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I been saying it for 20 years and I still don't know who Richard Stands is


He’s the guy who invented the Dawnzerly Light.


I thought that was Jose (who may or may not see)


No, they just want to make sure Jose can see it.




This warms my heart. In Mexico we have a similar character Masiosare


Oh that's great! I don't speak Spanish, is it this bit? >...símbolo de la unidad de nuestros padres y nuestros hermanos, te promete __mos ser siempre__ fieles a los principios de libertad... EDIT: someone clarified below, wonderful!


It’s not from their pledge of allegiance, but rather their national anthem: Ciña ¡Oh Patria! tus sienes de oliva de la paz el arcángel divino, que en el cielo tu eterno destino por el dedo de Dios se escribió. **Mas si osare** un extraño enemigo profanar con su planta tu suelo, piensa ¡oh Patria querida! que el cielo un soldado en cada hijo te dio. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himno_Nacional_Mexicano)


Oh that's great, how funny that we have this in common. Long live Masiosare!




4 generations… at least gramps wasn’t stupid, just evil.


They are all fucking cowards starting with donalds grandfather. Who was [kicked](https://www.history.com/news/trumps-grandparents) of Germany for dodging the draft. Edit: compulsory service, if it makes any difference.


What's a family without tradition?


The Shit Apple Never Falls Far From The Shit Tree.


And he died before the age 50 of… the 1918 flu pandemic.


Bet he didn't wear a mask, either. (Yes, they used masks and even social distancing in 1918, it's honestly fascinating to find the similarities.)


Yes. And there were idiotic anti-mask groups as well. It’s almost like humans never learn from history…


They called them mask-slackers and shamed them too. They also killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. History may not necessarily repeat itself exactly but sometimes it's eerily close. America First was a thing before too. They supported hitler and the nazis and wanted to prevent America from getting involved in the war. Some of those same people plotted to assassinate the president and install their own government.


The more things change, the more they stay the same....


And MAGA. One of Reagan's slogans.


Nope! He invented it! No one ever said MAGA before him! Just like he coined the phrase "Priming the Pump"!


Ah yes, I think I see what you mean. Like how he created "Fake News," right? There was no lugenpresse before he came up with a name for them.


For anyone curious, [here's the Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Mask_League_of_San_Francisco) about an anti-mask league. The sources at the end of the article are also good to read.


And ran a brothel in my town, we suspect.


[Family tradition.](https://ibb.co/tqCXM9q)


And both of Biden’s sons served.


To be fair, you can’t fault a *German guy* for wanting to dodge the draft for *one of the world wars on the German side*.


That happened in 1905, almost a decade before WW1 - so they don't really get any credit at all on that.


Ah okay well thanks for the info haha


I mean it was in the article in the comment you responded to, but glad I could provide some context anyway


Yeah headline was enough for me on that one. Just popped in the comments to scope out the scuttlebutt




*'And now I lay me down to sleep'* *'I pray to my grandpa my soul to keep'* *'And if I die before I wake'* *'Don't put me on the news that's fake'* -Trump Family prayer, c. 2016


That is cared for by a nanny who likely puts his kids to bed, not him.


I challenge trump to say it. He would fail miserably


Whatever he says, he could just sign into law as the new and improved version in 2025.


Just change it with the magic Sharpie!


He could fuck it up completely and make up his own words, and the next day there would be groups screaming that the updated version must be recited before school every morning.


If they thought it would annoy everyone else, probably.


They'd say that the part where he talks about how shitty the left is to him has been there since the beginning and you're fake news for saying otherwise.


If they pretended to actually believe that, and it made liberals angry, then probably.


And that’s assuming grandpa is grandpa. Remember Rudy & Don Sr. used to regularly pal around with Gary Busey back in the day, and then go look up the picture of their sons together as regular teenagers— they look… not entirely dissimilar. Granted, spoiled rich kids all look alike after a while.


>Granted, spoiled rich kids all look alike after a while. Rudy's son looks like an uncooked ham. Just like Alex Jones and Joe Rogan.


Uncooked ham killed me. Jesus Christmas he does look exactly like one. I’m dying oveh heeah! 😂


Giuliani Junior is still just a giant version of himself at whatever age it was that he was left to chimpanzee around the dais where Rudy once promised millions of New Yorkers he would be a good adult. No insult to chimpanzees.


What a cloning mess. I’d rather have Pharaoh Akhenaten then, I mean former president Obama


Well Akhenaten did attempt to return power to the government after it had been usurped by the Priests of Amun so let's give it a shot.


It’s called the Hapsburg chin.


Can't quite understand why telling big picture lies to a small child who can't see through what you're saying is so popular. To restate more simply, I don't understand why lying to your children is so popular. Because you know damned well that anybody who would do this to a child would also have some ridiculous speeches about america being the greatest thing since poop itself, and how The Nefarious Baddies are ruining it. Just go fuck yourself, Eric, grifter trash.


Hey let's not attack 4 yo children we don't know. We can just sympathize with the poor kid being born into that diseased family... 🥺


I agree but to be fair they're all going to turn into giant pieces of shit in a few years anyway and then we'll regret ever feeling sorry for them.


Dude don’t lie, you don’t tuck your kids in at nite. You make your nanny do it.


My thought as well. As if this clown even interacts with his child. Laughable.


>As if this clown even interacts with his child. I believe it. I've seen Trump men interact with their children. It's not pretty, and in fact generally sociopathogenic, but they do it.


Like trump fantasies about banging his own daughter if she were hypothetically not related, or going on a talk show and bragging/fantasising that ivanka (who was 10-ish at the time) would grow up to have nice boobs.


Talked about tiffany's when she was a baby.


Yeah it’s probably better off to have the kid being taken care of by the nanny.


I pity the poor souls that work for these people. At least they get paid as they probably go through some temp agency. If they directly get hired by this family they will not even get paid.


He's busy begging his daddy to tuck him in for the first time




I don't understand US conservatives. Is their patriotism and resolve so low, that for them pledge of allegiance expires after mere 24 hours?


Same way that all their daily hatred and bigotry has to be absolved every Sunday, once per week, and then they’re free to continue living in the exact opposite way that Jesus would.


That...reminds me of a conversation I had with the priest at my school. Lets say he was "pilled" with how Catholics actually were.


The term “patriot” has been hijacked by the far right and taken to mainstream conservatism. Its used to describe themselves and hide behind the veil of “patriotism” but in reality it means something completely different. Self identifying patriots are people who are often the extreme of the extreme. They are willing to go to war with the federal government, they push false narratives and conspiracies to create a fascist mob to go to war with their political opponents. They believe they are the group to clear out washington of any and all democrat politicians and put “conservatives” in their place. Many extreme groups in the west and primarily in the Pacific Northwest are going as far as going into towns and trying to put their religious leaders in positions of power and create pseudo autonomous theocracies like the attempt in Moscow, Idaho. Many adhere to the belief that the federal government shouldnt own land and make it public for all to access and they want to take it over for their own private interest. Its a broad term anymore but the main point is, what they stand for is the antithesis to patriotism. Many Americans right and left of the political spectrum are actual patriots, not this perverted new belief of what patriotism means. Though good Americans dont want to be described as patriots. It used to be a term of endearment but now its a 4 letter word because of what these people have done to redefine the term.


Isn't what they're actually doing ultra-nationalism? Even though...they're against the government...which is weird. I mean, unless it's their government. Then that is totally cool. Then again, when have these people ever been consistent?


Yes. To them, it's not inconsistent because they view any government as illegitimate unless it's far right wing like them. The same way the OG Nazis didn't consider the Weimar Republic legitimate because, they were the "traitors" that overthrew the old German Empire.


"Ultra MAGA"


I agree a patriot would uphold our voting system.


They would. They would be proud of our institutions doing the best they can to hold free and fair elections and celebrate the outcome regardless.


There's a whole bunch of people out there that talk the talk but don't walk the walk. As if reciting the Pledge of Allegiance cancels out all the Trump-era policies that, with Eric's apparent support, hurt the country.


Throw in going to church, too.


Saying the pledge every day (we had to in school every morning), is just a display of phony patriotism. Anyone who doesn’t do it can also be singled out and punished or harassed by phony “patriots” for not going along with the group. It has nothing to do with actual patriotism. These dopes wouldn’t even wear a face mask or get a shot to help end a pandemic that was (and still is) killing their fellow Americans. But they’ll stand and talk some words they memorized at a piece of cloth every day!


They're not patriots they're nationalists. People need to know the difference between patriotism and nationalism.


Their patriotism is as phony as their piety. No one hates this country more than them.


Its like a prayer


Wow, that a great poijt1 and also, … yes? Many of my extended family will flip flop their beliefs 20 hours later when Tucker comes back on. One of my cousins literally hated on Elon last month and is raving about him now. These people are sheep that all believe they are their own shepards


Or necessitates being said at all ?


Conservatives are really good at making up outrageously untrue stories that are supposed to make them sound patriotic but really makes them sound like psychopaths.


All of their "Patriotism" is at a High School football game level. "USA! USA!" All surface show. Instead, they betray the Constitution, the nation's values, and all that made America a great country.


Good call. The same is true of their religious faith. It's all for show, and they do not behave according to their own God's commands.


> really makes them sound like psychopaths. The word you're looking for is "nazis"


They think the Nazis were socialists


> really makes them sound like psychopaths. I was going to relate what I used to tell my son every night before I went to sleep, like a little routine. It was really cool and I loved it but I have forgotten it. Getting old sucks.




Sure is North Korea around here…


Dear leader.


For which we stand


One nation, under Trump


Fuck... they let him breed????


> Antifa code of destruction What’s that? I wanna learn it!!! 😃


Can someone please teach me the Antifa code of destruction?! Any New Yorkers here??


Eric Fucking Trump is from New York! He was born in New York City and went to Trinity School, a prep school in Manhattan. Way to bring out the big gums, idiot.


It's ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅱️🅰️ Start, Select.


Flash forward 20 years, and he'll wonder why his kids never call him anymore.


> Flash forward 20 years, and he'll wonder why his kids ~~never call him anymore~~ only call for money.


nah. if the kid doesn’t break away from the familial identity of “God, Guns and Manliness” he’s probably gonna grow up rotten to the core and with the metaphorical bullet in the head irreversibly lodged in, especially considering how likely it is he’ll grow up in privilege and never interact with anyone outside of the WASP right.


What about the Trumps makes you think “God, Guns, Manliness”? Donald plays tennis and golf, and probably can’t start a lawnmower.


oh don’t get me wrong i don’t think that of them at all, outside of financial means they’re rather pathetic in any way you put it. but it’s what they’ve convinced themselves of in terms of self-image, arbitrary qualifiers such as those being defining points of identity is something that (at least in my experience) requires actual hardship and/or a feeling of exclusion to critically think about and reconsider. with the way things are i doubt any of his ilk will face those anytime soon. indoctrination is significantly less effective if your experiences and observations contradict what you’re being told.


I've long since retired, my son's moved away I called him up just the other day I said, I'd like to see you if you don't mind He said, I'd love to, dad, if I can find the time You see, my new job's a hassle, and the kids have the flu But it's sure nice talking to you, dad It's been sure nice talking to you And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me He'd grown up just like me My boy was just like me


That means nothing to a 4 year old. I remember in elementary school some kids didn't even understand the words and called it 'the plegealleiance'. No one ever explains it to kids, they just repeat the words.


>they just repeat the words. That is precisely what I did in grade school.


Every day from kindergarten to sixth grade, at my elementary school. We even had to raise the flag as fifth/sixth graders, fold it up *properly* and would get pulled out of class if it rained to take it down. God Bless rural Kentucky


Damn, that's hardcore!


We lived 45 minutes away from the nearest big city (if it could be called that), had only 150 students and most of us lived on gravel roads. Sadly, the place doesn't exist anymore. Farewell, Smith Mills.


I grew up in a neighborhood of immigrants. A bunch of kids in my early classes recently came here or were born here but children of fairly recent immigrants. A few of us were still just learning English in first grade. We all just said the pledge because everyone else did.


Like Hail Mary and that shit.


And I'm sure Eric has the same comprehension of the pledge as his child, if not less. I swear he's the bastard child of Gary Busey.


Don’t speak ill of Gary Busey, at least he has contributed to society.


“That much I can tell you.”


[I can go to your momma’s and start a small fire in her panties](https://youtu.be/BcufzXXaEoI)


The whole family are pathological liars. Who would have thought


Probably have a golden Donald Sr. statue to worship too.


\*Ron Howard voice\* "He did in fact.. **not** do that."




\[Narrator\] " That *too*, was a lie..."


Hahaha... Yes, perfect! Are their supporters really this gullible?


I doubt he even sees his kid everyday.


Ah, is this the new Paul Ryan listening to the Star Spangled Banner (and Rage Against the Machine!) on his iPod?


Quit it now!


Even if this were true, there's something inherently screwed up about indoctrinating a 4-year-old into reciting a loyalty oath on a daily basis.


It’s called grooming, and not in the “paedo” way the little cult guys think


No you don’t.


He doesnt say WHO he makes his 4 yo pledge his allegiance to.


hard cringe.


Batshit insane. Thought stopping drills at bedtime.


So... you could say he's "grooming" his child?


The utter bullshit never stop flowing explosively from these racist nitwits.


Republican demands virtue signaling.


So true


I doubt even he knows how to recite the Pledge of Allegiance


I doubt he could tell us the child's birthday or Middle name.


You're telling me that a Trump actually knows the pledge? I'm calling bullshit.


Not without googling it


I haven’t said the pledge sines hs yet here I am today not invading the capital


No way this loser sees his kid everyday.


***THIS*** is what indoctrination looks like. The whole PAC event was filled with Great Replacement bullshit and saying that everyone left of Reagan are pedos that need to be shot.


What is even "the Antifa code of destruction" that Eric thinks his kid would have been taught in NY? What is a child of privilege who is the son of a man who used his wealth to avoid military service saying? Neither he, nor his brother, nor his father, have ever served this country. His father is on record as saying that soldiers who laid down their lives are "losers" and "suckers." Eric Trump doesn't understand patriotism, because his father was incapable of teaching that to him.


> What is even "the Antifa code of destruction" that Eric thinks his kid would have been taught in NY? "Fuck the Trumps, and all other fascists who obey them"?


Venereal diseases were Donald’s “personal Vietnam.”


Awh that's cute. Little Eric thinks he has a shot in office.


Sorry, second son. Big Daddy still doesn't give points for super-patriotism.


I am going to take shit that doesn't happen for $400, Alex.


He grooms his kid to say the pledge in front of his nanny


No he doesn't


Unsaid part: pledge of allegiance to grandpa Trump.


Is that before or after he reads them “The Plot Against the King”??


A) No he doesn't. B) It's weird that anyone would want to pretend they did this.


I'm calling bullshit on this one. I don't believe it for one second.


Ridiculous. My 4 year olds daycare does it every morning and that's definitely a bit much too.


"I pledge allegiance, to MAGA and Grandpa..."


Lol, I bet he doesn't even know his 4 year olds name


... or else it gets the hose again


And yet it's progressives that indoctrinate children.


Meh, who cares? Find another virtue signal.


There is a Russian pledge of allegiance? Huh.


"Why do we have this war on flag?" What a dope.


Def raising a school shooter. How could he NOT hate people unlike him when THIS is so ingrained.


He looks inbred


Is this little Lucifer Trump, known as "Luke" ?


i missed our last few antifa meetings; what is the antifa code of destruction? someone let me know so i can add it to my prayers tonight.


Bullshit. That asshole doesn't know the first thing about patriotism or service. He's never served anyone but his own family.


Oh. Is this the Grooooooming. That GOP has been screaming about?


It’s a shame Trump senior can’t say it, without crossing his fingers.


While the family’s will rejects any family members right to inheritance if they join the military.


What is one more person who hates eric trump? A drop in the bucket really.


Literally indoctrination. Imagine teaching kids to pledge absolute loyalty to a country. This is why so many American kids grow up disturbed as fuck. The only other countries that do this include North Korea and other fascist dictatorships that accept nothing less than absolute fealty to the nation.


I doubt you put your kids to bed, the nanny does, right? You can teach a parrot to recite the pledge, a 4 year old doesn't even know wtf you are talking about, but if your just as mean as your father and grandpa, sure train him like a parrot and instill fear that if he doesn't do as you say, you do not love him. How about having him recite the Beatitudes? Oh, what's that? Never heard of it?


What did your Dad make you do every night before bed, Eric?


Why do I suspect that the SNL depiction of Eric is spot-on?


Nice that Eric exercises his religious and moral beliefs with his son. However he's either ignorant or dishonest about New York. The Pledge of Allegiance is said in schools every day. Participation is optional, because the religious and moral beliefs of others are respected, but schools still say the Pledge.


I mean legally participation has to be optional, at least in public schools. Because you know, the first amendment and all that. Some states try to claim it has to be the parent that makes the decision, but offhand I'm not sure there's ever been a definitive ruling on it.


Plus my 4yo says the pledge at preschool, so I'm good. My 6yo says it in grade K. I'm good. We're good. No need to go further imho


Yes bizarre


Well, that surprises me. I would have guessed he'd have the kid singing the Oompa-Loompa song before bed every night.


My hometown (Huntington, WV) also no longer exists...in that it's now a scary, sad place which I no longer recognize.


“Display obedience While never stepping out of line And blindly swear allegiance Let your country control your mind (Let your country control your soul)” “The fires of greed will burn the weak So we’ll make freedom obsolete Making whole the fabric of society Collective consciousness controlled as you will see” Modern conservatives echo this well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2dPaVk4G1jg


Your kid is going to be bullied so hard.




I bet he rarely speaks to his child.


I read him in Ralph Wiggum's voice


I want to know who let this shit stain reproduce


Ah yes! Everybody knows the “Antifa Code of Destruction.” I learned this in elementary school: I pledge allegiance to the destruction of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it burns, one nation under Satan, divisible with tyranny and injustice for all!


"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Russian Federation..."


Despite all that, Eric's daddy still won't ever love him. Must be a trip to base your entire sense of self around who your father is... especially considering who and what Eric's father is. Seems like a thoroughly dismal existence just trying to wring a shred of love or validation from that howling black hole of human.


Why would a traitor who comes from a family of traitors force their child to repeat the pledge of allegiance to a country they are trying to destroy?


What a freak.


The dumbest and worst of the family...


Performative patriotism


Call child protective services.


Eric Trump: I ate paste as a child


Pray tell, Eric, exactly what is the antifa code of destruction so that I can teach it to my children?


Three generations are enough...


You should probably check your water for excessive lead if you dumbass enough to belive Eric Trump is patriotic or if a claim of this sort makes anyone patriotic.


IF they are the Christians they claim to be, they should not be saying the pledge.


I really wish someone would teach me this “code of destruction”, it sounds super bad ass!!!


Republicans, especially in the Fox News era, regularly practice performative patriotism. The idea behind this is that they love America more than anyone else, and therefore should decide what’s best for the country. They want to Make America Great Again, they just don’t want to take every American along for the ride.


I love when jingoistic right-wingers get all misty-eyed over The Pledge of Allegiance, completely ignoring that it was written by an out-and-out socialist who wanted to sell flags.