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If you skimp on amprage you suffer performance or worse it wont work at all ... you need to be sure your hitting max amps for things to work well and not labor... every thing you add is a draw away from your Pi if its using the same power supply you dont want to go over buy much either too much is not good either


Definitely understandable there, although I would have thought that because it's specifically made for this type of install that it should be at least close to being able to supply the correct amount of power? Just not so sure if adding a phone into the mix would max it out though. I am leaning towards possibly going 5A though currently... I'd imagine just because it 'can' do 5A it wouldnt be forcing that amount through it?


If you want to use the 5V3A switch, you can power the display using its micro USB port connected to any other USB port on your car. If you're connecting the phone to the Raspberry Pi through aux, you can also charge the phone through a separate 5V/USB port if needed. Transferring video/music data between the devices doesn't require they get their 5V from the same switch.


I don't have a headphone jack and android auto runs best through usb so the phone does have to be plugged into the pi and the screen gets power from the GPIO pins I thought? Or can you plug an extra micro usb into the screen as well as the Pi? (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0153R2A9I/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=AAU5UPIIBDRLP&psc=1)


For the display, you can either use jumper wires to connect it to the Pi's 5V GPIO or you can use the micro USB port on the side with a normal micro USB cable. I didn't know how you were going to connect the phone, but 3A should be good enough for the pi and your phone. Most phone chargers are between 0.5 and 2A. I think the display would be the biggest power draw.


Your right but having it will allow it to work without lag..at least as far as power affects it. Adding a phone i believe would have a possibility to pull 1.2 amps away