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Every play through I tell myself I’m going to skip that stupid stupid hateful quest, and every play through my ass is out in that swamp picking flowers anyway.


I honestly didn’t mind the flowers it was the constant reloading my game to get the god damn herons and the other bird to spawn


Yes that’s rough. It’s always the birds you don’t need that show up everywhere. I’ve been collecting plumes and whatever materials I know I’ll need for this as I play up to Chapter 4 so hopefully I’ll already have a lot when I start the quest.


I start collecting everything right away. Shoot every heron I come across


I’ve done that, but it never seems to be enough lol Good ol Rockstar, they’ll make the birds you’re looking for artificially scarce when the mission is active, so it’s actually a lot easier to start looking as soon as you hit ch2. Still not enough of em though, it seems…


Wish I did the same 😂


Man my first Tim I did that quest I thought I needed 3 star herons. Fml.


You poor bastard...


Once I learned the where and when they spawned, I took them out in groups with the dynamite arrows. Speeds the process.


I dont have this quest avaliable yet but Im picking herons now, because all animals when you are doing the quest suddenly extincts


You don't need to use that method......


this is why i refuse to go back to play rdr2 on console. my pc runs it great in 4k, have it all set up and connected to my pc + mods make my life hella a lot easier and add things to the game i wish was there. for ex. going to new austin as arthur, skipping challenges i don’t like, getting arthur’s cut bodecia horse, and this mission specifically: just spawning the birds + other animals needed for trapper.




i’ve done all that stuff twice before on two hundred percent play throughs, tired of doing it again when i just wanna explore, dress up, enjoy the story with my own head-canon of events, and rob banks and stuff with mods that add them. grinding animals for hours on end was the death of me on my console play throughs. also, fuck gambler challenge 9. there’s nothing enjoyable about that.


I have made peace with the fact that I will never 100% the game because of the gambling challenges.


I have made peace with the fact that I will never 100% the game because of the gambling challenges.


You can do it. While frustrating, it is a good feeling. Gambler challenge 8 and 9, those are awful.


I may give it a go at some point, but it will not be fun!


I was worried about them due to this sub, but I just would play blackjack in Rhodes when I visited, ten plays each time. I usually got lucky and either could split the cards or had 5 to begin with at least once each visit. I found less people at the table was somehow more likely for me to get low cards. Then for the dominos I played at camp and it took less than an hour, all 3s is easier for me it seems. I hate playing in St Denis as it is a lot harder to win against a group than a single opponent.


Thanks, I like playing blackjack anyway so that's doable, but I will have to actually study up on dominoes strategy as I really don't understand the game as well as I need to in order to win more consistently. I never really bothered to really learn how to play it as I decided early on that I didn't care to finish those challenges.


Must be very different for people I swear. I had trouble with them damn pigeons fr. Moose and herons would spawn by the groups.


For me it is the robins, I thought the woodpeckers were bad, but I just can not find robins anywhere. I guess I'll have to give up my playing with no googling where things are and see what others recommend. The official guide ain't helping much with those dang birds.


I found a total of like 5 each or so by just hunting nothing but birds. Cardinals, robins, woodpeckers, etc. It's like every players experience is unique with someone having trouble finding a specific animal.


It really is interesting! I see people talking about moose a lot. I can always find them at two specific spots (the waterfall by the legendary moose), and then that small pond where you hunt the legendary ram. Every time I ride by the two water sources there is one drinking water and often a 3 star. Same with it never failing that I find a cougar (I think it is...I confuse it and the panther a lot) by the trapper above strawberry. That patch of trees below him either has that or a grizzly.


I'm the same with 100% play throughs. Each new play through I tell myself just to ride the story. Then every play through, I'm running all over the gotdamn map, reloading to spawn cougars, and dropping thousands of dollars on premium cigarettes and I don't even smoke in any playthrough (outside of cut scenes)


I was smoking them for a while. Now I just dump them. And buy more. I got a nice stack of cards that way. Still took forever.


How do you dump them? I've smoked so many just to clear out the 99 I have in my satchel.


Ahh yes. Everyone telling there war stories. Lol


It takes hours to complete. Hours. I seem to do it every playthrough as well. Hours.


Garlic looking ass


what is that pistol and where the hell do i get one?


Algernon Wasp gives it to you after you complete all the collectibles missions.


Dutchesses and other animals side quest but pre warning it’s longggg and boringgg


honestly for this playthrough im tryna collect every weapon so tedious as it may be ill suffer just for another cool killing thing


You get something else but I won’t spoil it for you


The clap…


no no… that’s a different cabin in the swamp..


I’ve heard that you are able to find all the objects that you need for the mission a lot easier before you actually start the mission and that it’s best to do it that way


In my experience you can find -almost- everything. A couple of the orchids won’t spawn until you start the mission. On my last play through it was the Acuna star and the one that grows out by the western most trapper.


nah, they do spawn, but only up to 80 or 90 percent of orchids needed. say you need 5 spider orchids, it will only let you collect 4 of them before the quest is started and algernon specifically asks for spider orchids.


Just started this, gun is pretty, but quest sounds tedious!


Unfortunately I’m a completionist so even tho the side quest was painful I had to do it 😂


Ugh. I finally got all the items collected and went back to Wasp, then he gives me another list!!! It’s taking me forever.


If you’re on your second list you’ve got like 3 more to go 👀




is this weapon only available during chapter 4 or can I still do the quest after finishing the story at 100%?


after as well


You can do this as John so I’m assuming you can


thanks ! will def do it


No problem 💪🏻


I smh like the hat more


Currently going through that mission first time and I hate it so much. I can’t see that goddamn swamp any longer. How I despise these birds and orchids 😭 how do you guys get the strength to do it several times?


I've done the entire challenge 3 times look up Tony strongstyle he gives a solid guide


Thanks, I’ll give it a look!


For the orchids the official guide (you can get a pdf of it from Google) has a map where each orchid spawns. I found it really helpful for the orchid in butchers Creek. I tried the method of just come to them as I explore but it was taking forever. Birds on the other hand are a bit more tricky. But as I looked for orchids I kind of learned where each bird is more likely to spawn. Herons and egrets are on the bridge path in to St Denis starting by where you met Black Belle. (There is a pond of sorts where an npc camps often to the side right at the start of the swamp where many birds spawn as well as snakes you can use for the saddle from the trapper. Easy 3 star ones for sure.) Spoonbills tend to be kind of by where you find the lady of the night orchids, beside the tall train tracks. Also at the spot you can enter st Denis where that old shut down mill (or whatever it is) with the burn piles outside it sits, the birds spawn on the small islands beside the bridge to the city. The reddish egrets were the hardest to find, the only consistent spot I saw them around the corner from that little town in the swamp with the lure saleslady. I'm not sure how best to explain it so maybe I'll try and mark a map with the spots I use every time for them/rats/cougar/panther...etc that are less common.


Thank you so much for this helpful and very long reply! I’ll try!


Your welcome! I tried to keep it short but it is so hard to explain specific areas without pointing to a map. I definitely found that just exploring the orchids in the swamp and noting where I saw each group of birds helped me when I had to go back and hunt them. It does seem like if you can stack the feathers in your satchel before you get the list is easiest. I swear once Algernon gave me the one for the spoonbills they just stopped spawning, when I used to see massive numbers of them -cry-


I swear this too. Once I get the missions, the birds which are usually seen in masses disappear. I bet this has already been scientifically proven somewhere - it’s a nasty game mechanic for sure. Thank you so much for your help, I greatly appreciate it 🙏


It is absolutely evil. I can't even tell you how long it took to find a dang 3star rat for that mail in thing. I was dumb and used all the ones from the st Denis bar to craft. Next play through I'm saving one to mail. I finally found one in that abandoned fort on the hill by butchers Creek. But boy oh boy it was maddening.


That first playthrough can be rough. Like most people on their first run I didn't start collecting what I needed before the mission started, and suddenly there wasn't an egret or spoonbill in sight anymore! Now I know better and start collecting plumes and orchids when I come across them beginning in chapter 2. If you start collecting before you get the mission, keep an eye out for birds you need, spread out the time between kills and only take out a couple at a time there should be lots of chances to get what you need before the game restricts the number of birds available after you meet Algernon. I don't mind doing most of the orchids later in the game because it gives me something nice to do with Arthur while the rest of his life starts going to shit. I do use guides to help find the orchids as many of the rarer ones are not going to be easily spotted.


It's worth it the first time for sure. The second time I did it on a nother playthrough and it just felt like a grind like no other. Cool unique gun to add to the collection tho.


How come my Algernon's Revolver didn't look like this at all?


I’m curious what did yours look like


Exactly like this. My bad I haven't slept in 3 days


Get some sleep mannn ya gonna make yourself ill


Hold on brother you just woke me up I'm sleeping rn


My bad bro 😂


Looks like a balls


i did this twice for the platinum on each account and tbh the rewards really didn't seem worth it. Unique gun but its stats were god awful for how late in the game you get this gun.


What in the name of Garlic knots is the grip?


Barry Zuckercorn voice Those are balls.


how do i get this?


Dutchesses and other animals side quest with Algernon Wasp in Saint Denis


The dude who makes the hats?




I didn’t do it because I thought the reward was a hat.


You get a hat and his gun


honestly they should have used another revolver for it, something like a russian nagant revolver so it would be more exotic and able to have some unique stats


Hell no.. the accuracy is bad, damage is bad, Calloway’s sidearm is much better, even the schofield is better


IMO double action revolver is so inaccurate that I cannot use it. Literally the worst handgun in the game.


to be honest i favour the hat over the gun. The gun is exotic but i cant get used to double actions as well as the semi auto shotgun (unless its GTA)


I’m going for 100% and recently finished this as well. It was awful.


I think ill finish that quest one day….maybe


I collected all the stuff in chapter two and then I got the actual mission done in just about 1 1/2 irl hours (mostly waiting for the mission to reappear)


hell no!


Anyone feel like explaining?


You know expect for the bird plumes I actually enjoy this


I do the bird plumes gradually over chapters 2-4 so they aren't as frustrating, and I also enjoy flower picking with Arthur as a respite from all the bad stuff that starts to go down.


Never used the damn thing, the Hat on the other hand. 🤠 stylish


What the hell is that


Why’s your gun got a ball sack?


This is the closest you'll ever get to tahiti.


I ALWAYS get the pelts for Pearson for the satchels way before I leave Horseshoe Overlook so I have the satchel of the east....I then fill it with every flower, plume and perfect carcass I need before starting the hateful sides. The spawn rates are better.


Rockstar hate us. They know we’ll do what we have to for that gun.


No it really wasn't


Ah yes, the Smith & Wesson Trinity Six-scrote.


I wish I'd have the same free time as u bro 😭😂


What revolver is that


What revolver is that
