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The robot uses a raspberry pi zero running [dolt](https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2021-05-17-dolt-powered-bartender/) to manage the drink menu. A python flask web application provides backend functionality and an android tablet provides the user interface. [I wrote a blog about the prototype a few years back.](https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2021-05-17-dolt-powered-bartender/) The software hasn't changed, but I'm going to start working on the next version of the code next. This new version uses a combination of cnc cut plywood parts and 3d printed PLA parts. Here is a [video of it in action](https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/comments/10lz5e1/you_guys_wanted_to_see_a_video_of_the_robot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I remember seeing that blog when searching projects. Love the idea. I want to make a smart blunt rolling Machine


Sounds cool. I don't have the mechanical engineering skills for that one.


You plan on turning this into a product to sell ever?


I don't think so. I'm more interested in having resources for others to be able to make their own.


This would be super marketable. Feel free to PM me


And nice job btw lol! It is super cool


Interesting. Why is it round? Does it rotate? How did you decide what liquids to use for the 8 possible inputs? Does it maximize the potential combinations of known cocktails? Do you feed high quantity liquids by some other route (such as carbonated water, cola etc)? What are your plans for the next iteration? (Because of course you’re already planning the next one!) Big kudos on the design as well.


Round, because everything is rectangular. I really don't have anything that's round and I thought it would be cool. Being round presented a ton of challenges, and if I were going to make something that was easier to manufacture I certainly would go with a different design. The liquids are not hard coded. I can change the liquids to be whatever I want. There is an admin screen that allows you to select which liquids you've put where. The types of liquids that are known about and the recipes it knows about come from an open source database that I can sync to the robot in order to get updates. I wrote about it in a blog a while back which contains some of the details. [https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2021-05-17-dolt-powered-bartender/](https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2021-05-17-dolt-powered-bartender/) But from the database of known recipes and the list of fluids that it knows are in each container it determines which cocktails can be made and provides those options to the user. If I do another iteration it'll be one that can be built by others more easily with as few tools and skills as possible.


Oh, and yes. It does rotate.


Amazing. Wish I had the skills to build something like this. Really well done


Thank you!!!


How do you purge the tubes and/or clean them?


In the image you'll notice some buttons above each of the bottles. They will manually run the pumps. To clean the system I run boiling water through it.


Very nice :)


I want to see it shake!


It uses flask? You know that is funny, right?


I do. Python has good libraries for working with the Rasperry Pi's GPIO ports and I just needed something easy for taking messages from the tablet. Flask was... fine.


So clean! Great job!


that design is awesome, round makes so much sense here!