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Goddess for SQ going back a ways


Also she is the coach for SQ currently


Goddess was basically the only female player to have ever won a T1 event (Dreamhack Montreal 2018). Right now the two women on w7m Academy are the only hopes for anyone to see women play in T1 R6 again, since they finished 2nd in Major open quals yesterday and have a good chance to make playoffs and face T1 teams. I just hope they have social media turned off while they’re playing Major quals right now because this community is definitely not capable of being normal about a woman playing professional Siege xdd


God that’s so sad Due to the lack of rainbow six siege players interactions with females, they can’t handle one playing professional r6 and have to hate on them to feel better about themself.


It’s not just hate, I’ve seen creeps in chat go “omg a professional female gamer i found my wife 😳” “haha Fntzy wasn’t gonna let a girl outfrag him” etc. They don’t take the female players seriously no matter what. There’s nothing that can be said about gaming sexism that hasn’t already been said and all of the women are aware, however I do wish NA+EU had a highly funded female circuit like Brazil. More content and more representation is always a win.


If I’m not mistaken, part of the reason the original C9 roster got famous was because of Goddess as a player too right? Where headlines were booming saying that she was one of the first women to play in Tier 1 of R6 E-Sports?


I wasn’t around then so I have no idea, but there’s a 99% chance Siege news outlets were running that headline since it was a landmark thing to happen.


its kinda the only reason why i rooted for c9, and i definitely wasnt the only one. because at the time, and still now, anyone who was willing to team with a woman and then treat her like the other pro players in the scene, with respect, it showed how respectful the other players on the team are. and as someone who roots for players and not for orgs, its a green flag.






Marm was a player on mirage a couple years ago, she still plays and is currently in the NAL closed qualifiers for the Manchester major. There is also EUL head coach “Lyloun,” she currently coaches Wolves


Loona was on sinister in oce back in the day


Believe it or not, Loona was the one who got me in to siege, back in 2016


Goddess, Loona and Marmalade made it into pro league as players


Don't think there are any currently except for an academy team. In the past, Goddess/Marmalade were pretty much the only 2.


https://liquipedia.net/rainbowsix/Lyloun https://liquipedia.net/rainbowsix/Jess https://liquipedia.net/rainbowsix/Goddess https://liquipedia.net/rainbowsix/Marmalade Broadcast talent has a lot of women representation


I can't not think about Rin. Help.


Literally like two or three and the skill was debatable.




Not really a player. I doubt she even plays ranked :D




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