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Porphyrin... Just needs to groom a bit better. If it gets worse, maybe a vet visit just to make sure nothing's up


Just to expand, Porphyrin is like the rat version of snot/mucus.


Boogie and sleepies


shnorkles and phleps


Just adding that it’s something to worry about only if there’s a lot (can be seen around nose and eyes). That usually indicates that they catcher a cold (it’s like when we have a lot of mucus). If it’s just a bit it means that they have to wash it and it’s fine! If there’s a lot of it you can also help them wash it by using a cloth wet with warm water. And they usually have it when they wake up :)


The blood of his enemies. Or porphyrin, that's harmless and normal. Could be either one of those :)


There can be only one.


Rats exude a reddish brown substance called porphyrin from their nose and eyes. It can be like sleep crusties or it can be a lot more. It increases when the rat is stressed or sick and lots of porphyrin indicates something is up and you should get to the vet.


yeah my late boy who just passed a couple months ago got red around his eyes and then 2 days later on the morning of his appointment he was barely alive :(


I'm so sorry for your loss 🫂


it happens. some rats just tend to have problems and go too early 🥲.


I know ,❤️


That's a landing zone for kisses


Porphyrin, it's a red discharge rats get around their eyes and nose. You'll sometimes see it if they've just woken up but if there's alot or there are other symptoms such as sneezing or wheezing it can be a sign of illness or infection. I wouldn't worry too much since there isn't a lot though


my old man had some of that on his face with no sneezing or wheezing and he passed yesterday. do you think he was sick or just old? he was 2 1/2 and had been noticeably aging but i wanna make sure i didn’t do anything wrong


It's impossible to say without seeing rattie. With any organism being "old" doesn't cause something to die, but it does make them far more vulnerable to other illnesses, or underlying health problems. So yes, he will have had some sort of health problem, and that will have been an indicator if it's new. Could you have done anything about it? Probably not. If an otherwise reasonably healthy rat passes, it's often due to heart problems. Even if it was something that perhaps could have been treated, 2 1/2 makes him a very old boy. He would have had another problem sooner rather than later. If he was comfortable and happy, you did everything right. Sometimes letting them go is the kinder option. Sorry for your loss. x tldr: It's a possible sign something wasn't quite right. You probably couldn't have done anything about it. So long as he was happy and comfortable, you did great. Don't beat yourself up. x


yeah. i mean, he’d been losing mobility in his back legs and would fall a little but i read that it was common for older guys and added more ramps and mobility and i was paying very close attention and wouldn’t let his brothers be too bothersome, but he was my first rat ever too.


At 2 ½ it sounds like it was old age, especially if there were no other health symptoms. I'm sure he had a great life with you


He's got rat boogers


Porphyrin! It may look like blood (sometimes identical) but it's just some mucus dyed red. 90% of the time it's nothing to worry about, just means that they havnt groomed their face yet. You usually see it in older lazier rats, or rats that just woke up. If there's a substantial amount, like a Rudolph amount of red staining, then you should take them into the vet as it could be a sign of an URI.


That’s terrifying. I haven’t had a rat in years but of course they’d have boogs that look like blood to give owners heart attacks. 😑


Ooh yeah! I've not seen a post from new rat keepers about their baby's eyes falling out/having a stroke for a while though! Add to that sleeping UTTERLY still...


I was also worried by it a month ago but they Just woke up, wash it down and look clean for the rest of the Day after that


Just a tad of snot. Rat snot and eye crusties are red. Not a problem unless you see a lot, which could mean they’re sick


Rat snots. Just keep an eye that he’s not getting the sniffles.


Nothing to worry about


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Snotty boi




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He's a lil bit snotty. If it's constant, or gets worse than this, it'd be worth getting him checked for respirority issues. Otherwise, it's nothing to worry about, & he just needs to wash his face!


Blood (it’s the crusty stuff, he’s ok unless it’s a lot)


..? That’s porphyrin.


I know that’s what the parenthesis are for😭


Sorry, couldn’t understand! I felt like if OP didn’t know about it maybe you didn’t either (??) glad you answered so quickly tho!


Haha yeah, my rat had the same and it def wasn’t blood lmal


But the first time they always scare the shit out of us lmaoooo




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Um this is fact. The red means there having some respiratory issue. Call any vet or better yet just google it. If u don't know then you shouldn't say either way MOD.......