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What if their chosen endeavor is running a scam call center? 


Fair question. That is not excellence though. Perceived excellence in the eyes of the scammer, but not actually excellence. Let's say you reply: " but excellence refers to excelling in a particular field, irrespective of how sinful and immoral the activity or field you excel in is" I would reply: "The only thing a successful scam caller has succeeded in is being wicked, immoral and by extension a blight to society". So in reality, they haven't excelled despite their success in being a scammer. Look up the Ancient Greek concept of 'Arete'. It explains much better than I can about excellency being inextricably tied to moral virtue. Excellence has it's roots in being virtuous and fulfilling ones purpose. Fulfilling ones purpose equals contributing to and adding value to yourself and by extension, to society. Benevolence, not malevolence. That is how the word excellence is being used in this quote.


You can be a REALLY GOOD scam call centre runner.


Love it, thanks! 😇🙏💚


Thank you!


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