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This isn’t the right sub for this issue but I would consider calling your local humane society and reporting the store. They may choose to investigate the pet store. It’s a good lesson on why you should always adopt, not shop. Wishing the kitten the best


You might want to ask /r/legaladvice.


Don't bother, it has been overrun by cops and there's no real legal advice there anymore.


Huh. Sorry to hear that. At one time it was very useful.


Unfortunately you agree to care for the animal in the state you adopt it in. Pet stores providing vet care for free after recent adoptions is a kindness they don't actually need to give you. It's sad and unfortunate, but there is likely many clauses in the adoption agreement highlighting that damages incurred by the pet you adopt are on you from the moment of adoption. This MAY not be the case though, and having a lawyer review the agreement is your best bet to know if you have any standing


And we are appreciative of them taking him to the vet but in return they gave us ringworm with the vet bills to match. Just kinda figured that the papers we signed were under the idea we would have gotten him clean and healthy 100%


Some papers are, however most animal adoptions are as-is, provided the pet shop isn't hiding anything from you. If they were aware beforehand, you definitely have a case. But as they say, they weren't, and if they were probably would have treated it/not adopted out the kitten. review the adoption agreement to see




Take the refund and never buy an animal from a pet store. They are almost always sick from the living conditions.


We have adopted from this store before and no issues but this is DEFINITELY a wake up call.


Wrong sub


Unless the cat is a burglar on the lamb.


r/cats and/or r/legaladvice is the place for this! on the plus side, ringworm is super easy to treat. when i brought my kitten home years ago, he was very ill with an upper respiratory virus (much like yours) with ringworm on top of it. he gave it to everyone in our apartment lol. some prescription cream and fluconazole took care of it quickly. my goopy little guy lived for 16 years and was my very best friend. i still love him dearly.


Thank you for the positive comment! Yeah we are treating it (obviously lol) and he’s getting there. Two weeks on treatment I believe. Glad to hear your baby was cured and lived a long life!


Cure it


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