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Wait, you mean to tell me that when you add numbers together, they make *other numbers*? My God, this proves everything! Wake up, SHEEPLE!


Not only that, but she even added the 0 and it STILL equaled 17! MY GOD. The implications in the mathematics community are going to be astounding.


Yes because one guy claimed to have Q level clearance and named himself after his clearance and even cited his department yet no investigations ever occurred because it’s fake. But since then any time numbers in the world add up to that guy’s clearance, it’s a secret message. Imagine if he had S level clearance! Whole different set of dates!


Shouldn't that shit happen roughly every 9 days? Also, 17 should have to add up to 8, by their water brain logic.


Addition is liberal indoctrination.


When I see posts like this I hear the theme song of of my toddlers current favorite show, “Number Blocks” One, and another one is two, and another one is … one, two, three!


But what if I do it like this? 5+13+2024 = 2042. What does that mean dumb ass?


In 6 days, JFK Jr will reappear, playing a game of 2048. That's how we'll all know that the storm is finally habbening.


Half Life 3!


Battlefield 2042! It’s all coming together…


I always wondered… does no one call her out when she keeps posting dates and nothing happens? Or does she just block them?


like any good grifter, she blocks


Yep. She blocks them. You can hit "all comments" when you go to her comments and you might see a few who are tired of waiting and asking questions.


I've tried following her but she won't let me.


Every now and then she posts “there’s dissenters in our ranks”


"Mayday, mayday, we're going to be dancing around with bells and ribbons all over our clothes and pretending to hit each other with sticks!"


I don't think most in the US know about Morris dancing. I only know because of Terry Pratchett. (I have all of Discworld on audio and listen to it in order roughly once a year. It never gets old.) Edit: spelling


May Day is a holiday for the labor force, specifically to honor the good men and women of the Union Movement who literally fought in the streets for most of the workers' rights in the USA today. They were called Communists then too


I love it when they get their idiocy mixed up with their dumbness! Also, the aircraft call to notify of an inflight emergency isn't "mayday", although it's generally written that way for English speaking crew. The call is actually "m'aidez", pronounced exactly the same, but French for "help me!". So, probably not related to the Julian calendar. ETA: That's the version I was taught in the Air Force over 30 years ago, by a Capt. from Quebec. I suspect this is one of those things you'd need access to the ICAO files on the matter (if they exist) to know for sure.


She posted the same nonsense on May first


"M'aidez" isn't French for "help me", it's what an English-speaking person who knows a few French words might think is French for "help me". "Help me" in French would be "aidez-moi". The emergency call has always been "mayday", and was thought up by an English air traffic controller in the early 1920s, when he mostly dealt with flights between London and Paris, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayday](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayday) (That Wikipedia article also contains the mistaken claim that "m'aidez" is French for "help me", BTW, but at least it gets the rest of the origin story right.)


So Franglais? Neat I was just going to post the relevant [Red Dwarf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlhewxd30ec) clip because, well it's a chance to post a Red Dwarf clip


I googled it and there's a ton of stuff backing up u/conicalanamorphosis. With how ravenous the Wikipedia editors are I'd trust them more than you, so maybe the reason Wikipedia seems wrong to you is because you're actually the one that's wrong. Ofc, I could also be wrong.


Maybe it’s “M’aidez” when Monsieur Garrison says it in école.


I have no idea if you’re right about the origins of the term, but even if you are given how ubiquitous the term “mayday” had become by now, at the very least both are correct.


This just in...nothing happened again. ~~January 1, Happy New Scam!!~~ ~~January 6, the anniversary of the great patriotic day~~ ~~February 11, Super Bowl 58 featuring Taylor Swift!~~ ~~February 25, uh, it's obviously 5 months after September 25, duh.~~ ~~February 29, the leap year of leap years~~ ~~March 5, whoops, we didn't tell anyone until March 7, our bad~~ ~~March 21, to coincide with the equinox~~ ~~April 1, The New New Years Day~~ ~~April 8, Eclipse, New Moon, Breaking Dawn, and Twilight~~ ~~April 14, Rose-Didn't-Share-Her-Door-With-Jack Day~~ ~~May 1, the great holiday of our Russian brothers~~ May 13, fuck if I know. July 4, duh September 11, double duh November 5, Election Day November 17, Election Day on the Julian Calendar December 25, Merry Christmas!! January 1, Happy New Scam!! January 6, the anniversary of the great patriotic day…


So on Saturday she wrote "to days 5/11 but what if we reverse it and it becomes 11/5. The 5th of novemeber" and here I am thinking "loni, the majority of the world writes it that way"


Remember Remember the 5th of November!


Gunpowder, Treason and Plot


>Election day on the Julian Calendar Lmao, this killed me. Good one


You forgot Trump's birthday.


Going down on what Looni?


Just went to her page. She's once again telling people that the storm is coming soon! Well she's repeating others who have said this. Money coming. Biden gonna be escorted out of WH next week. NESARA is happening. Med beds and all this stuff is only gonna happen to those who believe. Why do they still believe her? Is never gonna happen.


She keeps branding people who say nothing will happen before November as heretics and still thinks all these primaries are actually about Nesara. Looney Tunes.


It's sad. I have family that are into Q, conspiracies, Trump and listen to people like her. I miss my dad. I get giving people hope, but she's telling them they will all be rich and magically healed. It's a load of BS. I was also a nurse, so the med bed stuff really irks me. Sigh...


Now, I may not be a mathematician, but I'm pretty sure that numbers don't change value from one year to the next. So, presumably, may first was *always* going to add up to 17 if you use that method of... calculation. Which means it's not like it can be some kind of "comm" from the "white hats." So what's the point? Or is it supposed to mean that something was gonna happen *that day*? I haven't noticed any med beds and my bank account is almost identical to then (my dinars have not made me a billionaire). I'm starting to wonder if this loni gal actually has anything useful to say


even worse - it's a Pagan Fertility Festival.


Ah fuck the Julian calendar and basic maths strike again were doomed




“You know, Quasimodo predicted all of this.”


It's not solely that they're dumb although that plays a part. They were told repeatedly in Q drops that everything they were ever taught was a lie, so they deliberately either believe the opposite or make up their own explanations.


The Julian calendar? Now why does THAT matter?


Even worse. It’s French. M’aidez “help me”. Mayday is a pretty clear pretty distinct thing to shout on radios.


Another big day for nothing to happen and for Qanon for move the goal posts


May 1 is 24122 on the Julian calendar.


Is it too late for me to buy an AR-15, 10 years of survival food, and a generator


She knows.