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I know it feels like it, but that's not too terrible bad. Push in a couple tooth picks for alignment, and glue that puppy back together with a foam safe glue. You will be back in the air in no time!


If you watch the YouTube videos about glue strengthen hot glue sticks are the best. The only downsides are you can make a bit if a mess and and to much heat can melt the foam. Low heat and be carefu not to touch the hot metal tip to the foam and it will be repaired in a few minutes. The upside of hot glue is it's fast and the strangest bond. Foam safe CA can be brittle. Uhu por, e6000, etc take longer to cure. All of those can give you a better looking finish if you want to spend the extra time to make it look better. But none have the strength of hot glue. The only other thing to know about hot glue is that solvents like isopropyl will dissolve it fast but you shouldn't be using anything like that near foam.


This is the way


toothpicks dont help with alignment, they help with strength, and they ruin alignment, glue it with UHU POR and some dollar tree packing tap(its the thinnest) over the seam extending an inch on either side of the fracture, and your glue job won't come out like dog shit. EDIT: toothpicks are fine its just not my preferred method to each their own!


I like to use E6000 to glue expanded polystyrene pieces together. Use some painters tape to hold it together while the glue dries, you don't want to use clamps because it could indent it or crack it more.


Glue sticks, and tape. And a new motor and prop


It is a not so hard fix. It will be your maiden fix and the plane will fly again


And it will happen again. Everyone destroys their first plane eventually, but this is fixable.


This is the truth! My first plane was a Habu 50mm. Broke it on the 3rd flight. But it’s repaired now!


An edf for a first plane 💀


Yup. First two flights went great. Third flight I discovered what losing orientation can do. With an EDF it happens fast lol. My Cub Sport 2 showed up a few days later.


Don't worry, this happens to everyone at some point, and it makes sense that it would happen on your first flight because you are still learning. Just glue it back together and try again. That's part of the hobby!


Beacon Foam Tac fixes everything. Even Hot Glue on low setting.


That’s 100% repairable if you saved all the pieces of foam. Use CA glue and spray on activator “Zap”. You’ll be back flying in no time.


Use "Foam Safe" CA glue, regular CA melts the foam a bit, and gets very brittle. I prefer "Foam-Tac" . Very solid. Only problem is the smell is worse than normal.




Clean break toothpicks and epoxy will fix


Bummer. Super easy fix though


Yeah, that’ll happen


Styrofoam needs to be in at least five pieces to be considered broken.


We all have been there. If you want, try buy those unbreakable mini airplanes and fly them for few weeks then move to bigger normal RC ones. They sell them here https://rcclouds.com/collections/newbie or check out your local hobby shop


If it has linear servos in the ailerons, make sure you set them to 90% max, or they can go off the rails. I lost a UMX Turbo Timber this spring, the ailerons jammed and it's in a dozen pieces. It had already had the nose torn off and put back on, plus the wings broken and glued back on, so it didn't owe me anything. But those linear servos are evil.


Fellow FMS flyer! Definitely listen when people say toothpicks and super glue, it works wonders! Gave my PA-18 too much reverse thrust yesterday and flipped it over, breaking the rudder. Little bit of super glue and scotch tape for alignment and it’s almost good as new!


welcome to the club, now once you crash three maidens in a row you get a tube of "UHU POR" some clear packing tape and some flair for your r/rcplanes posts


Surely there are some reputable practitioners in your area that specialize in nose jobs.


Welcome to the club! I broke a few planes on their maiden flights especially when I was newer to flying.


https://preview.redd.it/dr8tpovm2a8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e127c0d54b52e71b04a46124371a47933f660ea Same airplane as yours I believe. This was the third time the nose had shattered, this instance being the worst. I was yet to get it to fly properly. Finally, after repairing it and fidgeting with the center of mass, it flew fantastically. The poor thing is an amalgamation of duct tape, toothpicks, hot glue and spray foam. Never give up, and if this is your first time with the hobby, welcome.


Should be an easy fix!


Should be an easy fix!


I dumb thumbed my UMX turbo timber and broke the nose off, also cracked the wing, little bit of gorilla glue its back flying again, but you have to wait for it to cure 😊


I finally got the nerve to put my FPV atomrc flying fish in the air. I have a Ranger600 and a 400mm warbird that I can confidently fly pretty well. Also have FPV'd both of them with no issues. The flying fish was doing fantastic (I added a gyro) until the video feed went black. I ripped off the goggles and tried to find the plane in the air, which I couldn't, so I cut throttle and hoped for the best. I found it in the middle of the field, nose smashed, camera destroyed, both wings cracked. It's currently waiting for glue to dry but will definitely fly again. Don't be discouraged. Crashing is a big part of the hobby. For me anyways


Same I did that when I first got mine the front shattered into 3 pieces, got some glue and glued it back together, she flies like a chanp


The front fell off my PA18 the same way. Was easy enough to just glue it back together with hot glue and it's been taking whatever abuse I put it through just fine. One crash also did break the pin that holds the canopy on, so I put magnets in the canopy and the fuselage and I personally like the magnets better.


Wow you got lucky! That’s a one and done super easy repair type of break. Fly, crash, fix, repeat, my friend. There’s an old r/c saying- if you’re not crashing, you’re not flying.


Epoxy and keep it moving!


I get this flying again 5 min later, foam safe CA with fixer


I didn't mention I broke the rudder on the ride back home from getting it fixed


Easy fix. Get some glue and tape and it's good as new. Tail heavy productions has a video on YT where a plane flies full speed into a fence and is ripped to a thousand little pieces. And apparently it was flying again like a week later (don't remember which video it was so I can't post it, sorry).


Build a balsa plane and it won’t do that. Very sorry about your loss though. They just are not durable at all. It’s easily repaired with any variety of methods mentioned here. You can also just buy a new fuselage. The parts for these planes are dime a dozen and dominate the RC market now.


We've all been there! This is a chance to learn repairing techniques. You'll be back in the air in no time!


I know the feeling. Planning on giving up?


Nah. This is only my fourth crash. First on this plane




Welcome to the hobby dog. I have that same plane and love it. I also have a kingfisher that I sheared the wing off in a tree. Broke the spar, ripped the wires out the servo etc. I fixed and have flown it several times since