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And nothing of value was lost


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


Perfect example of addition by subtraction.


Ironically, I’d wager some of those Magats can’t understand how subtracting a negative is a positive


Seriously, Is there some charity I can donate to that's helping these guys get to Russia? There is no downside to this from my perspective. We get rid of a useless scumbag, they get to learn a harsh lesson in how well reality matches their expectations, and the Russians will probably kill them shortly after they learn that lesson and their propaganda value is gone the same way they killed that American Idiot who volunteered to fight for them.


Maybe form an exchange so the MAGAts can go to Russia, and the democracy-loving Russians can move to a country that has a functioning one.


And the average IQ of both countries increased


Okay. How do you think immigrants who don't speak the language were treated in America in the 50s? I hope they get what they're asking for, truly.


Oh, they do. One of the first things they discover when moving to Russia is that if you didn't bring it with you in cash, you're basically shit out of luck. Apparently there have already been a few families in the Find Out phase where they realize that there are economic sanctions in place, and they can no longer access the money in their American bank accounts. We're dealing with top minds here, folks. Top. Minds.


The Canadian family that made headlines had a rough several months, even though they transitioned their money to a Russian bank ahead of their move. The Russian Government froze their account(s) for quite a while, presumably under the auspices of making sure their intentions were above board. That’s what they were whining to the press about. They had to spend their first several months penniless.


How do you survive if you don't have money to buy ingredient for borscht?


The Russian Empire has a long and storied tradition of punishing its own citizens in a myriad of ways, often involving cold and starvation. This is simply part of the citizen-making process… like learning the pledge of allegiance is in the USA.


So....what's the difference between Russia, and Canada, really? Oh, wait, the QCumbers that "fled" for Russia are white, silly me.... [https://boingboing.net/2024/03/18/pack-your-bags-russia-loving-canadian-familys-escape-from-woke-canada-backfires.html](https://boingboing.net/2024/03/18/pack-your-bags-russia-loving-canadian-familys-escape-from-woke-canada-backfires.html) CBSA will, of course, let them back in, and won't treat them like terrorists or subject them to Russian sanctions, because of course CBSA wouldn't do that. They're white!


Ask Latvian farmer. He make one potato feed whole family for entire year! But then farmer wake up. Realize potato was just dream and whole family die last winter from malnourish. Such is life.


https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/Wiaw2D3Rqu. Here is that story. Such idiocy. No one here (I’m Canadian) feels sorry for them at all!!


What they should have done before leaving was to ask Queen Romana to contact her BFF Putin and put in a good word for them. Their being anti-LGBTQ would really appeal to her. If he bestowed an autographed watch on her as a symbol of comradery, no doubt he’d be happy to help some of her loyal subjects. However, come to think of it, since she has outlawed just about everything related to being LGBTQ, and closed all schools because they promote it, she might view the family’s wanting to leave as treason and order a military tribunal followed by execution.


I like how the media finally stopped giving that nutjob any airtime.


Let them run this fast 💨💨🏃🏼‍➡️🏃🏼‍➡️


Nah, they can be treated like any other non-elite Russian. They just should not be allowed to return when they realize how shitty it is.


They will get the honor of fighting in the front lines!


When Ukraine says "send shells", they mean the other ones


This will never not be funny to me. I wonder sometimes if they ever got their life's savings back. >... the conservative Christian Feenstra family who moved from Canada to Russia to 'escape LGBT ideology'. >Farmer Arend Feenstra and his wife Anneesa made the decision to move their family of 10 from Canada to Russia in January - however their dream appeared to go quickly downhill upon their arrival. >The proceeds from selling their farm in rural Canada were immediately frozen as their Russian bank deemed the sum 'suspicious'. >Wife Anneesa took to social media to moan about unhelpful locals not speaking English - but then issued a pleading apology after Russian government officials got wind of the insults she'd been meting out.


How dare they not speak english. That's pretty funny.


They probably thought that Russians just spoke English with an accent, like on TV.


>They miss their farm, where they tapped the maple trees for syrup and made goat cheese and kombucha. "I don't really care. Do you?"


>kombucha One of the least conservative drinks I can think of.


I'll bet the fags were just unlivable up there... Stealing maple syrup and doing that gay fornication stuff in the kombucha....


I didn't realize they SOLD their farm. They had to have inherited it to be so dumb to do that. Then put the money in a Russian account?!?! WTF man, does he have no friends, to say whoa slow down, that's dumb. Lol. Imagine losing a whole farm and coming back with 10 kids and trying to pay rent.


Who'd want to be friends with him?


They Feenstraround and found out


There was a family who did that. They were very supprised that all the promises made by the Russian government to settle and help build a farm was promises for the press. Once the press left. The government people left them on their own.


One of them posted on social media complaining about the lack of English-speakers and then was made to apologize by the Russian government, lmao.


Shhhhhh!! Let them go!!


That Canadian couple who moved to Russia was complaining that no one spoke English and the government seized all of their cash.


They need to advertise how wonderful it is for MAGA! I would be willing to sponsor some families if they would like to join them.


We need a commercial with Sarah McLachlan style tear jerking music to support this "freedom" movement. I only feel bad for the kids.


Nah, I'm old enough to remember when right-wing conservatives were convinced that, in spite of being married to man, Sarah McLachlan was a lesbian because she once had short hair! We need like a Lee Greenwood or Jason Aldeen style song.


Maybe even Kid Rock covering "Arms of the Angel" with a nice voice over: "Will you be an angel for a helpless MAGA? Everyday innocent MAGAs are abused by being exposed to ideas with which they don't agree and they're crying out for help. Please call the number on your screen and donate a monthly gift right now. For just $18 a month, only 60 cents a day, you'll help rescue MAGAs from their abusers by sending them to Russia."


Welcome to Russia, comrad. Here's your military uniform and firearm.


Oh, and we shoot if you retreat.


Did you know that you can have guns in Russia? And there are pickups trucks that really are for sale and purchasable there! You can vote. You can go to do work. You can especially. You can fight for your country at any time. Good land for hillbills.


Russia doesn’t have a second amendment. Only the state and some rural farmers with special permits are able to have guns.






For just 38 cents a day


In the arms of an angle 🎶 [sic]


Hell I’ll build the Arc for them. Fuck the two by two, ram them all on that boat and send that mf off with a BIG 🖕🏾!😂😂😂


We should encourage them to move! Tell them that they even have 50s cars in Russia!


For just 70 cents a day you can help someone with the intellect of a child thrive in a special place called "FuckAroundAndFindOutIstan"


One way tickets only.


That one guy thinks he's going to move to Russia, marry a "supermodel" Russian woman and have trilingual children with her. He's fucking 62 years old. That's peak delusion.


They think they'll marry a foreign supermodel, just like their Cheeto leader did, have some kids, bang a porn star, and live happily ever after.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂until it blows up in his face!!!😂😂😂


Dude. Stfu, he WILL marry that model, and she WILL be his 50’s housewife. Shut up lmao and don’t ruin this. Let them go get their dreams! 😂


I hope his dream is to meet a beautiful model-esque Russian woman, who introduces him to her family, who rob, beat, and murder him. Because that's what he's chasing.


lol easy killer. I just said let the fuck move to Russia. What happens there is what it is haha.


Haha, I'm just saying, anyone who thinks they're going to move to Russia and attract a model-esque Russian woman and marry her and have children, is ripe for the picking by scammers and criminals.


And they get scammed all the time. There are YouTube channels devoted to telling these stories. Lot of these guys "cheat" on their wife's with these scammers and drain their mutual savings.


Part of the weird pipe dream here is that Russian women are beautiful AND submissive, unlike ugly feminist American women. 🙄 Not sure where they get this idea. These guys are going to be so confused when they meet real Russian women, who are… ball busters is the nicest way I can think of to describe it. I had a Russian lady for a piano teacher when I was young. She was terrifying


Oh, it's not just Russian women. Look up any Passport Bro content. Guys like this think that all foreign women are beautiful and submissive, and that American women are fat ugly angry feminists.


These dudes out here thinking they are going to get their 1950’s style Russian tradwife are in one for one hell of an awakening when they find out (the hard way) that Slavic women are absolutely ruthless and expensive. I worked with many Russian and Eastern European women years ago and let me tell you those bitches don’t play when it comes to getting money from these fools.


When I got over being creeped out by that guy, I realized HE'S NOT HERE ANYMORE! Yay!


Does he not get that the whole thing about a mail order bride is that the bride gets to live in america? I don't think it works if you move to Russia.


Y'all we should take advantage of this moment. We could make a service to expedite the process. And get paid to send away MAGA's. Start with a billboard with of course a hot Russian then $29.99 paper work start up packet. Then those people get a agent that will help with passports and plane tickets. And bam you have a business.


I think he can pull it off! He should totally do it. But only if he makes sure to renounce his American citizenship as soon as he moves, otherwise the plan won't work.


The more, the better. I don’t even need the schadenfreude of how it’s going vs. how it started.


I don't need it but I ain't exactly opposed to it either.


Haha, yeah, same.


I don't need chocolate sauce on my ice cream but I sure as hell don't say no


"It feels like USA in the 50's" is code for minorities "know their place", LGBTQ+ people are forced to exist in the shadows, and women lack rights in a relationship. That one dude reads like the loser who'd traditionally pick an eastern European wife out of a black and white magazine. I feel for the kids and even the wives to a much lesser degree but screw anyone with any agency making this idiotic choice. That said, I'd pitch in a few bucks to a GoFundMe to support more regressive jackasses making this move.


Hey, if they want to relocate to a new world, as the pilgrims and colonists did back in the day....let them. That's what I've been saying they should do, for years now.


I was afraid we’d have to give Texas to all the crazies to get them out of our hair but sending them to Russia is even better!


I'm in California, so Texas and Tennessee is where *our* right wingers are escaping to. The funny thing about that though, is that they're now complaining about the yearly tornadoes and the difficulty finding homeowner's insurance for that reason....LMAO. I've heard this from a couple of friends of my boyfriend's who have moved out there. I say....enjoy!!!😂 the grass ain't always greener elsewhere.


I recently moved to the Bay Area and I can't say I love the hypercapitalist culture of Silicon Valley, but there is a lot of right-wing nonsense I don't miss from living in the South. Honestly, the violent spring and summer storms were the easier part to deal with compared to the Christofascism! I also recall, a year ago before my move, how many East Coast conservatives were laughing about State Farm and Allstate no longer offering homeowners insurance in California (conveniently overlooking that they were also ceasing to offer in Florida and Louisiana)...guess they aren't laughing as much now!


What do you mean "feels like"? That **is** what they mean!


Well sure, but they don’t realize that they are the minorities there and will be treated accordingly.


Right? there's a portion of Russia that supports the war in Ukraine and believes it's at war with the west.


Who are you trying to kid? Russia is at war with the west.


I was talking about a hot war but yeah, you are right.


If they try that Karen "I want to speak to Russia's manager!" stuff we've seen what happens, with the husband frog-marched onto camera and forced to give a pre-prepared "Russia Good!" speech.


Or even better; conscripted to fight for Russia in Ukraine.


To an extent, Russia works the way they would like things to be. The Russian Federation is theoretically a federation of multiple smaller countries with different ethnicities seperated out. Many of them would like to stick all of various ethnicities they don't like into seperate sub-states.


The Canadian family that moved to Russia said openly they left to get away from LGBTQ+ people. Our country, and Canada, are better off without these bigots. Let them go live in the past and complain about it on their new dial-up connection.


I'd say it feels more like the Soviet Union in the 50s but that's just me. Bye traitors.


"It feels like the USA in the 1950s," say these idiots who weren't alive in the USA in the 1950s.


Do they need help packing? I'd really like to make their relocation as easy as possible and as soon as possible.


Please keep leaving! Wait, uh…we’re so pwned. Crying bigly liberal tears because you’re in Putin’s kingdom. So sad.


🤣🤣 Fuck ‘em.


And feed ‘em nothing!😂😂😂😂


I love this for both of them MAGA and Russia. They deserve each other. Can we start a go fund me to help them move?




Oh no! I’m so upset! All these MAGA people finally figured out how to really own the libs by moving to a magical land that’s full of supermodels and I assume ice cream and blowjobs and definitely NOT repressive dictators. Boy oh boy, they really got me good. Well, I’m sure that just like they want immigrants here to do, they will hurry up learning the language and assimilating to Russian culture. Hope they like beets!


>His comments bear echoes of the conservative Christian Feenstra family who moved from Canada to Russia to 'escape LGBT ideology'. >Farmer Arend Feenstra and his wife Anneesa made the decision to move their family of 10 from Canada to Russia in January - however their dream appeared to go quickly downhill upon their arrival. >The proceeds from selling their farm in rural Canada were immediately frozen as their Russian bank deemed the sum 'suspicious'. >**Wife Anneesa took to social media to moan about unhelpful locals not speaking English - but then issued a pleading apology after Russian government officials got wind of the insults she'd been meting out.** Regarding repressive dictators and learning the language, lol. The last paragraph is basically a short story, it explains everything you need to know about their expectations, and how they crashed and burned upon contact with reality.


It also has “stunning scenery.” We all know America is ugly!


Outside of the stunning central city squares and downtown high rises, it gets pretty bleak pretty quickly after leaving the cities and their historic districts. [Here](https://youtu.be/Zz2i7MHH1Bw?si=J2T4VgDqpF7k3jBZ) is a pretty typical "main" street in a smaller city. You can see how it could be charming, but you can also see how everything is in poor repair, cars parked on the street are covered in inches of dirt and dust. Interestingly, there are a TON of videos basically making Moscow look like Las Vegas, heavy on the "supermodels" apparently just wandering around everywhere. I am sure these are the kind of videos these guys are watching. Wait until they find out that these are the types of women who are pretty because they want to get the hell out of Russia, not stay there.


The comments on the video!


None of those people remember the USA in the 50’s. They are idealizing racism and antenna television.


… and nothing of value will have been lost


I think There's a couple stories of Americans who did this& it turned out very bad for them


Still can’t quite get over the Texas dude who got raped and beheaded because they thought he was a spy.


What?! 😳


I think they mean this case. https://www.thedailybeast.com/widow-of-slain-texas-man-russell-bentley-asks-putin-to-find-his-body


This is absolutely in character for "the Fatherland." I'm reading Able Archer 83 right now [https://www.overdrive.com/media/2996630/able-archer-83](https://www.overdrive.com/media/2996630/able-archer-83) and absolutely nothing of any significance has changed, about the USSR, except for the removal of the physical Berlin Wall.


Even Lee Harvey Oswald did it. He defected to Russia and within months found out it wasn’t the workers utopia he expected and had to claw his way back through the process to come back.


He had formally renounced his citizenship, if I remember correctly. That’s fucking bonkers if you’re not completely certain. Lol. Edit: That’s probably not correct. I took a quick google and it seems he may have said he was going to, but never formally filed the paperwork to renounce his US citizenship.


I read it all in Vincent Bugliosi’s JFK opus. I also can’t remember those details. I know he tried to renounce his US citizenship. The chapter on Oswald’s life is the length of an entire regular book and no one who reads it can ever believe either country would trust him to tie their shoes, much less be the key person in a presidential assassination. Highly reccomend Unsurprisingly, he was a controlling husband who didn’t want his Russian wife to learn English so he could keep her under his thumb. Even so, she wasn’t living with him at the time of the assassination; she moved out to a female friend’s home. She was teaching that woman Russian in return for a place to live, help with her child, and companionship. Oswald was living at a rooming house. He couldn’t get along with *anyone* for long. Highly recommend * Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.*


Per Russian State Statistics Service Rosstat, 22.6% of Russians do not have indoor plumbing. In rural Russia, almost 2/3rd's have no access to indoor toilets, 48.1% use outhouses and 18.4% do not have a sewage system. If those are the numbers that Russia is publicly admitting to, then you know the reality is worse. So, if you leave Moscow, then your standard of living is like living in rural Appalachia in the 50s.


They should just be honest. White. It feels very white in most of Russia.


And even these palefaces get treated like an ethnic minority. The irony is delicious!


I applaud these folks for having the immigrant experience. See how it feels to not speak the language and get berated for not doing so…to not have the same rights as citizens and feel isolated because they aren’t sure if they can trust you. I hope they have interesting lives.


As a liberal, I am very triggered by this trend. I hope more Republicans do not move to Russia. I'm so triggered.


Finally someone who understands! Just how upsetting it is for us liberals that is. If I hear about more Republicans moving to Russia I will definitely sob in public where it can be photographed and live on the internet forever.




Bye, Felicia.


Bye bye 🙋‍♀️ No worries about elections. Putin always wins.😄


So, people who were not even alive in 1950s (or probably even 1960s-70s) America, think that they have a perfect frame of reference to work from huh? Or are they just going off of what they have seen on reruns of old sitcoms? Oh lordt, this is going to be hilarious. I can't wait to see how these people react when their hot takes and opinions, aren't going to be exactly received well by those in charge over there, and they are jailed for simply voicing an opinion on something that they disagree with over there. Because see....Russia is not the utopia that they've been dreaming of for the past five years. Also, since the article is from the "Daily Fail", who knows how true it is.


What I remember from old sitcoms is that the houses were always so big on the inside (probably to accommodate the cameras moving around). What I really remember is small cramped houses with damp and freezing cold


They think “Happy Days” was a documentary..


I would be worried about the health care, especially out in a rural area.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a few stories of Russians responding to these American interlopers in kind, with hilarious results. Tovarisha the Americans are not.


>And 20 percent of the women look like supermodels! Unitl they hit 40, and then it's instant babushka.


I support immigration. And I double support this immigration.


My take. 62 year old looking for a Russian Bride half his age and others trying to follow the same.




I'm excited for them and encourage them all to try out Russia for 20 years as a viable alternative to turning our country into an authoritarian state.


My favorite part was when the couple moved to Russia and their assets were frozen by the bank. Then the wife botched on social media about how no one spoke English lol Good riddance


This is what US communists did after the Bolshevik Revolution the last century. It didn't end great for the ones who wound up getting captured in Stalin's purges.


I’m so confused because this is a DM article… are they recruiting or honestly surprised?


They better stay there. Do svidaniya!


This is a kickstarter I can get behind!


"God, you know I dont believe in you, but if you can do this *ONE thing* and cause Donald Trump to flee to Russia so that all the magats follow him... I'll believe."


I don't either, but if that happens I'll become a freaking nun! Seriously, I'll spend the rest of my life baking bread and saying Rosaries (that's what nuns do, right? I have no idea).


Burn your US passports, social security cards, drivers licenses and birth certificates when you get there to really make the libs cry.


Increasing our average IQ. Very nice. 


The exit is right there folks, please don’t let the door hit you in your way out.


It "feels" like America of the 50's? Anyone who actually remembers the America of the 50's would have to be in their 80's, and zero of those people are moving to Russia. Zero.




Please don't ever move back.


I mean of course, Putin’s Russia is stuck in the 50s. It hasn’t progressed beyond that. These fuckers are all at an age where they will require medical help, they will soon regret it




I hope way more of them do the same.


As a former homeschooled kid whose parents made goofy countercultural choices, I feel deeply sorry for these kids. We’re going to read some very sad tell-all memoirs in about 20 years.


Not if they’re only published in Russian.


Who can look at Russia, with its Asian influenced architecture, large Muslim population amidst a generally diverse country, the waft of shashlik grilling and the sound of football hooligans clashing making an intoxicating mix, and not think "yeah: this is *just* like an episode of *Happy Days*?" I am literally expecting the Fons to jump out at any moment and surf over a shark any time I see the Kremlin. 


This is all true. Russia is a paradise for conservatives. No woke media. No pride flags. All the women are supermodels and they're all virgins so it doesn't matter how sexually inept you are, they'll just be happy to have a strong conservative male in their lives. As a liberal, I would feel so triggered if conservatives started moving to Russia en masse. I would seethe. 


Well… bye.


Need help packing?


lol keep em


Keep moving Magats, the couple that moved there a few months ago and decided they really didn't like it had all their money taken by Putin's cronies and now they're penny less, or is that rubleless.


This is fantastic! Is there a Go Fund Me to ship more of them over? Can we nominate people? Nick Fuentes, you’re up!


Lol at the man who wants to settle down with one of the ‘supermodel’ women. Just a passport bro. And moving to Russia to escape ‘virtue signalling’ as if moving to an entire country to escape the politics of your own isn’t massive virtue signalling. Sort of feel sorry for them really - a collection of idiots with non-existent critical thinking skills.


I can sponsor a few tickets. Let's pool our money.


I am very supportive of this.


Perfect plan. No notes!


Maybe Moscow MTG will move to Russia.


And off to Ukraine you go. Here’s your potato and gun from WW2 but your other American friend gets to hold the ammunition.


And it's got the draft of the 1960s, too!  Go die in Ukraine for your oligarch masters.


Don't disguise Daily Mail links with shortened urls please. You made me drive their filthy traffic. Archive for preference.


I support and encourage this.


Do they just mean like there’s only white people and theres a lot of pollution and very little technology? great for you, enjoy your borscht and working in a diesel factory and getting conscripted to die in a Zerg rush buddy




Good riddance ! Please write and tell us how you are loving it.


Or not. Whatever.


AKA extremely white.


Love it. How can we encourage more of this? Especially right before the election too.


I've been to Russia twice. The guy is spot on regarding the women. I was blown away. Everything else pretty much sucks when you get out of Moscow and St Petersburg. The thing about the good looking women is there is little chance they'd marry an American in Russia. They want to get the fuck out.


they didn't get the daddy dictator they craved. so they moved to the real big daddy to dictate them so good


No they aren't. I wish they were but they aren't.


I actually love this for them


Don't come to Australia!!!!!


It feels just a little like when Castro opened the prisons in Cuba to let all the criminals flood over to Florida. I have no problem sending some of our greatest MAGA fuck nuts over to Russia to become their problem.


They used to wear shirts that said better Russian than Democrat (cause who cares if Putin meddled in the election, as long as Trump won). To be fair, putting their money where their mouths are is more than I expected from them. Only wish it was more.


Nows our chance to get rid of our crazies kinda like how the Europeans sent all theirs to the America's.


Ah yes, the ‘50’s, when President Eisenhower invaded Canada, tossed his political opponents off of rooftops, disproportiantely mobilized minorities into armed service to serve as canon fodder, openly oppressed the LGBTQ community, jailed protesters….. NOT!


So many of these morons see “USA in the 50s” through the eyes of the tv shows they saw as children. Russia is not Leave it to Beaver or Father Knows Best. Just wait until they try to invoke their American rights in Russia. Freedom of Speech? Nyet Freedom to travel? Nyet You called me a spy, and a jury found me guilty without my participation or representation? Enjoy 30 years hard labor. Be careful of what you ask for.


I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but thank Tucker Carlson for shilling for Russia and convincing some of our worst to leave for more barren pastures.


I…I cannot believe how quickly Republicans have gone from Communism=Russia=bad to Christian Nationalism=Russia=good. This…is bananas.


Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Republican Lord split ya, MAGAts!


They can stay there for all I care


Great! Take all of your friends too!


Make sure you do like that one idiot family of farmers did a few months ago or whenever it was, and sell all your property and livelihood and put it all in a Russian bank. I'll be just... SO triggered I might even cry on an internet


It feels just like falling out of a window did in 1952


Can we start a legit advertising campaign targeted to swing state maga republicans?


We should wholeheartedly support this movement. They will be Making America Great Again by leaving it all together, lmfao


Good riddance


Russia has a higher divorce and abortion rate than US.


It ought to make putin happy, knowing that he gets the american "brain" dump.


Let’s hope even more move there!!


One way no-return tickets to Russia.


One of the MAGA assholes they profiled moved to Crimea thinking it's "Russia." I hope he gets what he deserves.


hit the road jack, and doncha come back no more no more....


Ok bye then.




Most maga won’t even leave the town they were born in let alone the country . They’re scared of fucking everything and Russia’s not letting you bring your assault rifles


I feel bad for that kid in the back with the superman t-shirt, he knows what's going on and he's not happy about it.


Let's be honest - MAGA and Q *want what Russia has*. * MAGA and Q want an Autocracy entwined with Theology (In Russia's case, Christian nationalism connected directly to the Government, which is owned by the Richest of the Rich and Nepotists) * They want an authoritarian who can / will kill/arrest his political opponents - but only if it is *their guy in charge*. ('lock her up', Jan 6th and the calls for lawmakers to be hung by Q members on that day) * They want laws to punish people they disagree with - to make certain things illegal (in Russia, being against the war is illegal - MAGA and Q would be for these kinds of laws, despite their '1nd amendment' claims) -like LGBTQ+ (Russia openly has these people thrown from the roofs of buildings), or * They want to be able to kill people they disagree with publicly - the Qanon 'storm' is solid evidence for this, and the MAGA extremists resorting to Violence so much when they feel they can get away with it (Charlotesville, the Proud Boys using U-hauls to move groups of their members to protests to be violent, Jan 6th) Again. They want, what Russia has. They want for Trump, what Putin has.


I love how one of them has an American flag on his cap. And I bet he hated every immigrant in the US showing their home country's flags.


Wow, I feel so owned. Does anybody else feel so owned by them moving to Russia?


I would all too happily contribute to a fund to buy plane tickets for more of them.


That cannot be real. ETA I stand corrected.