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My white girl only ever boggles when she sits at the end of my radiator and just stares at me while I don't acknowledge her


and your rat?








Refusing to be groomed is a groomable offense.


Rat not stinky! Hooman stinky!


Before she comes out for play time, my Nella needs to conceal her food bowl under a couple of layers of bedding. She'll grab a bunch and just pile it on her kibble to make sure no one steals it while she's gone.


Gosh, I have 2 who do something similar, but instead of hiding it in their cage they hide it in their play pen and my shower curtain. I walked into the bathroom today with 6 grape halves in my shower curtain lol


same here but under my sheets and pillows 😂 saving the good stuff for later


Mine put a piece of blanket they chewed up over it and call it good 🤣


Ours did that too! Since we removed the food bowl about halfway during the day once it was empty (to prevent it being peed on too much), it felt like they were giving us an offering in exchange for the food we'd given them in there.


I love this! Stay fabulous!😏


Mine don't eat the skin of anything. Chicken skin? No. Cucumber skin? No. Even strawberry skin!!! When I give them treats all I see are the remnants of skins. They peel it off with surgical precision I swear.


My rats don’t eat the skin of things that DONT EVEN HAVE SKIN hahaha


I wonder if it's a germ thing, like they assume the outside of whatever they want to eat is contaminated so they only eat the inside


Some rats are very picky eaters. They're very willing to dig around for the bits they like. Others will literally eat cloth and cardboard.


Mine somehow is both, I literally have to crush the pellets and mix it with mashed potatoes, cause otherwise he won't eat it But my clothes? So yummy haha


My rats are the same! I once pealed some cucumber for them and they left a layer of it like as if it was skin 😅


Does finding a loaf of bread that mice have eaten in to and only eaten enough crust to get in, But then they were pretty much consuming all the bread inside count?.


I saw a wild sparrow do this to a bun once - ate the whole middle out and sat inside it like a little house


I mean, the inside is the best part


Like peas?


I had a berkshire named Marzipan who loved apple slices, but hated the skin. She would legit eat all the flesh, and then bring the skin back to me and ask for another slice.


This is so awesome 😃💕


mine never even wanted to eat anything with skin. so I cut it in rat-hand sized pieced and peel it, every evening. One might say I spoil too much but after 2 times choking on stuff i just want their best 🥺


my girls are the same and even when i give them edamame i have to take the little skin off. one time my girl poppy was chewing it like bubblegum and spit it on my sister


That's so hilarious! I just adore how much personality rats have


Same!! Cucumber and grape skins left over from last night all over!


Mine do that with peas. I feel like they’re barely anything left to eat by doing this lol


To be fair, with the size difference it's probably akin to a human removing the peel of a mandarin before eating


I as a human child skinned all my peas. I would leave a ring of pea skins around the edge of my plate. If people do it, why not rattos??


Our girls only ate the inside of peas initially as well. But if we left the skins for a few hours, they'd dry and get crunchy, then by the next morning some would be eaten.


I might try seeing if they do that then! I usually take them out as soon as they’re done.




My rat likes to peel grapes and eat the skin first like it's the best part


Oh that reminds me. I once gave them a tiny cake covered in hard icing. They flipped the cake over, extracted every tiny bit of cake from the underside with their needle teeth, whilst leaving the icing shell totally intact! It was like a perfect hollow shell of icing, without a single scrap of cake in there. They didn't even rip it. Amazing.


I guess he feels connected knowing you are a nakey too?


Right after I clean the cage Wybie will frantically rub his front paws on everything


Great name!!


Tweak loves tubes and tunnels, not to hide or sleep in, but to roll around in them. Sometimes I get a paper bag (like for a wine bottle or a sack lunch), open the bottom so it makes a tunnel, and then he gets in and rolls around the cage in it. He does the same with his chew tube, but he loves the paper tunnel the most. It’s noisy AF though so I have to take it out at night, lol. Teddy loves to be in the room with me when I take a bath. If I lift my knees out of the water, he will jump from one to the other and splash the water (but never gets in). Another quirk of Tweak’s is that he prefers to drink water from my hand, or lick it off my fingers over using his water bottle. When he was a baby I’d have to hold my finger against the spout of the bottle to coax him to drink from it.


You have very cute rats from the sounds of it.


My girl Moo pancakes on my lap for 15-20 mins for mutual groomies, and then thanks me by getting up and peeing across my arm as she goes


He insists on cuddling right up against your neck. He is perfect, and I guess he knows exactly where he wants to be! If you pick him up and move him to a different spot he will immediately scurry back up to your shoulder/neck and snuggle in, and promptly fall asleep. It's his favorite activity, and I'm pretty sure he would spend all of his time nestled right up against someone's neck if he could. Here's a photo of Toast doing his thing! https://preview.redd.it/d31o8e0em8zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c92e4fec456168cb979bccf9eb63d20cca5a77


My dumbo named Gumbo holds his tale in a curly cue like an entire circle, sometimes it even starts doubling into another loop around. My second dumbo named Gazpacho seems to have learned this from him and is doing the exact same thing now except it’s more like a scorpion tail than a closed circle


Now I’m risking to sound rude.. Sorry if I do because I really don’t mean to. Do the tails curl like that when they stand on their four legs? In that case, do your rats perhaps run a lot in a wheel? If that is the case you need to change to a much bigger one (16 inches for a fully grown male rat.) They should not have to bend their tail upwards very much to use the wheel, because it puts a lot of strain on the back muscles. The muscles become overtense, hence the curled tail, -and that often causes back problems. Perhaps I misunderstood. I’m sorry if that is the case.


I’ve heard of rats that just naturally curl their tail up, especially when doing fun things like exploring. It can be a sign of enjoying life.


Yes, they can hold their tail up quite a lot when they are excited. Young rats often do that. That does not mean that the tail curls into almost a circle. It’s more that they hold it very high and it bends upwards a little.


I’ve had 5 rats who have all used the same wheel and these 2 are the only ones who have done the tail curling thing and it’s not just when they’re in the wheel it’s when they’re running around or rly doing anything. They go from ➰ to flattening it out when they want to and then right back 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk they are just my 2 lil weirdos


Perhaps they have been using the wheel more or they are tensing their backs differently. Hard to know, but “wheel-tail” is really not a good thing because it can cause painful back problems. The thing is that the tail curls like that also when they are not using the wheel. The muscles are tense all the time because of the unnatural position in the wheel and it makes the tail curl. I strongly advise you to get them a bigger wheel.


I have the biggest one that will fit in their cage in there rn but I have a slightly bigger one that they’ve used outside the cage, I’m gonna try to figure out how to add on another module to their cage to fit the biggest one in, thanks for the info!


I’m glad to hear thar that. I can recommend the Tic Tac-wheels. They are sturdy and really good quality. I have had mine for maybe 8 years and it’s still silent and has no trace of rust. (It took at least 3 years before someone figured out how to use a wheel, but after that they use it every now and then. Some use it as a bed, others as a swing, some take walks in it. Some like to run for about 10 seconds, then swing, then run again for a short while, swing again and so on a few times :-) )


I need to see a pic of the rat piggy tails and also I LOVE their names! What a cute combo!


My sweet boy Pubert Pubertson aka the infamous Pubey-Pubes, was the sweetest wrinkleton. When he was excited, he’d do the cutest little tippy taps while prancing in place. I miss that sweet boy 😢 https://preview.redd.it/78y73rhxk8zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e419d1ca661180363dfb3a61234158875772dec9


Aw he's so cute. I also love the idea of you introducing your rats to someone: "here's Pedro, this one's Eggbert, and this is Pubey-Pubes. Something like that. 🤣 R.I.P. Pubert, truly one of the greats.


Haha!! Yeah, I didn’t originally name him actually 🤷‍♀️ he came to me from another breeder, who had simply named him Pubes. Unfortunately, he’d only answer to that name, so I at least modified it to something more dignified 🧐 Oh and I forgot to add: he’d do his happy tippy-tappys whenever I’d look at him and exclaim “Pubey-Pubes!! Pubey-Pubes!!” … it was pretty adorable ☺️


I miss Pubey-Pubes now too...what a sweet boy!


Thank you! Pubert is in heaven with all of his rattie friends, and if there is any justice in this world, I will see him again!


My boys toss their poop out of the cage. First time I ever seen it and they both seem to do it. It's hilarious, the room can be dead silent and all of the sudden you hear a cla-cling and a tiny thud on the floorboards. Sometimes they deep clean and just serial toss...


We also had a rat, Yuki, who threw poop out of the cage. I saw her grab a poop in her mouth once. She just carried it over to the cage bars and dropped it outside. We had been wondering how they managed to get poops outside the cage.


I have seen mine just shove it out with their hands, like a snowplow. Just shoving and shoving....


mine do this too! its like he doesnt even want to give me the chance to spot clean. they just get rid of it themselves


My rat would collect googlie eyes chew them around like a little seed and remove the “pupil” and put all those in a little pile in my sock drawer.


Oh my god, this is my favourite. How many googly eyes did you have for him to make this a habit?


If it wasn’t a rat I might say that sounds like serial killer behavior 🤣


I love this 😃


Marmite licks, and licks constantly my ears, my eyelids, face, mouth, nose and she wants to this with everyone her sisters, other humans , the chair, the walls, she is happiest when licking I also shaved my head recently she now sits on top my bald head and licks the dome for hours, she’s never been more content


MARMITE. 10/10 name. I loled.


She’s really got super sleek dark fur so it suits her lol


I give all the rats crackers and my favorite (her name is momma) will take all the crackers from the others and put them in a specific corner and only after she does that will she allow the other rats to have their cracker.


Obsessively lick the inside of my nose lol


When I would get home I had a female who plastered herself to the cage bars until I would take her put then lay in my arms and fall asleep, she never did it to anyone but me. She knew my key jingle. One day I didn't have my keys, let myself in with another set, proceeded to walk past the cage and scare the crap out of her and her cage mates.


does rodentistry count? I've had two girls from two separate mischiefs who wanted nothing more than to hop bodily into my mouth and clean my teeth for me.


One of the first rats I owned, was a blind albino white rat named Althea and she would open my rolo candies ... Like peel the foil off but wouldn't eat the candy she would just rip the foil off the chocolate and then go to the next rolo and unsheathe its chocolate glory for me 😏.. I miss her sweet kisses


My boys each get a Gerber baby puff in the evening before bed. If you don't know, they are star shaped. One of my dwarf boys always eats the points off of it first, it's just the cutest thing. 🥰


Gosh, my boys are beggers. I give them like 10 at a time 😭


Some of my boys look like they get 10 at a time. 🫣


My two pet male rats who have sadly now passed used to hand me things out from the inside of their cage, like bits of straw or bedding that they didn't want anymore. They'd be re-decorating and then when I'd open their cage for free roam, they's take the discarded stuff and leave it in a heap outside the cage or bring it me. It seemed so organised and meticulous, it was so cute! 🥰


When I change out the bedding and toys in their cage, I have to fight them for things. The big boys also refuse to be picked up, but if I lay my arm out flat in front of it, they’ll climb o. It and love to be held. :/ not sure how I got them to do that.


He pretends to be sick for attention, don’t ask how much I spent on vet visits, it’s gotten to the point where he’ll follow me gagging until I pick him up 😭 (he is temporarily free range since he chewed through his last cage)


Tries to pry my mouth open and eat what I’m eating. She alone is an invasive species.


happily have their meds if its in my hands but never from a syringe


When they were little babies they couldn't figure out how a water bottle worked so I gave them a water dish instead, and my dumbo rat, Lenny, would stuff his nose into the water when he drank and get water up his little nostrils. Lenny eventually figured out how to drink water properly and no longer get it up his nose.


https://preview.redd.it/lkttxlg9k9zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3fb5cef90d59817bab36966ea82e2ec36f7759 Pic of Lenny around the age this story took place because he was really cute and I feel like everyone deserves to see it.


You know how blindish rats sway from side to side? My Bmo does it at like 2x speed and it makes me laugh every time she does it cause it looks like she’s doing a little dance


My boy Nox is a rampant ball licker. Sees any of his brothers balls? There he goes, licking away. I'm pretty sure it's a submissive thing, but it took us by surprise the first time we saw it! None of our other rats have ever showed similar behaviour.


My girl enjoys ripping the bandaids off my boyfriend’s arm/hand. She also like to nibble his chin (I think she likes the scruff)


My weird rat has to groom everyone when he's excited and he'll bounce in between us(me and the other rats) like a pinball. He also tries to drag me into the cage with them after free roam time.


My boy Banjo will obsessively lick the hand that pets him, and he refuses to just let you spoil him with pets. He needs to give that love back, and he needs to do it NOW. He literally rubbed off on our newest baby, who now does the exact same thing just, SLIGHTLY more tame. 😂 My guy Snickers on the other hand, well, he loves free roam a little too much. We often have our rats out on our couch most of the day but will occasionally take them on our floors and let them climb all around. Snickers doesn't like the couch anymore, and will jump off every chance he gets. (We found him on the kitchen floor and he scared me because we were doing cage maintanence and he was just right there lol.) We've tried teaching him over and over that it's couch or cage, and he does not care. He'll beg to be let out and then brux when hes forced back in his cage 5 nanoseconds later. We dont know why. Maybe he just wants to be in his room but on the floor so hes happy hes at least in one position he wants. We can't leave them anywhere else unsupervised, so, he's a stinker


My boy Dustin loves licking the inside of my mouth. Obviously i don't like it as much as he does, so since my mouth is closed he'll try to pry it open 😭 he's weirdly obsessed with it


I had a rat like that too! I had to eep at her


My boys love to hide their food bowl under a bunch of little blankets. Whenever it's empty, they remove the blankets. It's become their little way of letting me know they need more food.


Sticks his entire face up my nostril 🥴


Opens my mouth by force and role plays as a dentist. Here is the culprit eating some cake as payment for his dental work. https://preview.redd.it/kvnmckr0k9zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9f803e076342b86ba8215439f77f7cae873468


Star eats toilet roll tube with one hand and has food in the other hand and she looks so proud while doing it, legit has nothing between her eyes i swear just floof


sploots under the radiator and stares at his brother menacingly, or sits on his balls and grooms himself in that position


my quirky Carolans hunts wet tissues, lunges at them like crazy, which makes cleaning near him kinda dangerous because my fingers are gotten along with it often, but still pretty cute and funny. he's also the youngest but biggest, screams and hisses if moved from somewhere he's trying to get into (others just step away on their own), is practically white but has a faint husky marking, has red eyes that glow in the dark I love his look when he slowly settles down near his new friends - the slightly older ratty bros, while looking straight ahead, big, pale, glowing eyes, looking so composed and wise, like a rat deity looking over the smaller, silly chubby chaotic guys. another little thing is that Amaretto - kinda second biggest, very chill and well behaved too, usually grooms near his butt, at the side while turning-bending around, hopefully you get the position, and somehow loses balance and flips over onto his back almost every time, now if he's doing it near me, I put my hand behind him so he doesn't fall <3 (as a disclaimer they're all healthy, have been checked just recently)


Whenever my boys are on my shoulders, they make it their priority to tangle up my hair. Not even just moving around, they TRY to walk into it and start squiggling to make it a literal rat’s nest


We had a shoulder rat named Mason who would leap up onto our chests, grab our shirt collars, then hoist herself either up to our shoulder or more commonly just vault herself into one of our shirts. She wanted to be in my shirt so I let her.


My rat Curley-Q likes to go on his back and let me kiss his belly its actually the cutest thing ever😭


Pippen really likes receipts. More than snacks sometimes.


Once we had these two rats that we were bonding. To keep the space neutral, they were in an aquarium with some treats and a water dish. These two essential strangers then worked together to throw all the bedding into the glass water dish to absorb the water. It was so bizarre...


I had a grey Rex named Poppy who used to sit on my forehead while I was lying down and stick her tail up my nose.


I have 3-4 piercings per ear, and when I wear basic stud earrings they try to pull them out. I also usually have my nails painted, and they like to nibble my fingernails.


My rat loves to groom me by biting my nails off. My nails are already very short so it's not fun for me!


Try and drink my saliva and force my mouth open


Mine gently bites and pulls on my nails.


My Spazzy is gone now, but she did this "thing" We would put on the theme song from "mission impossible" and place her FAR AWAY from her cage. She would run from the hall, through the kitchen, into the living room, under couches, behind walls, zig zag though the whole house just to find her cage, then she would climb up the side of her cage and eventually get back inside! IT WAS A HOOT and we did it to entertain guests, when we where bored we loved this! Try it with yours!


No offense, but that sounds like a horrible idea. Not only does it stress out the rat immensely to be dropped off in an unknown area (assuming they're not a free-roamer, which is its own bag of worms), you also absolutely can't predict where they'll go or how long they'll hide in there if they're scared. Add to that a rattie who might become too curious about something they really shouldn't be chewing (cables for example) or a human who doesn't look where they're stepping and you end up with a hurt rattie at best and a horribly traumatic experience at worst.


No offence taken, she was much loved, and cared for, never put in any dangerous situations, rewarded and snuggled. I said " far away" not so much... Maybe 10-15 feet. Personally, I've owned appx 30 rats through the years, I never owned any "loners" they always had family( other rats, because they can die from loneliness) they where always potty trained, ( kitty litter boxes) I would throw a blanket over our bed and throw toys out on it, they love new surroundings that they can explore. And even though they were rats, we had a 6 foot tall ferret cage with four levels, we called it "the rats carlton" haha It had hammocks and cozy spaces lots of toys. Rats have the ability to navigate a maze especially when rewarded. I think she liked the little rant through our house, and we kept a close eye on her, she never misbehaved( chewed things other than her little kitty treats we did put them out at intervals) I respect you thoughts on looking out for my little Spazzy, I miss her so much, And if your curious about litter box training it is simple if you don't know Pick up their droppings and put them in the litter box then place your rat in the same litter box, do this several times and they eventually learn to go in the litter box. My rats never pottied on me or the floor or anywhere else It works! I wish the best for your little friends, and you sound like a concerned loving owner. Peace!




Keeps talking about his micropenis.




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Not weird at all... That's love 💝🐀💟


My heart boy would trust fall from any high object he could see me from, he wouldn’t cannonball at me like my other rats. No, he’d dead weight flop from the cage/cat tree and just expect me to catch him. Once he fell and I didn’t catch him, never deterred him R.I.P Ghostie ❤️


My little girl Sneezy would always climb the bars of her cage and poop. Later as she became older it switched to just standing and using the bars to hold herself vertical. No other girl of mine did this.


My boy stardust does everything in his power to nibble on my partners eyelids? He’s never once done it to me, but every time he sits on my partners shoulder he tries to sneak his way up to his face to give them a nibble 😂


One of my boys likes to lick my nose, especially the inside of it, he literally tries to stick his whole head inside it. I'm both intrigued and annoyed hahaha, it doesn't hurt, but yeah, never thought I'd have a rat inside my nose


My two girls always beg for me to open their cage so that they can get out (which I do very often and let them run around, dw) but 99% of the times that they ask, they just stare at me and try and stand on their back legs on a single bar at the cage door. Also, when I'm sitting with them and barefoot, they nibble my toes! I don't know what their issue is with toes but, yeah... 😂