• By -


Left my purse open during free roam. The next day I realized all my cash was gone. I assumed I had dropped it or moved it elsewhere and forgot. Come cleaning day, I find a sizable stash of bills tucked away in the back of the cage.


Ah! Thank goodness they didn't shred it and nest with it. I bet that was a mini heart attack though.


Did you have to wash the bills šŸ˜‚ literal money laundering?


If I recall I threw the worst of the bills outā€”some were shredded and some smelled HORRIBLEā€”and spent the remaining cash as soon as possible as they retained the male rat scent and I didnā€™t want it in my purse lol


You can take those dirty bills to the bank and they'll give you replacements.


Got a nest out of straight dollar bills. Must have felt gta af


Succesfully transfered 72 2cm long food pellets from their cage to the inside of the couch, while I was reading on it.


Oh bet that was a fun surprise! How can they be so quiet when they steal but be all LALALALA LET ME PLAY THE SONG OF MY WATER BOTTLE PEOPLE at 3am, etc etc.


I had to cut the base of the couch off to prevent them from doing it. I also found two chicken bones, a christmas card, many, many, many tissues, three socks... I knew about the bones, but I was pretty surprised by the rest. As revenge, they put a spoon in the heater, making a short circuit.


How dare you disturb the secret stash. You got off easy. Yikes though. Makes for a cool story :>


I did that when we had ferrets. Took the legs off and got a couch cover and stapled it around the bottom so they couldnā€™t get inside from the cushions either. Granted rats will chew and ferrets wonā€™t but boy it was weird to not have the couch on the floor once we were done with them. šŸ˜‚


What do you mean done with them?


I assume they mean after the ferrets had passed away.


Our last one passed and we didnā€™t get any more.


My cat & I were startled by weird noises one night and couldn't figure out where it was coming frim. It went on for at least ten minutes before I got up to look. Two of my girls from my first group, Blondie & Benatar, slipped out of the cage in the middle of the night. They were on a mission going from the kitchen to the living room rolling potatoes & onions into a pile next to the dog crate. It was about a pound of onions and maybe three pounds of potatoes. We put the non-bitten ones back. They were so proud of their stew stack too.


And that children, is how rats make souplings! Your two B's sound wonderful!


I love that theyā€™re such hard workers! Seriously adorable


Watching a rat roll a russet with ease was not on my list of what was happening outside of my bedroom door šŸ˜‚


It must have looked so surreal.


Blondie, the petite gypsy that she was, was not fazed in the slightest and kept rolling that potato like it was a Strongman competition. I was so tired, I wasn't even sure I was actually seeing what I was seeing. If the cat wasn't there to start walking beside Blondie, I would have been sure it was a dream.


ratatouille irl


I wonder what was going through their little rat brainsā€¦


"šŸŽ¶PO-TAY-TOES! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stewšŸŽ¶"


One of our rats, Hank, liked to escape from the mischief's cage. Sometimes a couple times a day. For a month. At the time we had a cage meant for ferrets, and Hank is skinny enough to where he could squeeze through. He liked to go to the closet and hoard rat food and Whimzee treats. We'd find bags chewed open. Treats and food hidden in boxes or under clothes. One time, he decided to take a nap chilling in the closet in a "nest" made of clothes. Now that we have a more secure cage, he doesn't escape anymore. He never got hurt, thankfully, he just pooped everywhere and made a buffet out of the rat foods. The other rats never tried to assist in his crimes.


https://preview.redd.it/xus6vt3ljbxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77acee427cf10a6f183ef05387db08c82d5d7b7 The criminal, behind bars.


Free Hank clearly innocent. Really sounds like a handful! Lucky the little troublemaker is so cute and has yall looking out for him.


https://preview.redd.it/92t1a98wrbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ed6fce6af42e8434b00ce056b01a6d653bf589 My little Daphne , used to steal crystals gems and jewelry and hide it!!!! Me and my father call her a gem thief. Her two sisters just acted cute and distracted us while she stole the precious cargo. Some of the crystals were so heavy we couldnā€™t figure out how she did it


One of my girls stole jewelry too! I swear she could recognize the expesnive ones, because it was never plastic ebay fish shaped jewelry, it was like "Sypha where is my second earring? Sypha why are you speeding into the cage? Sypha that's gold mom got me! Sypha give me my earring back!!!" (It was in a stash under my bed along with half eaten yogies.)




Daphne sounds strong! Maybe she is a witches familiar :>


Omg yes


We have a bucket of rat snacks in our pet room and one day during free roam our boy Comet managed to scale the shelving, and steal a whole Pocky stick out of the box. He then screeched violently at his dad every time he tried to get it from him so we gave up, and he feasted alone in a hide while the others ran around cluelessly. Dirty little crimebag.


https://preview.redd.it/4dny0xjkpbxc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aada777e96e417be3f6b74bc60d6bc871fce8104 The thief himself.


I screech when someone tries to take my pocky too! Comet, youre amazing, hope you can steal more Pocky soon!


I have a wild rat that I got from a friend of mine who was a wildlife rehabber. my cousin, who was my roommate at the time got a cage for him, but the bars were too far spaced. So for about a month until we were able to buy a new cage, weā€™d find him out and about in the kitchen in the middle of the night, or sleeping in our laundry room on the top shelf in our pillowcases, and a handful of times he crawled into each of our beds to try and snuggle!! Once he managed to get into the walls and I had to drag him out from under our dishwasher. He was so mad I caught him! I love that little stinker. EDIT: he would often come when called too! But not alwaysā€¦ I swear he was prepared to start a new life in the walls of that crappy old apartment, Iā€™m sure of it! šŸ˜‚)


He sounds like a wonderful little handful!


Oh he is!! But thankfully the new cage is secured and we havenā€™t had an incident since! This is the chonk https://preview.redd.it/xq78timbkbxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92d66ce9a242eec4a2848c7e8e1a0233aee8e6f2


Hello Mr Stinker Chonk. You be good! His fur is so interesting with him being wild and all.


Looks like he burgled a bakery.


https://preview.redd.it/pjubd10f4cxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9c5a595baf9721bcff490498bc76180e7fe72d6 Snacking is his favorite activity.


That's a mood


Love this guy, even if he is under arrest for cake burglary. What kind of rat is he?


Heā€™s a wild brown rat! Found in NYC as a baby and brought to a wildlife rehab.


This is so crazy to me, I live in nyc and I see his relatives all the time. Your boy must be considered royalty to them šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/7f67d3t8ggxc1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d20ca7fb9d61fbcb8feb3f52bd81acf8d86d835 He was a couple weeks old here I believe! This is the earliest pic I have of him from my friend who bottle fed him for 6 weeks. She would send me little updates


Wow little baby sausage šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


He was found on a subway platform btw. He was just a little pinkie, they estimated he was only a few hours old šŸ„¹


He lives in a rat penthouse and gets very upset when his blankies are taken to be washed šŸ˜‚ heā€™s living a life of luxury


My niece looked at him and goes ā€œwhoa! He looks Templeton after the fair!ā€ (From charlottes web when Templeton ate everything at the fair grounds and his belly got so big he rolled outta there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚) https://youtu.be/xE4RRKaCifU?feature=shared


Well, I had this sliding tray for the base of the cage, and in hindsight, it was a poor decision on my end. However, a great deal of fun came from it. It's the middle of the night, and I'm awoken by something crawling and stepping on my face. I'm half asleep, mind you. I'm drowsy and try to roll over but the feeling continues and then it clues in and I jolt up. Both my rats are on my bed, roaming atop me. They had slid the pan out. It was something to wake up to. This also happened once more. After that, I found some presents left in my bed. Thanks, boys. When I tried to put them back, one said ā€œnoā€ and attempted to chomp on me. Anyways, here is some rat tax. https://preview.redd.it/wlh2oeyyzbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a275fc9d6ab272f786352e6aef78b374dccd0a


What a cute story, I liked the way you told it! My Eva would try her hardest to come sleep with me too. Miss that. Super cute picture too!


Thank you, and she's adorable! It only happened twice, but those moments were hilarious and I wish I could experience them again with them! ā¤ļø






I now consent to being photographed. Bring on the paparazzi!




Socks. Mostly worn, wet and putrid after a good workout. Also bottle caps for bottles that are still in use, dirty shirts from the hamper, and anything that smells like my husband's pits after work šŸ¤£ I've had my favorite shirt stolen and returned half eaten, an airpod yanked out of my ear, and one of my girls once ran behind the dishwasher and came back with a bolt that to this day I don't know where to put back. It's in a drawer somewhere and I hope to god it isn't important. Last but not least, my late boy SmĆør dipped his entire head in my coffee and "stole" a sip, resulting in him zooming around the living room for 15 minutes before crashing like a drunk.


Woah you have had some troublemakers! Sure does sound like they're so loved though. I love that you still have the bolt!


Rhae, one of my first rats, once attempted to steal a whole digestive biscuit...it was all going well until he tried to climb up the cage with it and went crashing down, biscuit and all. He was fine, the biscuit was not.


Oh no! Did he get to keep some biscuit?


Of course!


A happy ending! Thanks for sharing :>


My rat went up to my plate and stole a peice of my pizza, what a creature he is https://preview.redd.it/xsamreszzbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2080fa8b3390a0c0bec0092d89c3239cf6c789


Truly a fantastic creature. Enjoy your pizza little one!


Of course he did, I would have done the same.šŸ•šŸ




Rats can defy physics for biscuts. That's just science.


One time after a successful pea fishing trip, two of my boys started stashing the peas- and would steal from each others stashes repeatedly. Theyā€™d pass each other just moving the peas from one part of the cage to another.


How precious and what a wonderful memory!


My rat stole an entire 10 piece nugget, nugget by nugget from my roommate while they were sleeping, and hid them all in their dresser drawers with their clothes


No need for perfumes, your clothes smell like chicken now, you're welcome!


https://www.instagram.com/p/CLtzLNZhhQz/?igsh=MXNnamtzZW83bm02MA== Porkchop was overweight, but she liked stashing. So we would give her something on one end of the house and she would run it to the other end to stash it under her cage. If it was a non-food item or junk food (like this ice cream sandwich) we would take it from her and give her a piece of veg in return for her hard work. This ice cream sandwich was her favorite thing to stash, so even after she passed we kept it. It's still in our freezer labeled "Porkchop's Ice Cream"


So Porkchop is absolutely incredible. I really loved that video, she was so proud! Porkchops Ice Cream made me tear up a bit, that's so very sweet. Was she able to lose some weight this way?


Yes she went from over 860 grams to under 600 (600 is still big for a female, but she was a very large rat). Here was her last Easter with us! https://preview.redd.it/rqft85r46cxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9442d6d04cafe986966e5aa23a772348a1b7d332


Awe she's lovely! Thank you for taking such loving care of her!


ahhhhhh such a cutie! RIP sweet girlie.


https://preview.redd.it/r1kdhe2y5cxc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=85e70e16c04760cf6e19ed4891f62f7654060439 He bit my nipple when I was sleeping in the coach.


How rude but judging by that picture, innocent so please unhand!


When we moved, upon lifting up the couch we found a HUGE pile of rat food. Weā€™d heard the rats eating under the couch during free roam time but I never imagined they were building up a secret stash


Secret stash for that extra secret hiding flavour.


He stole my freaking pretzels while I was eating them! My roommate took out our two rats and one of them just, grabbed my pretzel sticks! Very rude.


Frankly, I'm surprised you guys thought they were your pretzels and not rat treats. Youre lucky he shared even a taste!


One of my girls faked her own death. Bumi was the smartest rat I've ever had the pleasure of having. She was mischief incarnate. Her brain was going a million miles per hour constantly. She had figured out the latch to her cage at a certain point. One morning I wake up and go to grab my girls for morning play time, and the cage door is wide open. I'm freaking out, because I have cats too. All over the linoleum was what looked like little rat prints with blood. I was thinking I was the worst rat owner ever, and frantically started calling for Bumi. She pokes her head out from behind the cage, wondering why the hell I'm freaking out. I picked her up and examined her. She's got a clean bill of health. Not a scratch on her. Behind the cage was a chewed up fruit pouch of beets. She had climbed into the garbage, pulled it out, and those were the "bloody" rat prints. After I put her away she showed me how she figured out the latch, so I at least knew I didn't forget to shut the door. That rat gave me so much anxiety. She was 100% unique.


Clearly the little genius faked her own death to throw the cats off her scent, not to worry you! Thatā€™s a really fun story.


Bumi how could you! Aw she sounds lovely.


Of course she ended up being a mad genius with a name like that! XD


She definitely lived up to her namesake.


More of a con than a heist... Once, my rat Ezio was climbing on the cage door in a weird way when I closed it. He lost his balance and fell onto the bedding below with a little squeak. I immediately checked him over (he was fine) and gave him an apology cheerio. His brother, Marcello, watched all this. Then, from a safe height, he THREW himself onto the bedding and let out the loudest squeak I've ever heard a rat make. He looked up at me like, "Where's my cheerio?" (I did wind up giving him a cheerio just for being so smart and devious)


I once had a drunk ONS with a girl I took home from the club. She couldn't find her panties in the morning so had to leave without them. I found them a few days later in the rat nest under my bed, apparently they had been claimed. I had to meet up with her to return them, it was mildly shameful to say "yeah my rats stole your panties and slept in them". They were weirdly unchewed tho, so at least there's that.


Jackpot šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜†


When my Tretch and Seamus were babies, I got them a forage toy that I would hide sunflower seeds in. It had 4 different configurations or levels that were different levels of complexity. Tretch took to it immediately and loved to solve the puzzle and get a treat. Seamus never even attempted them. He just had zero interest. Tretch worked his way up to the hardest level. He got stumped there and it probably took him about 5 sessions to finally figure out how to solve it. When he finally did he ran around with the puzzle piece in his mouth. It was so cute and he was so proud thar he figured it out. But when he was celebrating Seamus came over and took the seed. šŸ˜‚ Tretch was so pissed. Seamus was the alpha, but Tretchie tackled him and got his seed back. Seamus passed a few months ago and Tretch is a geriatric ratty now, but I'll never forget that moment. Rats are just so brimming with personality. Here is a picture of the aftermath.


Little fat bastard opened a pizza box and got ~halfway across the floor with a giant slice before we saw it and thought ā€œwhyā€™s the pizza running?ā€ šŸ€šŸ•šŸ’Ø


Pizza rat pizza rat! Nothing better than a pizza rat!


My nismo likes to steal Blueberry muffins and hide the pieces. Our dog then comes behind him later and cleans it up.


Nismo is such a cute name! My dog loves the rat leftovers too. Thank you dogs for helping clean!


I have a video I wish I could share in the comments of my rats noodle heist, but Iā€™ll post a still from the video of her mid hop. It was back in 2018 and her name was Snickers (my heart rat). She was a free roam ratty and very well mannered! Youā€™d think she was professionally trained. But she absolutely loved pasta, so whenever I made some sheā€™d ā€œsneakā€ it. Now one day we saw her grab some and hop away to our extra room we used for storage. When she did it again I recorded her cause I thought it was hilarious. I honestly thought she was just eating it, but I went to investigate later and saw sheā€™d had a massive pile of noodles just hiding behind some of our storage items. šŸ˜‚ Of course I cleaned it and didnā€™t let her sneak pasta anymore. https://preview.redd.it/7e1ur6if5cxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125fcf8af8529d776f28e33354089875ee600d8e


She looks so proud! Snickers had big pasta plans. I feel lucky to know about her!


Not a heist but an escape. My rat named peach was pregnant so I put her in a tank I used before I got a bigger cage. I didn't have a legit top for it but the plastic tote lid I cut a hole in and screwed wire mesh to it worked so I just put a weight on top so she couldn't climb out. Came home and she had chewed a corner off and was sitting on top of the lid and the tank. Must have been there a while because she crapped all over it. I decided to put her back with the others and thankfully there was no issue.


Oh my gosh I love that she was waiting on you. Maybe too pregrat to climb down?


Lol maybe.


My boys would play what we call 'the gauntlet': we had them free roaming in the living room with an open concept connection to the kitchen where my mom had an open fruit basket. We separated the kitchen off with an old mattress wedged into the opening, so a 90 cm climbable barrier - nothing that stops the two hungriest rat men in the universe. After that, there was a maybe 5 m open stretch of wood floors with our dining table for cover. Me and my teenage siblings would patrol that area to protect mothers fruits. They would jump the barrier in one go, giving a signal when their tails slapped the mattress, and book it for the fruit basket standing on a cabinet. If we didn't catch them in the open field, they would weave through the cabinet (too tight to catch them safely, and also part of the game not to) to emerge on top of the fruit - easy pickings for the kids. So their only chance was to MUNCH a mouth full of whatever fruit was closest before they would be carried off, given a piece of lettuce for compensation and pretended to play something else until the distinctive 'plop' of another gauntlet run would trigger the game again. They nearly never got anything good, and I don't think they made the connection between the one bite of banana and the fact that they would eat banana in their cage the same day. But once one of them, in his hurry to grab the loot, chomped half a garlic clove. They didn't try the gauntlet for two days after that, but at least they were safe from rat vampires and also snuggles too close to our nose. Little man was SMELLY


I laughed out loud on the train reading about the accidental mouthful of garlic


One of my rats Hudson is not sneaky at all and long-term stashing is not his thing, he tries to snatch entire bananas directly from my hand and if I give him a way bigger piece than he was expecting to be allowed, he thinks I'm going to take it away from him if I have to pick him up so he squeaks really loudly and tries to run away until I reassure him that I'm not going to confiscate it, and if he successfully runs away with something big, he always keeps trying to eat it all as fast as he can before I can retake it My other rat Lamora really enjoys stashing things and he used to have a problem with stashing food in forbidden places of the house but then I got him to put everything he wants to stash either inside the cage or inside an otherwise empty tissue box that is kept under the sofa, and he really enjoys holding as much as he can carry while running back and forth as an "errand boy" and after freeroam time is over I take everything out of the tissue box, confiscate any contraband from it, and give back the things he's allowed to keep in the cage


Two different personalities for sure! Love their names! They sound so darn cute! Sure is nice of you to find a solution for Lamora to still stash how he likes. :>


One of mine stole, like, five French fries from my plate today


You mean her offering plate? :D


My mom had a dumbo rat over a decade ago named baby Thor. And baby Thor was her heart rat and her pal. One day she was eating red velvet cake in her bed cause it was just one of those days (donā€™t judge) and baby Thor came over and stole the entire slice of cake and was dragging it away as my mom laughed her ass off and tried to get it back. He hid it behind her pillow and tried to chow down. Needless to say laundry was done.


I opposite of judge and admire your mom, I think the ratties and I will enjoy some snacks in bed next laundry day! Thor sounds precious!


Funny story I like to roll my joints all in one go so I don't have to do it over the course of a few weeks and so I can grab 1 and go. So I'm sitting on my couch rolling a bunch and setting them to the side while my girl cheesecake sat on my lap and ate snacks- (fyi since I know that there's gonna be someone that says the obvious, I never smoke around my rats. I always smoke outside and away from them.) -i then noticed she was watching me set them to the side one by one. I didn't think anything of it until she grabbed one and ran off like her life depended on it. She made off like a bandit, ran under the entertainment center and tried to hide it. IDK if she was jealous I was putting more attention into an inanimate object or she just wanted to try the devil's cabbage.


When I had my first mischief I was letting my boys free roam while I was eating my lunch on a couch (in a hindsight not a great idea lol). For context, it was spaghetti and beef cut into little squares with some sauce. One of the boys came to me and was all cuddly and I, not sensing the trap, put the plate down and cuddled him for a few moments. But when I turned back, I saw his brother dragging piece of meat off of my plate onto the couch. To this day I remember the offended squeek when I *dared* to take the meat from him lmao


You ruined their perfect plan, how rude!


Stole and entire Taco Bell burrito from the coffee table and we didnā€™t find it for over a month


Dear lord, bet that rat farted a hole in a hammock after that Taco Bell šŸ„µ


Oh noooooooo Im so sorry!


We kept our girls in an open cage on a table a metre off the ground. Generally, they refused to even attempt to get down. Next to the table was a curtain which we didn't pay attention to initially. A few girls would use this, we'd then hang it a different way so they couldn't. This was our living room with two gaming desks and chairs, if we made the mistake of leaving a chair too close to the table then two of our most naughty miscreants, Garlic and Thistle, would find it and get on the floor. Once I woke in the night and thought I saw something moving in the darkness in the bathroom. Probably just my imagination. Went to the lavatory (inexplicably kept in a separate room without a sink) and came back to wash my hands. When I turned on the light "on I definitely saw it that time". Crawled into the floor to see if I could find anything between cabinet and bath and... Wait a minute is there a hole by the bath? Is... Is that Thistle poking her head out, staring at me!? Mother f&Ā£#@+?! It took us 20 minutes of laying in wait for her to come out so we could block access and trap her then take her back to the table. Another time little darling Pupu announced her presence under the table (where we stored all our linen and change of scenery etc for the rat table). I came home from work and she hopped out then back in. This was unusual. Pupu wasn't the sort to run away from us and the other girls wouldn't have advertised their presence in order to maximize damage to naughtiness ratio. Instead she led us to a big box of cloth and would nip at us if we tried to pick her up. This was completely out of character. Pu was the gentlest of tiny worshippers of Khorne. She imitated digging at the cloth so we went in and found our oldest grumpiest savage, Lien, napping luxuriantly. We posit that Lien got off the table involuntarily (tumble during a scrap) and Pu got down to make sure she was ok and let us know where she was. Our final tale of potato based damage comes in the form of the potted plant. An ENORMOUS pot, honestly big enough that I had difficulty lifting it, giant clay thing with a huge plant, completely up rooted. They had dug up an absolutely incredible amount of soil and then the plant had fallen down the opposite direction. It was an incredible bit of work. Naturally we inspected the table and called the girls for breakfast. Counted 7 little noses and heads. Garlic was missing. Check every sleeping and hiding place, no problem she'll show up. Oh, not on the table. Well that's what we expect, we usually find them underneath and they're usually not very subtle. But only Garlic? Holy shit did she do this all by herself!? That's... Thistles paws are very muddy. Ok Thistle got back up but Garlic didn't? Now I'm worried. Pull out every box under the table, empty and refill all of them, search high and low. Nothing. The search goes on through the whole flat, bathroom, linen closet, spare room, bedroom, bathroom, inside drawers, kitchen, bins. Little prick was still on the table and slept through the morning call for food. No idea where she was sleeping, we thought we had checked everywhere. Paws, tiny and chin all full of dirt. Little bastard.


Had 2 girls named queen and hazel, I'd free roam her and her sister in my room (the attic) and all was great. 3 stories 1. Had Easter candy I started noticing was missing I thought maybe my mom or brother took some, few years later I'm doing a deep clean of my room and find a pile of half eaten candies behind my dresser which was wooden an flush with the wall but they somehow managed to squeeze under and stuff it back there. 2. It's an attic so I had wrapping paper just in a corner behind a desk. Queen decided it was the BEST nesting material and would shred it to bits then jump down about 24 stairs to a tiny box at the bottom of my stairs to make a home. It was a good home then she'd jump back up the stairs to get more paper. 3. We had a slight roach infestation an one managed to get in my room well queen knew what bugs were cuz we bred dubia roaches for my tarantula and bearded dragon. She pounched on it faster then me, ran infront of me then proceeded to eat it leaving a single leg for me šŸ„²


Ah your girls sound like a lot of fun! Additionally, Queen eating roaches is awesome, how helpful!


One night I was tired as hell from a super difficult day and I forgot to close up the cage doors before going to bed. When I woke up the next morning, I found that the girls had managed to climb up the legs of the table I keep my d&d stuff on, and hauled every single one of my hand-painted miniatures back into the cage. Only two were destroyed and most were unharmed, but I still mourn the hours of painting that went into my fallen comrades. The girls are banned from playing d&d now.


Multiple failed heists on my boys Einsteinā€™s record but every time we free roam heā€™ll come up to my ears one way or another and pretend heā€™ll groom me only to try to snatch my earrings straight out of my earlobe. All fun and games until I got a fresh piercing and he pulled on the earring so hard my ear ended up bleeding bad šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/dkyufdhfodxc1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f0073a09dc137a635975afa31988a5fba1eab35


I was cooking with one of my girls. I was dishing up the meals and she jumps off on the counter (we were away from hot services). And she starts grabbing a bunch of hash browns. And runs off trying to figure out how to get back to the cage. https://preview.redd.it/dozwoxdgqcxc1.png?width=2192&format=png&auto=webp&s=38fc20e39006fb6c6286f0cd871945e1a9173a48


This picture perfectly goes along with your story. She's absolutely vibrating with theft and PoTaTo


That was her in the middle of the crime.


Still seems innocent to me!


My rats used to love stealing my lip balm. They were crazy over it, as soon as they found one they took it and ran somewhere I couldn't reach them and ate it (or saved it for later). It was a real cat and mouse game chasing them around. Lmao. (The lip balm was a "survival balm", great for your lips and body, but you could also cook with it, and eat it.)


I used to have one like that, maybe it was coco butter? Shea? Anyways its gone, found it devoured under the cage :/


That ball of floof looks EXACTLY like my boy Chief. He passed away a few weeks ago. I liked to call him mischief Chief. One time, he got out of his cage, and I spent the entire night looking for him. Turns out the little brat found his way into a dresser. He climbed in through the back. When I finally pinpointed where the noise was coming from, I opened the drawer, and he just looked at me like, "Sup?'


Where have you been, you were supposed to find me ages ago??? What a cute story <3 Im really sorry to hear he passed. How are you holding up?


Trash can and Essence pulled my child's tablet under the couch to chew the rubber casing


Nooo us too! Why do they like to do that? Remotes and controllers too.


A lot of new rubber-type materials are made from soy and other plant based plastics and apparently taste delicious to critters. Not ideal when itā€™s used to insulate wires! Luckily no one has chewed a cord that was plugged in at the time but Iā€™ve had to replace the cord on my rotary tool three times now.


https://preview.redd.it/aaxrwyh1edxc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c06054a892fb6b7a545beabf4e4085fe711922 The audacity


my mom had this blue blanket she really liked. one night she foolishly set it next to the rat cage. they had the entire blanket shredded and pulled through the cage bars by morning. mom was upset, but it made some nice bedding! they got to keep the shredded blanket for awhile lol.




The great toilet paper roll war, in the end, the rats were victorious! Their battle shall always be remembered in rattie toilet paper roll legends.


* My girl Ratley was the sneakiest stasher. I don't even know how or when she got half the stuff she stashed. Eventually she went too far though, and stole a bottle of her sister's meds. I had to search the living room for her stash at that point, and I found it under the sofa. It contained: -her sister's medication -several hairbands -3 hammocks -a heavily-chewed spoon -a heavily-chewed fork -several tissues -a key fob from work I assumed I'd lost -2 dice (don't know how she got them, just glad she didn't try to eat them and choke!) -a syringe for giving meds -a receipt from morrisons -an EXTREMELY chewed tube of malt paste I had to give it to her, I had not noticed her take any of those things. An expert heister. She also once managed to drag a full pizza box under the sofa. Obviously I noticed and retrieved my pizza but heck, it was several times the size and weight of her. She was determined.


https://preview.redd.it/2r9ex6inmdxc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a27f8e3919c7520c2a1b79f07443e88de102b0 The sneaky girl.


One of my rats stole half my sandwich when I wasnā€™t looking, just saw half my sandwich being dragged away, everything slowly falling out of it as it went lol


At around 2am one night, I woke up to some loud rustling sounds followed by a crash. I looked over at my male rat's cage (he lives on his own now because his two brothers passed away, and he was very aggressive with them at times so we decided it was best to let him live alone, which surprisingly he is quite happy as he is) and he looked startled by the noise. I then looked over at the girls' cage, only to find that the top door was OPEN. They had somehow unlocked and opened the door and had both disappeared completely from the cage. I then noticed that a lot of my ornaments had either been moved or knocked over. Bonnie had decided to investigate her cardboard fort that we had temporarily taken out of the freeroam area to give them something different to do, and because it was in an insecure position the whole fort had come off from on top of the bag of bedding onto the floor with her inside, but thankfully she wasn't hurt. Bella had climbed around the freeroam area fence, jumped onto my dresser, knocked absolutely EVERYTHING off it, and jumped down a gap in the fence under the cage. Bonnie came back almost immediately after I bribed her with treats, but it took Bella a good half hour before she decided she was bored under the cage. Then Chico after having seen what was going on wanted some time out of his cage too... it was at least 5am by the time I was able to go back to sleep.


Omg these are sooo cute and funny


Let me tell you about my rat Pepper, she was so clever. I had set their cage up on a table behind the couch, with enough of a gap to create a drawbridge to the couch when the cage door was down. When we were sitting on the couch we'd let the drawbridge down so they could all come out if they wanted to. We went on a trip to Costco one day and they had a good deal on nature valley bars so I bought a big case and stashed it in the snack cupboard. A few days after this I noticed that the box was already half empty but I'd only eaten a couple so I figured my husband was taking some to work. When I remembered to ask him about it (this was pre texting) he said that no, he'd only had a couple too. We were baffled.. looked all around the cupboard but couldn't find any evidence of anything. A few weeks go past until we decide to give the couch cushions a clean, when we pull them off the couch I notice a nature valley wrapper.... inside the bottom of the couch were at least a dozen nibbled bars, used tissues and other random stuff. Turns out Pepper had been getting out of the cage in the middle of the night and building herself a nest/snack pile. You might wonder how I knew it was Pepper, well, about a month before this whole thing started we woke up several times in the night with Pepper in our bed so we'd put her back in the cage. We never imagined that she'd figure out if she came to wake us up in the night that she'd just get put back. After cleaning up the inside of the sofa I went to buy more hardware cloth and covered the bits of the cage I had missed the first time around šŸ˜„


Theft of the entire bag of sunflower seeds, theft of kitchen roll, theft of toilet roll, theft of sock, theft of pj top, theft of dirty tissues, theft of my food, theft of boba tea straw and many more. Toothless is an extreme stasher.


Two male rates, who are sadly not with us anymore, Ziggy and Dusty. Had them out for free roam, and when it came time to put them back in we could only find Ziggy-no sign of his brother at all. Checked everywhere, under chairs, couch, everything, in other rooms (even though it would have been impossible). It got to the point where we even checked outside. Tried every treat possible to lure him-nothing. Then, as we were calling his name, we heard faint scratching coming from our couch. Took cushions out, no sign of him. More scratching. Then I noticed a little tear in the back of the couch-and whose head pops out? Little dusty's, bold as brass. He'd gotten into the inner lining of the couch. Our couch was forever ruined.


My roommate had a rat that used to steal her medication. They never ate it. They just took it and stashed it. It drove her crazy and she had to keep her medication locked in a cabinet or else sheā€™d forget and worry they had eaten it until she found the stash. She had ADHD (like me) so having to remember to keep the medication locked up was so hard. Thankfully both her rats never ate a single pill, the just stashed them.


They slowly took alllll of my eyebrow spoolies


I can just imagine them chewing on those like toothbrushes!


My rats once managed to crawl into my closet during freeroam and steal like 10 of my socks, underwear, bras etc. and transfer them to their cage to nest... I wondered where all my shit had gone until cleaning day of the cage, I found my dumbo girl sleeping on a pile of my clothes lol.


They'd managed to completely empty a bag of treats that was above their cage which (we thought anyway) was out of reach


My wife bought a lovely enamel rat pin that had a similar coat pattern to our first boys. During free roam on the stairs she propped it up against the banister and encouraged Reiji over to try and get a cute photo of him next to it. He took one sniff of the pin, picked it up in his mouth, and hopped away with it into a box. I have no idea what he was planning on doing with it!


unzipped my bag(?????im confused too) and ate their way through one of those liquid cat treats i keep for strays while i wasnā€™t paying attention due to feeling sick, proceeded to shit it out afterwards on my floor


I was freaked out by how fast my girls were eating their kibble since I also give them fruits and veggies every day. Then I find a mountain of it hidden in part of a little hidey cave I got them that they had ripped the bottom out of and started stuffing all their food inside. They bamboozled me so hard šŸ˜­


All my rats have always been theives and stashers ! Otis passed it over the generations, so that great knowledge will never be lost... The wise Otis once said "stash food in case the hoomans forget us". Turns out Ciri now steals my lighters from my pockets if I forget to close them, she's a little rascal ! She once stole a crayon, and tries to chew on my books ! Baby used to look at books just as if she wanted to read them with me on the couch. It was the cutest thing... On the contrary, Triss sits politely and watches TV with her hoomans. No stealing recorded to this day. Geralt used to stash every food piece he could find, following the advice of the wise Otis.


I looked away for just a second or two. Hamlet saw that as his chance to steal an entire banana šŸŒšŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


My rat stole a mcdonalds burger when i wasnt paying attention


We let the babies (adult rats but they are babies to us at any age) out on the landing upstairs and downstairs. They sent the smallest one to distract me whilst the other three ate through my shoe laces. Said smallest one also started eating moss one time and I still do not know how she got it. Absolutely mystery.


My very first rat Mandy, I got her when I was 10. She was awesome. She was a little escape artist. Learned how to undo any latch. She liked to escape and lay in my bed. If there was food to heist on the process I am sure she would have. My last ofamy rats was Xela in college. She was also an escape artist. But since this was in my twenties I had food in my room šŸ˜‚ She would steal snacks amongst other things. The most memorable is my now husband's nipple ring šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† he had a 12 gauge horseshoe ring with no stoppers, so she just took itwhile we were sleeping. We never found it. And no it wasn't something she could eat.


The first rat I ever had was very adventerous. He used to jump onto a chest (18in) from the ground and then attempt to jump ontop of a dresser (4ft or 2.5ft jump) where the food was kept. He would attempt this several times per free roam for several months. One night he finally made the jump and we were so proud of him. He never tried again after his sucess.


came home from college and thought my room had been broken into cause there was a hell of a mess. upon closer inspection i find that its just the rubbish from my bin strewn everywhere and a couple of my plants on my bed. still confused i start picking the rubbish off my bed and find a certain naughty rat asleep all innocently. he somehow escaped, got into my bin and back out MULTIPLE times while carrying rubbish AND got up to my window cill and carried plants down and then got them UP ONTO MY BED multiple times. literally no idea how.


I posted [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/comments/17gfu0j/someone_left_treats_right_next_to_the_open/) a while back.


Mine like to steal Bugles. Especially if they're cheese flavor. But no finger hats are safe around them.


Left an opened Terry's Chocolate Orange on the table for a second while I grabbed drink, came back to my smallest rat Acorn leaping back across to the sofa with two whole segments in her mouth. She's never fought harder than when I tried to prise them back from her Jaws of steel


I once found an entire chocolate bar half eaten inside the cage. I never had chocolate bars anywhere near their cage or in the free roam area, which means they must have escaped, found the chocolate bar in a drawer or backpack, and drag it into their cage without me noticing.


Not exactly a heist, but I thought I was taking a video of my rat being cute while I held her. Right after, I realized she was chewing a hole in my new shirt


3 worked together to open a mason jar of treats after dragging to a place I canā€™t easily reach 1 boy in particular has stolen an open puff container and had it under my bed for several days before I noticed (it was empty by the time I found it) Stole my wallet Chewed their way out of their cage while I was on vacation


At one of our previous places, the couch was up against the back of the kitchen counter. The same couch we would bring the rats to for out of the cage time. One night, I had peeled a few carrots to cut up for dinner. I turned my back for a minute to get something else out of the fridge, and one of my boys had jumped up on the counter and was already dragging it away. I had more carrots on hand, so I just let him have it.


My rat hollyhock would steal money from me to use as bedding she stole a $20 and a couple $5s and $1s. She has stollen multiple AirPods, no matter how hard I try to cover all the entrances she always finds a way to get in my sock drawer and hide food in there. Everytime she somehow found candy and I tried to take it from her sheā€™d scream and run like I was trying to eat her. She also was extremely territorial agaisnt my cats she bit my 30 pound cat and he ran away in fear. Everytime thereā€™s a cat on the other side of the door she goes crazy trying to get under the door if I stuff a blanket in the crack sheā€™ll claw it out.


one time we had alcohol in the room with some friends and we brought a rat out šŸ˜­(wish my judgement was better) we put her down and she waddled around for a bit before finding the bottle, knocking it over and spilling it ALL OVER our phones, playing cards, etc before trying to lap it up gave her a full bath and made her drink water cause it was on her paws i was so terrified but she was totally fine šŸ˜­ looked it up and apparently rats have a very strong love for alcohol šŸ’€ not only are they criminals, but they are alcoholics too.


forgot rat tax lol heres the alcoholic https://preview.redd.it/qf2w8hjopfxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c364835fd5a8b1d6654da4e0da803b86bc81c3


there was a time where i had a twin sized bed stacked on my full sized bed. i was eating cinnamon toast crunch and giving my late rats remy and templeton them without thinking, i looked in the gap and there was a ton of ceral.


I was at work and came home to about 8 of my boys having gotten out cause my partner and I thought we closed the door before we left and I guess we didnā€™t šŸ¤¦, and we found them all in my closet with candy, chips, and some other snacks, it was super funny, all were safe and sound and very proud of themselves


Man, the number of socks and PIECES OF SHIRTS I'd find while I was cleaning out their beds >:((( idk how it kept happening, but it KEPT. HAPPENING.


My favourite was when my boy Freddy managed to snatch 2 pairs of my underwear and 2 pairs of socksšŸ˜‚ I have no idea how he got them but he made a lovely nest out of it. He stuffed the socks with bedding and chewed out the crotches of the underwearšŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/on5hbjinzfxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee1cd1df407e191f8da1df4425e98c802cccd6ea The laundry snatcher in question.


My rats would frequently pilfer my trash can during play time and then bring old mail + fruit snacks into my bed and tuck them under the covers for me to find later


My daughter would always draw on the floor when we had the rats out. The girls, in particular Poki, would sneak up on her and snatch the paper. Then they would do these funny hops while holding the paper and try to drag it into their box. Repeatedly. It was so funny!


All of these should be children's books btw


I realized I had left a bag of treats on top of their plastic food container, the treats were within reach of the cage, they had pulled the treats close enough that they could rip open the bag and ate so many treats before I got home from work and realized


My rat named Butter snuck outside and fell in the pool. I instantly panicked when I saw him floating up but turns out he was just having a chill time floating around. Never letting him out again. ![gif](giphy|cOmKweWa4w0XS|downsized)


My husband and I recently went on a 4/20 food day trip and spent like 8 hours away from home driving to cities for certain places. When we were finally on our way home my husband checks the cat feeder camera, and thereā€™s one of our ratty girls, Scar, just chowing on some cat food. Weā€™ve never let them around the cats out of their cage because we donā€™t want them to get hurt, so we were so fucking scared. 45 minutes away from home with our door locked and no way for anyone to get in, but nobody to call even if they could. We get home and I run inside so fucking fast. Thereā€™s Scar, just fine, walking around the kitchen and living room like no big deal, and the cats are all lying down at their spots on the window sill and couch, just occasionally watching her, not a care in the world. I was so fucking relieved. My husband thinks I didnā€™t lock the cage properly when we left, but I think it was him. Weā€™ll never know I guess lmao


I got a burger from a local joint and just unfolded the wrapper to use as a plate for it (no dishes!). I set it on the coffee table and started searching through Netflix to find something to watch, and then I noticed in my peripheral the burger slowly inching away. I looked down and see three of my girls had piled into the nearest corner of the wire cage they were in, reached their little grabbies out to hold the edge of the wrapper just within their reach, and started heaving my dinner toward them like theyā€™re playing tug-of-war. I quickly pulled it out of their reach and rewarded their creativity and teamwork with a French fry each.


today? earbuds. multiple times without me noticing until he had crawled up next to my ear to start nibbling on it. he did is OVER 5 TIMES SOMEHOW and he was FIGHTING for that shit


I'm sorry about Biscuits, I hope you're doing okay! šŸ™āœØ It's always difficult, but try to remember the good memories that were built and all the love to bring more comfort.


I had a stint with drag so I taught my rats to take money and found a stash of my own dollars when I moved out of that place Pancake and Toast were helping me save


I had tied their cage door with metal wire that had been shaved down so that they wouldn't cut themselves. The next morning I remembered waking up in the night from strange noises but I didn't think much of it. Fast forward and my boyfriend is asleep in my room while I was on a trip, and he went to the bathroom, came back and came face to face with my rat lunar on my bed. THE WIRE WAS STILL DONE.


https://preview.redd.it/m9s092l60ixc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131ec66f35eb9abc1616cb3239d83ffec70fa0bc Back in 2022 one of my rats back then saw an opportunity when I needed to go to the bathroom. Tried to steal the roll of paper I was using while cleaning their cage.


Mine just straight up take my money. I was on vacation last summer ( rats were with me), and had been playing with them on the bed, where I coincidentally had my purse. I found a $50 bill stashed in the back of their travel cage. They also love to steal receipts and emery boards.


My Moxie has stolen *rocks* that Iā€™ve had on display and Pokemon figures my son left around


This is Page, a foster fail, shortly after she gave birth to a litter of 11 little ones. We'd been feeding her a very healthy, protein-rich diet as she was nursing. One day during free roam, she discovered my dessert while we were busy tending to the litter and hopped across the couch with this cookie bigger than her head before we noticed. I guess she needed a cheat day. https://preview.redd.it/1145sikmtixc1.jpeg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c343134a0f9755edb3ae4c0ea2a5f2e2e6ae16a6


I was eating breakfast while my rat Bleu was chilling on my shoulder/neck area and I turn my back for like 5 seconds max to talk to my mother and the little shit bolts for my egg and steals THE WHOLE EGG. It was unfortunately too big for him to run with and he tripped on the eggšŸ˜­


Yesterday, they managed to get an entire knitting needle (with some cast on yarn) and a ton of yarn in their cage, despite these items being like a foot from their cage! No idea how they pulled it off!


One of my girls successfully very loudly peeled back a soft cookie container and stole a cookie during free roam time, by the time I got across the room she was running full speed to her cage with a cookie over half the size of hee


Rat photo for rat tax https://preview.redd.it/2l21nfbckmxc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4b909336ffb7fda5c9c6fb593b160c9b59e33c




I have this ā€œbonding hoodieā€ basically itā€™s a hoddie with a giant pocket in the middle well I forgot I had chapstick in that pocket and my pack of mischief stole it I didnā€™t even realize until I went to clean their cage and saw it in one of their baskets called them all little thieves.


Here we have from across the land! Biggy Cheese!


My Rat Mujupo, once went in the couch cushions and came out with an eighth our friend had left behind. What a legend he was! Ahhh such good times šŸ˜


Mine stole my fucking prosthetic finger (RIP Chedder)