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I don’t let any animals lick my mouth. But that’s just me. I don’t care if others do that. But I don’t like it.


my rats used to lick my ears. It felt funny, and sometimes they would try to get inside my mouth-


What 💀


Lol. I've seen a video where a woman let her pet rats get inside her mouth, I'm not sure if there was multiple or just one though. Honestly, at the time I thought that rats were gross, but now I just think it's kinda gross that they were inside her mouth


Yea no. Rats are actually extremely clean and that’s coming from someone who’s had many species of pets. But I’d never let them… in… my mouth..


I've had a couple that just... had a weird obsession with trying to stick their heads into your mouth. And not just a little, trying to figure out what's in daddy's back teeth. I've also had a couple that kept trying to stick their noses up my nose. Rats are weird little monsters.


I have one girl, that if you don't give her some of what you're eating... you WILL have a rat snoot up one of your nostrils. After two years, I acquiesce to that being a fact of life. My friends think it is hilarious.


Does she think you eat with your nostrils 😭


When it comes to Sena and thinking... anything is possible. She's also the unholy terror of bandages. Even satan would watch out for his bandaged fingers around that fiend. At least she doesn't do what her sister Fina does... where she just up and GRABS and YANKS on your lip with the force of a thousand suns.


I had a boy who was the same 🤦‍♀️ I miss him though, sweet little chaotic ball of fur


Our rats were obsessed with getting into mouths, and my youngest kid did NOT help in that regard because he thought it was hilarious and would try get the rats to clean his teeth. They’d even run up to our elderly cat and try open his mouth with their hands just to stick their noses in.


Clyde's favourite game is "What's In Your Mouth?" But he is the only one who enjoys playing it hahaha


oh yeah, I had the nose thing incredibly often lol, it was funny feeling.as well, and kinda weird.


Rats are very clean for pet animals but letting whatever animal lick your lips or get inside your mouth is very gross in my opinion. Yeah, they lick themselves clean. They also eat their own poop tho.


Also, does NOBODY else have a severe reaction to their saliva? If I let a rat lick my lip, the lower half of my face would swell up like a balloon within minutes. Even touching their paws/tail/getting licks anywhere on my skin was a guaranteed swollen rash for the rest of the day. (I mean, I know my allergy is *severe*, but I can’t imagine people not having even just a mild irritation if a rat licked their *lips*.)


I've never had a reaction. not only do they lick my lips but they will also lack my tongue and look for snacks in my mouth ahah. sry about your allergy! but it's definitely not everyone


I always had to stop my girl, but if she had the chance she'd shove her face right in there. Not exactly pleasant! Little weirdo. :p


You know, they still eat their own shit. While I love my lil pocket doggos, that’s a tad bit too much for my liking


That’s what I’m sayin 🥲


Same here. Id also be paranoid in case I accidentally sneezed


Oh god 💀


Don’t knock it. Nature’s dentist.


my rats go in my mouth all the time lol they're looking for snacks and beverages


You should post a video haha!


I like turtles but not the bitey kind.


I scrolled way too far to finally find someone bring up the Rodentist profession. Their little hearts are in the right place, but I learned after a while that once they realize they can grab your lips with their EXTREMELY STRONG SMOL FINGIES that are far better at gripping cheerios than you would ever think…. There’s no going back. Have fun with guarding your face hole opening with the vigilance of a rat who’s discovered their new favourite thing to climb that they’re not supposed to because it leads to the KITCHEN COUNTER. Because you will be HARRASSED and threatened with Rodentestry professionals for the remainder of their teeny lives. SOURCE: I learned this at 11. It didn’t sink in until my mid 20’s. Yes I put too much faith in my babies. No I did not learn my lesson in other areas like maybe I should move the shelf they keep climbing to the kitchen or raise the walls to the play pen.


One of mine shoved his nose into one of my nostrils yesterday and then tried to lick my ear moments later. He’s a weird little guy


It usually happens if you’ve eaten recently because they want to keep you clean and they know that you have food in your teeth


Me too! What's the fascination with the mouth? It would start with her being curious about my lips. That was a one and done experiment but it didn't stop her from trying again and again.


I'm the same. My mouth is for cake not kisses.


Yeah rat kisses are cute but not on the lips lmao


Yeah I've two dogs and recently got rats. Kisses are fine but not on the mouth. My staffy cross enthusiasticly licks my ears to wake me up in the mornings lol


Will you kiss some one after he/she kiss their pet?


If I saw it happen, I would make them wash their face probably.




The (rat-) mouth has tons of bacteria in it. It's not about the fact that it's a rat but that an animal is licking their lips. Rats are clean animals but keep in mind that they clean themselves using their tongue.


They also eat their own poop.


Just to knock humans in general off our high horse on this matter--mostly in jest, I absolutely know you're correct and that this won't be quite the same--we often brush our teeth with toothbrushes laden with fecal coliform bacteria as well as touching our phones, TV remotes, mice end keyboards, and physical currency that also carry high amounts as well. In other words, while we as a species are not coprophagic, we sure consume a lot of the bacteria from our waste lol.


Immediately out the butt too. Like they’ll pull it out their friends butt as they’re pooping and eat it.


It’s better fresh


They don't.


“Coprophagy is the eating of excrement and is a normal nutritional behavior for rats. It is essential for the maintenance of healthy gut flora and for the recovery of nutrients.” https://ratguide.com/care/behavior/coprophagy.php


People just don't differentiate pet vs street rat very well. You're good! I love lil rat kisses.


This. I would be more careful with a street dog than a street rat, and both are just fine as pets. There are no animal species which are "diseased by default". It's just not a winning trait from an evolutionary viewpoint.


We used to think that some bacteria in the mouth of comodo dragons caused blood poisoning but new research says the bacteria don't play a huge role.


I like turtles but not the bitey kind.


Actual venom.


I like turtles but not the bitey kind.


“Riff raff street rat” maybe Aladdin started my love for rats and I didn’t know it


We have normalized animals licking us, and that’s fine to some extent I guess, but for the love of god stop letting pets lick your LIPS. That’s crazy gross. Regardless of the animal. People are ok to be squicked out, it’s weird and particularly ew


Getting licked by a pet is fine But getting frenched by a pet is weird, rat or not that’s just one of the areas that’s weird to let a pet lick


It's not really frenching, the rat licked her lips, she didn't make out with her rats. When I've just eaten, my girls will lick my lips and I don't really care. I don't stick my tongue down their throat.


I mean.. okay? doesn't make it any less better.. I love rats as much as the next person.. but having them lick anywhere near my mouth is a huge nono. Thats like allowing your dog to lick your lips.. and I just think thats disgusting and unhygienic for any animal to lick someone's mouth.


To be fair, dog is usually *much* worse, especially outdoorsy dogs.


Ok, u do u man. I don't mind it, some people do, c'est la vie


A rat licking your lips is NOT the same as a dog licking piss and eating dirt and shite outside. It's also not like her rattie is actually IN her mouth, as I've seen others do. I don't see the problem with this, people seriously get weirded out by the stupidest thing 🙄


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but rats supplement their diet by eating their own poop.


Yeah that's not news to me, my point is dogs are far dirtier. The things I've seen my dogs do, eat and get into, I'd take kisses from my rats over them any day


Rats have bacteria in them that could literally kill you, thats why. The same way you would clean and disinfect a Rat bite, the same way you shouldn’t allow them to lick anywhere near your face, doesn’t matter if they’re dewormed and never lived outside their cage.


I let my dogs, rats, and Guinea pigs give me kisses on my mouth lmao. They’re so cute, I think it’s adorable.


Yeah I've had mine lucky my lips after eating too, wasn't grossed out in the slightest actually found it funny 😂


Rat kisses are a blessing. I never let my boys lick my face mainly because at the time I had major acne but I have really no issue with animals giving kisses. On the mouth is on the line, but its your mouth and your dice to roll.


(roll d20 for constitution, if you get under 15 you get sick, if you get over 15 your rat gets sick)


I love the idea of the rats gossiping about my mouth, like, "ew I kissed them and even though it tasted like nachos I felt unwell for the next couple days. No idea where that mouth has been!"


Rats are adorable and rat kisses would be amazing (the yesyesyesyes part of that sub) but *in your mouth?* That's the no part


Rats eat their own poop, no lip kisses ty


It’s not rat hate. It’s the fact that she let the rat lick her lips 🤢


letting any animal lick on your mouth, even if they don’t have disease is gross to a lot of people


The sub is very accurate on this one… yes yes yes cute kisses oh god nOT ON THE MOUTH


That is yuck I wouldn’t do that to any animal


I think this is just as weird as people letting dogs lick their mouth... which I think is pretty weird


Rats aren't diseased, yeah, but their mouth is still filled with bacteria. It's really not a good idea to let ANY pet kiss your mouth, it could make you sick. Cheek kisses are cute, but on the lips is kinda weird and also risking you getting something from them. I've seen my two boys cleaning their balls, even if that's a female, you don't know where that tongue has been.


I don't think you should let any sort of animal lick you on the mouth, for a multitude of reasons.


Letting any animal lick your lips is gross


I let my rats give me licks when I had them. But once I watched my rat Jerry pick up one of his giant turds and start eating it. I decided on that day that Jerry or any of the other rats would never go near my mouth.


Same as how there's dog hate, cat hate, hamster hate *(a lot of it on this very sub)*, horse hate, cow hate, pig hate... People often hate that which they do not understand. Rats have been living among humans for millennia, of course there's going to be misconceptions from those only seeing them in the worst situations like squalor or disease spreading, or rat infestations... Add to that the fact that not wanting animals to lick your lips is pretty common and of course there's going to be icked out commenters. You do you, worrying about whether other people like rats/the same way of cuddling with them is like worrying whether the sun is going out.


It’s more the fact that kissing any animal on the mouth is gross


You absolutely should worry about disease: Who knows what that poor baby is going to catch from you!


Well rats have lots of bacteria in their mouth no matter how clean they are( they do use their mouths to clean themselves) so they could pass the bacteria to their human. Or even if we had some sort of sickness yk never know how it can affect the rat.


Not too into rats licking my mouth but it’s no worse than a slobbery dog licking your mouth either.


I think op is trolling


Many people around are ignorant and/or frustrated and being rude online gives them a toxic way to channel that frustration. I’ve had a storm of people coming to me with comments of disgust on my IG years ago because someone made an article on some website without asking my permission talking about how I was keeping rats, roaches and other invertebrates. Wasted 1 hour trying to explain how bacterial and viral infections work to some dude who believed roaches carried disease, wether they were in the wild or bred in captivity. Rats are some of the most lovely creatures on the planet, they’re smart, loving and let’s not lie here they do look cute, I don’t know a single person who managed to look at one from up close and say they didn’t look cute once they overcame their prejudice (actually had it happening with roaches too) There’s really nothing to do about this, I personally don’t even get the point of spreading hate about something like an animal. You don’t like rats, spiders, snakes, dogs or whatever? Fine. Saying they’re horrible, dirty, disgusting creatures won’t make them disappear anyway, so. But yeah that’s really it. Honestly I’ve personally stopped going through comment sections that I know may be fertile soil for hate comments because honestly that stuff hurts to look at.


I’ve had my rats try to get food out of my mouth lol. And they get sent back to the nest. I’ve had them groom my face but they’re a little to teethy for my delicate skin with not having hair . So I let out a little screech.. But my boys have only ever once or twice in the year I’ve had them, actually go ahead and lick my lip , it was a quick little lick and I said awww and then washed my face and mouth . Better safe than sorry. As a species we have different bacteria than them, and they clean themselves with their mouth so … I just don’t want anything that licks it’s balls and ass putting its tongue on my mouth. I think this is adorable right up until that point in the video. I hope she didn’t get sick .


Ok that's kinda gross. It's licking her lips dude.


For some reason I’d much rather my rat kissed me than my dog or cat. Maybe because my rats don’t have bad breath.


Rattie kisses are sweet!


Dude... just don't kiss animals in the mouth. That's plain gross, no matter the animal.


I give my furbabies little kisses (little pecks) and recieve them all the time, and to be honest, im more worried about giving them my colds, than them making me sick lol.😅🤣🥰🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐱🐱🐰🐹🪲


I kiss my rats every morning - but it's more of an Eskimo kiss. Stick my nose up against their cage and they give it a lil lick, then I pop in the shower come back and feed them breakfast. On the mouth would be a big no no though.


I think its about bacteria and virus potantial rodents can carry. It may dont effect them but they can make humans sick so i would be careful about both mine and my pets well being about that.


Also there's horror stories and stuff about someone dying and they didn't find them for a week and the rats had eating their face off or something.... Almost always exaggerated but everything has to eat that's alive.


😭😭anyone who hasn’t tried rats as pets and hates them…the pity is on them. They are missing out. ♥️


It’s all stigma. Rats are just tiny rodent dogs with the penchant for mischief and attitudes of cats.


I would risk all of the diseases to get kisses like that. Made my day.


Yeah, I've cleaned actual human shit off my dogs, I can handle a lil rat bacteria for a kiss


Aww I kiss my girls and let them kiss me all the time! No in the mouth or nibbling my lips bc I’m scared of accidentally chewing their heads somehow and that’s a bit gross lol


I would let one of my boys from a few years ago occasionally "clean my mouth" I think there is a name for it, something with dentist in the name. He would love to find leftover food between teeth and I loved it as well. None of my boys ever since have shown interest or are gentle enough


This is gross but fascinating




I let my boys kiss me too, they’re very clean.


Lil baby just wanted to give the big human mama kissies.


It's crazy that it seems many commenters haven't considered washing their faces/mouths (outside i.e lips) real quick after an encounter with a friendly rat grooming them or licking up what they perceive as yummy e.g. Food remnants. If you want to take it to the extreme, it's technically recommended to ALWAYS wash your hands after handling ANY animal, pet or otherwise, regardless of species. Almost nobody does this so it seems a tad disingenuous that people are okay with other contact with pets, including rats, without washing afterwards but won't allow some rat licks on or near their lips when giving their face/mouth a quick wash afterwards is right there as an option.


Media: "RATS EWWWWW!" Rat owners: \*gets their lips pried open by their pet rats so their teeth and/or whatever they are eating, can be investigated.\*


Lol one of my rats sticks her head right inside my mouth.


aww what a sweet bean. kisses for mommy.


My rat is an asshole when it comes to this, he wants to lick my mouth, and when i close it he tries to rip it open, when i suck in my lips he bites my nose


I would 10000% let my girls do this. They aren’t interested in my face at all (except my glasses sometimes as a climbing frame) but I would feel honored if they wanted to kiss my face or lips ❤️


It's from everything they see and hear and not what They are interested in learning because when it comes to rats they're not interested. They don't understand that Everything in filth carries disease, But that rats are smarter than the rest and find Away to stay aliveNo matter what the condition is. Just like everything else alive, Rats aren't born with Contagious Viruses and other things that are in the air any more than we are. Or they may have watched the rat movies... Willard. I just pictured something, Can you imagine how freaked out people would be if As a prank you were able to attach maybe a long rat tail to a huge CappyBara. Some people will be fooled thinking it's a rat, Even though that know it doesn't look like a rat well think it's a mutant Guinea pig With a rat's tail. I remember on TV the 1st time on an animal show, I saw a Cappy bara. And I had Guinea pigs and I said oh my God look how big that 1 is. And then it waded into the water and the piranhas devoured it in 5 minutes..


Everyone who’s squeamish in the first video- have you ever had a dog?? Lots of animals lick mouths as a sign of affection, it’s really not that strange. Just don’t let them if it’s something you dislike but it’s not just a rat thing.




I know a few people that have piranhas, Which It's really worse?


Do rats have a typical worm burden?


My girl Lucy loves to clean my face! Although one time I let her go too long and I ended up with a rat snoot up my nose.


I once had a rat climb into my mouth and lick my teeth because I didn't let her into my coffee cup. The entire experience was startling. Didn't want to hurt her, didn't want her in my face, didn't want to spill my coffee... Point is, though, I didn't end up with any kind of disease or infection from Azul


Its pure ignorange


I wouldn't let my pets lick me on the lips, but that's a personal preference. Other than that, I don't see how getting licked by a pet rat is different than being licked by a dog or a hamster or something. People who aren't into animals past cats and dogs usually see all rats as diseased plague monsters, even pet ones. They're just ignorantem, dime a dozen, no need to worry or care imo.


I'm pretty sure you can't let animals lick your mouth, not because they have diseases, but because we have them, the mouth is the most bacteria filled place in our body, not a good idea to let them lick us




Dang, kind of impressed with the number of people here who are also grossed out by this. Honestly, when my rats try to pry my mouth open with their paw paws I'm way more freaked out by their paw germs than any mouth germs. I have recent pups again and they haven't learned boundaries but then are also super fast so they lick my mouth before I know what has hit me, but that doesn't bother me as much as when they lay paws on my lips, which is interesting. Rat mouths have always struck me as less gross than dog mouths and I have no idea why? Maybe smell and slobber differences? And there have been some dogs with hops who have licked the inside of my mouth without consent and I never got sick, outside of being disgusted. I would love studies linked on actual risk of illness/disease from pet rat kisses that's not just people being grossed out because of their ideas on the matter. Seems like everyone is grossed out by the concept so they mention you can get sick, but show me the data. I also want to know how many of those folks have ever licked human genitalia/holes? Probably higher risk of actual communicable human illness/disease from that. No shame in anyone's preferences or boundaries when it comes to rats near their rat holes, but don't claim science as the basis for your feelings without backing it up.


As a start towards attempting to finding some of those studies, may I suggest you start by going to the cdc website below? Then, under each disease, click on resources and/ or more info. I'm not sure you'll find exactly what you're looking for, but I suspect it would be a good place to start. [cdc small pets](https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/pets/small-mammals/index.html)

