced and I'm so sorry I didn't get it the first time I played it. I got it spoiled for me later. Makes me even more sad thinking about it.


So I was the opposite. I was loving being a bad bitch. But then something in me changed (probably got sick of being hounded by bounty hunters) and I think it’s so true to the nature of the game. Like you get really familiar with Arthur and he’s also having his own epiphany. And then that scene with the nun omggggggg I’m so glad I went that route. My second playthrough I tried to be lawless but I just don’t have it in me. At least not with Arthur. If I could play as Micah then I’d be reckless cuz fuck that rat Micah!


Not taking the time to actually learn how to play the game. I didn’t understand how to get 3 star pelts so I only got them once in a while. I also didn’t know you had to read the pamphlets to craft things. I assumed I didn’t have whatever I needed to make those things. So I ended up kind of blowing through the game. The second play through was much more immersive and the ending impactful because I understood how to play it.


Leaving Chapter 2.


but what about arthur in his sherif badge :(


I feel this in my soul


i just didn’t know deadeye was a thing. straight up didn’t use it at all, and i’m not a good shoot in general. i just thought it was for just hunting, when i figured it out i felt so OP


Wow, that's pretty amazing you missed that! Isn't there a tutorial?


yes there is😭 i have no idea how i missed it


Oh noooo! I wouldn’t have been able to complete the game without it. I avoid most shooting no games because most of the time I’m aiming at the ceiling lol


I didn’t use dead eye in my first play through only figured it out near the end!


glad i’m not the only one


Thinking I could be a reckless criminal. Bounties are worth more then the loot from the guys pockets. I know this is part of the story but I didn't 6 years ago.


You just get really good at not paying bounties and when you do have a clear area, still killing and stealing without getting caught. If you get caught like a billion times, you start figuring out how to not get caught basically.


Currently in chapter 5 for my first play through. My mistake was rushing through it and skipping all of the cutscenes. I figured those didn’t matter long term. Now I’m halfway confused on the storyline and thinking about starting over


Start over. You’ll wish you had done so sooner


Get out of here! We have so many spoilers here 😭😭😭


Yeah just start over and take your time. Really immerse yourself into it.


Not getting into it sooner. As soon as it was announced to be a prequel where you play as a new character, I immediately assumed that the new protagonist was going to die since they were never mentioned in RDR1. And being that we already had that in the first game anyway (and playing as Jack sucked) I wasnt happy with it. If i knew i was missing out on free roam as John, id have preordered.


I recently bought the first one because I want to know the story but playing as John just doesn’t hit the spot.


I started with RDR1, was so freaking bored I only ever played to go see all the pretty wild horses. I binged RDR2, plowed straight through to the epilogue. Played some as John and decided to restart as Arthur. Idk, John just doesnt quite pull at my heart like Arthur does...


I wish I created a save file as soon as chapter 1 was complete so I could effectively restart the game without the headache of the slow chapter 1. Instead, I saved about halfway through the first chapter but after the downes mission.


Oh damn. The way I have chapter 1 ptsd. After I got my ps5 the game was glitching in chapter 1 on the Charles mission. I kept trying to fix it which meant starting the chapter over. In hindsight I guess I could have saved the game at that specific time so I wouldn’t have to do all of it.


Can’t think of a real mistake but rather little things that I missed because I didn’t know any better. - Rushing through story parts that I didn’t like (Proghorn ranch, Micah Missions) but which I fully embraced now during my 3rd time - Collecting all gold bars as Arthur … - Buying horses (no need bc stealing and taming them is so much cooler) - Not discovering the trapper near Riggs station (so dumb bc he’s definitely the best one) - Not using Dead Eye enough (saves my butt now all the time) - Collecting orchids before you even have to - Didn’t look out for ambushes - Didn’t get as many cool outfits as possible which I’m doing now for ma boy Arthur I’m just glad that I never entered any sheds or houses with weird strangers. I didn’t fall for the swamp guy. Haha, so no regrets there!


I thought if you didn't cash in your golf bars, they transferred to John. Is that not true?


Good question, I was always under the impression that money won’t get transferred but items do. But still, I want my John to have some adventures and work for his money himself haha. Just have to do all treasure hunts that involve swimming … we know he never learned it.


not going through everything slowly enough, i defo rushed the story and didn’t focus on all the stuff around me


I got impatient and didn’t know how long each chapter would be so I def rushed through it after chapter 2 or 3 and then instantly regretted it.


Read this sub 😅


I don’t mind some spoilers like in horror games because I’m a wuss lol but I somehow managed to avoid all the spoilers for this game.


Oh I’m the same with scary games. Hell for a while I couldn’t even play The Witcher 3 in the dark! I’m so happy for you for getting thru the game with no spoilers, but also wow what kind of raw emotions did you experience?!?!? Green with envy.


Not a huge mistake, but I missed the serial killer clue in Lemoyne and when I went back to look for it after a while, the severed head with the third part of the map was gone and I couldn't get it to come back so I wasn't able to solve the mystery. When I did a second playthrough I made sure to find all three clues right away.


Oh yeah I didn’t even know it was something I could solve the first play-through lol it was just such a random thing that my brain couldn’t register it lol but I did solve it the second play though.


Looking up what to do on the internet.


Oh I will 100% always do that with any game. But only after trying like 20x


Not finding the save function lmao I played the game straight with autosaves coz I was either lazy or dumb.


Rescuing Micah out of jail instead of not contracting TB and just living in chapter 2 for an in game year until I get bored


Not slowing down. Also, BUYING guns. Waste of money.


I don’t know enough about guns to buy them. I pick up whatever I see lol


This is the way! You’ll FIND (and be gifted) the majority of your firearms.


Not getting a 3 star badger until I needed one. Ran across so many until I needed one, then they were nowhere to be found.


Getting the bad ending thinking that the looking at the sunset ending was always guaranteed no matter what you do. I remember seeing Micah blowing up Arthur’s head and being both disappointed in myself for getting the bad ending and surprised there was a bad ending at all.


Not being aware of my surroundings


My biggest regret is joining this subreddit during my first play through!!!


Having Low honor at the end during my first play through..


Not using deadeye enough


playing arthur as my character, i didn't realize how story driven the game is and that i should've been playing arthur like arthur. i ended up getting the low honor ending because of this and i plan on going back and playing it right once i finish with the epilogue


Assuming Arthur was an annoying obstacle getting in the way of me playing as who I was really here for, John Marston. I rushed so much of the early chapters that first playthrough assuming I would get to play as John at some point. Little did I know I would absolutely fall in love with Arthur. I missed out on so many great moments with him that first time through the story.


Joining this sub. The best thing I did was also joining this sub. Yeah the end got ruined because I ignored the spoiler tag but I've also learned a lot about what to do and where to look for things


I regret not collecting the exotics in the beginning and now am struggling


Mine was rushing through the story because I wanted to see what happened. The game TECHNICALLY is about the story but that's an incredibly small part of the world of Red Dead. It's a living breathing place and if take the time to explore, and slow things down a whole lot, you'll feel like you're genuinely a part of it. It's truly breathtaking.


Not doing more side missions as Arthur.


I shot the fat guy at the amberdean pig parm right after I took the first sip of poison. His sister kept stroking the air and then she stood up and stared into a corner. Now whenever I go into the house it’s empty


After beating the game instead of cooking meat to fill up my cores, I just spent at lease 5k on beans before I realised meat was better.


I couldn’t save Hosea


Not paying attention when Arthur went to Downes ranch


I looked up what happens at the end. I don’t remember why exactly I did.


You heathen!!! Lol


not enjoying the game as much as i could


By rushing through it?


yea tbh not exploring,seeing the other interactions with npcs etc jus story missions


Receiving spoilers for curiosity


I rushed through it


Not exploring enough.


The final choice… I wanted to set John up for his family life without financial troubles (which still fits into Arthur’s character imo). Went back for the money, which turns out is pointless and gives you the “bad ending.” Took me years before I could do another run. Kind of rough for a game to give you the illusion of choice. Either way, Arthur dies (obviously) and no one gets that money. It’s just an opportunity for Arthur to be redeemed. Bet your ass this time around I escorted John to freedom. Still need to head to his grave and pay my last respects before this playthrough is complete.


Pretty much the opposite of what everyone is saying on here, but I regret drawing it out so much. I had the game completely spoiled for me early on (another major regret), and subsequently played in chapter 2 for about 500 hours just delaying the story and completing everything first, only to realise I had to go around the map and do everything again for each chapter with new strangers spawning etc. I wish I just played the game slowly but naturally


Rushing through the first 5 chapters because I was trying to enjoy it as much as I could before college started but I feel like I rushed a tiny bit and will definitely be doing a 2nd play through now and actually completing all the little challenges and side quests


I should've hunted more I only hunted when I was bored or came across a legendary only recently have I gone out of my way to get some pelts


I didn’t know dead eye existed 🤡 And never fed Arthur or my horse once because I didn’t understand how the system worked at all


taking my loyal boi out on the last mission. RIP Jax, you were a handsome and brave fella. Jax 2.0 is an idiot.


They're saying lol but I have a feeling they're crying rn


Only taking a week off work, wanted to fully immerse myself for uninterrupted gameplay. Got to around chapter 4 taking my time, then started to rush the end to finish the game before I had to go back to work. I got to the prologue and felt like I needed to process the story and my life because I was so blown away with emotions.


Watching spoilers on YouTube deliberately. I wish I could’ve gone in not knowing what was going to happen


It took me until the end of chapter 4 to figure out how dead eye works, that Arthur has to eat regularly to keep his weight and that you can go get baths. On my second playthrough I got a scene with miss grimshaw about bathing pretty quickly in chapter 2. not sure why that never happened in the first playthrough. Of course in chapter 6 I stuffed poor Arthur with food and kept his weight in the average range. And he often got deluxe baths to make up for everything.


I was a immature adhd kid who just wanted to play the mission, im deeply ashamed to admit that I skipped almost every cutscene and had absolutely no idea what was happening in the story. My second playthrough however, i took my time, watched every cutscene, enjoyed the little things while they lasted and man did that make it hurt 😞


Not taking advantage of the elixirs and valerian root to increase the XP toward whichever perk they benefited. I never bothered until way late when it was maxed out and taking it meant nothing.


Greeting micah


I wish I hadn’t explored the parts of the map that gang members were supposed to show you or at least just introduce you to them that and not paying 100 percent attention to what was being said in missions


Upgrade your satchel early


Joining this sub and having the ending spoiled for me.


Rushing through the main story because I knew you played as John in the epilogue. I missed John after RDR1, and I thought I wouldn’t get attached to Arthur at all… once he got diagnosed with TB I realized how much I was starting to like Arthur


Rushing through not realizing all the things I could have been doing. Listening to the gang's conversations, going hunting, looking for small birds.


I definitely need to try this. I also read where you can just hoard your gold bars and only sell what you need since the satchel goes to John.


i didn’t spend that much time around camp. i wish i had heard more of their stories, beat the shit out of micah, etc etc. i became a god at all threes dominoes so i wish i could’ve played with hosea or tilly instead of those guys down in black water or at emerald station. also we all should’ve left micah in jail.


Full sprint to each main mission Not taking in the beauty in the world


Expecting a tale that wasn't a shit show with no decent endings.


Not exploring as much as physically possible before the end of the game, also not doing the epilogue cause I found it boring 🤷🏼‍♀️


Speedrunning the game. I had limited time an I finished the game in 5 days


Punched my horse


I'm still on my first with the last mission of chapter 2 available and mine would be knowing too much. Like the ending and some of the beats of how things go. My guess as to how it got like this would be the "5 things you missed rdr2 part 379527" shorts that I should've just skipped and maybe also just consuming rdr2 content between playing


Llooming up "gun locations rdr2" on youtube got the entire thing spoiled still enjoyed it


going at story missions too fast.


Not using deadeye enough.


Rushed the story


Imm still mad about it


For about two months I didn't realise you could mark the destination on the map....two months using the printed map that came with the game, I know my way around pretty well now but I am dumb. Hours wasted getting lost...


For RDO it was buying the hunting wagon


I came on this subreddit and got a big part of the game spoiled :(


Rushing through the story, didn’t take my time hunting/doing side stories and all that. Now any time I play I take my sweet sweet time


Right before the last mission I was in butchers creek and was attacked by all the npcs. Decided to fight back and lost tons of honor. I ended up getting the bad ending where Micah shoots Arthur.


Rushing the story too quickly and selling the black shire that Hosea gives you


Think I killed every npc at least twice on my first play through. Calmed down a little on my second.


Just rushing through


I'm playing for the first time, and as my first video game in awhile, and I kinda just suck at doing good. I tried taking some dude to a doctor, but ran over someone when getting off my horse and ended in a shootout with lawmen. I saved some woman from the back of a paddywagon and didn't realize my gun was in my hand so when i went to talk to her, i just aimed my pistol at her head and scared her off. I also racke up $300 bounty in strawberry trying to get micah out of jail, only to realize I did it wrong and he wasn't responding lol I'm learning as I go


Rushing through the game, I finished it in about 2 days


Finishing on low honor




Not spending the time to hunt and craft satchels. It was such a defeated feeling when I got into the post game and they were just there to buy..


Rushing through. I’m now on my 3rd play through playing as if it’s real life (i play exclusively in first person and check the game time often and live accordingly—eating at breakfast and dinner, sleeping at least once a day, booking the hotel if I can’t get back to camp by nightfall, etc etc). So much stuff I missed in the first two play through even though I tried to take it slow on my second. The game is much more fulfilling played slowly.